Upper-division Writing Requirement Review Form. I. General Education Review – Upper-division Writing Requirement Dept/Program Course # (i.e. ANTH Music Subject 455) or sequence Course(s) Title Music of the 20th C. to the Present Description of the requirement if it is not a single course. MUSI 415 II. Endorsement/Approvals Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office. Please type / print name Signature Instructor James Randall Phone / Email james.randall@umontana.edu Program Chair Maxine Ramey Dean Stephen Kalm III. Type of request New One-time Only Reason for new course, change or deletion Date Change Remove Request for renewal of designation IV Overview of the Course Purpose/ Description Music 415 is an introduction to Western art music of the 20th century to the present. By studying representative works of major composers, we learn something about the immense changes in musical style that characterize this time period. Through primary and secondary source readings, we’ll learn about the important cultural, political, and social movements that inspired and shaped such diverse works. As this course fulfills the upper-division writing requirement, you’ll also develop skills in writing and research that are crucial to a professional career in music. V Learning Outcomes: Explain how each of the following learning outcomes will be achieved. This course is organized as a seminar. Our Student learning outcomes : Identify and pursue sophisticated questions for weekly readings, listening, and discussion questions (on Moodle) serve as a springboard academic inquiry for our face-to-face meetings, in which students are expected to pose questions directing course content and to share their own independent analyses of the musical works and source readings. The writing assignments expect and assess Find, evaluate, analyze, and synthesize these skills. information effectively and ethically from diverse sources (see http://www.lib.umt.edu/informationliteracy/) Manage multiple perspectives as appropriate Recognize the purposes and needs of discipline-specific audiences and adopt the academic voice necessary for the chosen discipline Use multiple drafts, revision, and editing in conducting inquiry and preparing written work Follow the conventions of citation, documentation, and formal presentation appropriate to that discipline Develop competence in information technology and digital literacy (link) Each essay requires students to critically engage with multiple perspectives and points of view that are presented in assigned readings and listening, from both primary and secondary sources. Students are expected to incorporate those points of view as well as independent research and musical analysis into each of their formal essays. Each essay is modeled after a specific kind of professional writing common in the field of music: (1) a research piece (program note assignment); (2) criticism (a critical review of a new musical composition); and (3) an editorial response (an opinion piece). For each assignment, a particular audience is identified so that students can tailor their essay appropriately. Depending upon the assignment, students submit drafts for peer or instructor review. Students incorporate feedback into their revisions and final drafts. Students are provided with resources I post to Moodle, cover in class, and supplement through handouts. These skills are covered primarily in class, but I also devote discussion forums on Moodle presenting and sharing resources. I also use the music subject area resource guide developed by Tammy Ravas for the Mansfield Library website. Links to helpful resources are posted on Moodle. VI. Writing Course Requirements Enrollment is capped at 25 students. If not, list maximum course enrollment. Explain how outcomes will be adequately met for this number of students. Justify the request for variance. Briefly explain how students are provided with tools and strategies for effective writing and editing in the major. Which written assignment(s) includes revision in response to instructor’s feedback? We discuss these in class and links are provided to resources on Moodle. In particular, I use resources available through the Mansfield Library website and Purdue University Online Writing Lab The program note assignment. VII. Writing Assignments: Please describe course assignments. Students should be required to individually compose at least 20 pages of writing for assessment. At least 50% of the course grade should be based on students’ performance on writing assignments. Quality of content and writing are integral parts of the grade on any writing assignment. Formal Graded Assignments 3 essays ~ 5 pages each; 2 take-home short Informal Ungraded Assignments answer and essay exams (~5 typed pages each). These assignments comprise 80% of the total course grade. Weekly discussion forums on moodle. VIII. Syllabus: Paste syllabus below or attach and send digital copy with form. For assistance on syllabus preparation see: http://teaching.berkeley.edu/bgd/syllabus.html The syllabus must include the following: 1. Writing outcomes 2. Information literacy expectations 3. Detailed requirements for all writing assignments or append writing assignment instructions Music 415H: Music of the 20th Century to the Present Upper-Division Writing Course: 3 Credits Fall 2013 Instructor: James Randall E-mail: james.randall@umontana.edu Office/phone: 214 Music Bldg. Office Hrs: Wed 10-11:30, or by appt. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Pre-requisites: Students must have completed both their upper-division recital program and piano proficiency degree requirements, or have the consent of the instructor to enroll in this course. Course Description: Our course is an introduction to Western art music of the 20th century to the present. By studying representative works of major composers, we’ll learn something about the immense changes in musical style that characterize this period, and also about the important cultural, political, and social movements that inspired and shaped such diverse music. As this course fulfills the upper-division writing requirement, you’ll also develop skills in research and writing that are immediately relevant to a professional career in music. Student Goals and Objectives: 1) Gaining practical knowledge of composers of the 20th and 21st centuries, including a familiarity with musical styles, compositional techniques, and sources of creative inspiration. 2) Developing active listening skills, including the ability to identify and discuss broad musical styles and the styles of specific composers. 3) Developing skills in research and writing in the discipline of music: in particular, fostering digital literacy and a working knowledge of current information technology relevant to our field. Each essay assignment explores a specific type of musical writing, including music criticism, program notes, and original research. Required Texts You have two required texts for this course: The Rest is Noise, by Alex Ross, and Strunk’s Source Readings in Music History: The Twentieth Century, vol., 7, edited by Robert Morgan. Both are available for purchase online (see Moodle for link). A few copies of Strunk’s Source Readings are available at the UC bookstore. Additional assigned readings will be posted online in PDF format as part of your Moodle course supplement. Listening Materials Listening examples for the course will be available through Naxos Music Library or YouTube playlists. See Moodle for weekly assignments. Evaluation: Grades will be based upon the following: Essay I (program note) 15% Essay II 15% Midterm I 15% Midterm II 15% Paper III 20% Attendance and Participation in Discussion Group 20% *Attendance will be taken at each session. More than three absences will result a letter grade deduction of your final grade. • Paper extensions will only be permitted with a valid excuse—illness, death in the family, etc. • Students with special needs should consult with the instructor for accommodations. Grading scale is as follows A AB+ B BC+ 93-100% 90-92% 88-89% 83-87% 80-82% 78-79% C CD+ D DF 73-77% 70-72% 68-69% 63-67% 60-62% 59% and below Academic Misconduct and the Student Conduct Code All students must practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic penalty by the course instructor and/or disciplinary sanction by the University. All students need to be familiar with the Student Conduct Code. The Code is available for review online at www.umt.edu/SA/VPSA/Index.cfm/page/1321. SCHEDULE Weekly reading and listening assignments, as well as other homework will be posted in the Weekly Assignments folder on Moodle. The following schedule provides rough weekly topics of study, dates for exams, and due dates for your three essays. Week 1: Aug 27 and 29 Illegal Harmonies: Why does 20th-century music sound so different? Or does it? Week 2: Sept. 3 and 5 The Rest is Noise [RIN]: Chapter 1: The Golden Age (Mahler and Strauss) Week 3: Sept. 10-12 RIN: Chapter 2: Doctor Faust (Schoenberg, Berg, Webern) Week 4: Sept. 17-19 RIN: Chapter 3: Dance of the Earth (Stravinsky, Bartok, Les Six) Week 5: Sept. 24-26 RIN: Chapter 4: Invisible Men (Cook, Ives, Gershwin, Ellington) *TURN IN ESSAY 1 Week 6: Oct. 1-3 RIN: Chapter 6: City of Nets (Hindemith, Schoenberg, Weill, Krenek) Week 7: Oct. 8-10 RIN: Chapter 7: The Art of Fear (Shostakovich, Prokofiev) *MIDTERM I EXAM Week 8: Oct. 15-17 RIN: Chapter 8 (Copland, Seeger, Thomson, Blitzstein) Week 9: Oct. 22-24 RIN: Chapters 9-10: Death Fugue: Music of the Third Reich; Zero Hour: US Army and German Music 19451949 *TURN IN ESSAY II Week 10: Oct. 29-31 RIN: Chapter 11: Brave New World (Boulez, Babbitt, Cage, Stockhausen, Xenaxis) Week 11 Nov. 5-7 RIN: Chapter 12: Grimes! Grimes! (Britten); Chapter 13 Zion Park (Messiaen, Ligeti, Berio) Week 12 Nov. 12-14 RIN: Chapter 14: Beethoven was Wrong (Reich, Young, Riley, Partch, Feldman) *MIDTERM 2 EXAM Week 13: Nov. 19-21 RIN: Chapter 15: Sunken Cathedrals: Music at Century’s End: Week 14: Nov. 26 (Thanksgiving break TBA Week 15: Dec 3-5 TBA Week 16: Finals Week Final Meeting: Tuesday Dec. 10 5:30-7:30 *Turn in Essay 3 SAMPLE ESSAY PROMPT Music 415: Music of the 20th Century to the Present Essay 1: Program Note Description: Write a program note for one musical work of your choice. The composer and piece should be from the time period roughly outlined in the first 4 chapters of your textbook, The Rest is Noise. The note must be between 1000-1250 words (adhering to strict word limits is typical for published notes). Assume that your target audience is educated and musically literate. In keeping with standard program note practice, source citations are not required. Although your approach to the note may vary in style, language, and organization, all notes should include the following components: 1) Full title of the work; date of composition; composer and dates 2) Historical context: genesis of the piece, inspiration, interesting anecdotes, etc. 3) Stylistic context: how the piece fits in with other works by the composer and with the music of its era 4) Musical description: something to guide the listener through the piece 5) At the end of the note, you should append a “Further Reading” section with a short list (no more than 5 sources) of books, articles, and websites that direct the reader to resources that discuss the work and composer in greater depth (for proper bibliographic citation, see handout on Moodle), Format: MS Word document (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf). Include your last name in your document title (e.g. Randall.424ProgramNote.doc). Getting Started: Read the following link for some helpful strategies for researching and writing your notes: http://facstaff.uww.edu/allsenj/MSO/NOTES/WritingNotes.htm Grading: You’ll be graded on the content and accuracy of your note, as well as on the appropriateness of the note for your intended audience. Your notes should be within the exact word limits. Proofread carefully: points will be deducted for errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. You should follow the standard editorial guidelines for writing about music (see handout on Moodle).