For office use only: THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA SCHOOL OF MUSIC APPLICATION FOR MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP MARCH 1 DEADLINE School o f Date received:___ Area coordinator: The University of Montana PROCEDURE FO R APPLYING FOR SCHOLARSHIPS 1. Submit this scholarship application form. 2. Ask your principal or counselor to submit the Recommendation Form. (If transfer student we willneed a transcript from your previous school.) 3. Have your high school or private music teacher submit a letter o f recommendation. 4. Audition personally for a member o f The University o f Montana School o f Music faculty or submit a tape/CD representative o f your ability. Please see our audition requirements on back or visit our website as listed below. .T oday's Date: Name: _Cit\y_ Street: Phone: State: E-mail Address _Zipj_ Student ID or SN I wish to audition on the following instruments}:____ Vocalists please check your voice part:______Soprano Number o f years o f private study: Alto Tenor Bass Baritone ________________ Private teacher's name and a d d ress:________________ For each instrument, list several compositions (and the composer) from your studies: I will audition (check one): ByC D ______ in p e rso n _____ D a te :______________________________________ (Please see our audition requirements pg 2) High School(s) attended:__________________________________________ Graduation y e a r:_______ Current G P A :___ List any post-high school education_______________________________________________________________________ In what field do you intend to major at college?____________________________________________________________ Have you applied to The University o f M ontana?_______________________Have you been admitted? ___________ W hen do you plan to enter?______________________________________________________________________________ DEADLIN E F O R SC H O LA RSH IP A PPLIC A T IO N IS M A R C H 1. Applications arriving after this date will be considered if funds are available. Send /Fax application materials to: Dr. Maxine Ramey, Director School o f Music University o f Montana Missoula, MT 59812 Original in student file Phone: 406- 243-6880 Email: griz. xc: Area coordinator Website: Fax: 406-243-2441 Scholarships are available to qualified students without regard to race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex or handicap. Scholarship and Entrance Audition Requirements Piano Two contrasting pieces from the standard repertoire (no arrangem ents please), at least one o f which is mem orized. Example: Bach Invention or Prelude &Fugue, Haydn, M ozart or Beethoven Sonata m ovem ents; D ebussy Preludes; Chopin Nocturnes, Preludes; Brahms Intermezzi; 20th century works Bartok, Prokofiev, Ginastera, and Shostakovich. Y ou are not lim ited to abovem entioned works or composers. In addition to your repertoire presentation, you will present scales and arpeggios, 4 Octaves. You will also receive a sight reading exam at the audition. Organ 1. At least 5 years o f private piano study prior to entering the University. Prior organ study is not m andatory for acceptance into the organ program. 2. Perform ance o f two contrasting pieces from standard piano or organ repertoire. Exam ples (piano): SEE ABOVE Exam ples (organ): Eight little Preludes and Fugues o f Bach; chorale preludes b y Buxtehude, Pachelbel, W alther, Chorale Preludes by Brahm s; M endelssohn sonata m ovem ents; church service music. Y ou are not limited to the abovem entioned works or composers. In addition to your repertoire presentation, you will play a hym n o f your choice, and receive a sight reading exam. Requirem ents for scholarship consideration are the same as the entrance requirem ents lists above. For m ore info: Prof. Steven Hesla 406-243-6055 steven.hesla@ um Dr. N ancy Cooper (organ) nancy, cooper@ um Voice 1. All new /transfer students desiring to becom e voice m ajors m ay audition for scholarships. Only m usic m ajors with voice as their principal instrum ent will receive scholarships. 2. Auditions will be held in Room 10 (basem ent level) in Professor B asinski's office. The tim es for the auditions will be available from the m usic office and/or the vocal bulletin board as part o f the audition day schedule. 3. Please Arrive 10 m inutes early to fill out an audition form. 4. Be prepared to sing 2 songs or arias by b y memory. O ne o f the selections m ust be in a foreign language. 5. An accom panist will be provided. Y ou m ust bring a copy o f your music for the accom panist. The m usic m ust be printed in the same key that you sing. Do not ask the accom panist to transpose. 6. Those students who receive and accept a m usic scholarship are not required to audition again. Students who are not offered scholarships m ust re-audition in the summer or fall to get into a voice studio. 7. All new /transfer students who wish to becom e voice m ajors m ust audition to be accepted into the vocal area. Requirem ents for scholarship consideration are the same as entrance requirem ents listed above. For m ore info: Prof. Anne Basinski anne.basinski@ Strings 1. 3 octave m ajor and/or m inor scale 2. 10 m inute perform ance o f w ork or works from the standard repertory dem onstrating contrasting style, tempo, technique, and/or articulation. Representative Repertoire for O rchestral String Instruments: (this list represents sam ple repertoire only and is n ot m eant as an exclusive listing o f works). Violin: Concertos by J.S. Bach, Haydn, M ozart, Vivaldi, Bruch, M endelssohn; Six Handel Sonatas; Schubert or D vorak Sonatinas; Unaccompanied Bach Sonatas or Partitas; M ozart or Beethoven Sonatas. Viola: Concertos by Telemann, J.C. Bach, Hoffm eism ter; Marcello Sonata in G m ajor; M ozart Sonantina in C; Five Old Dances by Marais; Bloch Suites for Viola. Cello: Concertos by G oltennann, Boccherini, Haydn, Saint Saens; Sonatas by Vivaldi, Handel, Sammartini; Fame Elegie; Bruch Kol Nidrei; Unaccompanied Suites by J.S. Bach. String Bass: Concertos by Capuzzi, Elragonetti, Dittersdorf; Sonatas by Marcello, Vivaldi, Handel, Galliard, Eccles, Romberg, Telemann; Progressive Repertoire b y George Vance, Books 46 Guitar: Concertos by Vivaldi, CastenuovoTedesco, Rodrigo, Giuliani. Solo works and/or Etudes by Dowland, M ilan, Sanz, Visee, Weiss, Bach, Scarlatti, Sor, Giuliani, Llobet, Tarrega, Albeniz, Torroba, Ponce, Villa-Lobos, Brouwer. Requirem ents for scholarship consideration are the same as the entrance requirem ents listed above. For m ore info: Dr. M argaret Baldridge m argaret.baldrdige@ um Woodwind Requirem ents for all new and transfer students wishing to enter into woodwind studios as m usic m ajors or m inors are as follows: 1. Chrom atic scale ascending and descending fiill range o f instrum ent in slurred 16th note patterns at quarter note=60. 2. All m ajor scales, ascending and descending two com plete octaves* slurred 16th notes at quarter note=60. C larinets: E,F,G scales should be perform ed 3 octaves. Saxophone and oboes: F#, G, Ab and A should be perform ed one octave. B assoons: Bb, B and C should be perform ed 3 octaves. 3. Two contrasting solos or etudes dem onstrating lyrical and technical com m and o f the instrument. 4. All students are expected to sight read during the audition. 5. Oboists and bassoonist are expected to have m inim al basic skills in the art o f reed m aking. Requirements for scholarship consideration are the same as the entrance requirem ents listed above. For m ore info: Dr. Jennifer Cavanaugh jennifer.cavanaugli@ Brass French Horn: 1. All M ajor scales. 2. Two m inor scales (student's choice). 3. Chrom atic scale (low C to high C). 4. Solo or etude o f lyrical style. 5. Solo or etude o f faster, technical style. Solos and Etudes should be selected to dem onstrate the student's tone, range, rhythm, intonation and technique. Low Brass: Chrom atic scale from low E to high Bb tongue and slurred separately. Trom bone and Euphonium: a selected etude from R ochut's M elodious Etudes Vol. I. Tuba: A selected etude from B ordogni's Bel Canto Studies. Excerpts from a prepared solo performed at district or state m usic festival. Trumpet: 1. Slurred chromatic scale from low F-sharp to high C in eight notes. 2. Choose either A or B: A: prepared solo or etude o f appropriate difficulty and should dem onstrate both lyrical and technical playing, (possibly y o u 're prepared solo perform ance at district and/or state m usic festival.) B: The required All-State M aterial for your state for this year. 3. Sight reading Requirements for scholarship Consideration are the same as the Entrance requirem ents listed above. 5 stroke roll, Single stroke roll [Play each open (slow) to closed (fast as possible) to open] Buzz Roll: P lay 16 count buzz roll starting pp, crescendo to ff and dim inuendo to pp Solo: Perform a prepared solo (rudim ental or orchestral) of appropriate difficulty M allet K eyboard: Perform a prepared solo or etude o f appropriate difficulty T im pani: Perform a prepared solo or etude Drum set: Styles: Dem onstrate ability to play the follow ing styles: m edium swing, up tem po swing, bossa-nova, samba, 16-note based funk. Phrase every four bars with a light fill. Soloing: Pick one or m ore o f the above styles and trade fours with yourself (play 4 bars o f time, 4 bars or solo and repeat). You m ay also play a prepared written solo. M ultiple Percussion: Perform a prepared solo or etude. 2. Student m ust bring his/her own sticks and m allets. The University will provide the instruments. Some Representative Solo Material Sources: Snare D rum : W ilcoxon, The AllAm erican Drummer, 150 Solos W ilcoxon, Solos for the Advanced Swing Drum m er Pratt, 14 Contest Solos W haley, Recital Solos M allet Percussion: Goldenberg, M odem School for Xylophone, Vibraphone & M arim ba (Play any o f the etudes in the back) M cMillan, M asterpieces for M arim ba Pimental/M oore, The Solo M arim bist Rubank/Q uick, Soloist Folio W haley, M usical Studies for the Intermediate M allet Player Hatch, Challenge Peters (any o f his solos), M usser (any o f his solos) T im pani: Firth, the Solo T im panist Schistine, The D eveloping Solo Tim panist W haley, Solos and Duets for Timpani M ultiple Percussion: O 'Reilly, Solos for the Percussion Player Goldenburg, Studies in Solo Percussion Kraft, M orris Dance Kraft, French Suite Beck, Episode for Solo Percussion Requirements for scholarship consideration are the same as the entrance requirem ents listed above. For m ore info: Dr. Robert LedBetter 406-243-4819 robert.ledbetter@ um For m ore info: Dr. James Smart 406-243-4382 iam art@ um Percussion 1. Student m ust perform on Snare Drum and at least one o f the other areas listed below. Snare Drum: Rudiments: Flam. Flam-tap. Paradiddle. School o f The University of Montana