Artif Life Robotics (2003) 7:1-5 DOI 10.1007/s10015-003-0229-9 9 ISAROB 2003 Lynne E. Parker Current research in multirobot systems Received and accepted: January 10, 2003 Abstract A s research progresses in distributed robotic systems, m o r e and m o r e aspects of m u l t i r o b o t systems are being explored. This article describes advances in multirobot systems, and surveys the current state of the art. The focus is principally on research that has been d e m o n strated in physical r o b o t implementations. I have identified eight p r i m a r y research topics within m u l t i r o b o t systems biological inspirations, communication, architectures, localization/mapping/exploration, object transport and manipulation, m o t i o n coordination, reconfigurable robots, and learning - and discuss the current state of research in these areas. A s I describe each research area, I identify some k e y o p e n issues in m u l t i r o b o t t e a m research, and conclude by identifying several additional o p e n research issues in distributed mobile r o b o t i c systems. Key words M u l t i r o b o t systems 9 Survey 9 Distributed robotics 1 Introduction T h e field of distributed robotics has its origins in the late 1980s, when several researchers b e g a n investigating issues in multiple m o b i l e r o b o t systems. Prior to this time, research had c o n c e n t r a t e d on either single r o b o t systems or distributed problem-solving systems that did not involve robotic components. The topics of particular interest in this early distributed robotics work include those listed below. robot sysWms , such as the work by F u k u d a and N a k a g a w a 1 on the cellular robotic system ( C E B O T ) , and the work on cyclic swarms by Beni. 2 -Multirobot m o t i o n planning, such as the w o r k by P r e m v u t i and Yuta 3 on traffic control, and the w o r k on m o v e m e n t in formations by A r a i et al. 4 and Wang. 5 - Architectures f o r m u l t i r o b o t cooperation, such as the work on A C T R E S S by A s a m a et al. 6 - Cellular (or reconfigurable) Since this early research in distributed mobile robotics, the field has grown dramatically, with a much wider variety o f topics being addressed. This article examines the current state of the art in a u t o n o m o u s multiple mobile r o b o t i c systems. T h e field of cooperative a u t o n o m o u s mobile robotics is still so new that no topic a r e a within this d o m a i n can be considered to b e mature. Some areas have b e e n e x p l o r e d m o r e extensively, however, and the community is beginning to u n d e r s t a n d how to develop and control certain aspects of m u l t i r o b o t teams. Thus, r a t h e r t h a n summarize the research into a t a x o n o m y of cooperative systems (see D u d e k et al. 7 and Cao et al. 8 for previous r e l a t e d summaries), I organize this study by the principal topic areas that have g e n e r a t e d significant levels of research, to the extent possible in a limited space. As I p r e s e n t the review, ! identify key o p e n research issues within each topic area. I conclude by suggesting additional research issues that have not yet been extensively studied, but a p p e a r to be of growing interest and n e e d in distributed a u t o n o m o u s m u l t i r o b o t systems. 2 Biological inspirations L.E. Parker ( ~ ) University of Tennessee, Department of Computer Science, 203 Claxton Complex, 1122 Volunteer Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37996-3450, USA Tel. +1-865-974-4394; Fax +1-865-974-4404 e-mail: This work was presented, in part, at the Seventh International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan. January 16-18, 2002 Nearly all the work in cooperative mobile robotics began after the introduction of the new robotics p a r a d i g m of b e h a v i o r - b a s e d control. 9'~~ This b e h a v i o r - b a s e d p a r a d i g m has had a strong influence in much cooperative mobile robotics research. Because the b e h a v i o r - b a s e d p a r a d i g m for mobile robotics is r o o t e d in biological inspirations, many cooperative robotics researchers have also found it instruc- 2 tive to examine the social characteristics of insects and animals, and to apply these findings to the design of multirobot systems. The most c o m m o n application of this knowledge is in the use of the simple local control rules of various biological societies - particularly ants, bees, and birds - in the development of similar behaviors in cooperative robot systems. Work in this vein has demonstrated the ability of multirobot teams to flock, disperse, aggregate, forage, and follow trails (e.g., Mataric, 11 D e n e u b o u r g et al., ~2 and Drogoul and Ferberl3). The application of the dynamics of ecosystems has also been applied to the development of multirobot teams that demonstrate emergent cooperation as a result of acting on selfish interests. 14 To some extent, cooperation in higher animals, such as wolf packs, has generated advances in cooperative control. Significant study into predator-prey systems has occurred, although primarily in simulations. 15'16 Competition in multirobot systems, such as that found in higher animals, including humans, is beginning to be studied in domains such as multirobot s o c c e r . ~7'~8 These areas of biological inspiration and their applicability to multirobot teams seem to be fairly well understood. More recently identified, and less well understood, biological topics of relevance include the use of imitation in higher animals to learn new behaviors, and the physical interconnectivity demonstrated by insects such as ants to allow collective navigation over challenging terrains. 4 Architectures, task planning, and control A great deal of research in distributed robotics has focused on the development of architectures, task-planning capabilities, and control. This research area addresses the issues of action selection, the delegation of authority and control, the communication structure, heterogeneity versus homogeneity in robots, achieving coherence in local actions, the resolution of conflicts, and other related issues. Each architecture that has been developed for multirobot teams tends to focus on providing a specific type of capability to the distributed robot team. Capabilities that have received particular attention include task planning, 25 fault tolerance, 26 swarm control, 27the h u m a n design of mission plans, 2s and so forth. A general research question in this vein is whether specialized architectures for each type of robot team and/or application domain are needed, or whether a more general architecture can be developed that can easily be tailored to fit a wider range of multirobot systems. Relatively little previous work has been aimed at unifying these architectures. Perhaps an all-encompassing architecture would be too unwieldy to implement in practical applications. It remains to be seen if a single general architecture for multirobot teams can be developed that is applicable to a much wider variety of domains than is currently possible with existing architectures. r 3 Communication 5 Localization, mapping, and exploration The issue of communication in multirobot teams has been studied extensively since the inception of distributed robotics research. Distinctions between implicit and explicit communication are usually made, in which implicit communication occurs as a side effect of other actions, or "through the world," whereas explicit communication is a specific act designed solely to convey information to other robots on the team. Several researchers have studied the effect of communication on the performance of multirobot teams in a variety of tasks, and have concluded that communication provides certain benefits for particular types of task. ~9,z~These researchers have also found that in many cases, communication of even a small amount of information can lead to great benefit. 2~ More recent work in multirobot communication has focused on representations of languages and the grounding of these representations in the physical world. 21aaThis work has also extended to achieving fault-tolerance in multirobot communication, such as setting up and maintaining distributed comnmnications networks 23 and ensuring reliability in multirobot communications. 24 While progress is being made in these more recent issues of communication, much work remains to be done in order to enable multirobot teams to operate reliably in faulty communication environments. A n extensive amount of research has been carried out in the areas of localization, mapping, and exploration for single autonomous robots, but only fairly recently has this been applied to multirobot teams. In addition, nearly all of this research has taken an existing algorithm developed for single-robot mapping, localization, or exploration, and extended it to multiple robots, as opposed to developing a new algorithm that is fundamentally distributed. One exception is some of the work in multirobot localization, which takes advantage of multiple robots to improve positioning accuracy beyond what is possible with single r o b o t s Y '3~ As is the case with single-robot approaches to localization, mapping, and exploration, research into the multirobot version can be described using familiar categories based on the use of landmarks, 31 scan-matching, 32 and/ or graphs, 33 and using either range sensors (such as sonar or laser) or vision sensors. While the single-robot version of this problem is fairly well understood, much work remains to be done on the multirobot version. For example, one question is about the effectiveness of multir0bot teams over single-robot versions, and to what extent adding additional robots brings diminishing returns. This issue has begun to be studied, but much remains to be determined for the variety of approaches available for localization, mapping, and exploration. 3 6 Object transport and manipulation E n a b l i n g multiple robots to carry, push, or m a n i p u l a t e comm o n objects cooperatively has b e e n a long-standing, yet difficult, goal of multirobot systems. M a n y research projects have dealt with this topic area; few have b e e n d e m o n s t r a t e d on physical r o b o t systems. This research area has a n u m b e r of practical applications that m a k e it of particular interest for study. N u m e r o u s variations on this task area have been studied, including constrained and unconstrained motions, twor o b o t teams versus "swarm"-type teams, compliant versus non-compliant grasping mechanisms, cluttered versus uncluttered environments, global system models versus distributed models, and so forth. Perhaps the most d e m o n strated task involving cooperative transport is the pushing of objects by multirobot teams. 34'35 This task seems inherently easier than the carry task, in which multiple robots must grip c o m m o n objects and then navigate to a destination in a c o o r d i n a t e d fashion. 36'37 A novel form of m u l t i r o b o t t r a n s p o r t a t i o n that has b e e n d e m o n s t r a t e d is the use of ropes w r a p p e d around objects to m o v e t h e m along the desired trajectories. 38 Nearly all of the previous work in this a r e a work involves robots moving across a flat surface. A challenging o p e n issue is cooperative transport over uneven o u t d o o r terrains. this area until the last few years. M o r e recent w o r k has resulted in a n u m b e r of actual physical r o b o t systems that are able to reconfigure. The m o t i v a t i o n for this work is to achieve function from shape, allowing individual modules, or robots, to connect and r e c o n n e c t in various ways to generate a desired shape to serve a n e e d e d function. These systems have the theoretical capability of showing great robustness, versatility, and even self-repair. Most of the work in this a r e a involves identical modules with interconnection mechanisms that allow either m a n u a l or a u t o m a t i c reconfiguration. T h e s e systems have been shown to form into various navigation configurations, including a rolling track m o t i o n , 44 a n e a r t h w o r m or snake motion, 44'45 and a spider or h e x a p o d motion. 44'45 S o m e systems e m p l o y a cube-type arrangement, with m o d u l e s which are able to connect in various ways to form matrices or lattices for specific functions. 46 49 R e s e a r c h in this area is still very new, and most of the systems d e v e l o p e d are not yet able to p e r f o r m anything except simple l a b o r a t o r y experiments. While the potential of large n u m b e r s of r o b o t m o d u l e s has, to some extent, b e e n d e m o n s t r a t e d in simulations, it is still u n c o m m o n to have i m p l e m e n t a t i o n s involving m o r e than a d o z e n or so physical modules. The practical applications of these systems are y e t to be d e m o n s t r a t e d , although progress is being m a d e in that direction. Clearly, this is a rich area for continuing advances in multirobot systems. 7 Motion coordination 9 Learning A p o p u l a r topic of study in m u l t i r o b o t teams is that of m o t i o n coordination. Research themes in this d o m a i n that have b e e n particularly well studied include m u l t i r o b o t p a t h planning, 39 traffic control, 3 f o r m a t i o n generation, 4 and formation keeping. 5'4~M o s t of these issues are now fairly well understood, although demonstrations of these techniques in physical m u l t i r o b o t teams (rather than in simulation) have been limited. M o r e recent issues studied within the m o t i o n coordination context are target tracking, 41 target search, 42 and multirobot docking 43 behaviors. Nearly all the previous work has been aimed at 2D domains, although some has b e e n directed at 3D environments. 39 O n e of the most limiting characteristics of much of the existing path-planning w o r k is the c o m p u t a t i o n a l complexity of the approaches. P e r h a p s as computing processor speeds increase, the c o m p u t a t i o n a l time will take care of itself. In the meantime, this characteristic is a limiting factor to the applicability of much of the path-planning research in dynamic, real-time r o b o t teams. 8 Reconfigurable robotics E v e n though some of the earliest research in distributed robotics focused on concepts for reconfigurable distributed systems, 1'2 relatively little further work had been done in M a n y m u l t i r o b o t researchers believe that an a p p r o a c h with m o r e potential for the d e v e l o p m e n t of cooperative control mechanisms is a u t o n o m o u s learning. While a considerable a m o u n t of w o r k has b e e n done in this a r e a for multiagent learning, 5~s o m e w h a t less w o r k has been accomplished to date in multirobot learning. The types of application that are typically studied for this area of m u l t i r o b o t learning vary considerably in their characteristics. Some of the applications include p r e d a t o r / p r e y , 15'1~ box-pushing, 51 f o r a g i n g y multirobot soccer, 17'18'52 and cooperative target observation. 41 Particularly challenging domains for multirobot learning are those tasks that are inherently cooperative, i.e., tasks in which the utility of the action of one r o b o t is d e p e n d e n t upon the current actions of the o t h e r t e a m members. Inherently cooperative tasks cannot be d e c o m p o s e d into indep e n d e n t subtasks to be solved by a distributed r o b o t team. Instead, the success of the t e a m t h r o u g h o u t its execution is m e a s u r e d by the c o m b i n e d actions of the r o b o t team, rather than by individual r o b o t actions. This type of task is a particular challenge in multirobot learning owing to the difficulty of assigning credit for the individual actions of the r o b o t t e a m members. M u l t i r o b o t learning in general, and inherently cooperative task-learning in particular, are areas in which significant research into m u l t i r o b o t systems remains to be done. 10 Additional open issues in distributed autonomous mobile robotics It is clear that since the inception of the field of distributed a u t o n o m o u s mobile robotics less than two decades ago, significant progress has b e e n m a d e on a n u m b e r of imp o r t a n t issues. T h e field has a g o o d understanding of the biological parallels that can be drawn, the use of communication in multirobot teams, and the design of architectures for m u l t i r o b o t control. C o n s i d e r a b l e progress has been m a d e in multirobot localization/mapping/exploration, cooperative object transport, and motion coordination. R e c e n t progress is beginning to advance the areas of reconfigurable robotics and m u l t i r o b o t learning. Of course, none of these areas have yet b e e n fully studied; we have identified key o p e n research challenges for the areas described in the previous sections. Several other research challenges still remain, including those listed below. - H o w do we identify and quantify the f u n d a m e n t a l advantages and characteristics of m u l t i r o b o t systems? H o w do we enable humans to control m u l t i r o b o t teams easily? - Can we scale-up to d e m o n s t r a t i o n s involving m o r e than a b o u t 12 robots? - I s passive action recognition possible in multirobot teams? H o w can we enable physical m u l t i r o b o t systems to work u n d e r hard real-time constraints? - H o w does the complexity of the task and of the environm e n t affect the design of multirobot systems? - - These and other issues in m u l t i r o b o t c o o p e r a t i o n should k e e p the research community busy for m a n y years to come. Acknowledgments This work was sponsored in part by the Engineering Research Program of the Office of Basic Energy Sciences, US Department of Energy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Accordingly, the US Government retains a nonexclnsive, royalty-flee license to publish or reproduce the published form of this contribution, or allow others to do so, for US Government purposes. 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