University Library Committee Meeting Minutes 9/8/14

University Library Committee Meeting Minutes 9/8/14
Call to Order / Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m.
Members present: M. Baldridge, B. Brown, S. Shen G. Stanley, R. Wakimoto
Members absent/excused: J. Iverson, E. Plant, M. Semanoff
Ex-officio member: S. Zhang
Minutes from last meeting:
The minutes from 4-28-14 were approved.
Communication Items:
Dean Zhang distributed the materials budget and the strategic plan pamphlet. The following
updates were provided.
1. The Library submitted its plans for the upcoming capital campaign. It focuses on the:
 Learning Commons- there has not been much attention from donors. There is a
possibility that funding for the Learning Commons will be a legislative initiative. This
will not be confirmed until May.
 Research Collections – The hope is funds for such collections can be built into
The Music School is in need of more music. It could make this a possible fundraising
priority. Other professional schools could consider this approach as well instead of
relying on the state funding to purchase needed materials given the budget cuts.
2. The Library is recruiting for three positions.
 e-Learning and Instructional Technology Librarian
 Fiscal and personnel manager
 Political papers archivist- this position is to help process the Baucus Papers.
3. Library projects
 This year the library is working on the second cohort of Student-Centered Innovative
 The Library is working on a plan (for date, ideas, formats, etc.) of an open house event.
This idea was suggested at a meeting with President Engstrom. Campus needs to be
educated about the importance of the Library including services beyond collections.
The Library has started to work on the unit level plans to carry out the library’s strategic
4. Library facility improvements
 The Listening/viewing room will have new tables and chairs to make it a quiet study
 The Theta Rho room has been updated with new tables and chairs to make it a space for
lectures, receptions, additional instructional space, and a quiet study space.
 Room 504, the new Veterans’ Study Room also has new furniture and computers. The
room is available to other students if not reserved or in use by Veteran students.
5. Library’s public programming activities – exhibits and lectures
 Celebrating 50th Anniversary of Wilderness Act
 Fighting the Fires of Hate: America and the Nazi Book Burnings." This exhibition is
produced by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), from October
26-December 17, 2014.
 Submitted an application on hosting Shakespeare and His First Folio exhibit, May 2016,
coordinated by the American Library Association.
6. Technology improvements
 All instructional rooms are equipped with wide project screens, wireless projectors,
key boards, and mice, and wall mounted computers
 New Microfiche reader
 A 3D printer
Business Items:
Chair Baldridge met with the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate the week before classes
started. She asked how the resolution was communicated to the administration and whether any
follow-up was necessary. The committee could consider a second resolution once the enrollment
numbers have been communicated at the end of the third week. A consideration may be the way
that the Library is categorized. The support service designation is a national standard used by the
Office of the Commissioner of Higher education. The committee will be provided with the
specifics of the classification. Another approach may be to explore other avenues of support such
as indirect costs from research grants or a student pledge.
The next meeting is October 13th.
Good and Welfare
The meeting was adjourned at 5:08p.m.