For office use only: THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA SCHOOL OF MUSIC School o f Date received:___ APPLICATION FOR GRADUATE MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP Area coordinator: MARCH 1 DEADLINE The University of Montana N am e:_______________________________________________________________ T oday's Date:____________________ Street: C ity:__________________________________State:__________ Z ip ; Phone:________________________________________________ Student ID/SS #\_________________________________ E -M ail A ddress:________________________________________________________________________________________ I w ish to audition on the following instrum ent(s):_________________________________________________________ Vocalists please circle your voice part: Soprano A lto T enor Bass L ist several com positions (and the com poser) from your studies: I will audition (circle on): By video cassette or DVD In person (Date: (Please see our audition requirem ents) College attended:_______________________________ G raduation year:___________________ ) C urrent G P A :--------------------- W hich degree do you intend to p u rs u e ? ______________________________________________________________________________ Have you applied to The U niversity o f M ontana?________________________ Have you been adm itted?____________________ W hen do you plan to enter?_______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. PR O C E D U R E F O R A PPL Y IN G F O R SCH OLARSH IPS A long w ith this application, subm it three letters o f recom m endation regarding your perform ance ability and potential. A udition personally for a m em ber o f The U niversity o f M ontana School o f M usic faculty or subm it a tape representative o f your ability. Please see our audition requirem ents on back or visit our website as listed below. DEADLINE FOR SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION IS MARCH 1 A pplications arriving after this date will be considered i f funds are available. Send application m aterials to: D r. M axine Ram ey D irector School o f M usic The U niversity o f M ontana M issoula, M T 59812 Original in student file xc: Area coordinator Phone: 406-243-6880 Email: griz.m usic@ um W ebsite: w w w .u m usic Fax: 406-243-2441 Scholarships are available to qualified students without regard to race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex or handicap. G raduate Scholarship and Entrance Audition Requirements Piano Two contrasting pieces from the standard repertoire (no arrangem ents please), at least one o f which is mem orized. Example: Bach Invention or Prelude &Fugue, Haydn, M ozart or Beethoven Sonata m ovem ents; D ebussy Preludes; Chopin Nocturnes, Preludes; Brahms Intermezzi; 20th century works Bartok, Prokofiev, Ginastera, and Shostakovich. Y ou are n o t lim ited to abovem entioned works or composers. In addition to your repertoire presentation, you will present scales and arpeggios, 4 Octaves. You will also receive a sight reading exam at the audition. Organ 1. At least 5 years o f private piano study prior to entering the University. Prior organ study is not m andatory for acceptance into the organ program. 2. Perform ance o f two contrasting pieces from standard piano or organ repertoire. Exam ples (piano): SEE ABOVE, Exam ples (organ): Eight little Preludes and Fugues o f Bach; chorale preludes b y Buxtehude, Pachelbel, W alther, Chorale Preludes by Brahm s; M endelssohn sonata m ovem ents; church service music. You are not limited to the abovem entioned works or composers, hi addition to your repertoire presentation, you will play a hymn o f your choice, and receive a sight reading exam. Requirem ents for scholarship consideration are the same as the entrance requirem ents lists above. For m ove info: Prof. Steven Hesla 406-243-6055 steven.hesla@ um Dr. N ancy Cooper (organ) nancy, cooper@ um Voice 1. All new /transfer students desiring to becom e voice m ajors m ay audition for scholarships. Only m usic m ajors with voice as their principal instrum ent will receive scholarships. 2. The tim es and locations for the auditions will be available from the m usic office and/or the vocal bulletin board as part o f the audition day schedule. 3. Please Arrive 10 m inutes early to fill out an audition form. 4. Vocal Perform ance majors, please prepare 5 mem orized pieces in four languages, one m ust be an aria and one a 20th century piece. 5. M usical Theater majors, prepare 2 m em orized m usical theater songs in contrasting styles &2 mem orized dram atic m onologues in contrasting styles. A dance solo is optional. If you are preparing a dance solo for a live audition, bring a recorded accom panim ent on CD or MP3 file. monologue. A dance solo is optional. 5. An accom panist will be provided. Please supply a copy o f your m usic for the accom panist. The m usic m ust be printed in the same key th at you sing. Do not ask the accom panist to transpose. If you are perform ing a dance solo, bring either tape or CD recording. 6. Those students who receive and accept a m usic scholarship are not required to audition again. Students who are not offered scholarships m ust re-audition in the summ er or fall to get into a voice studio. 7. All new /transfer students who wish to becom e voice m ajors m ust audition to be accepted into the vocal area. Requirements for scholarship consideration are the same as entrance requirem ents listed above. For m ore info: Dr. David Cody (m usical theater) david.cody@ um Dr. K im berly James (vocal perf.) kimberly.j am es@ um Strings 1. 3 octave m ajor and/or m inor scale 2. 10 m inute perform ance o f w ork or works from the standard repertory dem onstrating contrasting style, tempo, technique, and/or articulation. Representative Repertoire for Orchestral String Instruments: (this list represents sample repertoire only and is not m eant as an exclusive listing o f works). Violin: Concertos by J.S. Bach, Haydn, M ozart, Vivaldi, Bruch, M endelssohn; Six Handel Sonatas; Schubert or D vorak Sonatinas; Unaccompanied Bach Sonatas or Partitas; M ozart or Beethoven Sonatas. Viola: Concertos by Telemann, J.C. Bach, Hoffm eism ter; Marcello Sonata in G m ajor; M ozart Sonantina in C; Five Old Dances by Marais; Bloch Suites for Viola. Cello: Concertos by Goltennann, Boccherini, Haydn, Saint Saens; Sonatas by Vivaldi, Handel, Sammartini; Fame Elegie; Bruch Kol Nidrei; Unaccompanied Suites by J.S. Bach. String Bass: Concertos by Capuzzi, Elragonetti, Dittersdorf; Sonatas by Marcello, Vivaldi, Handel, Galliard, Eccles, Romberg, Telemann; Progressive Repertoire b y George Vance, Books 46 Guitar: Concertos by Vivaldi, CastenuovoTedesco, Rodrigo, Giuliani. Solo works and/or Etudes by Dowland, Milan, Sanz, Visee, Weiss, Bach, Scarlatti, Sor, Giuliani, Llobet, Tarrega, Albeniz, Torroba, Ponce, Villa-Lobos, Brouwer. Requirements for scholarship consideration are the same as the entrance requirem ents listed above. For m ore info: Dr. M argaret Baldridge 406-243-6112 m argaret.baldrdige@ um Woodwind Requirem ents for all new and transfer students wishing to enter into W oodwind studios as m usic m ajors or m inors are as follows: 1. Chrom atic scale ascending and descending fiill range o f instrum ent in slurred 16th note patterns at quarter note=60. 2. All m ajor scales, ascending and descending two com plete octaves* slurred 16th notes at quarter note=60. C larinets: E, F, G scales should be perform ed 3 octaves. Saxophone and oboes: F#, G, Ab and A should be perform ed one octave. B assoons: Bb, B and C should be perform ed 3 octaves. 3. Two contrasting solos or etudes dem onstrating lyrical and technical com m and o f the instrument. 4. All students are expected to sight read during the audition. 5. Oboists and bassoonist are expected to have m inimal basic skills in the art o f reed m aking. Requirements for scholarship consideration are the same as the entrance requirem ents listed above. For m ore info: Dr. Jennifer Cavanaugh jennifer.cavanaugli@ Percussion 1. Student m ust perform on Snare Drum and at least one o f the other area listed below. Snare Drum: Rudiments: Flam, Flam-tap, Paradiddle, 5 stroke roll, Single stroke roll [Play each open (slow) to closed (fast as possible) to open] Buzz Roll: P lay 16 count buzz roll starting pp, crescendo to ff and dim inuendo to pp Solo: Perform a prepared solo (rudim ental or orchestral) of appropriate difficulty M allet K eyboard: Perform a prepared solo or etude o f appropriate difficulty T im pani: Perform a prepared solo or etude Drum set: Styles: Dem onstrate ability to play the follow ing styles: m edium swing, up tem po swing, bossa-nova, samba, 16-note based funk. Phrase every four bars with a light fill. Soloing: Pick one or m ore o f the above styles and trade fours with yourself (play 4 bars o f time, 4 bars or solo and repeat). You m ay also play a prepared written solo. M ultiple Percussion: Perform a prepared solo or etude. 2. Student m ust bring his/her own sticks and m allets. The University will provide the instruments. Brass French Horn: 1. All M ajor scales. 2. Two m inor scales (student's choice). 3. Chrom atic scale (low C to high C). 4. Solo or etude o f lyrical style. 5. Solo or etude o f faster, technical style. Solos and Etudes should be selected to dem onstrate the student's tone, range, rhythm, intonation and technique. Low Brass: Chrom atic scale from low E to high Bb tongue and slurred separately. Trom bone and Euphonium: a selected etude from R ochut's M elodious Etudes Vol. I. Tuba: A selected etude from B ordogni's Bel Canto Studies. Excerpts from a prepared solo performed at district or state m usic festival. Trumpet: 1. Slurred chromatic scale from low F-sharp to high C in eight notes. 2. Choose either A or B: A: prepared solo or etude o f appropriate difficulty and should dem onstrate both lyrical and technical playing, (possibly y o u 're prepared solo perform ance at district and/or state m usic festival.) B: The required All-State M aterial for your state for this year. 3. Sight reading Requirem ents for scholarship Consideration are the same as the Entrance requirem ents listed above. For m ore info: Dr. James Smart 406-243-4382 Some Representative Solo Material Sources: Snare D rum : W ilcoxon, The AllAm erican Drummer, 150 Solos W ilcoxon, Solos for the Advanced Swing Drum m er Pratt, 14 Contest Solos W haley, Recital Solos M allet Percussion: Goldenberg, M odem School for Xylophone, Vibraphone & M arim ba (Play any o f the etudes in the back) M cMillan, M asterpieces for M arim ba Pimental/M oore, The Solo M arim bist Rubank/Q uick, Soloist Folio W haley, M usical Studies for the Intermediate M allet Player Hatch, Challenge Peters (any o f his solos), M usser (any o f his solos) T im pani: Firth, the Solo T im panist Schistine, The D eveloping Solo Tim panist W haley, Solos and Duets for Timpani M ultiple Percussion: O 'Reilly, Solos for the Percussion Player Goldenburg, Studies in Solo Percussion Kraft, M orris Dance Kraft, French Suite Beck, Episode for Solo Percussion Requirements for scholarship consideration are the same as the entrance requirem ents listed above. For m ore info: Dr. Robert LedBetter 406-243-4819 robert.ledbetter@ um M M Ih e U niversity ot M ontana