I. ASCRC Symbolic Systems Request

I. ASCRC Symbolic Systems Request (3/5/14)
Use to request or renew the general Group III Exception: Symbolic Systems for degree
programs or options. Please complete a separate form for each degree requesting the
Degree or Degree Option*
Bachelor of Music
*For options include all degree requirements followed by the
option requirements.
Approved Symbolic System(s) MUSI 105, 106, 140, 141
II. Endorsement/Approvals
Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office
Please type / print name Signature
Phone / Email
Maxine Ramey
Maxine Ramey
Program Chair
III: Justification Please explain why the program of study requires over 48 credits for a
first baccalaureate degree:
The Bachelor of Music Degree Program is an intensive professional degree program in the
School of Music with 73-85 REQUIRED MUSIC credits (depending on the specialization) in
professional musicianship/performance required by the National Association of Schools of
Music for accreditation.
Degree Specialization Curricular Charts are attached showing required courses:
BM in Voice Performance
BM in Piano Performance
BM in Piano Performance and Pedagogy
BM in Composition
BM in Instrumental Performance
BM in Organ Performance
IV. Degree Requirements: (1) List all courses required for the major and the credits
earned. Courses that apply toward the 48-credit threshold include all requirements for the
primary major and designated pre-requisite courses (2) Subtract general education credits
fulfilled by these requirements. Example: If a major requires PHSX 205N-208N (totaling 10
credits), only 4 credits apply towards the 48 credit threshold since 6 credits are needed to fulfill
general education group XI (Natural Sciences).
1) See Attached Curricular Charts(All listed course are REQUIRED for the music major
degree in each specialization. The term MAJOR Courses and SUPPORTIVE MUSIC Courses is
a NASM term for two categories of REQUIRED courses for accreditation in the BM degree.
a. BM in Voice -73 Musicianship/Performance Courses
b. BM in Piano Performance and Pedagogy- 84 Musicianship/Performance/Music Pedagogy
c. BM in Organ Performance-85 Musicianship/Performance courses
d. BM in Instrumental Performance-77 Musicianship/Performance courses
e.BM in Composition- 85 Musicianship/Performance/Composition/Music Tech. Courses
f. BM in Piano Performance-85 Musicianship/Performance Courses
a.73(Major courses)-23(Music courses that fulfill Gen. Ed.)= 50
b.84 (Major courses-23 (Music courses that fulfill Gen Ed.) = 61
c.85 (Major course)-23 (Music courses that fulfill Gen Ed.) =62
d.77(Major courses)-23(Music courses that fulfill Gen. Ed)=54
e.85(Major courses)-23(Music courses that fulfill Gen. Ed) =62
f. 85(Major courses)-23(Music courses that fulfill Gen. Ed.) =62
Total Credits (Excluding General Education Credits): 51-62
V. Option Requirements:
Total Credits (Excluding General Education Credits):
Please note: Programs granted a symbolic-systems exception to the general education modern and
classical languages requirement will have to reapply every four years to keep the exception. The
application will require an up-to-date accounting showing that the 48-credit threshold is exceeded.