FINAL Review You should be able to: • use Venn diagrams to examine relationships between sets and the validity of simple deductive arguments • use simple and compound units, making conversions when necessary, and develop accurate comparisons between units • use an appropriate sentence to describe both the absolute and percent change in a given quantity and interpret such statements about the change • evaluate the impact of compound interest on simple financial decisions • compare and illustrate the features of linear and exponential growth using practical examples • determine simple areas, volumes, and explain the different effects of scaling on perimeter, area, volume as well as some of the practical implications of scaling Format of the Final: 11 short answer problems 1 problem related to venn diagrams 2 problems related to unit conversions 2 problems related to absolute/percent change 3 problems related to compound interest and financial decisions 3 problems related to linear and exponential models 2 problems related to geometry (Note: Problems may have multiple parts and some problems may relate to more than one of the above bullet points.) Suggested Review Problems: 1C – exercises #57-­‐66, 69-­‐71, 77-­‐81a 2A – exercises #27-­‐38, 43-­‐68, 80-­‐85 2B – exercises #37-­‐50, 63-­‐68 3A – exercises #51, 54-­‐58, 65-­‐72, 77-­‐84, 87 4B – exercises #43-­‐47, 50, 56, 58, 61, 63-­‐68, 74, 80, 89, 91-­‐93 4C – exercises #26, 31-­‐33, 38, 40 4D – exercises #14, 15, 20-­‐23, 26, 28, 35, 37-­‐42 8A – exercises #9-­‐16, 30 9B – exercises #23-­‐34 8B – exercises #28, 35, 36, 44, 53-­‐56 9C – exercises #27-­‐34a, 39, 42, 45, 47 10A – exercises #45, 48, 52, 54-­‐56, 59-­‐71, 84, 85 Formulas (provided if needed) Formulas (to know) Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion Metric to USCS conversions Currency conversions Continuously Compounding Interest Savings Plan Loan Total return Annual return Within metric conversions Within USCS conversions Abs. & Relative(percent) change Simple Interest Compound Interest APY Linear Model (y=mx+b): dependent variable=(rate of change)(indepentent variable)+initial value Exponential Models: Q=Q0(1+r)t Q=Q0(2)t/Tdouble Q=Q0(1/2)t/Thalf Properties of Logs Calculate perimeter/circumference of: square, rectangle, triangle, circle Calculate area of: square, rectangle, triangle, circle Calculate volume of: rectangular prism (box), cylinder, sphere Scaling: Length, Surface Area, and Volume