Prerequisite Revision Review Prefix & Course #

Prerequisite Revision Review
I. Summary of Prerequisite Revision
Dept / Program
SOCI 441
Prefix & Course #
Course Title
Capstone in Inequality and Social Justice
Has the Department gone through common course review?
X Yes □No □In process
If Yes or In Process please use new rubric / numbers.
Rationale 
SOCI 220 was our entry course into the option, but we have found that a variety of courses might serve the
same purpose, most notably SOCI 275S. In order to facilitate enrollment, we have removed SOCI 220S and
replaced it with the more flexible “two inequality and social justice courses.”
II. Endorsement/Approvals
Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office
Please type / print name Signature
Celia Winkler
Phone/ email :
Program Chair/Director:
James Burfeind
If one or more of the prerequisite courses specified is
new to the course description:
Is the new prerequisite offered by a department or
program other than the Requesting Department?
If YES, obtain signature(s) from the Chair/Director of
any such department/ program before submission.
III. Catalog Language
Language must be specific and verifiable through Banner.
1. Current course information at it appears in catalog 2. Full and exact entry (as proposed) 
( 
UG 441 Capstone in Inequality & Social
Justice 3 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., SOCI
101S, 220S (SOC 110S, 220S), one other
inequality and social justice elective, and
consent of instr. Research and writing on
Inequity and Social Justice. Students bring
together readings from other inequality content
courses and/or independent readings, research
methods training, and data and/or internship
experience to write a final research paper on a
topic of their choice within the ISJ area. Meets
upper-division writing expectation for sociology
majors only.
UG 441 Capstone in Inequality & Social
Justice 3 cr. Offered spring. Consent of
instructor. Research and writing on Inequity and
Social Justice. Students bring together readings
from other inequality content courses and/or
independent readings, research methods training,
and data and/or internship experience to write a
final research paper on a topic of their choice
within the ISJ area. Meets upper-division writing
expectation for sociology majors only.
IV Copies and Electronic Submission. After approval, submit original, and electronic file to the
Faculty Senate Office, UH 221,