Program Modification Form Department/program Summary

Program Modification Form
I Summary of Proposed Changes
Climate Change Studies
Create new course, add two newly created courses, cross-list 12 existing
courses with CCS, change course number and add a co-convened section to a
course; three minor revisions to catalog.
II Endorsements and Approvals
Please obtain the Program Chair/Director’s approval and Dean’s approval.
Please type / print name Signature
Program Chair/Director:
Nicky Phear
Steve Running
Department Dean
Other affected Programs:
Jim Burchfield
Brad Layton, Energy Technology
Laurie Yung, Resource Conservation
Phil Condon, Environmental Studies
Christiane Von Reichert, Geography
Jeff Bookwalter, Economics
Ramona Grey, Political Science
Chris Comer, Dean of the College of
Humanities and Sciences
(Use additional sheet if
Are other departments/programs affected by this modification
Please obtain signature(s) from the Chair/
because of
Director of any such department/ program
(a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites,
(above) before submission
(b) perceived overlap in content areas
(c) cross-listing of coursework
III Type of Program Modification
(e.g. adding a writing course required of all majors.) Please X check the appropriate box.
X Option
Teaching major/minor
Please describe
Create new course, add two newly created courses, cross-list 12
existing courses with CCS, change course number and add a coconvened section to a course; three minor revisions to catalog.
IV Catalog Language
If you are proposing a change to an existing program
Please provide the proposed copy as you wish it to
or major, please cut and paste the requirements as they appear in the catalog. 
appear in the current catalog below. 
Climate Change Science
Climate Change Science
Rule: Must take at least 6 credits from the following list
Rule: Must take at least 6 credits from the following list
Show All
NRSM 281 – Science of
3 Credits
Climate Change/Honors
Show All
ERTH 303N - Weather
and Climate
3 Credits
(Add: Same as CCS 281)
GEO 482 - Global
3 Credits
NRSM 291 - Special
1 To 12
NRSM 408 - Global
Cycles and Climate
NRSM 418 - Ecosystem
3 Credits
ERTH 303N - Weather and
3 Credits
(Add: Same as CCS 303N)
NRSM 408 - Global Cycles
and Climate
3 Credits
(Add: Same as CCS 408)
3 Credits
NRSM 418 - Ecosystem
3 Credits
(Add: Same as CCS 418)
NRSM 491 - Special
1 To 9
GEO 482 - Global Change
3 Credits
NRSM 491 - Special
1 To 9
Minimum Required Grade: C-
6 Total
Minimum Required Grade: C-
6 Total
Climate Change and Society
Rule: Must take at least 6 credits from the following list
Climate Change and Society
Note: NRSM 395 Climate Change Effects and Adaptation in the
Mekong; Wintersession also cross-listed with ENST 391, ANTY 391
Rule: Must take at least 6 credits from the following list
and GPHY 391 - 6 total credits - 3 count toward Society Area
Also NRSM 321 AND ENST 311 Cycle the Rockies: Engery and
Note: ENST 427 Social Issues: The Mekong Delta;
Climate Change in Montana 6 cr. in Summer
Wintersession cross-listed with NRSM 427 and GPHY 427
count toward Society Area; taught with ENST/NRSM/GPHY
437 Climate Change: Mekong Delta.
Also NRSM 321 AND ENST 311 Cycle the Rockies: Energy
COMX 349 - Comm Consump &
3 Credits
and Climate Change in Montana 6 cr. in Summer
ECNS 445 - Int Env Econ & Clim
COMX 349 - Comm Consump &
3 Credits
3 Credits
ENST 367 - Envr Politics & Policies
3 Credits
(Add: Same as CCS 349 and
ENST 349)
GPHY 421 - Sustainable Cities
3 Credits
ECNS 445 - Int Env Econ & Clim
NRSM 426 - Climate and Society
3 Credits
3 Credits
(Add: Same as CCS 445)
NRSM 449E - Climate Change
3 Credits
PSCI 324 - Climate Policies: China &
ENST 367 - Envr Politics & Policies
3 Credits
GPHY 421 - Sustainable Cities
3 Credits
3 Credits
(Add: Same as CCS 421 and EVST
Prereq., CCS 203
Minimum Required Grade: C-
6 Total Credits Required
NRSM 426 - Climate and Society
3 Credits
(Add: Same as CCS 426)
NRSM 449E - Climate Change
3 Credits
(Add: Same as CCS 449E)
PSCI 324 - Climate Policies: China &
(Change Prereq., to CCS 103X )
(Add: Same as CCS 324)
Category A: Practical Application
Rule: Must take at least 1 course but a total of 6 credits between
both categories A and B
3 Credits
CCS 391 - Climate
2 To 4
Change Practicum
Show All
Minimum Required Grade: C-
6 Total Credits Required
Category A: Practical Application
Rule: Must take at least 1 course but a total of 6 credits between
both categories A and B
CCS 398 - Clmt Change
2 To 4
CCS 395 - Climate
2 To 4
Change Practicum
CCS 398 - Clmt Change
2 To 4
ENST 476 -
3 Credits
Show All
ENST 476 -
Environmental Citizenship
NRGY 298 - Internship
3 Credits
2 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C-
3-6 Total
(Add: Same as CCS 476)
NRGY 298 - Internship
2 Credits
ADD: NRGY 295 –
2 To 4
Energy Technology
Practicum II
Minimum Required Grade: C-
3-6 Total
Category B
Rule: May take 1 of the following courses
Category B
Rule: May take 1 of the following courses
Note: Commentary: NRSM 395 Climate Change Effects and
Note: Commentary: ENST 437 Climate Change: Mekong Delta
Adaptation in the Mekong; Wintersession also cross-listed with
Wintersession cross-listed with NRSM 437 and GPHY 437 count
ENST 391, ANTY 391 and GPHY 391 - 6 total credits - 3 count
toward Solutions Area; taught with ENST/NRSM/GPHY 427
toward Solutions Area
Social Issues: The Mekong Delta.
Also NRSM 321 AND ENST 311 Cycle the Rockies: Engery and
Also NRSM 321 AND ENST 311 Cycle the Rockies: Energy and
Climate Change in Montana 6 cr. in Summer
Climate Change in Montana 6 cr. in Summer
BGEN 160S – Issues in Sustainability
3 Credits
BGEN 160S – Issues in Sustainability
3 Credits
(Add: Same as CCS 160S)
CCS 352 – Climate Field Studies
3 Credits
CCS 352 – Climate Field Studies
3 Credits
GPHY 421 – Sustainable Cities
3 Credits
GPHY 421 – Sustainable Cities
3 Credits
(Add: Same as CCS 421 and
EVST 421)
NRGY 102 – Intro to Sustainable Energy
3 Credits
NRGY 102 – Intro to Sustainable
NRGY 195- Practicum
3 Credits
3 Credits
Energy II
(Add: Same as CCS 102)
Minimum Required Grade: C-
0-3 Credits Required
NRGY 195- Practicum
3 Credits
Minimum Required Grade: C-
0-3 Credits Required
Please explain/justify the new proposal or change. 
Create new course:
Science of Climate Change/Honors, NRSM 281, 3 cr., fall semester. Cross-listed with CCS 281. An experimental
Science of Climate Change course ran twice as an experimental NRSM/CCS 291 course. This course is critical
course for the Climate Change Studies minor as the only lower-level science-area course offering. It is open to all
students across campus, not just Honors students. There is a GEO 108, Climate Change: Past and Present course on
the books, which was taught for several years by Geoscience professors and adjuncts, but there is no indication it
will be taught again in the future due to staffing limitations within the Geoscience faculty. This course is a small
seminar that discusses the carbon cycle, climate/biology interactions, biodiversity implications, ocean
biogeochemical changes, future projections, and current uncertainties.
Add two newly created courses:
1) ENST 427 Society, Economy and Environment of the Mekong Delta. Wintersession course, cross-listed with
NRSM 427 and GPHY 427. Short title: Social Issues: The Mekong Delta. Counts for Climate Change and Society
2) ENST 437 Climate Change Effects and Adaptation in the Mekong Delta. Wintersession course, cross-listed
with NRSM 437 and GPHY 437. Short title: Climate Change: The Mekong Delta. Counts for Climate Change
Solutions area.
This wintersession course has been taught experimentally in Vietnam as ENST 491: Society, Economy and
Environment of the Mekong Delta (crosslisted as NRSM 491 and GPHY 491) and ENST 491: Climate Change
Effects and Adaptation in the Mekong Delta (crosslisted as NRSM 491 and GPHY 491) through the Mansfield
Center during 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. The course partners with Can Tho University, we have now developed a
solid, permanent curriculum with regular field trips and speakers.
Cross-list twelve existing courses with CCS:
1) NRSM 408 Global Cycles and Climate serves a critical need within the Climate Change Studies
minor program. It is one of only four science-area course offerings. A majority of the students who
enroll in that course are a part of the Climate Change Studies minor. Identifying this course within
Climate Change Studies course listing will help student recognize it as a means to meet their minor
2) NRSM 418 Ecosystem Climatology serves a critical need within the Climate Change Studies minor
program. It is one of only four science-area course offerings. A majority of the students who enroll in
this course are a part of the Climate Change Studies minor. Identifying this course within the listing of
courses within the Climate Change Studies minor will help student recognize it as a possible course to
meet their minor requirements. The ASCRC has previously approved this course for crosslisting with
3) ERTH 303N Weather and Climate serves a critical need within the Climate Change Studies minor
program. It is one of only four science-area course offerings, and one of only two that is offered each
year. Identifying this course within the listing of courses within the Climate Change Studies minor will
help student recognize it as a possible course to meet their minor requirements. In return, a crosslisting
with CCS helps to populate and diversify student enrollment within the Weather and Climate class. The
ASCRC has previously approved this course for crosslisting with CCS.
4) GPHY 421 Sustainable Cities is an important course offering within the Climate Change Studies
(CCS) minor. The course provides critical curricular content for CCS students with its focus on smart
growth, alternative energy, integrated waste management, green architecture, and urban forestry and
agriculture. Identifying this course within Climate Change Studies course listing will help students
recognize it as a means to meet their minor requirements. In addition, cross-listing the course with
Climate Change Studies allows the opportunity to extend the important discussion about global urban
sustainability to an even larger student body. It is also bringing proposed for cross-listing with EVST.
5) ECNS 445 International Environmental Economics & Climate Change serves an important need
within the Climate Change Studies minor program. It is one of only several society-area course
offerings, and the only course that covers economics and climate change. Identifying this course within
the listing of courses within the Climate Change Studies minor will help student recognize it as a
possible course to meet their minor requirements. The ASCRC has previously approved this course for
crosslisting with CCS.
6) COMX 349 Communication, Consumption and Climate serves an important need within the
Climate Change Studies minor program. It is one of only several society-area course offerings, and the
only course that covers consumption and communications. Identifying this course within the listing of
courses within the Climate Change Studies minor will help student recognize it as a possible course to
meet their minor requirements. In return, a crosslisting with CCS helps to populate and diversify
student enrollment within this class. The ASCRC has previously approved this course for crosslisting
with CCS. Note: Paperwork has been submitted via Steve Schwarze and includes also a proposal for
crosslising with ENST.
7) NRSM 449E Climate Change Ethics & Policy serves a critical need within the Climate Change
Studies minor program. It is one of only several society-area course offerings, and the only course that
covers the ethical dimensions of climate change. Identifying this course within the listing of courses
within the Climate Change Studies minor will help student recognize it as a possible course to meet
their minor requirements. In return, a crosslisting with CCS helps to populate and diversify student
enrollment within the Climate Change Ethics and Policy class. The ASCRC has previously approved
this course for crosslisting with CCS.
8) NRSM 426 Climate and Society serves a critical need within the Climate Change Studies minor
program. It is one of only several society-area course offerings, and the only course that covers the
social aspects of climate change at multiple scales. Identifying this course within the listing of courses
within the Climate Change Studies minor will help student recognize it as a possible course to meet
their minor requirements. In return, a crosslisting with CCS helps to populate and diversify student
enrollment within the Climate and Society class. The ASCRC has previously approved this course for
crosslisting with CCS.
9) PSCI 324 Sustainable Climate Policies: China & the US serves a critical need within the Climate
Change Studies minor program. It is one of only several society-area course offerings, and the only
course that covers international climate policy. Identifying this course within the listing of courses
within the Climate Change Studies minor will help student recognize it as a possible course to meet
their minor requirements. In return, a crosslisting with CCS helps to populate and diversify student
enrollment within the Sustainable Climate Policies class. The ASCRC has previously approved this
course for crosslisting with CCS.
10) ENST 476 Environmental Citizenship/SERV serves a critical need within the Climate Change
Studies minor program. It is one of only four solutions-area course offerings that provide students with
an applied service-oriented and problem-based learning experience, whereby students are actively
engaged in climate solutions. Identifying this course within the listing of courses within the Climate
Change Studies minor will help student recognize it as a possible course to meet their minor
requirements. In return, a crosslisting with CCS helps to populate and diversify student enrollment
within the Environmental Citizenship class. The ASCRC has previously approved this course for
crosslisting with CCS.
11) NRGY 102 Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems II serves a critical need within the Climate
Change Studies minor program. It is one of our solutions-area course offerings and the only one that
provides a survey of renewable energy systems and technology. Identifying this course within the
listing of courses within the Climate Change Studies minor will help student recognize it as a possible
course to meet their minor requirements. In return, a crosslisting with CCS helps to populate and
diversify student enrollment within the Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems II class. The
ASCRC has previously approved this course for crosslisting with CCS.
12) BGEN 160S Issues in Sustainability serves a critical need within the Climate Change Studies minor
program. It is an accessible, introductory, solutions-area course offerings and the only one that provides
a business perspective. Identifying this course within the listing of courses within the Climate Change
Studies minor will help student recognize it as a possible course to meet their minor requirements. In
return, a crosslisting with CCS helps to populate and diversify student enrollment within this class. The
ASCRC has previously approved this course for crosslisting with CCS. Note: Paperwork was submitted
to crosslist this course with ENST 160S, but an oversight was made in that it did not also include CCS
160S crosslisting. ASCRC has previously approved this course for crosslisting with CCS and it has
been a staple among our course offerings.
Change course number add a co-convened section to a course:
Request change in course number for Climate Change Practicum from CCS 391 to CCS 395 to be consistent
with the reserved course number for a practicum. Also, add one section that will be co-convened with NRGY
295, Energy Technology Practicum II. Through an NSF grant with Energy Technology Program Director, Dr.
Bradley Layton, funding is available to create a new, co-convened course that will engage Climate Change
Studies and Energy Technology students jointly in project work that helps to advance technological strategies
that will reduce the University of Montana’s carbon footprint.
Three minor revisions to course catalog:
1) PSCI 324 - Climate Policies: China & U.S. Change prerequisite to CCS 103X. CCS 203 is the old course
2) Clarify in the notes that the Vietnam Wintersession course is a six credit course, 3 of which count for the
Society area and 3 of which count for the Solutions area, as described above.
3) Fix spelling typo in word ‘energy’.
V Copies and Electronic Submission
Once approved, the original, a paper copy and an electronic file are submitted to the Faculty Senate Office,
UH 221 (
VI Department Summary Required if several proposals are submitted. In a separate document list
program title and proposed change of all proposals.
Revised 11-2009