Staub, D. Stolle, L. Tangedahl

ASCRC Minutes 10/11/11
GBB 226, 2:10
Members Present: M. Beebe-Frankenberger, B. Borrie, D. Dalenberg, W. Davies, N. Greymorning, M. Grimes C. Henderson, C. Knight, J.
Staub, D. Stolle, L. Tangedahl
Members Absent/Excused: E. Johnson J. Austin, T. Rogers, C. Springmeyer,
Ex-Officio Present: B. Holzworth, S. O’Hare ,A. Walker-Andrews
Chair Tangedahl called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.
The minutes from 9/27/11 were amended and approved.
Communication Items:
The committee briefly discussed the common deficiencies of the curricular forms. The common course number section of the form is
often not completed and syllabi do not have learning outcomes. It would be helpful to have sample outcomes to send to faculty.
Sometimes the department may not have considered how the change would affect other programs. If there is a question it is always best
to request a signature.
Business Items: Curriculum Review
The Science and Math Subcommittee summarized their review. The following require follow-up. The approved consent agenda is
Computer Science
CSCI 438
Theory of Computation
Division of Biological Sciences
BIOH 483
Human Form and Function
Teaching Assistant/Honors
New course
Revised syllabus needed
New course
Check CCN, UM may have similar BIOH 480
BIOH 485
Human Anatomy and
Physiology Tutor / Honors
New course
Check CCN, UM may have similar BIOH 481
BIOM 227
Epidemiology of Vector-Born
and Parasitic Diseases
new course
Revised syllabus needed
Power of Numbers
New course
Math should sign form, consider appropriate rubric. This course was
approved for the Global Leadership Initiative and was granted the
general education science designation.
Forms were posted to wrong subcommittee, should be reviewed by
Science & Math – received late
GEO 160
Applied Computing & Electronics
The Humanites Subcommittee had many items that required clarification from ASCRC and is waiting for follow-up on others. The
approved consent agenda is appended.
ARAB 201
Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic I
ARAB 202
Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic
Advanced Modern Standard Arabic I
ARAB 301
change from 5 to 4
change from 5 to 4
change from 3 to 4
Question about contact hours and
outcomes. Have requested syllabi
Form needs to be signed by other
affected programs.
ARAB 302
Advanced Modern Standard Arabic II
ARAB 305
The Arab World: Its Peoples, History,
and Cultures
Minor in Arabic
Studies--Level II
change from 3 to 4
new course
new minor
CRWR 312
Creative Writing: Nonfiction
new course
ENIR 201
Intermediate Irish I
new course
ENIR 202
Intermediate Irish II
new course
Honors College
HC 204
Advocate Leadership Seminar
new course
HC 270
Service Learning Seminar
new course
Requesting catalog entry to include
number of credits. Also need the
syllabus to list outcomes.
Proposal is not in compliance with BOR
policy (number of credits is too high)
discriminatory language should be
removed from the proposal. Request
schedule of courses to assure viability of
minor given the number of faculty
Requesting revised syllabus to include
clear learning outcomes.
Requested shorter catalog entry
Question about appropriate
Mansfield Center
Beginning/Intermediate Pashto
Language, Culture and Regional
Modern and Classical Languages
FRCH 300
Introduction to Literature in French
new course
Many concerns need to be discussed
with ASCRC as a whole
Change from FRCH
391 to permanent
Requested revised syllabus with learning
FRCH 310
new course/title-proposed as 1st part
of 4 semester series
Follow-up pending
MANS 240
Lit & Culture of Middle Ages and Ren.
Follow-up pending
Orientation for Study Aboard in Russia
Western Europe and the Arab World
new title--2nd part of
new course
new course;
foundation for new
studies minor
MCLG 393
The Russian Experience
new course
Requested revised syllabus.
CLAS 370
Advanced Writing in Classical Studies
new course
Proposal also reviewed by Writing
Requested revised syllabus and suggest
title change to avoid confusion with
management classes.
Requested revised syllabus
FRCH 311
Lit & Culture of 17th and 18th Century
MCLG 193
MCLG 213
Requested revised syllabus
Affected program not included on form.
Native American Studies
NASX 180
Event Planning
new course
NASX 351
Traditional Ecological Knowledge in
the Northern Rockies
Montana's Indians: Relationships with
the land
Emerson and Thoreau
new course
NASX 352
PHL 331
new course
new course
Requested revised syllabus –
assessment information missing
Suggest change title to reflect Philosophy
course, should check CCN under literature
Communication Continued:
Associate Provost Walker Andrews summarized the Writing Assessment Pilot project. The project has three components. The first
involves the Writing Committee collecting data on writing courses during review. It will develop a rubric and evaluate a random
sample of lower-division writing courses this fall. The second component involves assessing students work in lower-division writing
courses. Moodle will be used as a repository for the assignements. Steve Edwards, First Year Interst Group Proghram, Director agreed
to serve as coordinator of the project. The actual review of assignments will take place in the spring. The third componant involves
assessing upper-division course work specific to the major. A few programs that have writing as one of their learning outcomes will be
asked to participate. The program will develop a rubric and evaluate a random sampling of assignemnts from capstone courses. The
assessment for this compenent will also take place in the spring.
If the project goes well and is determined to be a feasable approach, ASCRC will need to determine the best way to faise out the
UDWPA. There likely will be many appeals.
Executive Director Sharon O’Hare updated ASCRC on the status of the prerequisite checking pilot project. The web site has
information about the courses involved in the spring pilot, as well as responses to frequently asked questions. Each course has its own
waiver form downloadable from the site. The waiver is not the same as an override and is semester / coures specific. In the future it may
follow the student. The same information will be presented to ASUM and Faculty Senate this week. There will certainly be
programming logic bugs that will become apparent during registration.
ACTG 202
Principles of Managerial
M 090
Introductory Algebra
Intro to Organic and Biological
M 095
Intermediate Algebra
CSC1 172
Intro to Computer Modeling
M 115
Probability and Linear Mathematics
Introductory Soils
M 121
College Algebra
FORS 302
Forest Mensuration
M 122
College Trigonometry
FORS 320
Forest and Environmental
M 151
FORS 330
Forest Ecology
M 162
Applied Calculus
FORS 347
Multiple Resource Silviculture
PHSX 205
College Physics I
PTRM 300
Recreation Behavior
FORS 351
Photogrammetry and Remote
The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
Science and Math Curriculum Subcommittee Consent Agenda
Applied Arts & Science
SCN 105 N
SCN 260
Computer Science
Montana Ecosystems
The Biology of Behavior
change descr
Change description
Computers, Ethics, and Society
Change pre-requisite
Computers, Ethics, and Society
Change pre-requisite
CSCI 447
Machine Learning
CSCI 448
Pattern Recognition
Change prereq from Calculus (m171) to Data Structures and
Algorithms (CSCI 232)
New course
Program Modification
Writing course requirement
Change writing requirement from WRIT 222 to any university
approved lower division writing course
Division of Biological Sciences
BIOB 375
General Genetics
New course
Wildlife Physiological Ecology
CLS 460, 461,
Clinical Lab internship
Delete individual courses. Students will take a general BIOM 498
course for each semester of the three semester internship
Program Modification
Teacher Preparation Options
Change geology requirement
Modification to the science
requirement for math majors
remove management courses from the list of approved courses
WBIO 441
Exp learn for Fish Biol and Mngmt
WILD 346
Wildlife Physiological Ecology
Change descr (crosslist reference) to reflect CCN
WILD 480
The Upshot: Applied Wildlife
Add prereq/coreq
Techniques of Modern Essay
change number from 312, change title from Intro to Creative
Mathematical Sciences
Program Modification
Wildlife Biology
Humanities Consent agenda
CRWR 322
HSTR 335
Latin America: Workers and
Labor History
HSTR 414
Research Seminar in Early
Modern Britain
Research Seminar: Britain 15001800
Latin America: Human Rights
and the Politics of Memory
Modern and Classical Language
change number from 436 UG, drop Upper Division Writing Status
Program Modification
revise program requirements
Delete course
consolidate existing courses, change from U to UG
Change title from Latin America: Politics of Memory
PHL 449
Moral and Political Philosophy
Program Modification
add PHL 449 to list of courses satisfying upper-division value theory req.
new course