Program Modification Form I Summary of Proposed Changes Department/program Summary School of Theatre & Dance—BFA in Theatre, Area of Specialization in Design/Technology Remove credits from requirements II Endorsements and Approvals Please obtain the Program Chair/Director’s approval and Dean’s approval. Requestor: Phone: Email: Program Chair/Director: Department Dean Please type / print name Signature Alessia Carpoca Jere Hodgin Dr. Stephen Kalm Date Other affected Programs: (Use additional sheet if needed) Are other departments/programs affected by this modification Please obtain signature(s) from the because of Chair/Director of any such (a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites, department/ program (above) before (b) perceived overlap in content areas submission (c) cross-listing of coursework III Type of Program Modification (e.g. adding a writing course required of all majors.) Please X check the appropriate box. Major Minor Option Teaching major/minor Other Please X Removing two credits from specialization describe IV Catalog Language If you are proposing a change to an existing program or Please provide the proposed copy as you wish major, please cut and paste the requirements as they it to appear in the catalog. appear in the current catalog below. Design/Technology Specialization Design/Technology Specialization Students wishing to pursue a B.F.A. specialization in design/technology must: with a 1. Complete a one-year residency at the UMMissoula campus which includes a minimum of 12 credits in design/technology. 2. Attain a cumulative 2.5 overall GPA and a 3.0 GPA in design/technology coursework. 3. Present a theatre resume and portfolio consisting of class and production work. 4. Prepare a written statement explaining their educational and professional goals. Students who intend to pursue the design/technology specialization will normally enter the University as Bachelor of Arts students in Theatre. To be taken in addition to core courses: Theatre Credits Students wishing to pursue a B.F.A. with a specialization in design/technology must: 1. Complete a one-year residency at the UM-Missoula campus which includes a minimum of 12 credits in design/technology. 2. Attain a cumulative 2.5 overall GPA and a 3.0 GPA in design/technology coursework. 3. Present a theatre resume and portfolio consisting of class and production work. 4. Prepare a written statement explaining their educational and professional goals. Students who intend to pursue the design/technology specialization will normally enter the University as Bachelor of Arts students in Theatre. THTR 102A (DRAM 103A) Introduction to Theatre Design 3 THTR 106A (DRAM 106A) Theatre Production I: Running Crew 1 THTR 107A (DRAM 107A) Theatre Production I: Construction Crew (repeat once) 6 THTR 155 (DRAM 104) Drawing Fundamentals for Theatre 3 THTR 206 (DRAM 206) Theatre Production II: Running Crew 1 THTR 255 (DRAM 231) Drafting for the Theatre I 3 To be taken in addition to core courses: Theatre Credits THTR 102A (DRAM 103A) Introduction to Theatre Design 3 THTR 107A (DRAM 107A) Theatre Production I: Construction Crew (repeat once) 6 THTR 155 (DRAM 104) Drawing Fundamentals for Theatre 3 THTR 255 (DRAM 231) Drafting for the Theatre I 3 THTR 307 (DRAM 307) Production Construction I 3 THTR 370 (DRAM 371) Stage Management 2 THTR 307 (DRAM 307) Production Construction I 3 THTR 370 (DRAM 371) Stage Management 2 Junior Project: THTR 308 (DRAM 308) Production Team I or 309 (DRAM 309) Production Design I 2 THTR 345 (DRAM 341) Flat Pattern Design & Drafting or 355 (DRAM 332) Computer Aided Drafting & Application 3 Senior Project: THTR 408 (DRAM 308) Production Team II or 409 (DRAM 409) Production Design II 3 Electives (minimum of 12 upperdivision; by advisement) 18 Subtotal 48 Junior Project: THTR 308 (DRAM 308) Production Team I or 309 (DRAM 309) Production Design I THTR 345 (DRAM 341) Flat Pattern Design & Drafting or 2 Core Courses 27 Total 75 355 (DRAM 332) Computer Aided 3 Drafting & Application Junior Projects A junior project is required of all B.F.A. design/technology specialization students. The junior project is usually production-related and has both practical and written components. Requirements for the project are outlined in the School of Theatre & Dance Handbook. Senior Project: THTR 408 (DRAM 308) Production Team II or 409 (DRAM 409) Production Design II 3 Electives (minimum of 12 upper-division; by advisement) 18 Subtotal 46 Core Courses 27 Total 73 Junior Projects A junior project is required of all B.F.A. design/technology specialization students. The junior project is usually production-related and has both practical and written components. Requirements for the project are outlined in the School of Theatre & Dance Handbook. Please explain/justify the new proposal or change. We are removing THTR 106A and 206 from the Design/Technology specialization as each course is currently part of the BFA’s core course requirements. Current course proposals for both 106A and 206 will ensure that each course equals backstage work for one production; we wish to avoid overburdening students in the specialization with requiring four discrete backstage experiences as they will still have multiple required production assignments on various shows. V Copies and Electronic Submission Once approved, the original, a paper copy and an electronic file are submitted to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221 ( VI Department Summary Required if several proposals are submitted. In a separate document list program title and proposed change of all proposals. Revised 11-2009