I. ASCRC Symbolic Systems Request (3/5/14) Use to request or renew the general Group III Exception: Symbolic Systems for degree programs or options. Please complete a separate form for each degree requesting the exception. Degree or Degree Option* Biology – option Genetics & Evolution *For options include all degree requirements followed by the option requirements. Dept/Program DBS Approved Symbolic System(s) M 162 (applied calculus) or M 171 (calculus I) or M 181 (honors calculus I) II. Endorsement/Approvals Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office Please type / print name Signature Requestor Phone / Email Date Charles Janson charles.janson@mso.u mt.edu Program Chair Charles Janson Dean CHS, Dean Comer III: Justification Please explain why the program of study requires over 48 credits for a first baccalaureate degree: Biology is arguably the most integrative of the natural sciences. A working understanding of biological processes requires both inorganic and organic chemistry, basic physics, and calculus. These courses alone add up to at least 26 credits (and up to 38). Adding in our core courses and a modest number of required courses within the major, nearly all options in biology, microbiology, and the medical technology degrees have at least 69 required credits. The credit requirements in biology at UM are not exceptional, but quite routine for undergraduate degree programs in the biological sciences at U.S. universities. IV. Degree Requirements: (1) List all courses required for the major and the credits earned. Courses that apply toward the 48-credit threshold include all requirements for the primary major and designated pre-requisite courses (2) Subtract general education credits fulfilled by these requirements. Example: If a major requires PHSX 205N-208N (totaling 10 credits), only 4 credits apply towards the 48 credit threshold since 6 credits are needed to fulfill general education group XI (Natural Sciences). Required Biology Core Courses: BIOB 160N - Principles of Living Systems (4) BIOB 170N - Princpls Biological Diversity (3) BIOB 171N - Princpls Biological Dvrsty Lab (2) BIOB 260 - Cellular and Molecular Biology (4) BIOB 272 - Genetics and Evolution (4) Total core courses: 17 credits - 6 credits for Natural Sciences GER Running Subtotal: 11 credits Total Credits (Excluding General Education Credits): V. Option Requirements: All Required: BIOB 375 - General Genetics (3) BIOB 486 – Genomics (3) BIOE 370 - General Ecology (3) BIOE 371 - Gen Ecology Lab (2) Running Subtotal: 22 credits One biochemistry sequence: o BCH 380 – Biochemistry (4) o BCH 480 – 482 - Advanced Biochemistry I & II (6) Running Subtotal (minimum): 26 credits Three courses from: BIOB 480 - Conservation Genetics (3) BIOE 403 - Vert Design & Evolution (5) BIOE 406 - Behavior & Evolution (4) BIOE 482 - Evolution & Development (3) BIOL 483 - Phylogenetics & Evolution (3) BIOL 484 - Plant Evolution (3) BIOM 410 - Microbial Genetics (3) BIOM 415 - Microbial Dvrsty Eclgy & Evltn (3) CSCI 451 - Computational Biology (3) Running Subtotal (minimum): 35 credits One from: BIOB 425 - Adv Cell & Molecular Biology (3) BIOL 435 - Comparative Animal Physiology (3) BIOM 450 - Microbial Physiology (3) BIOO 433/434 - Plant Physiology & Lab (4) Running Subtotal (minimum): 38 credits One from: o M 162 - Applied Calculus (4) o M 171 - Calculus I (4) o (or M 181) Running Subtotal (minimum): 42 credits One from: o STAT 216 - Introduction to Statistics (4) o STAT 451/457 & 452/458 - Statistical Methods I & II (8) Running Subtotal (minimum): 46 credits One chemistry sequence from: o CHMY 121N - Intro to General Chemistry & CHMY 123N/124N - Intro to Organic & Biochem & Lab (8) o CHMY 141N-143N - College Chemistry Iⅈ CHMY 221/222 – 223/224 - Organic Chem I&II & Labs (20) Running Subtotal (minimum): 54 All required: PHSX 205N/206N - College Physics I & Lab (5) PHSX 207N/208N - College Physics II & Lab (5) Running Subtotal (minimum): 64 Total Credits (Excluding General Education Credits): 64 Please note: Programs granted a symbolic-systems exception to the general education modern and classical languages requirement will have to reapply every four years to keep the exception. The application will require an up-to-date accounting showing that the 48-credit threshold is exceeded.