IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 11, No. 1, January 1996 ROBUST, M. NEAR TIME-OPTIMAL OSCILLATIONS Royal CONTROL WITH FUZZY Senior K. Member Institute Dept. minimum presents switching a fuzzy logic to damp controller power for series system electrome- lished from observation of the dynamicrd behaviour of a simple power system and the general engineering knowledge about the system dynamics. The performance of the controller is shown to be robust and comparable to of a minimum-time optimal Eng. and Computer controller. time theory Analytical WA USA has been approach solutions els. Furthermore, a large Science State University Pullman, chanical oscillations. A set of control rules are constructed and inference is provided by fuzzy logic reasoning. The knowledge base for the controller is estab- that of Elec. Sweden control paper Tomsovic Washington of Technology Abstract reactance SYSTEM Member Power Systems S-1OO 44 Stockholm, This OF POWER LOGIC G. Andersson Noroozian Member Electric 393 proposed are limited numerical computational [3]. The has many practical to a few simple solutions effort generally bance Small stability, disturbance switched based contpolier, fuzzy 1. stability, reactance, logic, large optimal distur- control, rule able as a prototype compared. Fuzzy logic fuzzy theory against and are presently to get attention. turbance both INTRODUCTION large disturbance stability In 1966, Kimbark ity of an electric switched might limit power stability that system series capacitor. and small the transmission [1] showed the transient stabil- can be improved In recent years, dis- capacity. by a progress in the field of high power electronics has led to the development of thyristor switches which can be used for switching of series capacitors (reactors). By controlling the reactance of a transmission line, damping of electromechanical power system oscillations can be enhanced [2]. The application of optimal system state to its initial in many industrial application The control was motivated processes[4]. in the system of algorithms implemented Fuzzy logic by a need to consider can be controller uncertainties and For example, the model. fuzziness might be concerned with the system description, i.e. when one cannot specify accurate dependencies between input (control) and state and output variables. Power systems transmitting high power over long distances are often subject to stability problems. In this respect, limited which other methods (FL C) was the first controller approximations robustness modrequire to certain class of problems. As has been pointed out in [3], the optimal control approach might be most suit- based on fuzzy logic have been successfully Keywords: optimal drawbacks. control steady-state theory to move the operating point in In particular, useful when conventional of fuzzy logic for improving is proposed. A general the power review power systems can be found This paper presents a FLC electromechanical system stability of fuzzy logic methods in in [6]. for damping oscillations which of power system can provide robust control characteristics with respect to line loadlng and fault type. The power systems studied in this paper are quite simple, but by studying simple systems the basic characteristics of the controller can be analyzed and conclusions drawn which give insight for larger systems. Further, nomena 95 WM 237-8 PWRD A paper recommended and approved by the IEEE Transmission and Distribution Conunittee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation at the 1995 IEEE/PES Winter Meeting, January 29, to February 2, 1995, New York, IU. Manuscript submitted July 20, 1994; made available for printing January 11, 1995. the fuzzy logic methodology appears very the process is too complex for analysis by quantitative techniques. In [5], application since all the essential studied dynamics here are modelled, for the phe- general conclusions can be extracted from the results presented in the paper. This means that the proposed control method can be implemented in more complex, i.e. systems, to damp tieline oscillations. extension of the work reported in [7]. realistic This paper power is an The paper is organized as follows: In section 2, the dynamics of a simple power system is analyzed and a multimachine test system is deseribed. Section !3 presents the proposed fuzzy logic controller. proposed approach simulations The performance is demonstrated and discussed in Section 0885-8977/96/$05.00 @ 1995 IEEE through 4. of the numerical 394 2. DYNAMICS OF A SIMPLE SYSTEM POWER reactance with A model Fig. of a single 1. This system dynamic switched machine. We at the to assume and a reduced the of the bus The Under of plane U– dashed lines and to so~d ~ X – u. In and U- U+ lines, Fig. 2, the are sketched respectively. in the of the (classical model) behind the Lb, the voltage is E. steady & X + u and corresponding essential influence voltage machine is V. is shown the phase model machine. reactance infinite system illustrate on the speed-angle synchronous transient power is used phenomena react ante of the machine system U+ trajectories state condition, Pm Figure 1: Model oj a simple power system Figure 2: (The the mechanical and b = mission tor power Pm equals O. If a three line, the is reduced Pm, there to zero. is then, leads to instability, critical clearing transient phase electrical the fault occurs power Assuming time. conditions The can of the a constant power the fault system power on the output an accelerating unless electrical P., X = 0.5, difference The where straints, which point. that The Pm–— the switching dynamics under the at one of them. the The – DW (2) e(6, w) = arctan(~) speed reactance machine swing can be minimized, steady-state time. operating This is an maximum control consists + u) which nature. is usually complex problem is applicable or shows The not that, is reached control of maintaining (X intervals, such condition optimal principle boundary control (X that the system – u) during real ● The origin if the fault must take lengths trajectories initial trajectories + kr actance. solving are so-called the polar optimal tl~. The coordinates O <0< ing for the simple differential states obtained 6(0) and system equations w(0). corresponding can be con(1) Two to and (2) families of the transfer the or place along However, we must forces. two F. The switching by realistic switching A OB. the amplitude action re- a physical constrained can achieve for The control with system action switching curve affected a particular two 1, when inspection second switching are consider with Close as we are concerned Thus k = and observations: within the (4) when quadrant, quadrant. than OB quadrant, third can be reached 2m a limited time range of disturbances. o The systems. second A O and optimality time the is less severe of control approach for in 2, reveals system, the optimal formal feasible [3]. Trajectories by the is terminate-d is uOPt = in con- operating (3) fourth structed state curve, it be represented following with final form switching below of Fig. Phase the w can the and k = 2, (6, w) is in the or more 1.(), s(f5, &J) = (62 + d)+ ) angle is of bang-bang phase U– constant time = (s, $) aa tion The = OB damping its system V desired trajectory D: of optimal 2.1 Above is Uqt 6 and A O and an optimal lies appropriate control and Ii = O, [6, w) lies in the first at 1.10, the the (6, w) optimal simple = satisfy when Pontryagin’s control OB through pass reactance original reactance A O and transient the the E D = 6, U = 0.2). X: minimal and P = 0.8, is, curve conti-ol by sin 6 X*7L machine w: control in are: EV 6: machine Ideally, for p.u. segments before (1) & = w: in = 0.03, segments input power i=w ( M is cleared be described trajectories data transgenera- states w=; Phase system optimal switching time of (S, 6J). For example, to point F in the occur near 360° and must occur near 270°. Based on (the servations, multi-machine general a set test phase if the system. plane, fault insights of control is determined for a severe the is very developed rules were by the posi- fault correspond- switching small, by must switching these developed obfor a 395 Multi-Machine 2.2 Test The power system performance of the proposed connected with via an intertie. field cluded. shown in Fig. windings the stability, windings are modelled. the line is sectionalized. L and reactance are in- To improve Each section has jaL. Lz I B BU86 BU85 I 60 In general, (6) d(k) – (7) it could be possible a new operating point different choice of such a new operating of this paper. transformed Bw4 Btd? = ew (k) = W. – w(k) are are modelled of exciters eb(k) the Two sub-systems The machines and the influence No damper a length 3 is used to study FLC. the errors e6 (k) and ew(h) at sample k are bance), System one. The the scope is outside eb (k) and ew (k) should The quantities be O(k)) accord- (S(k), are the ing to (3) and (4). These transformed quantities controller input. The controller output is the status of Bwl the three switches in Fig. 3.2 Description Fuzzy State disturbance. linguistic 3: 500 kV test poweT the system to point to the polar coordinate 1, i.e. Co, Cl, C2. The fuzzy set classifications Figure to control from the initial system Al: zero AA: large are based on the severity Five fuzzy partitions variable is associated (Z), Az: (L), small A5: The membership (S), are considered with As: of and a each set as follows: medium (M), veTy iaTge (VL) functions for these fuzzy sets are shown in Fig. 4. A small or large disturbance causes the two subsystems to swing which against each other might result in in- stability. To stabilize the power swings, a switched reactance (+j ~) is assumed on the midpoint of the line. In the normal condition equal to j#L. the total reactance of the intertie This Value can be varied from j(~L is – ~) to j(z~ + ~) by switching the controlled reactance. In the multi-machine system, b is the swing angle between the centers of inertia for the two subsystems. ment and estimation of this angle are feasible recent advances in the synchronized [8] or by measuring tion the voltage of the switched trolled reactance reactance with to bring where 10ms). [iqm) + T the con- the is sectors l?l, for S is divided into l?2, B3, B4, B5, ~G and B7 (Fig. degree of membership is associated seven 5) and a to each angle (0). operating point, i.e. to the same 6 even when e.g. a line section is lost u – 6((k – I) T)] To gain partitions the system in connection with a fault. The angular frequency computed at the kth sampling time from: w = 4: fizzy In the same way the phase plane at the loca- [9]. By varying Figure the measu?’ement and current it is thus possible back to the initial as before the fault, phasor Measure- is (5) sampling time further flexibility (In this example T to the scheme, = line switching could also be considered as control actions, as suggested in [10]. This possibility y has not been explored in this paper but might be a useful complement controlled reactance scheme employed here. 3. FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER to the Figure (FLc) It should The proposed 3.1 Input FLC and is described Output in the following: Variables that pa?’tiiions the scaling foT 6 of the fumy sets is accomplished through the information from phase trajectories and the switching curve. A heuristic try and error If 60 and W. are the states of the initial operating point (which are known from estimation prior to a distur- be noted 5: Fuzzy procedure is needed to find an appropriate fuzzy partitioning for a desired response. In practice the scaling can be realized by the use of fuzzy chips [11]. 396 3.3 Design Control of Rule rules are constructed oft he dynamical ing curve. Table 4. Base based behaviour The rule on the of the system base consists observations One fault and the switch- of 35 rules as shown in 1. As A4 A3 AZ Al RESULTS Machine Infinite Bus System: occurs near the generator in Fig. cleared after trajectory s SIMULATION 80 ms. for FLC with with dashed lines. the fault place on the OPT O) after other of ii against phase fault with solid the point and the system stitchings. at point for switching FLC. to the off) takes point S is S’ is close to it. The pre-fauh Fig. F (reactor The The S1l. case at point is switched S is transient (OPT) second and two switching system is switched capacitor OPT line conducts The the S for switching (point The capacitor on and The line and for uncontrolled is cleared. at point A three 1. the controller dotted for is switched 6 shows time-optimal line, when Fig. - equilibrium FLC undergoes 7 shows the an- variation time. 150 w [deg./s] Table 1: Rule -table 1C9 F ---- ---.-- ------------- --.:~:-:..Uncontrolled ---- - --= -,-. ,,.. ..:.’ . .: y 50 - Logical Logical Inference inference grades for the consists of g membership determining output. The rules then u(k) are OPT /, ,, o- controller -50 of the form: c) .,50A Xi: If S(k) is AP and O(k) is Bq, 15 ?0 for Xi two (rule i ). inputs /J(xi) The S(k) Cn The and are the grade value for the of Xi 6: Transient for the 40 6 3, - (n= [d+ /’, Uncontrolled ,- \ / ‘, /’ ‘, . O, 1, 2) is ~=~,~,J~,.e. . . ,’ ,\ = = P(C2) where w, X&(xi) 7?Z2 ml, 3.5 Defuzzification The final state ‘, - ,0 ‘, ; *5 - *O - FLC “t ‘, ,’ ‘, //” \ J ,, \ output switches be employed (in this must of rides corresponding +ml +mz be a discrete value A decision procedure to determine the control states. in order Figure (11) 4,... case w = 35). one machine For example, if = 0.3 and fi(cz) = 0.8, then the be C2 (switch on the capacitor). that fuzzy set partitioning of S and of the rule base, are constructed for the base system loading. For other loading conditions the controller is tuned by scaling the fuzzy partitions for controller with guarantees respect the robust to loading performance conditions. Variation of 6 against System: 3 is given -time The data for the system in the Appendix. Machine FLC is present. The uncontrolled response is shown with of the OPT was not feasible dashed lines (The simulation output. This [s] indi- degree is selected S [12]. Time .’ must value in this It is to be noted O and organization ,’ ‘. .Wfl is the reference machine. The loading of the intertie is 2000 MW. The response of the system to different disturbances are shown with solid line when the value jL(C. ) defined in the largest membership P(CO) = 0.2, K(cl) output signal would ,’ \ ,/ 7: Multi-Machiie shown in Fig. suggested by the membership (9-11). The value of C. with as the crisp ,’ (lo) Stage control the 2,3, mz are the number to each switching cating i = ‘, ,’ (9) z = 10,14,15,... w ‘\ /’ ‘.-, p(c~) w plane 1, 25 C. [ 40 35 in 6- trajectory (8) output 30 sets &Bg(8(k))} =Zl!&?Q P(co) fumy is = min@Ap(S(k))! membership corresponding membership f?(k) 25 20 is Cn. Figure where AP, 13q and \ \.,,,, \ !!, !4, FL G o ,,, t,,, ,,, ,,, .:.\. . ‘.’,. ,..... -,.30 -’-----.--__._____===!::~s’~’;:;deg ~ ,,,2 3.4 ... . . \. ,/” of the case, between Case but FLC i: cleared OPT case). The A three after and Case Intertie half local of the load simulates variations phase 80 ms. inter-area ii: it is reasonable and a small will to expect remain following fault Figs. modes loading on 9 show against time decreased to at BUSJ is disconnected disturbance). of S2 and difference to that of cases are considered: occurs 8 and the similar Figs. 63 – 62 against BUS6 it is of (3 stitchings). 1500 MW. for One 100 ms (This 10 and time and the variations 11 show (3 stitchings). the 397 Case A three iii: sections between is cleared after phase fault occurs on one of the line BUS4 and BUS5 near Bus5. 100 ms by opening The fault the faulted line. ‘OO-.] ‘, i 50 1’ In /’ 100 this case only the capacitor is switched which /“ preserves -\ /’ the initial equilibrium point. Figs. 12 and 13 show the variations of 62 and 63 ~ 62 against number of stitchings is 3. time. The 50 1 /’ , ,’ ~ 1’ ,!,. ,’ ~~ total o Time Case iii -50 0,23 4se7 Figure 12: Variation 6- [s] L?o,o of inter-area mode against time /“; 6- 0 “ii ‘l; .50 Time Case i ; 2345 Figure 8: Variation -06 [s] .7ss inter-area of t 20 mode against 1 time 4 .i6e7 Figure The 13: Variation simulation power system ample, in the control, other the of local mode against 62 [deg.] /, 5 -8 there -: the stable of the small ex- without the case. disturbance cases modes the In has impact is not of negative It is worthwhile the relatively influence some the example was selected is still all the oscillation in this of the For in the controlled are also damped. modes of the performance is unstable following In time significantly. the system damping that, controller. remaining inherent damping low for a better controller. oscillations However, small ent damping effect -7.5 I That after the preis why Case ,, ,2s4 Figure contributed Time ii the are in power by the realistic action damped system power systems, of by the these inher- or by the damping system stabilizers. 10: Variation of inter-aTea [s] 1 5e7s 5. 9?0 mode against i es controller ;\, 1.55 -,,,,:; ,! using fuzzy logic for control to damp power oscillations of was proposed. The rule base of the controller was constructed based on the dynamical behaviour of a simple system. Numerical W-J –?? :1 ,, CONCLUSIONS time A rule-based % oscillations sources line reactance , .’3 in j ~: .sO simulations show that the performance of the controller is effective. for damping of both large disturbances and The response of the controller is small disturbances. , 45,.4 ,,, -- ,.* that against 1 k the ,.25 show improved on the local local sentation : mode it becomes of the system ;, ,, -e the local considerably. control and time of been Case iii, the to mention -6 -5 9: Variation results has while cases improved Figure Time [s] s9>0 Case iii ‘O*ZS 62 [deg.] 6$!– -i ‘ r ;; ,, ‘j ii Ca8e ~ Time ii [s] I 0,23 4567 S9<0 comparable with that of a minimal time optimum controller for a single machine system in view of damping time and number of switching actions. The performance of the controller is robust with respect to line loading and fault type. The structure of the controller is easy to understand Figure 11: VaTiation of local mode against time and easy to implement and is attractive from an engineering point of view. Other questions, such as the optimal placement of controllable devices need further work to be answered. 398 BIOGRAPHY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The ABB authors wish to Corporate lating thank ABB Research discussions with for Mr. Power project M. Systems support. Chamia and Stimu- are Mojtaba Noroozian gratefully acknowledged. the Royal Institute Kimbark. by Switched on Power Improvement 180–188, of System Series Capacitors. Apparatus Feb. and IEEE Stability Ph.D. ~. sion Capacity IEEE PAS-85 N. System IEEE (2): PP. D.K. PAS-89 H.J. Optimal and May/June Set of G&an Andersson M.A. Hassan and Sys- 1970. Theory and Its Ap- [6] O.P. Test Results Self-Tuned PSS. IEEE 8(2): pp. K. Tomsovic. of IEE M. Noroozian, [8] G. System In Proceedings System vanced Virginia Tech Power of Fuzzy K. Fourth Symposium Systems, January Technology VA, on Wide at AdArea the on Computers Arlington, of pages 1993. in Presented Conference Fuzzy with Perspective Control, E. Lerch, trol for D. Povh Damping ‘Zhm.aciions May [10] S. and L.XU. Power cm Pow.. Third IEEE H. October Advanced Transactions on November 1511-1517, 197.5 and Engineering Sciences and the Royal Swedish Kevh Tomsovic 1960. He received University, B.S. Houghton, from 1987 fessor (M’87) the in University was born from 1982, in SVC Con- Oscillations. IEEE System., 6(2): pp. 524–535, Stabilizing Power Switching. Systems, 8(4): pp. and the M.S. State [12] M. and Noroozian. Components Institute Fuzzy Systems, Ezpioring in Power of Technology, l(l): pp. Benejis Systems. 1994. and Seattle, He is currently at Washington LA, in Technological of Washington, respectively. - Generator data Equivalent gen. Ph.D. in 1984 an assistant pro- University. B (PbaJe = 1000 MVA) Silfl S&f,%’ SM3 thermal hydro hydro s. 5500 H 4s 4s 4s xd 1.00 p.u. 0.60 p.U. 0.30 p,u. 1.00 p.u. 0.60 p.U. 0.30 p.u. TjO 2.00 p.u. 1.90 p.u. 0.25 p.U. 6.0 p.U. 5.0 5.0 p.u. D 6 P.U./p.U. 6 p. U./p.U. 6 p.U./p.U. 0.10 p.u. 0.10 p.u. 0.10 p.u. 1.00 p.u. 1.00 p.u. 1.00 p.u. Ke K. K. Xq x; Transformer Terminal Exciter volt. MVA 1800 = 30 T. = 0.05 lines L = 350 km, (double z = 0.20 fl/km L2 = 50km z = 0.34$1/km, b==5E-6 S/km S1 = S T. MVA = 27–42, of PhD 1800 10 = 0.05 S MVA = Te = 10 0.05 circuit) (compensated L3 = line) 100 km, z = 0.34t2/km, (p.u.) 6 + jl.2, S4 = 1.0+ (The 1993. T. Miki, et. al. Silicon Implementation for a Novel of InHigh-Speed Fuzzy Inference Engine. Journal telligent Academy Slidell, Michigan voltage S2 = 0.1 + jO.010, S3 = 1993. Controllable thesis, TRITA-EES-9402. Royal 0.1 + jO.010, jo.2 dependency of the loads is assumed linear). [11] 1980, ASEA:S 1993. System Glavitch. in HVDC- division and in 1986 he was appointed professor in Electric Power Systems at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of - Loads and of Lund 1980 he joined in Electric 1991. Chen university In Type Tomsovic. Design to Power Application Engineering. Set The- Transactions and Control of the the - Transmission [9] was born in Malm6, APPENDIX 1993. Measurement and a June 1993. Australiaj An Monitoring Energy Systems. Application Melbourne, Hauer. Based on Andersson Expert J.F. Logic Status Damping Logic. 406-411, a Fuzzy 221–228, 113-10(2), and !i%ansactions to Power Japan, Power Implementation for Current ory Applications [7] Malik. from degrees 1985. Laboratory Conversion, (M’86-SM’91) respectively. and [5] with of Sciences. Control. Apparatus (5): PP. 975-984, Fuzzy Sys- 1981. Improvement Power Kluwer-Nijhoff, Power. and August Using on Zimmerman. plications. Reactive Reitan. Stability Transmis- Apparaius 3939–3933, Transactions tems, [4] and of Control on Power (8):pp. Ramaro Power Improvement al. by Thyristor PAS-100 and graduated Sweden, in 1951. He received his IvI.S. degree and Ph.D. l%ansactions tems, [3] et. of Technology in 1981. In his study at Transactions Systems, 1966. Olwegi%d, in 1955. degree in June 1994. degree [2] was born in Iran, M.S. degree in power systems from UMIST 1984 he joined ASEA. In 1990, he continued REFERENCES [1] E.W. (M’92) He received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Arya-Mehr (Sharif) University in Tehran in 1979 and r ‘ ‘w Figure 14: Exciter model to be S 399 Discussion Carson W. Taylor, Bonneville Power Administration, Portland Oregon: This is an interesting paper. Fuzzy logic phase-plane control techniques are attractive for series capacitor bang-bang switching, or for single insertion, The possibility of thyristor-switched series capacitors and the availability of microprocessor controllers has revived interest in bang-bang switching, Because of the unfortunate earlier submission dates of manuscripts, the authors were probably not aware of the Kosterev and Kolodziej paper [A]. I invite the authors to compare their approach and results with those of Kosterev and Kolodziej. With regard to estimation of angle difference, apparent impedance measurement [B-E] is another approach. This may have technical and cost advantages for damping of low frequency interarea oscillations. The BPA-developed RRdot phase-plane controller could be adapted for series capacitor insertion or other special stability control. The control proposed in the paper must be modified to allow anew post-disturbance operating angle. One method would be to suspend control once speed difference is within a deadband. The final post-disturbance state with weakened transmission should be with the series capacitor inserted. Comments? Power System - a R, Rdot Relay Application for Generation Trip on N-NE Intertie,’ CIGRE, paper 34-105, 1990. E. C. W. Taylor, discussion of IEEE Committee Report ‘Synchronized Sampling and Phasor Measurements for Relaying and Control: IEEE Thansaetions on Power Delivery, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 442-452, January 1994. Manuscript received March 1, 1995. M. Noroozian, G. Andersson paper and the discussion Case iii is the most practical simulation case in the paper. Could the authors also provide results for a single insertion (one instead of three stitchings), as is used today with mechanical switches [1]? + The authors have fOU1ld the paper ● Clearly the final weakened post disturbance new and unknown and R. L. Cresap, “A New Out-of-Step of Change of Apparent Resistance IEEE !#-ansactions switched post-disturbance on Power Apparatus Vol. PAS-lO2, No. 3, pp. 631-639, March Relay with Rate Augmentation,” and and state should on. To allow operating for a point, idea to use the speed only as input to “identify” the this new operating point is probably useful. However, it must be combined with some other criteria to identify situations where (0 is small and the angle difference is large. For these situations a switching should be done. One possibility might be to use the acceleration of 0), i.e. h. of the rule loading. tuned For other on-line loading by S(k)andt3(k)are controller controller of S and Q and organisation base, are constricted for input the satisfactory simulations fuzzy and set S. u(k)is of the fuzzy is If the logic F’{(xS(k),fie(k)} defined by the rule base and scaling. results for different the controller variables output, the general function can be expressed as: showed the base system conditions scaling the cx and ~ are appropriate c. C. W. Taylor, J, M. Haner, L. A. Hill, W. A,” lllittelstadt, by Kosterev future work. where F denotes the mapping Series A. D, N, Kosterev and W. J, Kolodziej, “BangBang Capacitor Transient Stability Control,” IEEE/PES paper 94 SM 536-3 PWRS. B. J. M. Haner, T. D. Laughlin, and C. W. Taylor, “Experience with the R-Rdot Out-of-Step Relay,” IEEE lYansactions on Power Delivery, Vol. PWRD-1, No. 2, pp. 3539, April 1986. The the introduction of the apparent impedance measurement method developed by BPA which will be considered in u(k) = References: Tomsovic: Kolodziej an interesting approach toward solving the nonlinear control problem. The authors want also to thank for . The fuzzy set partitioning In the Western North American interconnection, we have had good experience with single insertion of series capacitors, with manual bypass some minutes later. Single insertion and the use of power system stabilizers seems to be very effective (cost effective). If there was need, three mechanical stitchings (insert, bypass, insert) may be possible for low frequency interarea oscillation stabilization. K. and comments. be with the series capacitor Regarding robustness, the authors state: “For other loading conditions the controller is tuned by scaling the fizzy partitions for S [12].” This is a critical issue. Can the authors describe their tuning methods, and the on-line implementation? and authors wish to thank the discusser for the interest in this The following scaling based on a large number of loading conditions: ct=l-o.3(P-Pm*), where Pb~,, is the base loading p=l and P is the present loading of the intertie. This implies that the adaptation of the controller is done by contraction or expansion of the fuzzy partitions (scaling of c+, C/z,c+and di in Fig, 4). Syeteme, 1983. D. J. G. Tannuri, L. C. Zanetta Jr., J. Da C, Patrao Neto, J. Oliveria, C. Simoes, M. C. Bertolucci, E, Montalvao, D. Mirandella, and J. A. de Almeida, “Discrete Supplementary Control for the Stability of Eletronorte’s . The simulation switching; capacitor variation for case iii i.e., after the opening is switched is repeated of the faulted on and it remains with line, connected. one the The of 8Z against time is shown in Fig. 15. It should 400 be noted that no additional damping is modelled in these simulations. In a real case, the oscillations should be more damped. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 .10 Fig. 15: Variation Oj-inter-urea Manuscript received April 19, 1995. vwde against time