Program Modification Form Requestor: Phone: Program Chair/Director: Please t e / rint name Thomas Gallagher Department Dean Other affected Programs: (Use additional sheet if needed) 7814 Penny Jakes Lynn Stocking Computer Science ~D~o~u£g~R~a'.'!ifi~o~rd~ -J-J~~~"-.:.~'JL~4:--_!:[_~c'-''L~~~ Please obtain signature(s) from the Chair/Director of any such department/ program (above) before submission Are other departments/programs affected by this modification because of (a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites, (b) perceived overlap in content areas (c) cross-listin of coursework (e.g. adding a writing course required of all majors.) Please X check the appropriate box. Major X Minor Option Teaching major/minor Other Please describe Changing courses required for graduation. If you are proposing a change to an existing program or major, please cut and paste the requirements as they appear in the current catalog below. JJ Please provide the proposed copy as you wish it to appear in the catalog. JJ Associate of Applied Science - Information Technology; Information Systems Management Option Associate of Applied Science - Information Technology; Information Systems Management Option Missoula College Catalog Year: 2014-2015 Missoula College Catalog Year: 2014-2015 Degree Specific Credits: 61 Degree Specific Credits: 6+ 60 Required Cumulative GPA: 1.7 Required Cumulative GPA: .. Information Technology Core Courses Information Technology Core Courses Rule: All courses are required Note: Completion of IT core courses fulfills requirements for CAS in computer support. Course Descriptions Course BGEN lOSS- Introduction to Business CSC! 105 - Computer Fluency CSC! 110 - Programming - VB 1 ~.O Rule: All courses are required Note: Completion oflT core courses fulfills requirements for CAS in computer support. Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits Course Descriptions Course BGEN lOSS - Introdnction to Business CSCI lOS- Computer Fluency CSCI Ilg PragFammiAg VB I Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credils II T CSCI 172 - Intro to Computer Modeling ITS 150 - CCNA I: Exploration ITS 165 - OS Commands and Scripts ITS 2 I 0 - Network OS - Desktop ITS 280 - Computer Repair & Maint, ITS 289 - Professional Certification MilS - Probability and Linear Math WRIT 101 - College Writing I Minimwn Required Grade: CRequired 3 3 3 3 3 I 3 3 Credits Credits Credits Credits Credits Credits Credits Credits CSCI 135 - Fund of Computer Science I CSCI 172 - Intro to Computer Modeling ITS 150 - CCNA I: Exploration ITS 165 - OS Commands and Scripts ITS 210 - Network OS - Desktop lTS 280 - Computer Repair & Maint, ITS 289 - Professional Certification M I 15 Prel3abi Iit)' aRa LiReai' Math WRIT 101 - College Writing I 3 3 3 3 3 3 I 3 3 Credits Credits Credits Credits Credits Credits Credits Creaits Credits 31 Total Credits Minimum Required Grade: CRequired 28 Total Credits Mathematics Rule: Any Mathematics course level 115 or higher Minimum Required Grade: C3 Total Credits Required Information Systems Option Requirements Rule: A 11courses are required Course Descriptions Course ACTO 101 - Accounting Procedures I COMX 111A - Intro to Public Speaking CRT 263 - Web Design & Dev CSCI 120 - Programming - VB II CSCI 215E - Social & Ethical Issues in CS CSCI 221 - System Analysis and Design CSCI 240 - Databases and SQL ITS 298 - Internship/Cooperative Educati Minimum Required Grade: CCredits Required Credits 4 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits 2 Credits 24 Total Information Systems Option Reqnirements Rule: All courses are required Course Descriptions Course Credits q Creails ACTG 191 Aeee"stiRg Preeea"res ] COMX I I IA - Intro to Public Speaking 3 Credits 3 Creails CRT 263 'Nee DesigR & De" CSCI 113 - Programming with C++ ] 3 Credits CSC] 129 PregraramiBg VB H 3 Creails 3 Credits CSCI 136 - Fund of Computer Science II CSCI215E - Social & Ethical Issues in CS 3 Credits 3 Credits CSCI 221 - System Analysis and Design 3 Credits CSCI 240 - Databases and SQL 2 Credits ITS 298 - Internship/Cooperative Educati 3 Credits MART 232 - Interactive Web II ;M 23 Total Credits Minimum Required Grade: CRequired Information Systems Directed Electives Rule: Required; take a minimwn of 6 credits Information Systems Directed Electives Rule: Required; take a minimwn of 6 credits Note: Student must select at least two directed elective courses (minimwn of6 credits). Directed electives must be approved by student's advisor. Examples of directed electives may include courses from the BGEN, COMX, CSCI, DDSN, ITS, or WRIT rubrics. A student may request substitution of other courses to fulfill the directed elective requirement provided a clear connection can be made between a course, a student's career objective, and the degree program. All substitution requests require departmental approval. Minimum Required Grade: C6 Total Credits Required Note: Student must select at least two directed elective courses (minimwn of6 credits). Directed electives must be approved by student's advisor. Examples of directed electives may include courses from the ACTG, BGEN, COMX, CSCI, DDSN, ITS, or WRIT rubrics. A student may request substitution of other courses to fulfill the directed elective requirement provided a clear connection can be made between a course. a student's career objective, and the degree program. All substitution requests require departmental approval. Minimum Required Grade: C6 Total Credits Required Please explainljustil)! the new proposal or change. U We request modifying our mathematics requirement to provide students the additional option of pursing a trigonometry/calculus pathway. Currently we allow substitution ofM 121 or higher in place of MilS. It is particularly useful for those students continuing on to baccalaureate degree programs in computingrelated fields. We seek to formally recognize this alternate pathway in the catalog by modifying the requirement to read M 115 or higher-level mathematics course. Our second modification seeks to better prepare students in the area of computer programming. We have witnessed an increased demand for individuals with programming skills in both the local technology sector and nationally. These individuals are involved in various phases of software development including software testing and coding. Our request involves changing the programming sequence from CSCll10 & CSCI 120 (Visual Basic) to CSCl135 & CSCI 136 (Java Programming). The Java programming language is preferred over Visual Basic for structured software development by industry and academia. We believe these modifications will better prepare students for computing-related jobs in the software development industry. Additionally, the modification better aligns our computer programming coursework with baccalaureate degree programs for those students seeking to continue their education. Accounting has been a graduation requirement for the ISM option, while C++ programming has been a directed elective. In responding to the increased demand for individuals with computer programming skills, our last request is to move ACTG 101 to a directed-elective and require CSCI 113 for the ISM option. CSCI 113 better prepares students for careers in the area of computing and software development. Those students interested in accounting or business still have the opportunity to pursue coursework in this area using the directed electives. Revised 11-2009