I. ASCRC Symbolic Systems Request (3/5/14) Use to request or renew the general Group III Exception: Symbolic Systems for degree programs or options. Please complete a separate form for each degree requesting the exception. Degree or Degree Option* B.A. in Mathematics with an option in Mathematics Education *For options include all degree requirements followed by the option requirements. Dept/Program Mathematical Sciences Approved Symbolic System(s) M 171 Calculus I (or any course for which M 171 is a prerequisite) II. Endorsement/Approvals Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office Please type / print name Signature Date Nikolaus Vonessen x6222 / nikolaus.vonessen@um ontana.edu Program Chair Leonid Kalachev Dean Chris Comer III: Justification Please explain why the program of study requires over 48 credits for a first baccalaureate degree: As the computations in Part IV show, this degree requires at least 72 credits (after subtracting general education credits). IV. Degree Requirements: (1) List all courses required for the major and the credits earned. Courses that apply toward the 48-credit threshold include all requirements for the primary major and designated pre-requisite courses (2) Subtract general education credits fulfilled by these requirements. Example: If a major requires PHSX 205N-208N (totaling 10 credits), only 4 credits apply towards the 48 credit threshold since 6 credits are needed to fulfill general education group XI (Natural Sciences). Requestor Phone / Email For simplicity, I am not listing the individual required courses, but instead refer to the various named degree requirements for a B.A. in Mathematics with an option in Mathematics Education in the UM Catalog, which lists the minimum number of credits needed to fulfill a given requirement. Please click on this hyperlink (and the one below) to see exactly which courses satisfy each of the requirements. A. Mathematical Sciences Courses Required for the Mathematics Education Option: 41-42 credits. Except for the upper-division writing expectation for the major (satisfied by M 429), the only gen-ed requirements fulfilled by these courses are for Group II (Mathematics) and Group III (Symbolic Systems); both are fulfilled by M 171 (4 credits). B. Science Requirement for the Mathematics Education Option: 12 credits. Of these, usually 6 count towards General Education Group XI. Next come the Licensure Degree Requirements: C. Teacher Education Program Prerequisite: 3 credits (which are general education credits). D. Additional Licensure Requirements: 6 credits (of which 3 usually are gen-ed credits). E. Education Coursework: 12 credits (note that math-ed majors need not take EDU 370). These 12 credits include a 3-credit gen-ed course, EDU 407E. F. Education Field Experiences: 2 credits (none gen-ed) G. Student Teaching Field Experience: 15 credits (none gen-ed) The minimum total number of credits required: (41-4) + (12-6) + (3-3) + (6-3) + (12-3) + 2 + 15 = 72 Total Credits (Excluding General Education Credits): 72 V. Option Requirements: These are already included in the above computation. It would be hard to separate the option requirements from the major requirements for this particular degree. Total Credits (Excluding General Education Credits): 72 Please note: Programs granted a symbolic-systems exception to the general education modern and classical languages requirement will have to reapply every four years to keep the exception. The application will require an up-to-date accounting showing that the 48-credit threshold is exceeded.