National Survey of Student Engagement: 2013 Differences between First-Year Students and Seniors Engagement Indicators The NSSE 2013 data provides comparisons between first-year and senior students at UM. These are crosssectional results; that is, entering students’ responses are compared to students who are already seniors, so differences between the two groups could be due to differences already present (such as level of preparation for college) or to growth during the college experience. Demographically, however, these two samples are very similar (e.g. both 37% first-generation college students; 51% and 55% female). The following set of graphs depicts the proportion of student at each level who responded “sometimes,” “often,” or “very often” to the items posed on the NSSE that are directed at engagement both in and about of the classroom. For the 20 items, first-year and senior students were similar for about half of the items. For example, seniors report that they “asked questions or contributed to course discussions in other ways” more often than did first-year students, but the groups did not differ in their answer to whether they “prepared two or more drafts of a paper or assignment before turning it in.” NSSE Information Responses Asked questions or contributed to course discussion in other ways 100 90 80 70 22 42 60 36 50 40 30 Often 32 20 10 Sometimes Very Often 39 21 0 First-Year Seniors Prepared two or more drafts of a paper or assignment before turning it in 100 90 80 70 60 34 33 Sometimes 50 40 30 Often 28 28 22 21 First-Year Seniors Very Often 20 10 0 Come to class without completing readings or assigments 100 90 80 70 60 50 61 Sometimes 60 40 Very Often 30 20 10 0 Often 15 13 6 6 First-Year Seniors Attended an art exhibit, play or other arts performance (dance, music, etc.) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 Sometimes 40 42 Very Often 30 20 10 0 Often 19 14 9 10 First-Year Seniors Asked another student to help you understand course material 100 90 80 70 42 60 44 Sometimes 50 Often 40 30 38 31 11 13 First-Year Seniors 20 10 0 Very Often Explained course material to one or more students 100 90 80 70 42 34 60 Sometimes 50 42 40 30 40 Often Very Often 20 10 0 13 First-Year 21 Seniors Prepared for exams by discussing or working through course material with other students 100 90 80 70 60 41 34 Sometimes 50 Often 40 30 20 10 0 28 13 First-Year 29 20 Seniors Very Often Worked with other students on course projects or assigments 100 90 80 35 70 60 54 Sometimes 50 40 34 30 20 10 0 Often Very Often 25 8 First-Year 23 Seniors Gave a course presentation 100 90 80 70 38 60 50 40 Sometimes Often 48 31 30 20 10 16 0 4 First-Year 17 Seniors Very Often Combined ideas from different courses when completing assignments 100 90 80 70 36 60 35 50 40 30 0 Sometimes Often 44 20 10 24 Very Often 37 16 First-Year Seniors Connected your learning to societal problems or issues 100 90 80 70 43 30 60 Sometimes 50 34 40 30 10 0 Very Often 38 20 30 14 First-Year Often Seniors Included diverse perspectives (political, religious, racial/ethnic, gender, etc.) in course discussions or assignments 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 48 40 Sometimes Often 29 27 15 22 First-Year Seniors Very Often Examined the strengths and weaknesses of your own views on a topic or issue 100 90 80 70 35 34 60 Sometimes 50 40 30 44 39 16 21 First-Year Seniors 20 10 0 Often Very Often Tried to better understand someone elses views by imagining how an issue looks from his or her perspective 100 90 80 34 33 70 60 Sometimes 50 40 44 41 20 23 First-Year Seniors Often Very Often 30 20 10 0 Learned something that changed the way you understand an issue or concept 100 90 80 37 31 70 60 Sometimes 50 40 42 43 Very Often 30 20 10 Often 20 24 First-Year Seniors 0 Connected ideas from your courses to your prior experiences and knowledge 100 90 80 22 14 70 60 50 46 44 Often 40 Very Often 30 20 10 Sometimes 31 40 0 First-Year Seniors Talked about career plans with a faculty member 100 90 80 70 40 60 50 46 Often 40 Very Often 30 20 10 0 Sometimes 25 20 6 First-Year 16 Seniors Worked with a faculty member on activites other than coursework (committees, student groups, etc.) 100 90 80 70 60 Sometimes 50 33 40 30 20 10 0 Often Very Often 29 7 2 First-Year 15 12 Seniors Discussed course topics, ideas or concepts with a faculty member outside of class 100 90 80 70 60 44 50 40 30 Often 0 Very Often 47 21 20 10 Sometimes 9 3 13 First-Year Seniors Discussed your academic performance with a faculty member 100 90 80 70 60 46 50 40 51 10 0 Often Very Often 30 20 Sometimes 19 13 4 10 First-Year Seniors