Intelligent — Control Methods for Systems with Dispersed School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Washington State University, Pullman, tomsovic@,eecs. Abstract: Recent technology and energy storage generators opportunity for dispersed Department Science improvements in small devices have provided new decentralized approach to power proposes some approaches to power delivery. This paper system operations and security and associated simulation environment are presented showing A methodology operations is a more for system introduced. Dispersed intelligent strategies, energy resources, distribution system controls. increasingly industry, promises technologies, reliability to transform including storage of the electric the delivery of distributed fuel devices, cells, available been receiving particular from attention communications, low the resources better primarily cost controls economics utility. From have need new in the form of the intemet, offer for the distributed subsystems are likely that is, similar to of reliability Note circuits and supply reliability, on the local these units and infrastructure of a significant in the sources. distribution extant [6]. The wide single point failures is that the new structure for lower penetration could under appropriate In this paper, control is discussed. an overall testing various framework A simulation structures and for II. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM static evaluation Security refers contingencies problems. of a system’s to the of DER analyzed in the ability system’s generator units independently will proposed be responsible dispatched but sources for normal operation. ancillary services, such support, as well include time-of-use reliability, Each APS example, pricing, may of such and still maintain dependent load various following possible location and community 0-7803-6674-3/00/$10.00 0-7803-6672-7/01/$10.00 (C)(C) 2000 2001 IEEE IEEE [5] limits. by This to supply different of to on operations. enter the load. withstand service to all customers Traditionally, and these have been to have a but occur rarely) and vice versa. while In the APS architecture, distribution System systems security security analysis is can for the first Security services A variety dependent [8]. indices indices, For may desire a low capacity 913 which for a distribution These indices categories: single load point indices, and load orientated capacities, service. of reliability been defined and reserve supplies. quality is introduced. framework. system (say, in a system where critical are numerous 2.1 Distribution or voltage new and price effectively time. and The units can supply Other An as separate issues and it is quite possible but insecure focused a system, outside be characterized a residential In or on functions operation systems for “nearby” still as, load as energy. maintenance independence [4]. for philosophies. capability In general, adequacy is focused on planning been and Power system reliability can be classified into two components: security and adequacy [7]. Adequacy is the contingencies has of the various OPERATIONS of several microgrids The improve the security control example system using intelligent controls highlights the philosophy of the proposed can help composed power to accepts has been developed (APS) autonomous greatly operation operations. The concept of a distributed exposure cost, leads to this result. reliable connected system, customer design, which near future suggests more focus must be placed on effective loosely power unavailability and the radial structure this performance As such, system over 90°A towards respect all equipment The possibility to to be primarily the traditional contribute expectation allow energy service dependence perspective, subsystems of services. distributed improved and a reduced the utility’s address a number [1-3], costs and limited addition, In perspective, can a user needs. vendors and a diversification customer’s (DER) here is on the subsystems. due to the competitive pricing of natural gas, low installation for maintenance overhauls. in operating The emphasis and new offering for meeting several and generation available, characteristics utility of power power microturbines, are currently Microturbines, From of such systems. As problems as a whole. analysis. harsh elements nature A number variety of performance very effectively distribution competitive services. energy or “intelligence,” be operated outage energy the operation the power system with an APS. These interconnected radial in structure, I. INTRODUCTION The for understanding such, this paper poses some important distribution system, but with multiple analysis begins from traditional Keywords: Japan A has been developed. Some results the effectiveness of the new control methods. security, Engineering Kumamoto, system with relatively frequent interruptions at a low cost. The currently available analysis tools provide no good methods has encouraged level. and Computer University, hiw=una@, energy resources at the distribution at the distribution of Electrical Kumamoto WA level. At the same time, deregulation control Generation T. Hiyama K. Tomsovic provide indices, indices. service system have can be divided into three customer orientated Single load point reliability data from an individual customer viewpoint, are the average failure rate as, difference in design process that cannot APS are not only independent in terms of business (1) barrier to optimizing among owners optimize where n is the set of components whose failure outage at the given load points critical components within and Ii results is the failure in the APS will the overall reliability a section i. The question normally provides of the reduces if overall disturbance lead to a customer requires outage. that That measure no is not necessarily another unit damping. operate expected an individual In A radial fault The following traditional reliability definition is proposed measures with security. lead to an outage and n+-1 secure fno between a loads section and the substation fault will for lead Systems operation, determine system Thus, if protection systems would can island is set correctly, be operated to support generation could be n+l also that the system may become downstream generators most present distribution the n-1 secure but only systems that n-1 insecure to cover capacity IPSS dynamics. stabilization systems then adequacy Let Pi be the maximum maximum on a section in section i, if i and Pim= the downstream fi-om the authors rule III. SIMULATION domain i=l environment computing (2) sofiware software tools perform the following, models whose failure would is achieved by having sufficient oriented unquestionable adequacy importance related to reliability, indices. for Security operations but will be of should be that is, risk of outage, to be meaningfid the The above structure of concern focus on development of new measures of reliability and new tools for designing systems based on these measures; however, there is an overriding 0-7803-6674-3/00/$10.00 0-7803-6672-7/01/$10.00 (C)(C) 2000 2001 IEEE IEEE have logic of such descriptions models been MATLAB@. appropriate of [e.g., 9]. developed in purpose in of their available ability to In the simulations. is developed the technical Commercially limited type structure based on the Models models using time domain characteristics For reasons of efficiency, an unbalanced power flow algorithm using standard phasor was integrated was then developed based on [1 O] calculations. This load flow model with time domain For efficient the load flow Controls areas fizzy stability of the general generally a control studies. for most customers. 2.3 Intelligent are Detailed network were developed. capacity. A different level of security could each load point, i.e., customer, as is done with the customer robust system employed. 3.1 Network for n+ 1 security downstream characterize ensure on overall cut off supply from the subsystem. Operations to an within ENVIRONMENT simulations SIMULINK@ where m are components propose investigated analyzed of general and includes The controls controls have and This authors System (IPSS). or no information control operation i Time i=l of not system data as well as physical vein, logic are observe measures need to be redefined. loading generation can mode systems rather than precise analytical For islanding is centralized control algorithms. to market fuzzy in terms and current In this limited The to subsystem it’s own operations that appropriate respond include secure. Note limits. the select given if it relies on needed Power Supply response Accordingly, traditional operation are parameters. Intelligent will information each to control environment, design, systems that will uncertainty. Here, that subsystem from the substation. adequate. subsequently to an outage. greater that in a manner Each to ensure adequate system. uncertain algorithms system is n-1 secure zfno single downstream will this support a controller for some unit may responds to act autonomously but receive customer. under a functioning practical for a radial system even with multiple sources. Further, security is a system viewpoint of little relevance to that combines conflict necessary to can be made on the stabilization system sustain security Information For example, effective system of be a significant if interests may not be available. information. there must be guidelines definition will arises as to what decisions basis of “local” subs ystem to disturbances upstream and downstream and two, the ability of an islanded subsystem to supply load. The level There the performance The but also in an rate of depend on: one, the exposure ownership. of the subsystems. be ineffective Security be neglected. in terms of operation models for use in operation computations calculations in time are conducted then the time integration. This is allowable deviations integration between time domain studies, at larger time steps since the voltage steps are quite small. Using the previous time step voltage solution for initialization, convergence is usually within one forward and except if a large disturbance (e.g., backward sweep, switching) occurs. 914 0-7803-6674-3/00/$10.00 (C) 2000 IEEE 3.2 Source At present, models high speed microturbines Models there are not standardized for the different might find for large types and widely of DER synchronous units, under way to address these modeling concerns of accepted employed, where available, this paper, generally control Five Efforts [11]. For the units within the IPSS have governor can still sufllcient line one may proposed types small of hydro induction energy DER source units, models microturbines, driven by a wind systems (ECS) for capacitor described have been faults are example presented not Mini 2. turbine short-term in and storage. simulations Fig. 1 that Kumamoto 6.6kV. in the following: hvdro unit: Standard for the smaller Microturbine: hydro unit models are used The system speed type of unit is in generally slow This is modeled actively on The load. There current Photovoltaic: the disturbance current A random source is assumed that model for solar variation the Wind Turbines represented with asynchronous as a non-linear which varies randomly. output variations function Control generator of the wind is limited that can be managed are These relative are longer lifetimes Costs a new to batteries, through technology energy storage have recently dropped which load following frequency deviation and generator set points [12]. that, cycles. They as system Two The fimctions mismatch authors to have systems the feeder used adjust proposed that line the load following a neglects flow is structure is that this flow is measured link exists with any unit service. The obvious is simplicity In addition, benefit and need for the following deviations, charging mode control short where limits. output charge after The objective respond Sustained to match the unit to nominal is to duration. the ECS runs in or discharging to of small load deviations are by the microturbine. security framework, the system along the feeder up, can be effectively load, faults beyond point A, at either B, load Ld7 or line section C, lead to loss of service. The most securely operated points on the have are modeled and regulation tie-line scheduled flow. The assumption locally and a communication communications. either damped by response of the ECS. For the variable scheduled to a particular point on the distribution system and the control signal is taken to be the mismatch from the the proposed are here), or elsewhere Strategies similar concept for distribution frequency deviation [6]. Here, supplying an and the ECS to the proposed are upstream simulations been verified The traditional for generation from the IPSS tends to benefit and Communication the end operates as both n- 1 secure and n+l secure at each load up to point A. Disturbances at the substation (response not shown but much dramatically. times, towards is the microturbine followed In reference control in terms of charge and discharge extremely fast response instantaneous here. 3.3 Control developed has low of 5 MW and microturbine has settled to within of unit unit following eventually level speed, to real power of the rotor pitch blades. ~: load the voltage load. The IPSS contains is zero. The ECS is restored changes units: hydro in Only is also a neutral here as a slow ramp rate with a single time constant. A constant variable shown feeder nominal a small For flow mode numerical on the system a distribution includes controlled. continuous is used. 5. wind the Those RESULTS The IPSS is connected for storage. from security. in are performed area of Japan. a solar cell, ECS The high revolution is not controllable. 4. oscillations dynamic demonstrated is based near the substation. capacity. modeled. These fast rotations result mechanical power output response. 3. to damp given here. of the feeder near a highly adjusted functions so as to improve fimctions Numerical photovoltaic generators These models are briefly 1. following IV. SIMULATION different units, load Here, none of the speed-droop. capacity. method. developed: provide regulation. The ECS can be controlled ● are These models control problems effectively the for frequency ECS are models for the simulation. do not address all the practical encounter but can demonstrate . say, as one generators. purposes accepted or in fuel cells) makes them in appropriate a security cases are shown using a detailed stand point, loads the most. here. These results analog simulation. have In the first case, only the microturbine is controlled. The load increases for several seconds, returns to the initial state and then increases again. Fig. 2 and 3 shows the power inputs from the wind microturbine without and solar and ECS units as well response. the ECS is shown while as response In Fig. of the 2, the response Fig. 3 includes the ECS unit. The power flow at location A, the total real power output of the IPSS and the variable load are given by P,,P, PiP and l’1~, respectively. of A. From nearby upstream With the ECS, the load changes can very be tracked very accurately. limited observations are V. CONCLUSIONS made: ● By neglecting system frequency, frequency relatively low the slow ramp inertia concerns regulation of some are smaller of interacting with minimized. The units coupled with up rates for other units (for example, 0-7803-6674-3/00/$10.00 0-7803-6672-7/01/$10.00 (C)(C) 2000 2001 IEEE IEEE in This paper discusses an approach for operating a distribution system with several DER units controlled for secure operations. The simple simulations here demonstrate the basic ideas of the concept. The ECS is integral to providing 915 0-7803-6674-3/00/$10.00 (C) 2000 IEEE faster response needed to damp dynamic as respond here on to faster security rudimentary. and There of the best overall numbers instabilities load fluctuations. operations remains of much operations 1997, pp. 104-108. as well [10] D. The ideas presented such a system to be addressed philosophies given Shirmohammadi Meshed in terms IEEE significant Distribution Transactions [11] CIGRE Exciting “Fuel Edmonton, [2] Cell-MTG Innovation Proceedings of [4] Evaluation Watts, 39:1999, No. 1. Tomsovic, “Issues Systems, Hakone, S. Li, K. Tomsovic, Using [6] IEEE Power and R.N. New Kevin and of IEEE Working York: Plenum Group on System K. Tomsovic, university positions University, National Institute in Controls 1997 International Applications Resources,” Technology Electrical for 1971, Systems, Vol. Hiyama period 1984, pp. “Trial he is an University. His Systems and various power Energy Chair at Kumamoto his B. E., M. S., and Ph.D. all in 1980, respectively. Kyoto University, in Kumamoto in 1971, and he has been a professor of Electrical of June Science 1985 through since September 1989. During and was involved with Power System His current interests include Intelligent control of photovoltaic system, and harmonic analysis in distribution systems. He is a senior member of IEEE, and a Fuzzy of the member System of SICE of Japan, and Japan Solar Energy Society. BUS7 I Bs d @S Bs BI+S B7s4 Y (--’j) BUS9 Ldl !!’ A Bu Ld3 Y I Bl BUS8 I ● Ld7 Variable Ld5 Load I Fig. 1 Test System 916 0-7803-6674-3/00/$10.00 (C) 2000 IEEE Ld8 c 10 1 Ld6 II Ldd Ld2 — 0-7803-6674-3/00/$10.00 0-7803-6672-7/01/$10.00 (C)(C) 2000 2001 IEEE IEEE the 1986, he was at Systems, Seoul, Korea, July 6-10, Busl 1969, joined and Computer He Control of Electric Power Systems using fuzzy logic control scheme and neural network, measurements and real time Reliability on Intelligent received Clarkson University, Harmonics research. Use to Kung and the Royal Currently, State applied from Engineering of University 1999 to 2000, he held the Advanced Engineering and University Evaluation Visiting Cheng in Japan. Electrical Systems,” National Intelligent methodologies Tech. and Ph.D. Seattle, in 1984 and in Stockholm. include Michigan M.S. 5 MW 7---1, of Generation Engineering. at Washington From Takashi “Modeling included Sun Yet-Sen systems problems. University Meeting, Distribution #14. Conference to Power have of Technology optimization Following Design, from Vol. all interests “Stability Analysis Methods of for Power Systems,” Proceedings Logic Forms & Sons, New York, and the of Washington, respectively, research Press, the B.S. 1982, in Electrical 1979, pp.436-444. Reliability in 1987, Autonomous of Distribution Guide for Electric Power Indices; Report p1366, Draft [9] 3, No. 2, June 2000. Power John Wiley degrees from University Professor and I.R. Homer, Allan, New Wollenberg, received Houghton, Associate Summer Apparatus Tomsovic University, 210-239. [8] and B.F. Gas Security Energy on Power Modeling Draft Report, and Control, Proceedings “Load PES the Reliability Systems, and Distributed IEEE No. 2, Nov.lDec. R. Billinton Networks,” Vol. 1996. -1998, on-line, Systems,” Distributed Transactions PAS-98, [7] Systems, 38.01.10, Wood Operation Japan, July 1998. Seattle, July 2000. R.N. Allan, E.N. Dialynas and Evaluating News and T. Hiyama, the Class Reliability on Intelligent of Transmission and Residential, New GGTN Power Power Functions A of Autonomous Proceedings and “A for Weakly BIOGRAPHIES PE-480-PWRS-O-1 Systems (in press). NERC, of the Workshop Hong, Method Meeting, – An Economics for commercial, “Microturbine: Engines: Distributed [5] most 10 Years” Summer et al, “Microturbines Turbine K. - The in the Next IEEE-PES Remote Load Applications; [EEE Transactions on Power J. H. W. Flow on Power and Storage, Canada, July 1999, pp. 581-586. M. W. Davis, Reliability [3] Hybrid in Power 1999 TF Generation [12] A.J. S. Hamilton, H. Power May 1988, pp. 753 – 762. of DER units. REFERENCES [1] and - Compensation-Based are I _ 1500! 50 100 150 200 -1 — 500p-----So 100 150 200 30 100 150 I 200 50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200 I -400 I 0 50 100 150 1 200 I o 50 100 150 I 200 0 500 200, [ 100 Ot o 400 e4 200 - u 200 ii? 01 o CJ I so 100 1s0 -o 200 1000 -“” Q 1000 - e 01 400; I 50 100 150 of 200 1 400: I -400 I iii o 50 100 150 200 I lima+) Fig. 3 Response to load change with ECS Fig. 2 Response to load change with no ECS 0-7803-6674-3/00/$10.00 0-7803-6672-7/01/$10.00 (C)(C) 2000 2001 IEEE IEEE 917 0-7803-6674-3/00/$10.00 (C) 2000 IEEE