LEAF School Site Planning Workshop Interest Educating Beyond Four Walls Any site can be a great learning tool, but if you think you're ready for some site enhancements or even for a fully developed outdoor classroom, LEAF staff can help. Using the basics of the LEAF School Grounds Development Handbook we will help facilitate your group's planning discussion or provide consultation to help you through the site development process. The handbook outlines the steps to keep in mind as you dream up your plans. It includes handy documents that you can use to inventory your site and gather feedback from the people who will be involved. If you have questions, contact Sarah Gilbert at Sarah.Gilbert@uwsp.edu . How do I sign my school up? Fill in the information below. Print and return this form by mail to LEAF/WCEE 800 Reserve St., Stevens Point, WI 54481 OR scan the printed form and email to leaf@uwsp.edu. We'll respond by email and see what dates and times we can set up. First Name Title/Position Last Name Phone Email School Name School District School Address City Grade levels taught at the school State Zip Code Subject areas taught at the school Do students go outside to learn on your school grounds now? Yes No If yes, what is taught? How would you best describe your school grounds? Standard school site with lawn, trees, sidewalks, etc. Some enhancements like benches or bird feeders Well developed outdoor teaching site What do you hope participants learn from this workshop? LEAF is a program of the Wisconsin Center For Environmental Education. Learn about our other WCEE programs at: www.uwsp.edu/cnr-ap/wcee www.leafprogram.org