Upper-division Writing Requirement Review Form

Upper-division Writing Requirement Review Form (2/14)
I. General Education Review – Upper-division Writing Requirement
Health & Human
Course # (i.e. ANTY
HEE 301
455) or sequence
Course(s) Title
Instructional Strategies in Secondary Physical Education
Description of the requirement if it is not a single course.
II. Endorsement/Approvals
Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office.
Please type / print name Signature
Arthur Miller
Phone / Email
Program Chair
Scott Richter
Roberta Evans
III. Type of request
Renew X
Reason for new course, change
or deletion
One-time Only
Renewal request submitted
IV Overview of the Course Purpose/ Description
This course is designed to provide HHP students multiple opportunities to refine necessary
writing skills. The writing assignments are divided into 3 categories. The first category deals
with 2 reaction papers dealing with their public school visitations. Students react to the
observed classes by addressing the prescribed categories viewed in the classes and stated in the
syllabus. The second category deals with 3 research papers. Students will demonstrate how to
use the Mansfield Library research tools by writing 3 different papers on assigned topics.
Topics are research in nature and one paper will include some interview material. The third
category deals with informal writing opportunities at the beginning of class. A short article or
topic will be presented and students will be asked to write for 5-7 minutes writing as much
relevant info as possible in the time allowed. The third category is free writing.
All student products in the course are written assignments. All grades for the research papers
will be based on 3 categories. They are correct English and syntax, content and development of
the topic, reference and style. Students are required to write a serious amount. They are also
required to edit as well. The rewriting is a request for revisions to ideas and content and not
only the correction of grammatical errors.
V Learning Outcomes: Provide examples of how the course will support students in
achieving each learning outcome.
Identify and pursue
sophisticated questions for
academic inquiry
X Yes
If yes, how will student learning be supported?
Students are required to produce a final major research paper. The
topic deals with effective teaching, their major. Students will display
knowledge of the Mansfield Library research tools and will learn the
scientific approach to effective teaching. Writing format will also be
required for this paper. Scientific articles, thesis work, and other
research products will support student work.
http://www.lib.umt.edu/libraryinformation-literacytables#Table2) Subject liaison
 No
If no, course may not be eligible
X Yes
If yes, how will student learning be supported?
Students will be required to obtain specific articles from specific
journals to support their work. Other articles they wish to include
must be evaluated, and analyzed for inclusion. A review of literature
will demonstrate student ability to search, analyze and integrate
librarians are available to
assist you embed information
literacy into your course:
 No
If no, course may not be eligible
Find, evaluate, analyze, and
synthesize information
effectively and ethically from
diverse sources (see:
Manage multiple perspectives
as appropriate
X Yes
If yes, how will student learning be supported?
The research papers are intended to allow students to realize the
research behind the topics of teaching. Scientific evidence is supported
over opinion. Students must learn to find, recognize and analyze
research articles and synthesize the material into a coherent body of
Recognize the purposes and
needs of discipline-specific
audiences and adopt the
academic voice necessary for
the chosen discipline
 No
If no, course may not be eligible
X Yes
If yes, how will student learning be supported?
Students produce work about their chosen field for people in their
chosen field based on the body of knowledge available. The final
research paper is intended for presentation to audiences in their
respective teaching area such as state conventions and other
undergraduate courses. The intent is for the presentation to shed
information of effective teaching from a scientific perspective.
Use multiple drafts, revision,
and editing in conducting
inquiry and preparing written
 No
If no, course may not be eligible
X Yes
If yes, how will student learning be supported?
At least two and sometimes more drafts are required for the research
papers. Student will start with and outline and then progress to
revisions. Credit is given for drafts, written submissions, and the final
submissions. Work is Professor reviewed until the final submission
and then it is peer reviewed as well.
Follow the conventions of
citation, documentation, and
formal presentation
appropriate to that discipline
 No
If no, course may not be eligible
X Yes
If yes, how will student learning be supported?
All papers will follow the APA Publication Manual style of writing.
Such work will contain a bibliography and references. Students are
asked to carefully follow the style prescribed in the manual
consistently throughout the papers.
 No
If no, course may not be eligible
VI. Writing Course Requirements
Enrollment is capped at 25
If not, list maximum course
enrollment. Explain how
outcomes will be adequately
Enrolled is capped at 25 and strictly adhered.
met for this number of
students. Justify the request
for variance.
Briefly explain how students
are provided with tools and
strategies for effective writing
and editing in the major.
Students are briefed in class of the common formats for APA
Publication manual writing and then requested to follow such style in
all their submissions. Reference to all types of scientific materials and
various numbers of authors is required for all submissions.
Which written assignment(s)
includes revision in response
to instructor’s feedback?
The research papers require revision and multiple submissions. The
other writings are meant to work on expression and gathering of
relevant information.
VII. Writing Assignments: Please describe course assignments. Students should be required
to individually compose at least 20 pages of writing for assessment. At least 50% of the course grade
should be based on students’ performance on writing assignments. Quality of content and writing are
integral parts of the grade on any writing assignment.
Formal Graded Assignments
The two reaction papers based on the observations are graded and
returned. The three research papers are graded and returned as well.
Informal Ungraded
The free writing at the start of most classes is ungraded.
Paste or attach a sample writing assignment, including instructions for students.
Students are quietly critical of your fitness level. Should Physical Education teachers be required to
maintain a certain fitness level?
Two disruptive students are constantly bothering the class and you with their disruptions. Explain how
you will deal with them.
VIII. Syllabus: Paste syllabus below or attach and send digital copy with form.
The syllabus must include the list of Writing Course learning outcomes above.
Paste syllabus here.
HEE 301
Dr. Arthur W. Miller
McGill Hall 206 office
243-5238 office phone
Spring 2014
TR 8:10 – 9:30 am
FRC Gym 1 (main floor)
McGill 135
The course is designed to provide prospective teachers the skills necessary to be effective Middle
School and Secondary School Physical Education (Health Enhancement) teachers in public and
private schools. Theoretical knowledge will be gained from the readings, discussions, and
lectures. Practical applications will be gained from micro teaching sessions and guest lectures.
Public school visitations and lesson planning will also add to the practical experience. At the end
of the semester the student should be able to:
Demonstrate effective station teaching skills
Demonstrate effective demonstration teaching skills
Demonstrate the ability to effectively execute the Fitnessgram
Design an effective discipline policy for secondary students
Design an effective grading criteria for secondary students
This class, upon successful completion, satisfies the upper division writing course requirement.
At the end of the semester the student should be able to:
Find, evaluate, and synthesize information effectively from diverse sources
Pursue important Physical Education questions for academic inquiry
Use multiple drafts, revision, and editing in conducting inquiry and preparing written
Follow the conventions of citation, documentation, and formal presentation appropriate to
Physical Education
Develop competence in information technology and digital literacy
Students will be expected to produce or purchase an accelerometer for exercises in class and use
during the daily activities. Students will be expected to purchase the faculty pack for reference
articles, charts, and use during the course. Any class meetings marked with an * or # must be
attended. If you miss and asterisk or pound day, excused or unexcused, you will lose 4 points
from your final point count. Example 3 absences = 12 points deducted from final point total.
Student Conduct Code: All students must practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is
subject to an academic penalty by the course instructor and/or a disciplinary sanction by the
University. All students need to be familiar with the Student Conduct Code. The Code is
available for review online at
American with Disabilities Act: The University of Montana upholds the ADA by providing
reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities. If any student requires reasonable
accommodations to adequately perform the duties of the class, please see the instructor during
the first week of class to make plans for specific modifications.
Point Distribution
Teaching assignments
Test 1
Demonstration teaching
Demonstration lesson plan
Station teaching
Station teaching cards
40 points
Formal writing assignments
Visitation paper Middle School
Visitation paper Secondary School
Why I….. 1st draft
Why I…. final draft
Effective Teaching 1st draft
15 points
Effective Teaching final paper
What is Fun in PE class? 1st draft
Fun….Final paper
50 points
300 points total
Grade evaluation:
279-300 = A
278-280 = A-
261-269 = B+
249-260 = B
240-248 = B-
231-239 = C+
219-230 = C
Nine of the classroom sessions will begin with a written reaction/comment to a question/comment
proposed by the teacher. The written answer/reaction session will last approximately 15-20
minutes. During the exercise I will provide you with a question or comment and ask you to write
a response/reaction to the statement. The writing will not be graded or formally evaluated. The
purpose is to allow written expression and communication from which we will initiate our lecture
discussion for the day. Notebooks will be provided and all free writing assignments will be made
and saved in the notebook.
Journal articles will be assigned for reading. Students will come to class prepared to discuss the
assigned journal articles. To encourage preparation and discussion, students will be allowed to
take notes from the articles on the distributed 5x7 index cards. There will be a maximum of two
cards for each article. On the cards write the name of the article and author as well as the main
points of the article, interesting concepts, and questions for discussion. Use the cards for our
class discussion. I will collect the cards at the end of the class day and return them to you the day
of the test and you may use the cards for the in class portion of the test, so it is worthwhile to
prepare detailed cards. No cards may be turned in the days after article discussions. The cards
will not be graded. They may be in outline or narrative form.
Middle School visitation due 4/15/14
Secondary School visitation paper due 5/8/14
Each student will visit a Middle and Secondary School Health Enhancement class during the
semester. A short visitation reaction paper of no less than 350 typed words summarizing each of
the visits will be handed in during the assigned dates above. Please print the word count at the
end of the paper. The paper should include the significant events of the visit. You may include
such events as the roll call method, any management techniques, any discipline events,
organization skills, time on task, teacher rapport with the class, lesson focus, any instructional
skills, any demonstration techniques, and any other significant events. Do not hesitate to add any
other categories to the paper that you felt were noteworthy.
Do not evaluate or criticize the lesson since that is not the intent or your job. No value statements
either, just report what you saw. You may find it worthwhile to talk with the teacher for a few
minutes if possible and ask about their grading policy, why they entered teaching, their overall
approach to teaching, and why they enjoy teaching. You may also ask about their goals, their
overall philosophy, and why they feel they have been successful over the years. Again, try not to
be judgmental and determine what was good or bad. Just state what you saw and try to be
objective. You will do one paper for the middle school and one paper for the high school. You
can use our scheduled class visit as the visitation. Submit your paper electronically. I prefer an
email attachment. You should include a topic “HEE 301 observation” so the email does not go to
junkmail. Papers are due by 9:30 am of the due date. I will send you an email confirmation of the
paper within 2 days.
Why I…. paper
1st draft due
final paper due 2/25/14
This paper will consist of 650 words minimum. Please print your word count at the end of the
paper. In this paper you will state the reasons you want to become a licensed teacher.
Appropriate topics may include your teaching approach or so called philosophy., your career
goals, and or some of your daily goals, your overall outlook, or your mantra on life within
teaching. You may also add the impact you feel you will make on kids, and the level you want to
teach. It also should include WHY I should hire you. What do you have to offer this school?
You may include your willingness to coach or provide any other after school contributions. The
paper should be written as if it is a philosophy of why a school system should hire you, things
you would put in a cover letter, and your approach to teaching all in one. Four points will be
deducted for each day the paper is late. Papers are due at 9:30 am of the due date.
1st draft due 3/6/14
Final paper due 3/20/14
In this paper you will discuss the ingredients of effective teaching. Approach the topic of
effective teaching as a question: What is effective teaching? This paper is to include 100 words
minimum. Place the printed word count at the end of the paper. You are encouraged to cover
approximately 4 major points or concepts. Also, there should or could be 2-3-4 subdivisions in
each of the four major topics. This paper is to contain citations from refereed journals,
dissertations, and/or periodicals. It is not an opinion paper, but a research paper backed by
evidence. The style should be the APA style of writing. In this paper you will discuss what
makes up effective teaching, how to attain it, and why certain teaching is considered effective.
You may also approach this topic and reveal what makes a successful lesson? Gear your answer
toward a public school level such as middle school or high school and make your paper relevant
to your preferred level. Include a bibliography at the end of the paper. This is a formal research
paper. There is no maximum number of references, but there must be at least 6 citations from
outside sources. Four points will be deducted for each day the paper is late. Papers are due at
9:30 am of the due date.
FUN paper
1st draft due 4/17/14
Final paper due 5/1/14
In this paper you will discuss what is fun in a middle school or high school PE lesson. Choose
one of the grade levels and use only one level. Fun can be defined as why students enjoyed the
class or why they want to continue to play? What makes PE enjoyable? Why do kids leave PE
smiling most days? Whys PE their favorite class of the day?
You are required to reference research and you also are allowed to use personal
For your research sources us journal articles, textbooks, and any published writings. Try to come
up with 3 or 4 major themes or reasons or conditions that make PE fun. It is better to identify 3-4
themes and expand on those. Listing and naming to many becomes very shallow or brief. These
articles must be research articles of what fun is and how to obtain fun in the lessons.
The other 50% of the paper is information from students and teachers. Find 2 High school or
Middle School teachers and interview them over the phone or in person and ask them various
questions dealing with how they make PE fun. Also, talk with 2-3 students and ask them why PE
is fun and when, where, and how it is fun.
There should be a 50/50 combination of the two sources. This paper is 1000 words minimum.
Please print your word count at the end of your paper. There should be at lease 3 or 4 references
from the research area and 4-6 references from the opinion area. Four points will be deducted
for each day the paper is late. Papers are due at 9:30 am of the due date.
Tentative itinerary
FW1/Course overview/goals of course
FW2/Demo teaching info/Task teaching info/accelerometer use/articles
FW5/teacher characteristics;traits= total pkg
FW6/Purpose/goals of teaching PE/
1st draft/outline of Why I …paper
Station teaching #1
FW7/tchng philosophy;objectives/role of AD/ role of Dept Head
Make up day
Final paper of Why I….paper
Hellgate Middle School visitation
Station teaching #2
Demonstration teaching #1/
1st draft on Effective Teaching
President’s PF Test/Fitnessgram/Pacer test
Demonstration teaching #2
Middle School visitation paper
FW8/ Grading critera/Discipline/Curriculum
Final paper of Effective Teaching
Station teaching #3
Demonstration teaching #3
Spring Break
Spring Break
Start fun paper
work on paper
draft of Fun… paper
FW9 in class meeting
Hellgate High School visitation (8:00 am Hellgate lower gym)
CS Porter Middle School visitation (7:50 am UM FRC)
Big Sky High School visitation (7:50 am FRC)
Final paper of Fun…
Sentinel High School visitation (7:50 am FRC)
Last class meeting
Secondary School visitation paper
* = meet in the FRC
# = visitation days