Document 11912730

PDCCC Faculty Advising Handbook – Revised October 2015
Table of Contents
Faculty Advisor Responsibilities
Contacting Advisees
Advisor Checklist
Advising Reminders for Students
Student Responsibilities
Finding Your Advisees’ Information in SIS
VCCS Policy for Assessment and Placement in English and Mathematics
Developmental Student Placement based on VPT and Student Groups
Helpful Links for Advisors and Students
PDCCC Faculty Advising Handbook – Revised October 2015
Faculty Advisor Responsibilities
PDCCC’s faculty have an important role in advising our students. When students apply to the college, counselors and
academic advisors in the Office of Admissions assist students with selecting an appropriate academic program and
registering for their first semester courses. Based on program selection, students are assigned to a faculty member for
program advising.
An advisor assists his/her advisees in making appropriate decisions and adjustments based on the students’
understanding of themselves and their opportunities. The students, in turn, accept the responsibility for their own
decisions and devise a course of action to achieve their goals. Through on-going appraisals of the student’s goals and
progress and continuing evaluation of new information on changing opportunities, the program advisor plays a dynamic
role in his/her advisees’ career development and personal growth. In fulfilling this philosophy, the advisor should:
Establish a good rapport. The advisor should seek to establish a personal, genuine, and open relationship with
advisees. This relationship should foster mutual respect and good communication so that advisees are
comfortable seeking assistance and confident in the advising provided.
1. Provide on-going advising to students assigned to him/her. This means establishing specific office hours to be
available for advising students face-to-face, as well as conference call and email, if needed. It is especially crucial
that a student’s advisor be available during pre-registration and registration times.
2. Be familiar with program requirements for graduation and/or transfer.
3. Be familiar with the college catalog, the college calendar, the registration process, and college policies as they
pertain to students. The ability to provide the student with specific and accurate information is absolutely
necessary. The advisor may want to use SIS and the what-if advising tool to help the student explore program
4. Be knowledgeable in his/her area of concentration. The advisor should be aware of the current literature and
trends in his/her occupational-technical area or discipline.
5. Be knowledgeable of the job market and transfer requirements. Students can benefit greatly from advisors who
help them expand their knowledge of career possibilities related to their academic area of interest. Remind
students of the services of the One Stop Center and ask if they are familiar with the Virginia Education Wizard on
the VCCS site.
6. Assist returning students with selection of courses each semester to ensure that they are meeting graduation
requirements and are making satisfactory academic progress.
7. Maintain the confidential nature of the advisor/advisee relationship.
8. Use up-to-date student academic information when advising students. Check the student’s curriculum for
accuracy, AP and transfer credits.
9. Request that courses required for graduation be put on the schedule and share -course availability with students.
PDCCC Faculty Advising Handbook – Revised October 2015
Contact Your Advisees
Prior to Early Bird Registration and again during regular registration, each advisor should contact his/her list of advisees
in one or more of the following ways:
1. Click on the Advisement tab in the Faculty Center in SIS; at the bottom of the page, click on Notify All Advisees.
This should render an e-mail format you can use to let students know of their advising times and how to make
an advising appointment.
2. Using the e-mail tool in BlackBoard, contact students enrolled in your program classes to inform them of
advising times and how to make an appointment.
3. Inform students in your classes (and as you see them in the hallways) of the importance of making an
appointment with their advisor.
4. Post an advising schedule on your office door with a sign-up sheet for students to schedule appointments.
Advisor Checklist
Step 1
Sit down with Advisee and establish rapport. Smile and make good eye contact. Introduce yourself and shake
hands. Learn your advisees names quickly.
Step 2
Have any demographics on the student changed such as name, address, phone number?
If yes - Complete a Change of Student Information Form: and route to Admissions.
Step 3
Does Advisee’s curriculum code match with his/her intended program of study?
If yes - Go to next Step.
If no - Do a Program/Plan Change Form and route to Admissions.
Step 4
Has student attended any other educational institution(s)?
If yes - Are courses reflected in student’s PDCCC transcript?
If yes - Go to next Step.
If no - Has student requested official transcript be sent to the College?
If yes - Request Admissions to do a transcript evaluation.
If no - Advise student to request an official transcript be sent to PDCCC.
Step 5
Does the student have any credit for prior learning or work experience?
If yes - Complete Application for Course Credit Form, attach appropriate documentation, and route to
Academic Dean for approval.
Step 6
Does the student have any course substitutions?
If yes - Complete Application for Course Substitution Form and route to Academic Dean.
PDCCC Faculty Advising Handbook – Revised October 2015
Step 7
Is the student’s Student Advisement Report up-to-date?
If no - Update audit sheet using (TRK040). Give copy to student.
Step 8
Is student in good academic standing at the College?
If no - Go over College catalog as it refers to Academic Standing; discuss with student how to improve their
academic progression; if needed, make referral to a Counselor, or Student Support Services for tutoring.
Step 9
Does the student qualify for Financial Aid?
If yes - Has the student applied for Financial Aid?
If yes - Go to next Step.
If no - Refer student to the Financial Aid Office for assistance. Go to next Step.
Step 10
Discuss courses needed to complete program of study, time frame, and any course prerequisites.
Step 11
Has the student taken SDV 100, 108 or equivalent? Students are required to take SDV within the first 15
If no - Include on Class Selection Form.
Step 12
Is student in a degree program and completed 24 semester hours of credit?
If yes - Discuss career options and appropriate electives.
Step 13
Is the student planning to transfer to a senior institution?
If yes - Check senior institution college catalog requirements for transfer students. Check senior
institutional online catalogs and transfer guides.
Step 14
Is the student aware of electives that would be helpful in terms of his or her career objectives?
If no - Discuss options. If student is planning to get a higher degree in the future, the student may wish to
take the higher level courses now for the A.A.S. Degree (such as ENG 111, ACC 211, ECO 201, PSY 201). In
most instances, the higher level college transfer courses will substitute down for the lower level courses
but the lower level courses do not transfer up.
Step 15
Assist student with selection of courses on Class Selection Form.
Step 16
Does the student need a course this term in order to get in-sequence course or to graduate, but the course is
not offered?
If yes – Request that Academic Dean add Independent Study Course to the schedule or complete Course
Substitution Form as applicable.
Step 17
Does the student have an overload (over 18 credits)?
If yes - Needs Dean’s approval.
Step 18
Is the student planning to attempt any course for the third time?
PDCCC Faculty Advising Handbook – Revised October 2015
If yes - Dean’s approval is required. Refer student to Office of Admissions to complete a Repeat Course
Permission Form.
Step 19
Is the student planning to graduate?
If yes - Refer student to the website to obtain a graduation application at the link below:
Step 20
Remind students to read the college calendar, and to pay attention to the dates for refunds, withdrawals and
Step 21
Direct students to key in course(s) as indicated on their Class Selection Form.
Advising Reminders
Advising Reminders from Advisor to Advisee:
1. Advisees are responsible for their decisions regarding personal/educational goals
2. Stress the importance of listening
3. Have the advisee bring the necessary paper work
4. Show advisee how to view advising audit sheet
5. Show advisee how to view online catalog/semester courses offerings
6. Explain that the advisee has the final say about course selection
7. Determine if advisee is to transfer, if transferring then advisee needs to research the transfer requirements of the
institution(s) to which he/she hopes to transfer
8. Remind students of financial aid opportunities and responsibilities (such as repayment of funds on withdrawal)
9. Provide advisee a Student Advisement Report that list remaining courses and when they should be taken.
10. Remind the student of help services and tutoring available through Student Support Services.
PDCCC Faculty Advising Handbook – Revised October 2015
Student Responsibilities
A student’s responsibilities in advising include:
1. The student is ultimately responsible for all decisions made in their academic program.
2. Making and keeping all appointments with the advisor and being on time.
3. Being aware of the advisor’s office hours each semester.
4. Gathering decision making information before appointments.
5. Reviewing the online catalog and schedule and completing a rough draft of courses he/she wants to take.
6. Ensuring that registration forms are filled out properly and completely.
7. Consulting with the advisor, that all courses taken will satisfy the degree requirements and request course
substitutions as necessary.
8. Keeping a personal record of requirements and course work completed.
9. Discussing long-range academic and career goals with advisor.
10. Making final decisions about choices concerning academic matters.
11. Being prepared to accurately assess anticipated grades in courses.
12. Be prepared to ask questions about his/her curriculum/program.
13. Completing the appropriate forms for the advisor’s signature, if the student drops, adds, or withdraws. Students
are required to declare a curriculum by the time they have completed 24 semester hours of credit.
14. Assuming responsibility for seeing an advisor or counselor about change of curriculum and potential loss of
15. Obtaining a copy of the senior college catalog and/or transfer guide and bring it to scheduled planning meetings
with the advisor, if the student plans to transfer.
16. Keeping advisor informed of changes in schedules, academic problems, change of major, etc.
17. Making regular appointments with advisor and seeking help when needed.
18. Following through on referrals. (i.e. early alerts)
PDCCC Faculty Advising Handbook – Revised October 2015
Finding Your Advisees’ Information in SIS
Faculty and advisors can find student placement information using the VCCS Student Inquiry pages in SIS. It is the same
place where you have been seeing the student group placement for MTE. The example below shows the screen you
need to access in order to find placement information. “College Success” indicates the placement test results. “Placed
Manually – Faculty Rec.” indicates the faculty recommendation at completion of course.
Select the following items below once logging into SIS to assist with advising:
1. Select Main Menu tab at the top right screen.
2. Select VCCS Custom.
3. Select Student Records.
Select Career and Program Information.
4. Select Student Inquiry.
5. Enter your student's Empl ID.
6. Once next page opens (BioDemoData), select Adv/StdGrp tab.
7. Look under Student Groups to see ENF or ENG placement.
PDCCC Faculty Advising Handbook – Revised October 2015
VCCS Policy for Assessment and Placement in English and Mathematics
Each college shall offer VCCS approved placement strategies that provide consistent and reliable assessment results for
students applying to enroll in college courses and curricula. VCCS policies, guidelines, and procedures shall be followed
when assessing students for college placement. Assessment should be offered through placement testing and other
modalities as may be deemed appropriate by the respective colleges. Colleges should strive to offer the most current
technological resources to meet the needs of all students during the assessment process. Math Placement
Test scores are valid for two (2) years after the date of the test. Students who take the mathematics placement test and
who do not enroll in developmental math are allowed to take one (1) retest within twelve (12) months. Students who
attempt a developmental mathematics course will be ineligible for a retest. Exceptions to this retest policy may be made
on a case-by-case basis in accordance with established college procedures. A student who provides official evidence of a
minimum score of 520 on the mathematics section of the SAT or a minimum score of 22 on the mathematics section of
the ACT, taken within the last two years may be exempt from taking the VCCS mathematics placement test based on the
mathematics requirements in the student’s academic plan. English Placement
Test scores are valid for two (2) years after the date of the test. Students who take the English placement test and who
do not enroll in developmental English are allowed to take one (1) retest within twelve (12) months. Students who
attempt a developmental English course will be ineligible for a retest. Exceptions to this retest policy may be made on a
case-by-case basis in accordance with established college procedures. A student who provides official evidence of a
minimum score of 500 on both the critical reading and writing sections of the SAT, or a minimum score of 18 on both the
English Test and Reading Test of the ACT, taken within the last two years, is exempt from taking the VCCS English
placement test.
Student Placement Based on VPT Results and Student Groups
VCCS English Placement
The VCCS English Placement results on students' transcripts will be a 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0. The results will identify students for
one of the following classes:
4 - student should be placed in ENG 111
3 - student should be placed in ENF 3/ENG 111
2 - student should be placed in ENF 2
1 - student should be placed in ENF 1
0 - student should be placed in BSK 41
PDCCC Faculty Advising Handbook – Revised October 2015
Student Group
Has not satisfied Basic Skills
Enroll into:
ENF 1 Required
ENF 2 Required
ENF 3/ENG 111 Required
ENF 3/ENG 111
Satisfied All Developmental
ENG 111
VCCS Developmental Math Placement
1. MTT (Developmental Math Technology-Based) classes are primarily designed for students needing to repeat a
MTE class or when MTE 7 – MTE 9 are not being offered. In rare instances, first time MTE 1 – MTE 6 students are
allowed to enroll in a MTT class with approval from the mathematics department.
2. MTT classes are blocked to prevent students from enrolling without first being advised by a counselors. These
classes are self-pace and non-lecture courses, which could make it more difficult to successfully complete all
3. Students take only the MTE Units identified by the VPT and also required by their program of study.
4. Students who place below MTE 1 have not demonstrated their ability to be successful in post-secondary
education. These students have the option to obtain outside assistance and then re-take the VPT to determine
if their knowledge has increased to an appropriate level. These student can also enroll in BSK 1 and after
successful completion of the course, they will be allow to enroll in the required MTE units. Tuition for BSK 1
cannot be covered by finical aid.
5. Students are not allowed to take MTE courses out of order or be enrolled in multiple sections during the same 5week session.
6. Students are not required to be enrolled in each 5-week session that is being offered during a given semester
(i.e. students can be enrolled in one or two 5-week sessions if they choose).
7. If a student fails to successfully complete a MTE unit they are required to see a counselor in order to have their
schedule adjusted. This could have a negative effect on their financial aid status if not deal with properly.
Credit class
MTH 115
MTH 121
MTH 151 or 152
MTH 163
MTH 240
New Prerequisite
MTE 1-6
MTE 1-3
MTE 1-5
MTE 1-9
MTE 1-9
Old Prerequisite
PDCCC Faculty Advising Handbook – Revised October 2015
Helpful Online Resources
Virginia Education Wizard:
Academic Program Advisors:
Advising-Related PDCCC web pages:
Accessing Faculty or Advisor Self Service:
Drop in Advisees:
Advising Transcripts from Advisor Self Service:
PDCCC Faculty Advising Handbook – Revised October 2015