c.r1. 1973/F:l Administrative Report International Council for Exploration of the Sea DEMERSAL FISH (NORTHERN) COMMITTEE by A. Hylen 1972 " Belgium (R. De Clerck) ''lork at sea The RV "Hinders" continued the monthly cruises off the'. Be1gian coast on 10 stations to determine the density arid tho composition of juvenile soles 9 plaice, dabs, flounder.s, gad'oids, shrimps and other orgariisms. ._- ' • The joint programme with Holland and Germany on tho nurseries ,'ras continued by tuo cruises. 1 500 p1aice were tagged off the Be1gian coast. 2 500 p~aice ",ere tagged on board the RY "Tridens" in the rl[orecambo Bay. "lork on fish The stock analysis by means of market sampling was continued. Age, length, weight, sex and stage of maturity of cod, lThiting, p1aice and sole vero determined. The areas studied are as follous Cod : North Sen; ~nLiting : North Sea; plaice No~th,Sea, ~nglish Channel, Bristol Chmtnel and Irish Sea; sole : North Sea, English Channe1, Bristol Channel and Irish Sea. Season No. of Fish rlfea.sured Aged Ho. of SamnIes Research I Market Vesse1s SampIes _.. " 1 trim 21 15 2 3 4 8 8 10 1 trim 2 3 4 nris'Go1 Chnl1nc1 --, - English i_9~~~~~ ~ 6 '1 200 210 280 140 960 3 602 406 4 1 trim 2 3 - 13 1 763 4 546 4 - 4 i 841 564 3 l! 295 1 trim 210 '325 130 775 13 6 ~:LO 3 453 1 931 1 157 1.180 210 210 140 210 -------l--------I------+-~---_l I - ~_~ J ~ 70 _ ,. { \\.. I - \\ 2 ;...... -Area , No. or Smnplso .1\esearch !Yla.r~e't . 'VesQele Samplee Season 6 8\· .... 8 6 1 trim Plaice: North Sea Irish Sea 2 3 4 1 trim 2 , ...'"'' ....... , ... 1 --- 4 Bristol. Chamie1 1 trim 2 3 4 ... .. . ~ '. 1 trim l-Ieasured Aged 24 1, 8 8 2 035 1 ,04 878 744 275 441 441 20, 6 8 5 595 620 645 254 150 140 ,95 100 7 2 7 .5~4 273 523 36~ 130 150 90 150 244 100 , ;. ': .. . English Channe1 , No. oE Fish .. .. 4... '" :.' : ," .. ~ .'" , ..' , .. . . . . ~----~------~-----------~-~~~~~~-~~~-~--------~~~-------~-~~-----_ . .... . ' Cod: N'örth Sea 1 trim 2 , .. , 4 ,: 6 8 8 6 • ' 1 162 502 808 280 13 ' 6 . 11 5 409 167 268 107 ~-----------~-----------~------------~---------~~-~--------~------- 1 tr~ Whiting:. 2 North Sea ", .;. . ' ( '., . ..... _.,;,.. ....;. • '-__ .:..;;. ... ~- 6 8 8" 6 .. __ 7 . 4 ... . .:6 " '.__.. ··f...- -.. t..~~ ~ . ~- __ - 296 274 299 311 .. --~ ... '- 129 158 154 151 _ . ; '.. . ~ .Canada .... .'. . '(.A~:M. F1emin€) .,' " .. " A fu11er report on research by Canada in 1973 on demersa1 rieh species is coritained in tbe Canadian research report to the Annual Meeting of ICNAF, May-J~e 1973. . Landings of the,principa1 demersal species 'from the SW.At1antic area. by Canada in 1972 total1ed about 470 000 metric tons, abeut 1010 below the 1971 tota1.·Tbe decline in landings resulted from a general increase in 1andings of mostor the major species. A1though some of the decrease can be attributedto adverse weather the catch per unit ef effert is 1ewer in m~y fisheries.because.of. the. increased e~~ort of the 1argeinternational fleets. • - ; - In 1972 intensive studies wereconducted related to international management of fieheries in the ICNAF Convention Aren adjncentto Cancdo.. Comprehensivo o.eoeeomente ''lore provided for the major stocks of cod in areas from eouthern Lo.brador to tho Scotian'Shelf (ICllAF Subares 2,3 and 4); for stocks of American plnice and yellol1ta.il floundora from tho Grand Bank (ICHAF Subnrea ;), and for stocks of haddock on tho Scotia.n Shelf '(Subaroa 4). From the dato. obto.ined by theso asscssmento internationo.l catch 'quotas for 1973 ",oro recommonded by IClfAF for most of -~he major 'demersal stocks of cod, haddock and floundors in Subcroas 2,; o.nd of IClTAF. 4 To provide data for continued aseesements an intensive programmo of research veosel surveys and so.mpling of commercia.l ca.tcheo ,mo carriod out (see following tables). Asoocia.ted biological otudieo "ero continuod on vo.rious q>ecies. Tam;ing of yollmvtail floundor on tho Grand Dank (Subarea. 3) , ,ro.s cnrried out in October to study stock rela.tionships a.nd ' migra.tory patterns. Intestinal helminth pa.ro.sitos of vnrious species of flounuors are being a.soesoed as an indica.tor for flo.tfioh populations from tho Gulf of st' Lo.wronco to tho Bay of Fundy (ICUAF Subc.reo. 4). nooonrch vosool studieo of fish ogg o.nd lo.rvae distribution and c.btUldc.nro o.s rolo.tod to adult demersal stocks "ere continuod in tllO Gulf of St Lawrence. From 0. otudy of specioo o.osocia.tions on the Gcotian Sholf difforent bo.Dic dcmerso.l o.soemb1ages ,rere identified in different onviro.1montal habitats in the area. An invostigo.tion of northorn sand launce (Ammo4Y~p~ ftubius) in tho northwest Atlantic indicated tho stock consistod of 10ca1 concentrations sandy areas on tops of offslloro banke. Larval abundance und occasional vory largo ca.tches on tho Scotic.n Sholf support estimates of biomass as high ns for some comnorcially important fish. ' in - 4- - ICNAF Division Species Ge ar Quarter. Lengths Age .- July-Sept. 2668 645 Commercial July-Sept. 1767 1968 1761 2460 252 205 187 254 " " " " 2393 1621 1241 1890 10432 493 1121 272 319 7858 1393 2221 240 1991 321 2893 519 136 520 110 216 279 254 988 100 59 160 200 1070 248 300 2J Cod 3K P1aice Witch G. halibut Cod Gillnet Cod Trap Gi1lnet OIT 3L " " " " " OIT 11 11 Haddock P1aice " " " 11 Ye11owtai1 " " Witch " " Witch G. halibut P1aice " Ye11owtai1 11 Witch White hake " " - " " " " " " " " " 11 " July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. Apr.-June " " July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. " 11 " 11 " Apr.-June " Oct.-Dec. Apr. -Ju.'1e July-Sept. " - OIT " " 11 " " " " P1aice 11 " Apr.-June " OIT Ye11owtai1 " " Trap OIT " " " 30 " - 11 11 3N " OIT " " " " " I I I I l I I I " " OIT " - OIT - Apr.-June 11 " Oct.-Dec. Apr.-June " " July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. " " " " Apr.-June f I July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. " " 11 " Jan.-Mar. July-Sept. II 203 83 418 97 30 101 2253 354 701 5057 1557 1075 4052 1672' . ' 58'.. 2 896 80 ,174 460· 299 76 509 148 43 796 671 232 200 110 61 37 40 96 94 515 414 2 Type Commercia1 I " Research Commercial 11 " "- Research Commercial Research Commercia1 " Research Commercial Research Commercial Research Commercia1 " Research Commercial Research " comme_al " Research Commercia1 Research " Commercia1 Research 11 Commercial " " I ----- r - - 5 - . " I IcNAF Division Species Gear Quarter Lengths Age 3Pn Cod Gillnet Jan.-Mar. 5522 332 3Ps Cod OIT Jan.-Mar. Apr.-June 1017 2706 7633 3043 486 370 [370 39 437 3 84 173 211 406 593 212 214 427 499 781 459 273 101 (370 39 279 3 65 90 44 91 58 3649 1853 229 2489 6921 351 11 11 " - 11 Longline 11 OIT " , f" Haddock 11 -11 " " Witch 11 " 4R I Trap OIT 11 " alT - " - " P1aice alT Redfish I I White hake Cod " Redfish " I 4s " Redfish " Cod - I - alT -- - " " alT Cod - " 11 " " " Redfish tl " White hake P1aice " " Witch Ye11owtai1 Winter f10under alT " alT - alT " 11 - alT " " 11 11 July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. " 11 " " [.Jan.-Mar. 11 " Oct .-Dec. Jan.-Mar. Oct .-Dec. Jan.-Mar. Oct.-Dec. " " " 11 July-Sept. Apr.-June July-Sept. " " 11 " Oct.-Dec. July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. " 11 I I I I I I I I Jan.-Mar. Apr.-June July-Sept. 11 I I II " Oct.-Dec. " " " " 11 11 11 11 July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. July-Sept. I i I ; I i I i I I ,, Oct.-Dec. July-Sept. , " 11 " " 1540 1339 200 200 290 Type Commercial Research 11 Commercial 11 Research C::ommercial [Research " Commercia1 Research " Commercial Research Commercial Research Commercial - 11 Commercia1 - " " - 11 183 253 - 55 57 35 238 Research I j Cornmercia1 " tl " Research , , 962 2138 2316 3345 66 655 1833 1010 1706 168· 4791 214 206 66 324 888 137 338 351 1367 66 115 80 - 230 80 1409 11 35 66 186 145 Commercial 11 " Research " I I I I I Cornmercia1 Research Commercia1 Research 11 tl Commercia1 11 Research tl " I I I ! - 6 - ICNAF Pivision 4Vn Species Cod Haddock White hake Redf'ish alT " OIT Plaice ,I " Ye110wtail " I " I 4Vn+S Cod 4w Cod .. " " " 'I - I " " I I alT Witch " Haddock " 11 " " " White hake " Redfish " " " " - alT " " - alT " " " Jan.-Mar. Apr.-June July-Sept. Jan.-Mar. - " " Jan.-Mar. Apx'.-June Ju1Y;"'Sept. - alT I .• " 11 " " , 11 alT Haddock Redfish " Jan.-Mar. Apr.-June July-Sept. - - " !, " " 11 t " " " 11 - Cod I Jan.-Mar. July-Sept. 11 Plaice I - alT 11 , Quarter - " 4Vs Gear 1 I I " " " " Apr.-June July-Sept. Jan.-Mar. July-Sept • Jan.-Mar. Apr.-June July-Sept. - Jan.-Mar. - Jan.-Mar. " " alT Apr·.-June July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. Jan.-Mar. alT Apr.-June alT July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. Jan.-Mar. July-Sept. Apr.-June alT - - alT " alT alT Lengths· Age 106 103 107 33 598 701 107 34 86 685 257 1534 526 986 222 604 - I 137 224 881 1997 400 142 300 1447 317 59 189 59 100 1567 207 ··Type· Coromercia1 11 Research " " Commercia1 " Research 198 " 162 48 348 136 Commercial - 80 142 74 710 71 59 189 59 32 451 I .- .. 46 " Rese=- " Commercia1 " Research Commercia1 Research Commercia1 Research COIl'l.mercial Research " " Commercial Research Commercial I " " " " " " " " " " July-Sept. 682 270 44 679 1270 801 1170 186 338 115 440 39 51 116 441 1160 1141 ! I 1 I I 1 i !I J 103 103 42 439 199 642 190 186 30 109 65 - - - co~a1 Res " " Commercia1 Research Commercial Research Commercial Research Commercia] Research " " Commercia] " Research - - 1.. - .. ICNAF Division Species Ge ar Quarter Lengths OIT Jan.-Har. Apr.-June July-Sept. J an •- Mar • Apr.-June July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. Jan. -Mar. Apr.-June .' July-S·ept • 412 73 734 174 100 78 200 280 149 1368 95 Type Age ,. 4w (cont. ) Plaice " >. -. , 11 11 11 Witch 11 .. . ' " " •• ,"" OIT alT '. " 11 Yellowtail n .. 11 11 ·11 . ' 4x Cod It ~ . .. 11 : " ,. .. .. " :. .. ... ~ !I I I I . I I I l e , ", .~ . ... . White hake .. ' . : 11 11 '. JuJy-Sept. Oct.-Dec. Apr.-June .' July-S'ept • Apf·-J\!ne July-Sept~ Apr.-June .__. ~ - 11 11 " ... . 11 1 " tI 11 Pollock. 11 Apr.-June OIT 11 ..~. Oct.~Dec.· 11 - Redfish " 'J~'-Se'-~t;~:j Jan.-Mar. alT· : - Cusk 1 . alT - tI 11 11' OIT .' " i I, I 11 1, I Apr.-:-June - 11. ...... - O/T 11 tI tI - Haddock I I :- ! Jan.-Mar. - 11 I O/T alT \. " " " Winter f10under ,) ..... ~ alT . :",: .. !... " _--_ ...." ....... " .' ~ ~'l 11. .'.,....... : ....< Ott·..:'Dec. 412., . 73';:.,. 499 174 30 78 33 142 98 607 27 1202 83 331 360 1313 965 4230 727 1500 1008 2229 764 112 166 56 100 442 1233 254 470 794 222 '. 94 '·.96 197 80 57 358 318 240 518 349 177 1005 399 131 41 163 32 105 135 222 93 95 .' -;Research tI .. 11 11 ,. .', :Commercia1 :Research ':'commerci al ... ~.Research 11 .... ~ : .. 11 '~:l~! ,. n . ' .. ~ommercial Research . Commercia1 , Research .Commercial " " " Research Commerci a.l Research Commercial ,'. " .. Research Commercial Research Commercia1 " Research 11 Commerci al 11 Research ! P1aice ..----.. Witch Ye11owtai1 4x-5Z i Cod - Oct .-Dec. 401 63 Cornmercial 5Z I Cod - Jan.-Mar. July-Sept. 279 400 126 97 124 43 96 61 64 133 30 Commercia1 : " ii I I I 11': • 1", . 11 " : " Haddock White hake Redfish Plaice \fi tch Si1ver hake J :.:.Apr .:-June 11 .. '.: 11 ... . ' .. ...... ~ .' : O/T' 11 . ' " ·11 Apr.-June 11 11 11 "\1 " " 11 11 " 11 " .. t 11 " 11 11 - Research 43 96 2 " - " .. .,' 11 " - 8"- Dcnmark. (0. Baggc) Plnice In July and August quantitative out in inshore waters. ~ishory for.O-group plaice 'tas cnrried In the northern Kattegat and the western BaItic the catchea lTere of average aize. In the southern Ko.ttegat they uere above average nnd in thc Belt Sea belOll average size. paddock, whiting and cod On thc "Dana ll cruiso in February nnd Harch length otoliths uero co11ectod. meas~ements nnd ~ Tho sampling in lby continuod and an age-length key uas worked out. It wns found that for otter-trawl the year class 19G8 was dominating nnd constituted 30.5% of thc total landings. For gill-nets it was ~ound that theyear class 1968 was dominnting . and constituted 46.5% of the total landings. Turbot nnd bri~l Thirty brill and· 14 turbot havc been taggod in the contra1 Kattogat. Q2.Q; Tngging of cod has been carried out in the Jutland Bnnk aren in April, 1 021 individuals wore tagged. 115 cod caught on tho Jutland Bank l'1ore trnnsplanted to the Kattegat, taggcd and rc;;' leased Inf of Anholt. Fodernl Republic of Gormany (A. ~-Ioyor) Continuation of the biologicnl studios nt ooa on research shipc nnd factory trall1ers and at tho markets with length measuremonto, colloction of otoliths, maturity, food and taggings. Research trips: January : North Sea lbrch : lTortl1 SeD. I-furch : Uortlegian Coast April : Daltic Sen Factory trawler Fobruo.ry : NOJ::'lTOgio.n Const. lic.y ': North Sec. . July : Uorth Sea October : North Sec. November : North Sen e· - 9 Sampling Date. -Area No."of Sampleo Season .narl\:e'C Vessels SampIes No. of Fiah Measured Aged Racial Invest iga.ti on Q@ IIa. IIIb 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 4 1110 !Vb !Vc Va I 1 1 2 3 4 i------------ --~------ I 2 2 1 2 466 2 635 551 789 313 646 454 137 198 149 - 11 1 2 3 4 20 16 16 1 2 3 1 4 514 510 589 1 178 1 577 9 641 6 553 5 917 216 434 1 054 432 3 983 510 211 386 1 159 2 588 2 362 2 156 " 216 434 711 432 17 - 725 1. 545 487 2 727 2 250 11 621 2 040 160 110 48 20 --__J _____________ I HADDOCK 1 - !Vb 1 19 Va 1 2 ------------1----~----_. SAITRE ! I !Va Va -3 3 3 3 -3 6 5 2 ---- - -- --- ----------1------------ ------- --------------- I IIa IIa 2 11 21 17 17 18 9 1 2 1 2 1 1 517 3 281 3 331 147 35 2 455 2 513 665 873 574 1 079 840 340 -3 I 8 928 663 513 190 139 200 454 191 398 125 278 945 663 4 43 4 2 I I I I Vb 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 --------------24 - -- -34 -- 7 - - -- ---------- ..----------- ------- --------------- --- -- -- -----------_. ---------1-----------------...----------1------------------------.' VIIa REDFISH IIa IVa Va 1 1.-4 1 2 1-4 1-4 1-4 - 3 32 - 7 11 51 10 - - -250 §.- marinus tt " It " §.- mentella §.- marinus 1.._---_... _--------_. ----------'-----------------------------------------------XIV ... ~----------- - 10 - Sampling Data ------.,.-------,.----------,.-------,-------, No. or Fiah No. or Smnp1eo Beason .!rea. Research Vesse1s llIarke"t Samples ~~~--------- PLAICE IIIc 1 1 4 IVb 1 2 3 4 I l l FLOUNDER IIIc - \ 1 944 - - ----------- ------------ ---------1----------·~-------1-------------· 2 ~----------- 11 Racia1 Investigation .Age~, I" WRITnTG !Vb l-Iensured 9 5 ' ~: 35 - !i ' 1 245 - I 282 5 i 2 646 1 200 282 I - j - i I ~ ~i* i~i II -~ I 2 4 126 806 66 I - ! j .1" ----------- ------------·---------~-------------------r-------------J : I , ._~ 1 _ ! -_______! , 9 1 I• II I 930 930 _ _l ~ J. ~!~- ~~_~~~ -' ~ i J France (G. Lefranc) Travail en mer En mai et juin 1972, le N.O. "Thalasso." a r6a1is~ une campagne de pro-'> '. " spection et dtinventaire des ressources dES cBtes orienta1es du Groenland; _ de nombreuses donn6es biologiques et biom6triques concernant surtout la oo~~e et 1e ,s6baste ont 6ta receuillies sur le Dohrn Bank"le Gauss Bank, Angoassalik Bank, !'fösting Grund et Reimland Rücken. La "Thalassa" a, dtautre part, prospecte deux secteurs de la Mer du lTord: , dans In partie est du Dogger Bank entre 54°30'N et 56°N pour 10. recherche dos concontrations de merlan, entre 62°1r et 63°N et 3°30'E sur des fonds compris entre 400 et 600 m pour apprecier la repartition et l'abondance des principa1es esp~ces d6mersa1es. Au cours de ces deux campagnes, la morue, 1e merlan et le lieu noir ont fait llobjet d1etudes toutes particulieres sur 1a repartition des tailles, la composition en ages des divers stocks et sur les correlations taille/poids plein et poids vide. D'autre part, 1 562 momes ont et6 marquees en Her du Nord septentrionale dans 1a,r~gion de"Forty MiIes". En mars et novembre, deux autres campagnes de prospection et de chalutage ont et6 faltes dans les secteurs VIa, VIIb, c et VIlg, h, i, k. - 11 Travail au laboretoire ---- Norue - merlan. Les releves statistiques concernant les apports des bateaux . travaillant dans le centre et le sud de la Her du Hord sont poursuivis; ils permettent pour ces deux especes de connaitre la composition en tailles et en ages des poissons peches dans les secteurs IV~ et IVc. En 1972, nous avons'commence lletude'des recaptures de morues mnrquees 'en Mer du lrord septentrionale au cours des differentes campagnes de la " "Thalassa" ... La bioloffie du merlan du sud de la 11er du Nord, son abondance relative par rapport atu: autres especes demersales pechees dans les secteuxo IVb et surtout !VC ainsi que llinfluence du maillage sur 10. qualit6 commerciale'dc ce poisson ont fait Itobjet dtune recherche qui sera continuee'cn ,1973. . _ Lieu noir -_~~lefin - sole et plie. Les tonnages debarqu6s mcnsuellement 'pour chacune do ces quatre especes sont releves en fonction dos ffroupes detailles definis par'la C.E.E • ..... Echantillonnage l-1ORUE Region ... ' I -Saison 1972 IVC IVb IVa Ouest ~ Irlande • Nb. echantillons Bateau de recherche 11arche 2 8 27 mare mars oct. avril ,nov. - - - 250 2 451 "2 579 98 64 _. ------------~---------._----------~------~-------... .. I1ERLAN .. , IVc IVb !Va ,Ouest ~. Irlande VIIa , " mars' mars· ' oct. avril oct-dec. " 3 22 18 - - - ---- ----------------------- - - ,110 395 1 759 - 133 - - - 240 350 591 4 788 3 132 116 - Hb.de poios~ 'clasoes s1.l.ivan"c race Nb. de Nb. poissons otolithes mesures preleves - - - - ---------------------_._---------~----------------~--- ----------------------- EGLEFIl mars !Vb bct. IVa avri1 "1.' Ouest ) nov. Irlande) ~--------------------! b..IEU NOIn oct. IVa avril Ouest ) nov. Irlande) 101 2 992 1 129 1 500 1 18 ----------~----------------~----------~--------------- 8 - -. 432 321 226 - I - -----------------~------------------------------------ - 12 - M' RL11.TJ . BLEU .;...;;;;.~..;.,._.~-_.- ,..----...' - ~ ...__-<-'-.""'"-:--~-::-::,~'--~ .:----::--,---:-=:-~-"T~:_:__::_Lch:::ntillons ! 1:0 de . Hb. Hb. de poissons Bä-teau' CL", Marche '! poj.s,so.ns oto1i thes c1asses rf' ,he:rche I mcsnres preleves' suivalrG r~ce ~---r;Tb~ R~2'iO_ Saisop-. 1972 -o-u-,-s-t' ) ·a.7rj.l . __ ~~~~~~~~ ~~:: 0 ~-I--= '1' '1'7'51 ~- -',' -----:--l---~~~---.--:--~-~- = ----------- _ LII/[l\.J!TD]TI IVb IVe maTS rrars CARRLET ---_. - IVb . - I ________ L 623 215 _ i I oet. _________L ·1 ":~,' _.~ . 'f' l_-:'_":"_":' __ .L '·90' .;. . - ' ... . __ ... ~= • Ieeland .(.1. n _~.~?s.s~?) ... . j '.. .!" J ". ThevlOrk at sea lTaS earried ou·t·by·Hie~R··IIB'järni Sremundsson" and. "Hafthor tl • Both ships were in all the year and ma(le regular surveysof the hydr-ographieal c·ond-i tions in I<3eland and East··Greenland \'1aters. Besides this, RV t1Bjarni Sc:mundsson lf did a survey of the area behTeen Jan Hayen and Spi tzbergen.:~n eooreration \vi th the Universi ty' of Seattle to study thc hydrography of that ~rea with a special regard to the iee eonditions, currents and the formation of arctic bottom water. use : " These whips were also engaged in sUTveys of the most important stocks cf demers-al' fish 'arofu1:d'Iceland"arid"ät East. ·'Greenland. . A'list"of the' sampling data on tbe most important commcrcial species are shown on the .follm'ling page. Besides this, ichth;yological data' ",ere' collected on 40 other species of demersal fish in Icelandic waters. ~ An extensive tagGing programme of cod, haddock, plaice, Greenland halibut, lumpsueker and catfish was continüed. Three trips. l'Tere made lvi th ·.RV "Bjarni Soomundsson"· ·to study the pelagic distribution of redfish 81'1 OI Ieeland and in the Irminger Sea. A joint O-groupsurvey'in Faroese-, Icelandie- and East Greenlandic Haters "ms made 'in July':':August 1972. The ships 'vhieh toole part VTere R.V. "Cirolanait·(ü.IC,), "Fritjof Nanscn ll (USSR), "Bjarni Scemundsson" (Icelanel) anel 1\.rni Frid.J::iksson" (Ice~and) _ Icelandic sampling' data on demersa·l fish ln 1972 (all year) .- !i ; • . r Area , Va ._ XIV , Va I I - - I- Spee-ies Cod - Ii .... 2476.3 I Haddock Whiting 3768 I 6305. I ) I I! ,, I -2006 I i I Coalfish Norway pout . I rneasured I I Cod ReseaY'C'h vpsspl s.=lmnlinD" Market sarnnlinll rneasured aged - iI I! I Blue whiting Ling I Plaice Va. Halibut Va XIV Va eVa 1204 I I Lernon sole Dab , 1219 328 ! 348 102 I 558 iI I I I I Long rough dab Lumpsucker II I·i I I' I Ve~ Grenad i er " I I - :~~;:~ ;~~t~~~t_ __J 429 1754 I I , I 317 ! I I 581 7593 1117 7260 710 2797 1706 621 1170 30 42 3696 1933 564 36 I I 3829 5053 II I ! I 470 II 2461 I 1383 1 i I 97 1199 3294 4 3 1801 2173 257 84 45 892 .236 42 _ . 3378 I Catfish L-_ 2986 368 Ii Va XIV I: 15992 I Greenl. halibut I I- 983 I I I . 740 840 I 1 XIV I J 3245· I I XIV· tagged 9120· . 1609 I I I I XIV Va I I \ Blue ling Torsk Sebastes Sp. \ aged I I - 14 Ireland (A.E.J. Hent) Durinß' "l;lle ycar Hork in Ireland uas restrictcd to eJ~2J1lination of 13 snnp1cs of uhitinr; comprising 2 950 specimells in 2.11. 3::.ll1ÜinC Data for JHITIlTG ~ .- Ho. of Samp1es Area Season Research He,rket Vesse1s SampIes - VII C'. Ir~ sh iJeß - (~,!. .- 1972 I 10 Heasurccl ~I-- 700 3 - - U'L1Llbc:2 of rish . 2 258 - - J.getl Uacüü 1-- ._- Illves-;;iß'a-~ion . - 368 )10 I .- - f Hethcrlands (J. I'. de Veen) ':lIlc )~V IITridens"made 16 crlüses in tl1e Cor.lIllit-~ce I s ['.rea oi' "Lich 10 ue:..'c LlC'.inl~l or partly devoted to uorle uithin thc scope of -(;110 Demersal _ ri:::;ll (Uorthern) COIDmi ttee. The corresponc1.inc l1t1Dbcrs of c:i."Uises by nv t1\!illem Detllcelsz" uere 15 and 10. Thc nv IiFac:.üen'-ce 9 \;U-ce:i.'n 1• an<l "S clloJ.levae,r"made together 19 cruises devoted to demersal topics in the lletherlands estuaries. The RV "Tridens", "Hillem Beukelsz","Sternll and "Schollevaar" made hTO joint cruises (in April and October) to e.na1yse the stocks of juvenile sole, plaice, dab, flounder, gadoids, shrimps and other organisIDs in the nurseries of Be1gium, Holland, GerQany and part of Denmark in cooperation with the Belgian research cutter "llinders" anel the German nv "Ueptun". Hork on Fish Plaice. The stock analysis by means of market sampling was continued. Analysis of the catches of the young fish crtlises in the Southern and Central North Sea continental coast areas revealed that tho 1971 year class is good and the 1972 year class average to poor. Sole. The stock analysis by means of market samp1ing of sole from different 10ca1ities in the North Sea, the Irish Sea and the Bristol Chalmel "Tas continued. Two c~"Uises (in March and August) were made to the Irish Sea ~ and the Bristo1 Channel for census and tagging purposes. An analysis of t~ catches of undersized sole in the Dutch, German and Bclgian coastal area on a standard network of stations was made twicc in order to be able to predict commercial catches. The year class 1971 appeared to be average to poor and the 1972 year class was poor. The f0110wing numbers of fish per species were taeged : Solc : Irish Sea 3 150 (adults); Dutch nurseries 1 900 (juveniles) pläice: North Sea 6 900 (adults); Dutch nurseries 7 500 (juveniles) F10under: Dutch nurseries 1 500 (adults & Juveniles) ~Cöd:-North Sea 2 300 (adults) lllii~~: North Sea 800 (adults) and whiting. The stock analysis by means of market sampling continued. C9~, ~addock 1-TaS Cod. In the Southern and Central North Sea the year c1ass 1971 is poor ·and---the year c1ass 1972 average. Three egg and larvae surveys uere made in the Central and Southern North Sea. 1'n~~~in~. The ycar c1ass 1971 was poor and thc 1972 ycar c1ass rich in the Southern and Central North Sea. • The Netherlands 1972. Sampling data for Sole Area .:leason No of samnIes Number of F1sh only for agedetermination Research ship Market measufed aged racial invest. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th qllarter quarter quarter quarter 5 -6 2 20 11 4 2125 3385 2375 2658 100 1081 549 365 100 1081 549 365 IV c 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quarter quarter quarter quarter 3 3 4 20 12 4 3875 6385 2500 2033 196 1075 632 259 196 1075 632 259 VII a 1s.t quarter· 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 6 ,. 2 4 11 250 625 613 408 127 613 408 127 Dutch Iiaddensea 2nd quarter 4th quarter 3 6 - 403 755 32 79 32 79 Zeeland estuary 2nd quarter 4th quarter 4 - - 946 95 88 88 38 92 28410 5604 5604 IV b Total annually - ..... \J1 The Netherlands 1972. Sampling data for Plaice Area Season No of samples Number of Fish only for agedetermination Research shin -6 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quarter quarter quarter quarter 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quarter quarter quarter quarter 3 Dutch ,'/addensea 2nd quarter 4th quarter 5 9 Zeeland estuary 2nd quarter 4th qua ter IV b I I IV c Total annually Market measured aged I racial invest. 48 3 5 1 4050 3180 1880 3600 3609 572 354 610 3609 572 354 610 35 3 2 6 5550 3530 1280 3900 2521 434 121 792 2521 434 121 792 - - 3000 3390 170 237 170 237 3 - - 2460 740 99 99 39 103 36560 9519 9519 - 8 5 '~'he • Netherlands 1972 sampling da.ta fer ares ~ ::;elJson No. of sampIes Nwnber of Fieh -- for age-determination only IV a IV b .t---~--. IV c - research ship market measured aged 2 2 3 530 385 275 330 250 175 75 150 905 715 300 200 285 150 210 75 175 150 2195 1st 2nd 3rd 4th qU8.rter quarter qua.rter quarter -- 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quarter qua.rter quarter quarter 3 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quarter quarter quarter quarter Total annua11y ._- - I 2 r--._~ 2 3 4 2 660 1 /+85 .. - 1 , - I 2 1 1 3 2 1620 880 440 990 8 27 9215 - racial investigations -- -- --- - -- ----------------------------------- The Netherlands 1972 sampling data for Whiting area Season No. of samp1ea, I Number of Fish only for agedetermination research ship IV a 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quarter quarter quarter quarter 2 -- j .- I I ! market measured aged '. 3 3 1 2 i 594 714 210 294 '. f i ! : 1 ,~ 250 150 50 100 racial investigations ,I ! -- I -- , I IV b IV c I 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quarter quarter quarter quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd 4th quarter Total annually 3 2 -1 2 2 5 2 , ! 988 462 924 546 , 1 2 2 -2 1182 798 672 1092 10 25 8476 -- , 250 '. 200 250 100 100 100 I - 200 1750 ! . :. , . -- - --- I .! "'I ~l ] :1 II 11 o! 'I I I, j I ..... CD The • 1972 ~etherlands sampling da ta for Haddock area sea.son no. of sa.mples - ~ Number of Fish only for agedetermination resea.rch ship IV a IV b IV c market measured aged 1000 1120 350 630 242 140 50 125 -- 1 2 5 3 760 420 1260 420 150 100 274 146 - 1 3 100 350 100 50 62 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quarter qu.arter quarter quarter --------- --_._-_._--_. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quarter quarter qu.arter quarter 2 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quarter quarter quarter quarter Tota.l annually 2 4 3 3 1 2 -- 24 - - racia.1 investigations -- --- - - - - - 6510 1339 - _.....- ..;-_... .... \.0 I The Nether1aods 1972 Samp1ing data for Saithe area season no. of sam;p1es Number of Fieh ooly for agedetermine,-i;i('r. research ship IV. a· IV b 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quarter quarter quarter quarter 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quareer quarter quarter quarter -- ---- Total annually .- _.~ market measured age<! 3 588 441 294 490 224 -1 -- - - - 50 - 4 1863 - racial iovestigations --- ----- 299 - - - 75 - l\) o - 21 Norway (A. nylen) II and I Fisheries The sampling activity continued at the same scale as in 1971. Stock assessments were continued for the stocks of Arcto-rro~Tegian cod and had~ock, saithe and Greenland halibut. Sub~~a In February the distribution and abundance of spauning Aretoeod ''Iere studied in Lofoten and in Harch mature cod ,rere tagged in the same area. In April 0. survey of eod egg distribution was earried out in Lofoten. lTo~Tegian . " In April-llay the distribution and abundanee of young eod, haddock "and redfüh '\'Iere studied in the :Barents Sea and the Dear Ioland/ 'Test Spitzbergen area. In August- September a survey of the distribution and abundance of O-group fish of eommercially important species were undertaken in the same areas as part of the International O-Group Survey. At the same time immature cod and haddoek uere tagged in Division IIa"and Subarea I. In Iiarch 0. survey of spavming saithe ''las undertaken in tho southern part of Division IIa. In September the distribution and abundanee of O-group saithe were studied in DivisianIIa. Immature saithe '\lere tagged in June and in the most southern part of Division IIa and in August in the Northern part of this Division and in Subarea I. Subarea IV The sampling of industrial catehes of Recommendation 4 fisheries in Subarea IV and the southern part of Division IIa 'TaS undertaken through the l'lhole year. All together 163 landings from Subarca IV and 115 from Subarea IIa were analysed. In February, June and SeptemberOctober surveys of the distribution and the abundanee of thc most important species were undertaken in Subaroa IV. - 22 - SAMPlING DArA 197 ~ -, SPEcrES AREA COD I 4 ' 1 2 --8 3 1 3 IIb 110 I HADDOCK IIb 110 '1,- - - 1 2 3 4 ,18 - 1 -1 II SAITHE I 4 110 1 2 3- . , - '-5 - ' 16 604 229 146 , - - - ",1 15 'l3 '17 14? 2 '3 I -1 .. ' ' ' - , J '- ' --16' , , ' - 63 229 146 - 020 179 170 121 991 1 082 931 1 158 1 003 2 050 298 275 937 89 - -, ~ ' - - -2 588 - 491 - - 1 93J '854 ' :' 440 1 r03" - 608 843 3 9 5 10 ' - 3 726 4 749 ,- - 1 -- , 1 1 4- :0. , - 6 ß46 l '594 12 :509 - - 3 - - ;~1 4- IVo - 2 - , 2 - 1 2 .'3 ' 1 - - - I, - 523 100 - - - '55 436 '4 687 3 217 , 386 -.. ... , -688 - ~ - 307 2 523 ' 766 -1 -189 - , -1 , "5 446 - 1 16 17 ~agged 523 100 ' ,26. - -"( 3 1 2 3 4 '., 6 5 69t;· 1591 - 1 2 3 4 , .. ' " ... - - - , - r- 4 2 3 4 I 8 7 20 ~ 33 Ä.ed Meosured - - 1 2 -I NO. OF FISH NO. OF SAt'"I?L.:.S Mo_-ket R/V SEASON - - - - - 861 - -800 I I 1 -100 700 - 2 397 - I - 23 NORWEGIAN SAMPLING DATA 1972 1 SPEeIES AREA 1 I COD NO. OF SAMPLES R/V Morket SEASON 33 2 3 4 1 2 3 IIb 8 37 20 35 NO. Meosured 836 5 694 2 1 591 5 446 1 307 523 766 189 523 100 523 100 a. 1 688 4 1 2 3 110 1 3 269 17 55 436 4 687 3 217 386 2 588 491 4 l.---r-------t-----+-----+----+------+---+----+ I 1 - HADDOCK I 2 18 14 6 846 ,1 931 I I 440 1 594 854 16 3 i 12 509 :1 103 4 1 17 I ; 1 IIb 1 -16 Ii : : 2 16 1 1 I II i 3 - 1I - - : I - I 1, I I I , I 110 i ; , I , , , I i 1 , i i i t-" I I I I SAITHE ., I I I I J I 110 I IVo GREENLAND I HALIBUT IIb 110 Va XIV .- 4 I 1 2 3 4 - 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 3 2 - : -- - I 1 1 3 -2 -5 -1 3 - - - - 11 15 - 13 17 14 21 2 1 -1 10 13 45 24 14 63 i 229 146 146 - 3 726 4 749 - 3 9 5 10 - ! 604 I 229 - - I I - - 608 843 - --861 -800 - 020 179 170 121 991 1 082 931 1 158 1 100 700· 1 003 2"050 298 275 2 397 937 89 - 1 566 564 1 330 2 903 . 1 362 - - 197 237 398 50 - - - 246 752 1 i - 24 Norwegian sampling in the area where industrial trawl fisheries take place '\ SPECIES Cod Haddock . . . . '. Norwoy pout ,. NO. OF FISH Measured Aaed TagQed 8 3 8 22 22 44' 49 44 4 23 233-: 233 IVb 1 3 12 2 80 160 80 160 110 2 3 IVo 1 2 3 4 ·9 1 3 6 2 NO. OF SAMPLES ,··..·'R/v Market 2 13 24 6 3 38 21 .156 1 719 338 1 528 2 290 8 '2 46 " 453 69 604 1 206 320 124 23 118 138 316 IIo IVo 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 17 68 31 237 186 316 IVb 1 3 1 1 4 20 4 20 1 3 4 8 3 12 295 176 2 150 84 176 293 IVb 1 3 8 2 960 107 154 107 110 1 338 267 50 515 705 444 012 129 321 347 540 894 1 .. 4' 2 . . 1 2 3 , ," .. .. IVa IVo ' : .', . SEASON .' Whiting ~', AREA IVb Soithe ~. 1Vo 3 4 1 2 3 4 10 6 12 30 3 1 5 18 18 37 11 . _' . ..... 2 2 5 5 " - - 25 - continue ••••• AREA ISPEeIES ·SEASON R/V . IVb ' NO.:···or SAMPLES Market NO. OF Measured 1 2 162 3 1 123 F1SH AQed TaQQed 52 I " ISlue Whiting 110 1 I 5 16 1 111 3 23 893 4 I I I IVo II 1 I I I ! 3 ISilvery 'pout ' 110 . . . I I ' .. ! 44 11 2 355 .2 . _. ... . I I· ... I! ; I 1 ! I 2 ! I 1 I .1 I 3 I 1 - I - . smelts 110 - 1 . 2 I I . -- - . ,.,.. ..'. I 3 I i - .. 4 .I .... IVo . '. 1 ., . . .- 2 3 8 4 "5 I I I I I I I iI I, 1 I I, I I i I, I i I I j .. .. : i , 20 I 50 I ., . :, I -- -- ! _. -. 4 I ..... . . .. -.-- ... ·120.· i 65 65 . .. 902 12 923 ~ .' . . . . . 767 f l: .. I ,; 8 14- 1 440 200 16 2 003 399 6 830 218 iI I , 34 ,! I I i ! 170 II 1 ! I \ II I t, j 4_33 14 2' I . ~ .- 346 I I , 1 I I 6 1 I 120 t - ! 50 - 2 .. 121 j I ! i 3 I I I ! II Silver 409 I 2 4 4 I I I 185 2 I i 893 ·1I 3 .... I ... -., . I I IVo 946 3 3 ) 12 1 787 . ~J'" .. . 90 16 I .. 1 2 4 i 168 2 I I I ... I I . .I I - 26 Poland (w. Ci~glewicz) lnvestigations on more impo;tant demersal species were carried" out 4uring 197~ in the Baltic, North Sea, South of Ireland, near the Hebrides, in the Uorwegian Sea"7 Barents Sea, off Spi tzberg'en and Bear lsland. SampIes were collected mainly from the commercial catches for determination of length, weight, age, sex and maturity. 1. BaItic ". Cod- From 141 experimental hauls made in January-March 1972 ~the Southern Baltic by lCES standard trawl 7 388 young cod were measured and the age of 1 445 cod determined. From commercial catches made by cod trawl in the Southern Baltic 31 856 cod "Tere measured and the deta.i1ed analysis was carried out on 4 965 cod. Flatfish - In 46 sampIes of f1atfish taken from commercial catches ~ made in the Bay of Gdansk and in the Bornholm region 4 813 flounder~ and 760 plaice were analysed on length, weight, age and sexual maturity 2. North Sea, Hebrides, South of Ireland Species Haddock Saithe Cod Hhiting Nortll Sea leng-th ar;e Hebrides length age 4 697 2 210 1 001 2 981 601 701 201 300 601 300 - - 1 456 1 518 300 - - - !I 300 I I 3. Barents Sea, No~vegian - South of Ireland ag-e leng-th I - , - Seat Bear lsland and Spitzbergen Barents Sea I age length length age Cod 3 898 480 1 305 483 417 Haddock 3 599 - - - - Species , ~--- -- - NorvTegian Sea Bear lsland and Snitzber,g-en length age --"180 Portugal (J. de Ataide) Studies related to this Committee were only concerned with sampIes of cod t~{en by the commercial fishing boats in the lCNAF area (Subareas 1 and 3). Information has been obtained on length, stage of maturity, age and first age of maturity (see fo11owing table). These are being processed for later analysis. -- - 27 Sampii.ngDa1;a far Gadus morhua Area Season lCNg IX) ICNAF 3XX ) _ 2nd 3rd 2nd ·3rd 4th No.·of Sampleo .. Research 11arket SampIes . Vessels Quarter Qu~ter Quarter Quarter Quarter No. of Fish Measured Aged - 5 28 2 314 13 250 - 7 20 1 2 485 6 666 665 , . Racia.l lnvestigation -- 150 575 125 500 - - - . x)EQUivalEmt to· statistica1 area IV of the North ·American Counci1 on Fishery : Investigations. XX)EQuiva1ent to statistical ~rea XVIII and XX of on Fishery lnvestigations.· t~e North American Counei1 .< ,. , '.1 Spain (0. Cendrero) AueUi', +.:avail nta ete fait durant 1972 •. Sweden (G. Otter1ind). In the Ba1tie,investigations have been made on cod along the same lines as in previous years. Oto1iths were.co11ected from about. 3 000 cod. The age determination of young cod from different.areas and seasons oceupied the main interest. Samples of cod eggs ...and 1arvae ha.v:ebeen collected and the abundance of young codstudied by using the Baltic standard trawl. Aecording to the abundance of eggs and larv~e in the ·ma~n spaiY.ning period a better reeruitment to the stock was p~obab1e .for 1972 (in 1971 low ~xr~:nr~~~~:e~~):he bottom water of the Ea1tie .~~?~~: was fol1.?wed b1. Uni ted Kingdom· 1. England and Wales (D.J. Garrod) 1. Region I Fisheries Stock assessment programmes have eontinued. RV "Cirolana" carried out three eruises in the area during the year. During March a cod blood serum survey was eompleted extending from Greenland to Iee1and and aeroBS to Faroe, Seot1and and Norway. - 28 In May and June a study of the vextical distribution of gadoids in the Barents Sea was initiated and in July a survey of the distribution and abundance of O-group fish at Faxoe and eastern Iceland was undertaken as part of an international survey~' 2. Region II Fisheries The programme of sam~ling commercial landings at all the major fishing ports was maintained. The adult plaice biological programme in the North Sea was continued but at a lower level than in the previous three yeaxs. Plaice eggs and larval survey were carried out in the English Channel, together with release of tagged fish on each of the main sp~vning grounds in the east artd west of the area. The juvenileplaice studies off the Yorkshire coast, whcih included the tagging of l-group fish, was extended to include an egg and larval survey in the immediate vicinity of the nursery ground. A comprehensive- survey of the inshore and estuerine distribution of- fish eggs and larvae was carried out around the ,jest coast of England and Hales. Cod investigations in the Irish Sea continued with a research cruise in March; adult cod were tagged, an egg and larval survey completed, and blood samples for immunogenetic studies collected. In the North Sea an extensive O-group cod survey from latitude 57°N to 52°N was carried out in June. In July-August a groundfish survey was undertaken in Region VIA to the west of Scotland. ~ease Region IVA !VB IVC VIA VIIA VIID VIIIl:. YIIF of tagged fish 1972 - ICES REGIONS Plaice Cod - - 712 644 136 - 1 378 330 - Species Ray Lemon Sole - - - 55 60 - 428 - 10 - 36 4 222 - - by 1 492 1 930 Species _____________J_______ 115 40 - Total Spurdog -- Total by Region - 428 712 378 10 1 330 735 200 222 438 4 015 - - - - -- , ------~----_._-------~-~~-----~-_ .. _-~---------------- -- - 29 Sampling Data for COD -Seaeon Area No.'of Sampleo cn ilJla.rlt e 1; VesE?ele Samples Spread I-IIA-IIB - througho~t the yea.r VA " " " " " " " " " VB VIA IV VIIA VIIF VIIG VIIE VI:B - No. of Fleh Measured Aged 41 631 235 108 14 6 82 18 1 547 93 40 446 115 9 1'3 2 1 638 683 866 321 960 284 511 315 97 Raclal' Investigation 1 971 ' ' 2 211 829 514 2 337 1 875 197 - - - " --- - -.; - 'p" , - ~ ... Sampling Date. for HADDOCK -Area I I-IIA VA I VB Season I Spread throughout the year " " " VIA VI:B IV VIIA VIIF VIIG - 186 - 284 54 24 2 193 33 4 3 - - " " " " - " No. of Flah fileasured Aged No. of Sampleo Harket Research Samples VesE?els Racia1 Investigation 1 169 - 43 264- 1 200 10 311 17 4 791 488 31 045 5 734 692 487 - - 28 462 - - - - - Sampling Data ror WHITING ,-hea IV VIA VIIA VIIF VIIG VIIE -- Season Spread throughout the year " " " " " No.'of Saml)leo Research I'iarket Samplea Vessela - No. of Fiah Measured Aged Racial Investigation - 229 20 803 650 - - 1 95 8 1 62 85 10 655 974 109 9 284 968 193 39 427 - ... - - - - 30 SampliM Data. tor PLAICE -Season Area. Spread throughout the year I VA It IV It VIIA " "n VIIF VIIG VIIE n No.'ot Snmpleo ResearCh i'1arlCe"t Samp10D Vesse1s - 6 --- 99 442 107' 21 3 56 Uo. of Piah HenDured !l.B'sd Racial . Invccticaticn " - - 1 420 , '. --- 16 90 20 5 589 958 577 3 860 733 2 001 405 344 26 141 9 278 1 010 -- Sampl1ng Data. ror COALFISH -Season Area. Spread throughout thc year I-IIA-IIB VA " " n VB IV n VIA No.'ot Bom'Pleo Research l'tarkot SampIes Vessels No. of Fish l'Ioasured Aßed " IDicia1 Investigation - 59 5 924 614 --- - 96 37 51 70 5 937 :5 726 5569 6 607 1 028 317 319 549 - -- - Sampling Data ror RAKE '" Area. " .' -- '" Season No.'ot Bampleo ResearCh J:1arlCO"t Vessels Samp1es .. . VIA VIIA VIIF-G Spread throughout the year " " " - -- .' 28 5 282 56 47 10 542 9 692 3 020 10 .. , . " ..... No. of Fiab ' Ueaaured Aged '" IVA ",", Racia1 Investiga.tion ''''. '"'' --- ' - -- .' Samp1ing Data for MYS -.!:rea Uo•. of Somp1oo Beasen Ue~oa.rch H&A01i He. of Fioh Hco.suxed Acod' n:l.cia.1 Invcstigation Vesselo Sco!>los -- 21 2 245 - - 69 23 11 409 3 954 1 078 175 - ~ Spread .throughout .tbe year VIA " .... VIIA ·n .VIIF-G .. Sgmp1!ri5 Data for SOLE . .-....-, No.'of Snmpleo i{eSCarCn l'.LarJ.>:o"t Vesse1s Sa.mples ~ . Area Season .' Spread threUghout thc year IV VIIA: . VIIF-G - -- "n .... - tt VIIE Uo. of Fioh Heaoured .tv.red 185 20 958 1 223 45 14 72 9 665 3 983 14 015 352 244 266 Racial Investigatien - -- Samp1ing Date. tor LEt·ION SOLE -- .. Area. .. ,. No.' of Snnpleo uesearch Harket Vesse1s' So.mplcs Seasen , . Iio. of Fiah Ire n sured Agcd " ,': ·,·!Ra.cial ," Inv~stiga.tion '. VIIE ·e Spread throughout thc yea.r - 60 8 354 187. :.:.;J";:.-, - . ., ......... ,.,., . . .~ •• ~. . ' V' ' .. " < .. " Sampling Data. for TURBOT .. ._- . '." •• .L' Area Seasen IV Spread throughout the year .', No.'of Somploo UesearC!l i'1OXll:C't Scopleo Vesscls - 110 Iro. of Pioh NClJ.oured Agcd 5 957 - • . Ro.cial Investigatien - .' Sampling Do.ta for SPURDOGS -Area. IV Season Sprcad throughout thc ycar Uo •. of Sm:l.'Ploo Rcoco.=ch Uarket Sl'..t1J.)lOD Vcoaclo - 107 No. or Fioh Necm,u:ed. ÄS'od 9 038 1 529 Rc.ci 0.1 Invootigatien - - 32 2. Scotlan9: (R. Jones) Routine trawling surveys were carried out in the North Sea.in April .. and October/November and on the west coast in December 1972. These were used to determine the lengths and age compositions of the major demersal stocks and to obtain pre-recruit estimates of the year class strengths of haddook, whiting and No~~ay pout. Further estimates o~ the relative strengths of gadoid year class strengths were obtained by sampling O-group gadoids pelagically in the North Sea in July/August 1972.' Cod, haddock, whiting, hake, saithe, plaice, lemon sole~ and megrims were sampled at the principal Scottish tra\v1 and seine port's as in previous years. SampIes were measured and otolith sampIes were taken for age determination. These data formed the basis of material supplied to Annales Biologiques and to ICES Statistical NelfS Letters and were also used to provide forecasts for the major Scottish fisheries. Landings of HO~'TaY pout at Scottish ports "Tere moni"tored; sample's'" being taken from both foreign landings from the North Sea, and from ,Scottish landings from the Minch and Shetland waters. Variations in the fecundity of this species were investigated from research vessel sampIes. .. An exploratory fishing survey was carried out for sandeeIs off the' Scottish north and west coasts in June. Haddock, whiting, plaice and lemon sole were tagged in Scottish uaters, and further attempts were made to improve fish condition, by using a modified canvas codend instead of anormal netting codend. " ". Furtherfield and laboratory work was carried out on the hearing abilities of demersal species, inclding cod~ haddock~ plaice and dab. In addition, tracking experiments were performed using ultrasonic transmitters inserted in cod and skate at several Scottish aea lochs. The acoustic properties of cod swimbladders were investigated by means of a low frequency spectral response technique. Aquarium studies have been continued on the efficiency of food· conversion in gadoids and studies have been continued on the feeding _..-.. behaviour of gadoids. Analysis of demersal fish stomach contents has been continued with particular reference to differences in stomach contents be twen species and between different sized indivi~uals of the same species. The extensive survey of the occurrence of' a tapeworm larvae in the 1967 year class of North Sea whiting was completed; rotd investigations were continued on the occurrence of nematode larvae in tne musculature of cod, whiting and small gadoids in Scottish waters. The numbers of demersal fish measured and aged in 1972 are ShOl·r.n in the following table. e - 33 - SAMPLING DATA· FOR· DD4ERSAL FISH A. _ Gadoid rieb (All figuree in hundreds except for cod andhaddock which are , in thousands) I . Area HADDOCK COD WHITING ! Mea!A edi Mea- ! A edl wred) g ; eured , g i .SAITBE A ed IMea-. ,g sured Measured A g ! HAKE.! T. ESMARKI I - I A edi'Mea- I A ed ed,\I Mea eured l g . sured . g , ! 1) N. Sea j I -12) .. W•. 'Coa8t,~ 1) : I _. i 4~ - 1 i White Sea I I 1i - - 26 13 1) 34 - _' -2):.. + 11) - - - 12 ) - - + ... i I Ieeland 11) I i- 1 - I- ) 1· I - 1) .-. I B. ! .. ·':'PLAICE ! ~ MeasÜred Area _.- ~ N. Sea .. i, , 1) i Aged ! 533. 2) -+ I I - 1) ." '2) - - -1-- 2) - - I I, i 1) j 2) 12 + ." i Measured .. 121 .. '. I.1) ;"4jq + i i 17 I + I 2) + 1) 2) 13 Aged MmRIM MeE18ured ! .i. i I , 75 + 9 + + I I 1)' , 2) I I I I Ieeland ., 1) 2) White.Sea 1) 2) 24 + 19 + -- -- - - - - 1) Market sampling (1ata 2) Research vessel data Lese than 100 + 1) 152 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 25 + + 1 1 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) - - 2) - - 1) 2) - I ! 1 .. Aged 93 + 19 + - 1 + i iI I ., - i , .. - ',: , I ~ . , .! .. . I' Faroe - I Flatfish I I Coaet 2) I· '... I 'L»tON SOLE I. , + 1) I i 1) " i I 1) - i W. 9 39l ? 11) I~~ 2 25 12) . 44! 2 1 2) i I Faroe 5 1) 194, 2) ' . --- ! 1 i I i I ~ I - Ii -- I - I , - i ; ; , : I i !: - 34 U.S.S.R. (G. V. Nikolsky)· In 1972, as weIl as in previous years, the Polar Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanogrphy collected materi~ls for.determination . of abundance, size-age compoaition and distribution of cöd, haddock, redfiah, Greenland halibut and other bottom fish in all main fishing ~eas of the North Atlantic. The volume of material by areas is given in the following tables. The materials were collected on board research an scouting vessels. ~mrine In 1972 we worked at obtaining more precise evaludtion of the state of stocks of the main commercial species; conditions of survival of the young at diffferent stages of development were studied; ichthyoplaru{ton was collected and analysed; fisheries forecasts were made; l'1Ork:·st development of methods of fore casting was continued. The laboratory of the northeast ~tlantic of the Atlantic Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography carried out investigations in the North Sea and to the west of the British Isles. ~ In the North Se~ Soviet scientists paid much attention to investigations of stock state of haddock., coalfish, whiting snd Norway pout. Fox this purpose, we studied problems connected with the abundance of haddock year classes in their earlier stages of development and with the effect of changes of hydrographical conditions and zooplankton development on the survival of Spffinl and larvae. This work was carried-out during expeditions from February to April. Counting trffiil survey was conducted from January to April and from September to December to wtermine abundance dynamics of adult and immature year classes. The analysis of these data assisted the use of calculating methods for stock determina"tion. Biological information on gadoid fish and J:Torway pout was collected west of Great Britain. Fishery statistics w&re analysed for preparing the recommendations for the industry. Tbe Baltic Institute of Fisheries studied conditions and efficiency of reproduction, stock state and composition, peculiaritiesof distribution of cod and plaice, effect of feeding habits on some physiological features of cod (content of proteins and lipo~roteids in blood serum, liver weight, stages of gonad maturation), dates of different periods of the ycar cycle, effect of herring and sprat distribution peculiarities on their role as food for cod. The chair of fish biology of the Moscow State University continueu studying the peculiarities of reproduction and maturation of some fish species in the Ul'li te Sea - Liopsetta ~laCialis (PalI.) ,Ele.ej.!lus navaga (PalI.), ~oreogadus saida (Lepechin , Cyclopterus lumpus L. and also elucidating the specificity of physiological-biochemicaJ. indices of flounder Platichtys flesus (L) in different latitudes (the White,the Black and the Baltic Seas). • S:able 1. _. __ Eiological material collected and processed in the ]ear Island-Spitsbergen area in 1972 . Hass measu:ce ment Species. . Age No. of specimcns collected adult young -'--,. eod 29 53·8 Haclclock 7 415 Redfisb 78 106 Ealibut 17 636 Siüthe 532 2 677 1 292 4 880 1 983 10 Other species 41 912 1 269 . . Total ~ l75 199 I ~_b_~~ • t I . . . 2 111 3 171 706 1!'ield Fat- . Analysis Tagging ness of Feed 1 979 3 749 - - 1 428 - 256 1 11 422 242 - - 60 - 3 023 T:;:-ai'll sampIes of plankton col1. proc • - 8 479 2 202 4 796 IchthyoRing trawl plankton coll ~ .. proc. - . colL' " proc. 1 :t 7 626 2 407 29 499 . . . . ._ ________ L . , - . . Vl \Jl 42 ---~--- 42 ~ _ 42 42 84 84 ------- ----_._-- Tab1e 2. ~Cies I .Aue i'lass measurement ·No. of· spec. co11ected adult adult young 71 308 Haddock Redfish Ha1ibut 98 334 15 793 4 022 Sai'~he Total Field "Analysis Fatness of 1 571 47 079 7 222 4 172 5 549 3 434 697 2 370 793 74 3 626 - - - Tagging Plankton trawl samo1es 'Riru; travrl co11ected pro'cessed co11ected processed f~eding " - eod Other species Biological material col1ected and sprocessed in the Southern Baren'~s Sea in 1972 2 911: 3 200 - 14 030 I 11 545 3 472 1 8?5 378 358 1 560 5 391 393 902 , .. -238 107 --..,.--~-----_.- 17 961 9 976 6 111 36 641 3 213 ------ ----------------~~---------------~--~ 40 40 - , .. --~------ .. L 51 51 . . --------------------------: . • Table 3. • A Species Biological material collected and processed off the northl'Testern l\Torwegian Coast in 1972 Nass measurement adult : , Age collected adult young : 2edfisü Ha1ibut Saithe Other specics _. Tot8..1 2 351 ; 3 009 10 438 1 12 211 , ~ 104 1 ~10 - 111 : - - 1 61-0 ! 2 041 -. I Tagging RinJ'l: tr8,vTl co11ected - 1 134 1 447 1 653 - 2 294 89:6 Ichth;ron1ankton collectöd processed ; i ! ; - - - , I Haddock Fatness I ---_.. Cod Field Analysis of fee:iing ,, , "; 1 1 2 906 ~ : , '-t- ; 201 ; 10.6 , - .- ! 30 123 4 921 __ 207 __=________~~:~J_~_ ~~~ --------- ~------------------------------- 514 ----------- 1 508 139· ---------~~~--------. - 38. Tab1 e..A. Species .. Material collected and treated in the areas of Iceland, East Greenland and North Sea I i llfass A~e measure- No. of specime.ns Fatness men~s coilected --- Total Field analysis of fee.ding Tagging Area of Iceland 1 281 132 56 715 14 504 1 025 34- Oll Cod Haddock Halibut Redfish Saithe Other species . I -. - - 1 807 1 009 413 1 615 107 668 .. 406 150 1 035 556 5 879 -------- 1----------- --------------------------- 706 68 4 434 2 414 560 5 34·5 - 2 054 - 1 2 056 J.) 527 \ I---~--~.,.---- 1 ------~------- Greenland area Cod Haddock Halibut Redfish Saithe Other species Total 486 100 13 964 4 581 310 -600 - .. , 990 . 20 021 . - - 1 010 i 100 - ... -------- -----------1------------------ 100 --_._---- - 883 -- .. 101 23!? 2 052 - I 122 - . 101 3 289 ----------- 1- ... _ - - - - - - - - - - - - North Sea - Cod Haddock Halibut Redfish Saithe Other species 2 049 406 1 632 113· Total 7 766 90 3 995 412 - 1-------------- I 931 - - .- ----~--------------------------- - 80 438 I - - 366 310. 1 194 - - ; . -------------------- -----. • - 3-9 - • Table 5• Species Material collected and processed in the areas of the Hebrides and Faroes I Nass measurements I - .. t At!e No. of speoimens collectcd F ield analysis cf f eeding -------_.~-+ Ares of thc Hebride s - - 00<.1 Haddock Halibut Redfish Saithe Other species 300 300 231 - 30 1 185 - 5 372 - - -Total 6 788 300 30 - 1-- --------- -------------------- -----------------Arca cf thc Ocd Haddock Halibut nedfish Saithe Other spccies ---Total - 50 30 977 185 297 296 - 89 1 512 200 400 515 865 - 2 975 - ----------------------------------------------------i 360 Fa~ 18 76 225 , ---- I