CFC-ASCRC Undergraduate Actions, Fall 2013

CFC-ASCRC Undergraduate Actions, Fall 2013
New Courses
 FORS 130 Introduction to Forestry Field Skills, 2 cr. – provide incoming freshmen and
sophomores an introduction to the field of forestry and to basic field measurement skills.
 FORS 349 Practice of Silviculture, 3 cr. – revision of the current FORS 347 Multiple Resource
Silviculture course to be taught fall semesters designed primarily for Forestry majors (open to
others with appropriate prerequisites), allowing for a faster-paced course that covers more
quantitative silviculture techniques. This “new” course will be included in the upper division
distributed writing requirement for the college. FORS 347 Multiple Resource Silviculture will still
be offered spring semester in its current format and range of topics and will be targeted to nonForestry students.
 NRSM 418/CCS 418 Ecosystem Climatology, 3 cr. – Offered spring semester in odd years to
advanced undergraduate students and graduate students. This course will explore the
interactions between Earth’s biosphere and atmosphere and how they affect climate over a
range of scales. We will focus on the exchange of energy, mass, and important elements
between the biosphere and atmosphere and how this exchange can lead to fascinating
feedbacks in Earth’s climate system. Basic physics and math is not required but it is
recommended. Cross-listing is requested for this course.
 PTRM 150 Current Issues In Parks Tourism and Recreation Management, 1 cr. – provide
incoming freshmen and sophomores with field base opportunities outside the classroom.
Deleted Courses
 FORS 437 Forest Operations and Applied Restoration Capstone – As of the last Forestry
curriculum revision the capstone for all BS Forestry (both options) is FORS 440, therefore this
course is no longer needed nor offered
 FORS 480 Forest and Rangeland Planning and Design – course was initially a capstone course for
all CFC students, however is no longer needed nor offered
 PTRM 110 Intro to PTRM – no need for a 100 level intro course
 PTRM 450 pre-practicum—there is no longer a need for this course as PTRM internships are now
run through Internship Services.
 PTRM 483 Comm. Recreation Marketing and Tourism – content would be better delivered
through already existing courses
Course Modifications
Water, and Climate – This is an existing course that we are modifying to better suit the
undergraduates in the College of Forestry and Conservation including a greatly increased field
component. The modifications make it different enough from other ENSC 245 courses in the
MUS system therefore this is a request to go back to the “old” course number within the “new”
202 Forest Mensuration – Improve sequencing within Forestry program by placing Mensuration
immediately after biometrics and as a prerequisite to FORS 349 Practice of Silviculture
FORS 351 – OLD TITLE: Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing – NEW TITLE: Environmental
Remote Sensing – reflects a shift in course content away from photogrammetry and a greater
emphasis on use of remote sensing for measurement and analysis of various natural resources
FORS 434 – CHANGE CREDITS: from 2 to 3 to allow for extended field time
FORS 435 – CHANGE CREDITS: from 2 to 3 to allow for extended field time
FORS 436 – OLD TITLE: Forest Operations Evaluation and Project Planning – NEW TITLE: Project
Appraisal – Represents a shift in course content and learning objectives to focus on a range of
economic analysis tools to evaluate project feasibility and compare between options. New title
is also expected to increase course appeal to a wider range of students.
NRSM 426 Climate and Society – cross-list with CCS
PTRM 217S –OLD TITLE: Wildland Recreation Management – NEW TITLE: Parks and Outdoor
Recreation Management - More adequately reflect the focus on Parks and outdoor rec mgmt.
PTRM 210 – OLD TITLE: Nature-Based Tourism – NEW TITLE: Nature Tourism and Commercial
Recreation – More adequately reflect the focuses on tourism and commercial forms of
PTRM 310 – OLD TITLE – Nature Resource Interp. – NEW TITLE Natural Resource Interpretation
and Communication - More adequately reflect the focuses on parks and outdoor rec mgmt.
PTRM 380 – CHANGE CREDITS: from 4 to 3 credits – reduction of content and contact hours.
Prerequisite Updates (based on course additions and changes)
Old Prerequisites
New Prerequisites
FORS 330
ENSC 245; …
NRSM 210 or ENSC 245; ….
FORS 341
WRIT 222
NRSM 200 or WRIT 222 (fixed typo in descript.)
FORS 347
Credit is not allowed for both FORS 347 and 349
FORS 350
GPHY 284
FORS 284 or GPHY 284
FORS 440
FORS 302, 341, 347, and WRIT 222
FORS 202; FORS 341; FORS 347 or 349
FORS 447
FORS 347
FORS 347 or 349
FORS 481
FORS 347
FORS 347 or 349
NRSM 415
ENSC 245
NRSM 210 or ENSC 245
Changes to Program Requirements
 The BS Forestry degree will be presented as a core of requirements that all Forestry students
will take. Each student will be required to select an option. The options will have requirements
beyond the core.
 BIOB 160N Principles of Living Systems will replace BIOO 105N Intro to Botany
Allow students to select between M 162 Applied Calculus and PHSX 205N/206N College Physics I
and Lab
 FORS 130, Introduction for Forestry Field Skills will be required for all students who transfer into
the program with fewer than 45 credits - early field skills to replace Camp content
 Silviculture offerings will be split into two separate courses. In the spring we will continue to
offer FORS 347 Multiple Resource Silviculture (a name change may be considered in the future)
to non-Forestry majors. The content will not change significantly from the current offering. In
the fall FORS 349 Practice of Silviculture will be offered to Forestry students with prerequisites
of FORS 130 Introduction to Forestry Field Skills, FORS 202 Forest Mensuration, FORS 241
Dendrology, and a corequisite of FORS 330 Forest Ecology. This course will assume background
knowledge/skills currently covered in the first 2-4 weeks of FORS 347, will move at a faster pace,
and will cover more quantitative silviculture topics in depth.
 FORS 481 Forest Planning will not be required in the core but will be required in the Forest
Resources Management Option.
 FORS 351 Environmental Remote Sensing (new title and course focus) will become an elective
within the Forest Resources Management option.
o OLD NAME: Forest Operations and Applied Restoration – NEW NAME: Forest
Operations – reason: simplification
o Drop requirement for FORS 235 Forest Operations Problem Solving
o Replace NRSM 265 with a menu of courses including FORS 230, 232, NRSM 265, PTRM
217, and WILD 275 – reason: increased flexibility
o Replace the requirement for NRSM 455 Riparian Ecology and Management with a menu
of courses, all of which represent upper-division content in resources with a likelihood
of impact from forest operations. This menu includes NRSM 455, FORS 485 Watershed
Management, NRSM 415 Environmental Soil Science, NRSM 360 Range Management,
and FORS 331 Wildland Fuels Management
o Replace the current requirement for a lower-division social science elective with a menu
of upper-division ethics and social science courses, including NRSM 379 Collaboration in
Natural Resource Decisions, NRSM 489E Ethics, Forestry and Conservation, NASX 303
Ecological Perspectives in Native American Traditions, NRSM 424 Community Forestry
and Conservation, and FORS 425 Natural Resource and Environmental Economics.
o If a minor is selected, an increment of at least 6 credits beyond the major/minor is
o Retain FORS 481 Forest Planning as a requirement for FRM only.
o Adjustment of course lists for Biophysical Sciences, Management Applications, and
Policy and Social Science and the addition of a Measurement and Analysis grouping.
Require at least two Management Applications courses, one from each of the other
groupings, and 18 credits total.
Delete from required courses:
o PTRM major –PTRM 110 –NRSM 121S, NRSM 180, or WILD 105; PTRM 230; MTKG 360;
MTKG 362; PTRM 450; PTRM 483; WILD 410; NRSM 379; NRSM 475; CHMY 121; FORS
284; NRSM 385
 Added courses:
o THTR 120A added as option with COMX 111A; BIOO 105 added as option with BIOB 170
or BIOE 172; ECNSS 202 added as option with ECNS 201; ACTG 201; ACTG 202; PTRM
345X; PTRM 353 added options with PTRM 484
 OLD NAME: Wildland Restoration – NEW NAME: Ecological Restoration - The current program
name, “Wildland Restoration” is confusing, does not adequately describe the curriculum, and
hinders growth of the program:
o Wildland is a term without an agreed upon definition. However, many people equate
wildlands with wilderness or areas with minimal human impact; these areas, by
definition, do not require restoration (the process of assisting with the repair of
ecosystems that have been damaged, degraded or destroyed). Furthermore, wildland
restoration could be considered an oxymoron: if wildlands are defined as untrammeled,
then an area that has active restoration treatments could not meet the wildland
o The current curriculum does not have a focus on wildland ecosystems, by any definition.
o Having a confusing title makes it difficult to market the program to those outside of UM.
The WLR program director regularly gets inquiries about whether it is possible to study
riparian restoration, range restoration, forest restoration in the WLR program.
o Although the number of programs in ecological restoration is growing, UM is still one of
a relatively small number of institutions to get a degree in the field. To best capitalize
on the national market, it is important to call the program what it is, a program in
ecological restoration.
 Allow students to choose NRSM 489E or NRSM 449E Climate Change Ethics
 Allow students to choose COMX111A or THTR 120A
 Add the following courses to the ecology and ecosystem management electives for Aquatic
and/or Terrestrial options of the BS and to the minor: BIOE 342, BIOE 416, BIOE 439, BIOE 451,
BIOE 453, BIOE 458, FORS 202, FORS 333, GEO 291, GEO 492, NRSM 408, NRSM 418
 Add GPHY 335 Water Policy to the list of social science electives
Upper-division distributed writing requirement updated to include FORS 349 and delete FORS
Add language that has been lost to the catalog regarding the college’s 400-hour work
requirement and the requirement that all CFC students have at least 36 credits of CFC