Level I Program Form I Summary of Proposed Changes Forestry Department/program Course requirement modification; Simplify option name: “Forest Operations” Summary II Endorsements and Approvals Please obtain approval from the Program Chair/Director, the Dean and the Associate Provost. Requestor: Phone: _____________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature Date Dean’s Signature Date Program Chair/Director: _____________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature Date Initial Review in Provost’s Office date Other affected programs: _____________________________________ ____________________________________ Signature Date Faculty Senate Review date _____________________________________ Signature Date ___________________________________ Provost date _____________________________________ Signature Date Are other departments/programs affected by this modification Please obtain signature(s) from the Chair/Director of any because of such department/ program (above) before submission x(a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites, (b) perceived overlap in content areas (c) cross-listing of coursework III Type of Level I Proposal (please check the appropriate space) (a) Re-titling existing majors, minors, options, or certificates x (b) Eliminating existing majors, minors, or options. (submit with BOR program termination checklist) (c) Adding new minors or certificates where there is a major* (d) Adding new minors or certificates where there is an option in a major* (e) Departmental mergers and name changes (f) Program revisions –for minor modifications use the program modification form* x (g) Distance delivery of previously authorized degree program (h) Adding option within an existing major or degree * (i) Eliminating organizational units such as departments, divisions and colleges or schools * (j) Consolidating existing programs and/or degree * *Requires BOR Curriculum Proposal Form submitted to the Provost’s Office (refer to http://www.umt.edu/provost/policy/curriculum/default.aspx) IV Catalog Language If you are proposing a change to an existing program or major, Please provide the proposed copy as you wish it to appear please cut and paste the requirements as they appear in the in the catalog. current catalog below. www.umt.edu/catalog Forestry Forestry Bachelor of Science in Forestry Bachelor of Science in Forestry Forest Operations and Applied Restoration Option Beth Dodson, Associate Professor, Program Director The Bachelor of Science in Forestry is a professional In addition to special degree requirements listed previously, the students selecting the Forest Operations and Applied Restoration option must complete the following required courses or their equivalent, if transferred from another college or university. Transference and equivalency will be determined by the University and College of Forestry and Conservation. Electives may be taken at any time, keeping in mind these requirements as well as the University's General Education requirements for graduation. First Year Credits 3 Writing I 3 M 151 (MATH 121) Precalculus 4 BIOO 105N (BIOL 120N) Introduction to Botany 3 M 162 (MATH 150) Applied Calculus 4 PHSX 205N and 206N (PHYS 111N and PHYS 113N) College Physics Credits FORS 130 Introduction to Forestry Field Skills WRIT 101 (ENEX 101) College I and Lab Core Requirements First Year CHMY 121N (CHEM 151N) Introduction to General Chemistry degree accredited by the Society of American Foresters that provides students interested in the management of forested systems a solid basis in the art and science of forest management. The BS Forestry degree prepares students for employment in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. All students in the BS Forestry Program will take a core of required courses and select from one of two options: Forest Operations or Forest Resources Management. 2 CHMY 121N Introduction to General Chemistry 3 WRIT 101 College Writing I 3 M 151 Pre-calculus* 4 BIOB 160N Principles of Living Systems 4 M 162 Applied Calculus –OR- 4 5 PHSX 205N and 206N College ECNS 201S (ECON 111S) Introduction to Microeconomics Physics I and Lab 5 COMX 111A Speech –OR- 3 THTR 120A Intro to Acting 3 3 NRSM 180 (FOR 180) Careers in Natural Resources or NRSM 121S (RSCN 121S) Nature of Montana 2 Electives and General FORS 200 (FOR 200) Forest Resources Measurements Camp Electives and General Education Second Year Education 7/8 Second Year Credits FORS 201 Forest Biometrics 3 2 4 Credits NRSM 210N Soil, Water, and FORS 235 (FOR 235) Problem Solving for Forest Operations Climate 3 FORS 240 Tree Biology 2 4 FORS 201 (FOR 201) Forest Biometrics FORS 241N Dendrology 3 3 NRSM 200 Natural Resources ENSC 245N (FOR 210N) Introductory Soils Professional Writing 3 3 FORS 202 Forest Mensuration 3 NRSM 200 Natural Resources Professional Writing 3 FORS 284 Introduction to GIS and Cartography 3 FORS 241N (FOR 241N) Dendrology 3 ECNS 201S Introduction to Microeconomics 3 GPHY 284 Introduction to GIS and Cartography 3 Electives and General Education 6 Credits NRSM 265 (FOR 265) Elements of Ecological Restoration 3 Third and Fourth Years Nature and Society Elective 3 FORS 320 Forest Electives and General Education 3 Third and Fourth Years Environmental Economics 3 FORS 330 Forest Ecology 3 Credits NRSM 385 Watershed FORS 302 (FOR 302) Forest Mensuration Hydrology 3 3 FORS 340 Forest Products FORS 320 (FOR 320) Forest Environmental Economics Manufacturing 2 3 FORS 341 Timber Harvesting FORS 330 (FOR 330) Forest Ecology and Roads 3 3 FORS 349 Multiple Resource NRSM 385 (FOR 385) Watershed Hydrology Silviculture 3 3 FORS 440 Forest Stand FORS 340 (FOR 340) Forest Products Manufacturing Management 3 2 NRSM 422 Natural Resources FORS 341 (FOR 341) Timber Harvesting and Roads FORS 347 (FOR 347) Multiple Resource Silviculture Policy & Administration 3 Option and Electives 37 3 3 *The M151 requirement may also be satisfied with the sequence of M121 College Algebra AND M122 College Trigonometry FORS 351 (FOR 351) Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 3 Students in the BS Forestry program must choose one of two options: Forest Operations or Forest Resource Management. NRSM 422 (FOR 422) Natural Resources Policy & Administration 3 Required Courses FORS 434 (FOR 434) Advanced Forest Roads Forest Operations Credits 2 FORS 434 Advanced Forest Roads FORS 435 (FOR 435) Advanced Timber Harvesting 3 2 FORS 435 Advanced Timber FORS 436 (FOR 436) Forest Harvesting 3 FORS 436 Project Appraisal 3 Operations Evaluation and Project Planning 3 Forest Management Elective FORS 437 (FOR 437) Forest (one course from the Operations and Applied Restoration Capstone 3 NRSM 455 (FOR 455) Riparian following) Credits FORS 230 Fire Management 2 2 Ecology and Management 3 FORS 232 Insects and Disease Electives and General Education 22 NRSM 265 Elements of Ecological Restoration The following courses satisfy the nature and society elective PTRM 217 Parks and Outdoor requirement: ENST 230H (EVST 167H) Nature and Society 3 Recreation Management 3 WILD 275 Wildlife Conservation 2 3 Resource Protection Elective ENST 225 (EVST 225) Community and Environment (one course from the 3 PHL 422 (PHIL 427E) Environmental Philosophy following) Credits NRSM 455 Riparian Ecology 3 Forest Resources Management Option In addition to special degree requirements listed previously, the students selecting the Forest Resources Management option must complete the following required courses or their equivalent, if transferred from another college or university. and Management 3 FORS 485 Watershed Management 3 3 Transference and equivalency will be determined by the University and College of Forestry and Conservation. Electives may be taken at any time, keeping in mind these requirements as well as the University's General Education requirements for graduation. First Year NRSM 415 Environmental Soil Science NRSM 360 Range Management 3 Credits FORS 331 Wildland Fuels Management BIOO 105N (BIOL 120N) Introduction to Botany 3 3 Ethics and Social Science Elective (one course from the CHMY 121N (CHEM 151N) Introduction to General Chemistry 3 following) COMX 111A (COMM 111A) NRSM 379 Collaboration n Introduction to Public Speaking OR Natural Resource Decisions Credits 3 THTR 120A (DRAM 111A) Acting for Non-Majors 3 NRSM 489E Ethics, Forestry and Conservation 3 ECNS 201S (ECON 111S) Introduction to Microeconomics 3 NASX 303E Ecological Perspectives in Native WRIT 101 (ENEX) College Writing I 3 American Traditions M 151 (MATH 121) Precalculus 4 NRSM 424 Community Forestry M 162 (MATH 150) Applied Calculus 4 Electives and General Education 5 Second Year Credit 3 and Conservation 3 FORS 425 Natural Resource 3 Forest Resources Management FORS 201 (FOR 201) Forest Biometrics and Environmental Economics 3 Students selecting a minor must include an increment of at least 6 credits beyond the major and option requirements. NRSM 200 Natural Resources Professional Writing 3 Required Course Credits ENSC 245N (FOR 210N)Soils 3 FORS 481 Forest Planning 3 FORS 240 (FOR 240) Tree Biology 2 Professional Electives: at least 18 credits from the following must be selected. FORS 241N (FOR 241N) Biophysical Sciences (at least Dendrology 3 one course from the GPHY 284 Introduction to GIS and 3 following) Credits Cartography BIOE 390 General Ecology 3 Social Science Restricted Elective BIOO 335 Rocky Mountain Flora 3 BIOO 433 Plant Physiology 3 (Select one course from the following list) FORS 342 Wood Anatomy, SOCI/ENST 225 (EVST 225) Community and Environment 3 ENST 230H (EVST 167H) Nature and Society 3 NRSM 370S (RSCN 370S) Wildland Properties, and Identification 3 FORS 430 Forest Meteorology 3 NRSM 418 Ecosystem Climatology 3 NRSM 335 Environmental Entomology 3 Conservation Policy and Governance 3 WILD 370 Wildlife Habitat Conservation and Management 3 Management Applications Restricted Elective (Select at least Management Applications (at five credits from the following list) least two courses from the following) Credits FORS 230 (FOR 230) Forest Fire Management 2 FORS 232 (FOR 232) Forest Insects and Diseases 2 FORS 232 Forest Insects and 2 NRSM 360 (FOR 360) Range Management FORS 230 Fire Management Diseases 2 FORS 331 Wildland Fuel Management 3 FORS 434 Advanced Forest Roads 3 3 PTRM 217S (RECM 217S) Wildland Recreation Management 3 FORS 435 Advanced Timber Harvesting 3 WILD 275 (FOR 275) Wildlife Conservation 2 FORS 447 Advanced Silviculture 3 Electives and General Education 4 NRSM 360 Range Management 3 Third and Fourth Years Credits NRSM 455 Riparian Ecology and Management 3 FORS 302 (FOR 302) Forest Mensuration 3 NRSM 485 Watershed Management 3 FORS 320 (FOR 320) Forest 3 WILD 275 Wildlife Conservation 2 Policy and Social Science (at Environmental Economics least one course from the FORS 330 (FOR 330) Forest Ecology following) Credits 3 ENST 230H Nature and Society 3 FORS 340 (FOR 340) Forest Products Manufacturing 2 NRSM 425 Natural Resource and Environmental Economics 3 FORS 436 Project Appraisal 3 FORS 341 (FOR 341) Timber Harvesting and Roads 3 FORS 347 (FOR 347) Multiple Resource Silviculture NRSM 370 Wildland Conservation 3 Policy and Governance FORS 351 (FOR 351) NRSM 379 Collaboration n Natural Photogrammetry and Remote Resource Decisions Sensing 3 3 3 NRSM 424 Community Forestry and NRSM 385 (FOR 385) Watershed Hydrology Conservation 3 NRSM 426 Climate and Society 3 3 NRSM 422 (FOR 422) Natural Resource Policy/Administration 3 NRSM 475 Environment and Development 3 FORS 440 (FOR 440) Timber Management I 3 NRSM 489E Ethics of Forestry and Conservation 3 FORS 481 (FOR 481) Forest Planning Professional Electives Electives and General Education 3 PTRM 217 Parks and Outdoor Recreation Management 3 PTRM 300 Recreation Behavior 3 15 26 PTRM 310 Natural Resource Professional Electives: Students Interpretation and Communication 3 must select at least five courses among the three areas of PTRM 380 Administration and emphasis listed below so that at Leadership least 15 total professional elective credits are included in the degree 3 PTRM 451W Tourism and Sustainability 3 program. PTRM 482W Wilderness and Biophysical Sciences (select at Protected Area Management 3 least one course) SOCI 225 Community and the Environment 3 WILD 373 (WBIO 373) Wildlife Techniques 2 NASX303E Ecological Perspectives in Native American Traditions 3 WILD 370 (WBIO 370) Wildlife Habitat Conservation & Management Measurement and Analysis 3 (at least one course from the following) Credits NRSM 335 (FOR 332) Environmental Entomology 3 FORS 350 Forestry Applications of GIS 3 FORS 342 (FOR 342) Wood Anatomy, Properties and Identification FORS 351 Environmental 3 BIOO 320 (BIOL 316) Plant Form and Function 5 4 BIOB 272 (BIOL 223) Genetics and Evolution 4 PHSX 205N and 206N (PHYS 111N and PHYS 113N) College Physics I and Lab 5 FORS 430 (FOR 430) Forest Meteorology 3 FORS 350 (FOR 350) Forestry Applications of GIS 3 Management Applications (select at least one course) FORS 230 (FOR 230) Fire Management* Models 3 WILD 373 Wildlife Techniques 3 GEO 421 Hydrology 3 3 BIOO 433 (BIOL 444) Plant Physiology 3 FORS 307 Forest Vegetation BIOO 335 (BIOL 350) Rocky Mountain Flora Remote Sensing 2 NRSM 360 (FOR 360) Rangeland Management* 3 PTRM 217S (RECM 217S) Wildland Recreation Management* 3 NRSM 455 (FOR 455) Riparian Ecology and Management 3 FORS 307 (FOR 307) Forest Vegetation Management Models 3 FORS 447 (FOR 447) Advanced Silviculture 3 FORS 331 (FOR 331) Wildland Fuel Management 3 NRSM 385 (FOR 485) Watershed Management 3 FORS 441 (FOR 441) Timber Management II 3 FORS 480 (FOR 480) Forest and Rangeland Area Planning and Design 3 PTRM 310 (RECM 310) Natural Resources Interpretation 3 Policy and Social Sciences (select at least one course) SOCI/ENST 225 (EVST 225) Community and Environment* 3 ENST 230H (EVST 167H) Nature and Society* 3 NRSM 424 (FOR 424) Community Forestry and Conservation 3 NRSM 379 (FOR 379) Collaboration in Natural Resources Decisions 3 NRSM 475 (FOR 475) Environment and Development 3 NRSM 425 (FOR 425) Natural Resource and Environmental Economics 3 NRSM 370S (RSCN 370S) Wildland Conservation Policy and Governance* 3 PTRM 482 (RECM 482) Wilderness and Protected Area Management 3 PTRM 485 (RECM 485) Recreation Planning 3 *If these courses are selected as restricted electives they may not be used to fulfill professional electives Please explain/justify the new proposal or change. The changes proposed here are primarily to simplify the requirements and to increase student flexibility within the program while still maintaining a strong professional forestry program: -Introduction of a “core” required of all Forestry students no matter their option. The primary change here is only in the presentation of required courses. Courses included in the “core” were previously requirements within the options or are replacing former requirements. -Simplification of option name from “Forest Operations and Applied Restoration” to “Forest Operations”. This simplified option name will minimize confusion with other degree offering within CFC while still adequately describing the option. The inclusion of “Applied Restoration” is needlessly confusing and, while highlighting a strength of the program, presents a too-narrow focus for students within the option. -Expanded and refined lists of restricted electives for both options. Within the Forest Operations option individual course requirements have been replaced with restricted elective lists containing a wider selection of courses for students to select from. Within the Forest Resources Management option the lists of Professional Electives have been updated to reflect current offerings. What other programs are affected by your proposal? Obtain DBS, Native American Studies, Geosciences signatures as requested below. V Department Summary Required if several proposals are submitted. In a separate document list program title and proposed change for all proposals. Revised 7/13