STUDENT SURVEY - 2009-10 1. Please name your program of study. Response Response Percent Count AAS 31.9% 81 AA&S (Transfer) 42.9% 109 Certificate 17.7% 45 Career Studies Certificate 7.5% 19 answered question 254 skipped question 17 Response Response Percent Count 2. In which location to do you reside? Isle of Wight County 16.6% 45 Southampton County 27.3% 74 City of Franklin 17.7% 48 City of Suffolk 28.8% 78 Town of Smithfield 5.2% 14 Other 4.4% 12 answered question 271 skipped question 0 1 of 18 3. The majority of my classes are: Response Response Percent Count Day 60.9% 165 Evening 39.1% 106 answered question 271 skipped question 0 Response Response Percent Count 4. Gender: Male 35.3% 95 Female 64.7% 174 answered question 269 skipped question 2 Response Response Percent Count 5. Age: <18 7.0% 19 18-21 45.6% 123 22-34 24.4% 66 35-59 18.5% 50 >50 4.4% 12 answered question 270 skipped question 1 2 of 18 6. Race: Response Response Percent Count White 45.8% 124 African-American 49.4% 134 Asian 0.7% 2 Hispanic 1.5% 4 American Indian 0.7% 2 Other 1.8% 5 answered question 271 skipped question 0 3 of 18 7. I learned about PDCCC from (check all that apply): Response Response Percent Count Newspaper ads 8.9% 24 Newspaper articles 7.4% 20 Class schedule mailing 17.4% 47 Radio 3.7% 10 TV ads 10.0% 27 Friends/relatives 66.7% 180 High School counselor 31.5% 85 Teachers 24.8% 67 Signs/posters 15.2% 41 Website 21.9% 59 10.7% 29 Church 4.8% 13 Job 11.5% 31 answered question 270 skipped question 1 Community activity (county fair, Fall Festival) 8. Do you agree with the mission statement that PDCCC provides diverse learning opportunities to enhance the quality of life for students and the community. Response Response Percent Count Yes 98.9% 265 No 1.1% 3 answered question 268 skipped question 3 4 of 18 9. Student Development Services (Admissions, Records, Counseling, Switchboard, Student Support Services (SSS), etc.) is committed to providing excellent customer service. Pllease rate the quality of that service: Strongly Strongly Response Disagree Count Agree Disagree 49.6% (134) 45.2% (122) 5.2% (14) 0.0% (0) 270 32.6% (87) 54.3% (145) 10.9% (29) 2.2% (6) 267 48.9% (131) 47.0% (126) 3.7% (10) 0.4% (1) 268 52.6% (141) 44.0% (118) 3.0% (8) 0.4% (1) 268 Handled your request promptly 46.6% (124) 47.7% (127) 4.9% (13) 0.8% (2) 266 Handled your request accurately 49.1% (131) 46.8% (125) 3.4% (9) 0.7% (2) 267 51.7% (138) 41.2% (110) 5.2% (14) 1.9% (5) 267 40.4% (107) 54.0% (143) 4.2% (11) 1.5% (4) 265 Agree Acknowledged you promptly when you visited the office Answered the phone quickly Greeted you warmly, made you feel welcome Treated you courteously throughout your visit or call Answered your questions to your satisfaction Exceeded your overall expectations answered question 270 skipped question 1 10. Each of your courses outlines provided adequate information about: Strongly Agree The goals and requirements of each course The nature of the course content The methods of evaluation employed in each course Agree 52.6% 44.0% (140) (117) 48.9% 47.7% (128) (125) 44.5% 51.3% (117) (135) 5 of 18 Strongly No Response Disagree Opinion Count 1.1% (3) 0.4% (1) 1.9% (5) 266 1.1% (3) 0.8% (2) 1.5% (4) 262 1.1% (3) 0.8% (2) 2.3% (6) 263 Disagree answered question 266 skipped question 5 11. Evening student needs are being met by the college. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Response Disagree Count Library Services 31.5% (78) 59.7% (148) 8.1% (20) 0.8% (2) 248 Counseling Services 34.6% (85) 54.9% (135) 9.3% (23) 1.2% (3) 246 Financial Aid Services 34.4% (86) 53.2% (133) 10.4% (26) 2.0% (5) 250 Campus Security 26.3% (66) 53.4% (134) 15.1% (38) 5.2% (13) 251 answered question 253 skipped question 18 12. If you feel that evening student needs are not being met, why not and how can it be improved? Response Count 76 answered question 76 skipped question 195 13. Students are provided convenient, effective access to electronic bibliographic databases, whether on-site or remote to support the academic programs. Response Response Percent Count Strongly Agree 35.5% 93 Agree 61.1% 160 Disagree 3.4% 9 Strongly Disagree 0.0% 0 answered question 262 skipped question 9 6 of 18 14. Do you have a computer at home? Response Response Percent Count Yes 85.7% 227 No 14.3% 38 answered question 265 skipped question 6 Response Response Percent Count 15. Do you have internet access from home? Yes 74.5% 199 No 25.5% 68 answered question 267 skipped question 4 Response Response Percent Count 16. I was able to find the information I need in the PDCCC library. Always 51.6% 133 Usually 38.4% 99 Sometimes 6.6% 17 Never 3.5% 9 answered question 258 skipped question 13 7 of 18 17. What could you not find in the library? Response Count 52 answered question 52 skipped question 219 18. Access to the library collection is sufficient to support the educational, research and public service programs of the College. Response Response Percent Count Strongly Agree 37.3% 95 Agree 60.4% 154 Disagree 2.0% 5 Strongly Disagree 0.4% 1 answered question 255 skipped question 16 8 of 18 19. Please rate the quality of the following at PDCCC that apply to you: Academic instruction Shop and technical instruction Developmental instruction Distance learning courses Advising by faculty College survival courses (SDV) Registration process Business office (billing) Financial aid services Library services Tutoring services Learning Assistance and Testing Center Convenience and ease of class scheduling Clarity of college catalog Excellent Very good 43.1% 41.5% (112) (108) 34.1% (72) Response Good Fair Poor 14.2% (37) 0.8% (2) 0.4% (1) 260 39.3% (83) 24.2% (51) 0.9% (2) 1.4% (3) 211 36.0% (89) 19.0% (47) 2.4% (6) 0.4% (1) 247 35.5% (78) 21.8% (48) 3.2% (7) 0.9% (2) 220 36.4% (87) 17.2% (41) 4.2% (10) 0.4% (1) 239 37.0% (95) 12.1% (31) 1.9% (5) 0.4% (1) 257 33.2% (85) 16.4% (42) 2.3% (6) 0.8% (2) 256 36.7% (84) 21.4% (49) 1.3% (3) 1.7% (4) 229 31.8% (77) 13.6% (33) 2.5% (6) 2.5% (6) 242 38.8% (94) 13.6% (33) 3.7% (9) 1.7% (4) 242 37.4% (77) 40.3% (83) 17.0% (35) 3.4% (7) 1.9% (4) 206 36.5% (77) 45.0% (95) 15.2% (32) 1.9% (4) 1.4% (3) 211 42.0% 38.9% (108) (100) 14.4% (37) 3.1% (8) 1.6% (4) 257 38.9% (95) 13.9% (34) 4.1% (10) 1.6% (4) 244 42.1% (104) 38.6% (85) 41.8% (100) 48.6% (125) 47.3% (121) 38.9% (89) 49.6% (120) 42.1% (102) 41.4% (101) Count Extra-curricular activities 35.1% (74) 37.0% (78) 21.3% (45) 4.3% (9) 2.4% (5) 211 Vending machines 36.8% (89) 38.0% (92) 17.4% (42) 7.0% (17) 0.8% (2) 242 Clubs 30.1% (62) 38.8% (80) 21.4% (44) 7.8% (16) 1.9% (4) 206 36.4% (92) 15.8% (40) 2.8% (7) 1.2% (3) 253 Admissions Office services 43.9% (111) 9 of 18 Switchborad services College web page Student lounge Bookstore Computer labs 38.5% (84) 46.1% (118) 39.5% (94) 40.9% (104) 53.7% (139) 33.9% (74) 23.4% (51) 2.8% (6) 1.4% (3) 218 37.5% (96) 13.7% (35) 2.0% (5) 0.8% (2) 256 38.2% (91) 16.4% (39) 4.6% (11) 1.3% (3) 238 36.6% (93) 16.9% (43) 3.9% (10) 1.6% (4) 254 34.4% (89) 9.7% (25) 0.8% (2) 1.5% (4) 259 Job placement services 34.5% (69) 32.5% (65) 26.0% (52) 5.5% (11) 1.5% (3) 200 Counseling services 41.9% (95) 36.6% (83) 17.2% (39) 3.1% (7) 1.3% (3) 227 Classrooms 37.1% (96) 16.6% (43) 5.4% (14) 0.8% (2) 259 16.3% (41) 2.4% (6) 1.2% (3) 252 College atmosphere in general 44.0% (111) 40.2% (104) 36.1% (91) answered question 269 skipped question 2 20. If any area was only fair or poor, why and what suggestions do you have to make it better? Response Count 62 10 of 18 answered question 62 skipped question 209 21. If you are pursuing a degree or certificate, do you know who your faculty advisor is? Response Response Percent Count Yes 74.2% 196 No 25.8% 68 answered question 264 skipped question 7 Response Response Percent Count 22. I have participated in various student activities at the College. Yes 12.7% 34 No 87.3% 234 answered question 268 skipped question 3 Response Response Percent Count 23. Do you have a PDCCC library card/student ID? Yes 71.3% 189 No 28.7% 76 answered question 265 skipped question 6 11 of 18 24. Have you used your PDCCC e-mail account? Response Response Percent Count Yes 90.2% 239 No 9.8% 26 answered question 265 skipped question 6 25. Are you aware of the college policy located in the PDCCC's Catalog against drug/alcohol usage while on the premises? Response Response Percent Count Yes 93.6% 250 No 6.4% 17 answered question 267 skipped question 4 26. Did you receive information in SDV class (or HLT class) about drug/alcohol awareness? Response Response Percent Count Yes 71.2% 185 No 28.8% 75 answered question 260 skipped question 11 12 of 18 27. The information provided to me on drugs/alcohol in SDV class was very helpful? Response Response Percent Count Strongly Agree 39.8% 100 Agree 31.1% 78 Neutral 26.3% 66 Disagree 1.2% 3 Strongly Disagree 1.6% 4 answered question 251 skipped question 20 Response Response Percent Count 28. In your opinion, PDCCC's drug/alcohol policy is very effective? Strongly agree 38.6% 97 Agree 41.8% 105 Neutral 17.5% 44 Disagree 1.2% 3 Strongly Disagree 0.8% 2 answered question 251 skipped question 20 13 of 18 29. I see PDCCC as a first choice institution to receive a college education. Response Response Percent Count Strongly Agree 38.1% 101 Agree 56.6% 150 Disagree 4.5% 12 Strongly Disagree 0.8% 2 answered question 265 skipped question 6 30. The new student orientation day prior to the beginning of the term was very helpful in acclimating me to the College and to be successful in reaching my academic goals. Response Response Percent Count Strongly Agree 40.1% 95 Agree 53.2% 126 Disagree 5.9% 14 Strongly Disagree 0.8% 2 answered question 237 skipped question 34 31. What would make the new student orientation day more beneficial? Response Count 63 14 of 18 answered question 63 skipped question 208 32. The College Success Skills (SDV 100) or College Survival Skills (SDV 108) course was beneficial to me in helping me reach my goals. Response Response Percent Count Strongly Agree 43.5% 111 Agree 53.3% 136 Disagree 2.4% 6 Strongly Disagree 0.8% 2 answered question 255 skipped question 16 33. The customized textbook used in SDV classes was very helpful to me in being successful at College. Response Response Percent Count Strongly Agree 40.1% 99 Agree 55.5% 137 Disagree 3.2% 8 Strongly Disagree 1.2% 3 answered question 247 skipped question 24 34. What would make the course and/or the customized textbook better? Response Count 62 15 of 18 answered question 62 skipped question 209 35. The academic planner calendar was very useful to me in planning my college activities. Response Response Percent Count Strongly Agree 36.5% 89 Agree 58.6% 143 Disagree 3.7% 9 Strongly Disagree 1.2% 3 answered question 244 skipped question 27 Response Response Percent Count 36. The LASSI was very helpful to me in identifying how to study. Strongly Agree 33.1% 79 Agree 57.7% 138 Disagree 8.8% 21 Strongly Disagree 0.4% 1 answered question 239 skipped question 32 16 of 18 37. Blackboard is very helpful to me in obtaining instructors' lecture notes, handouts, feedback from the instructor on tests, and to set up study groups. Response Response Percent Count Strongly Agree 56.3% 148 Agree 40.3% 106 Disagree 2.7% 7 Strongly Disagree 0.8% 2 answered question 263 skipped question 8 38. The Computer Readiness Test (READI)that I took when I first entered the college was very helpful in deciding if I should take an online course. Response Response Percent Count Strongly Agree 35.1% 88 Agree 45.8% 115 Neutral 18.7% 47 Disagree 0.4% 1 Strongly Disagree 0.0% 0 answered question 251 skipped question 20 17 of 18 39. I am aware of tutoring services provided by the College. Response Response Percent Count Yes 93.2% 248 No 6.8% 18 answered question 266 skipped question 5 40. I am aware that the Learning Assistance and Testing Center (LAPD)helps students write papers and solve math problems. Response Response Percent Count Yes 82.7% 215 No 17.3% 45 answered question 260 skipped question 11 18 of 18