Course Form

Course Form (revised 5/1/12)
I. Summary of Proposed Changes
Dept / Program
Applied Computing &
Prefix and Course #
HIT 265
Information Technology
Course Title
Electronic Health Records in the Medical Practice
XNew course  Delete course
Course Changes
 Course Title  Description  Learning Outcomes
 Prerequisites  Cross-listing  Other
 Credits
from _________ to________
Number / Level from _________ to_________
 Repeatability
from _________ to________
Justification / explanation (required for ALL proposals) For new courses please provide rationale for why
the course is needed, how it fits with exiting curriculum and whether there are curricular adjustments.
Please check one or more
of the following:
HIT 265 Electronic Health Records in the Medical Practice is a required course for the new Certificate in
Health IT offered through the IT Program in the Department of Applied Computing & Electronics in
collaboration with the Department of Health Professions at Missoula College. A thorough understanding of
the Electronic Health Record (EHR) is critical knowledge for individuals entering professional careers in
healthcare. For students pursuing IT degrees, skills and knowledge in the EHR will provide a new career
opportunity in the clinical healthcare setting.
Has the Department gone through common course Review?
X Yes  No  In process
II. Syllabus/Assessment Information Required for new courses, learning outcome changes and
course change from U to UG.
Important: please spell out learning goals and learning outcomes clearly in the syllabus.
Learning Goals are a list of what students should know, understand, or be able to do at the end of
the course, including essential information and knowledge or skills relevant to the subject area.
Learning Outcomes are measures of performance or behavior that indicate, to the teacher and the
students, that students understand the material, and what criteria differentiates among different
levels of understanding. Attach syllabus at the end of the document.
III. Endorsement/Approvals
Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office
Please type / print name Signature
Gallagher, IT
Program Dir.
Phone/ email :
Program Chair(s)/Director:
Lynn Stocking
All other affected programs:
Mary Neilson,
Are other departments/programs affected by this
 Yes  No
 Yes  No
 Yes  No
 Yes  No
 Yes  No
 Yes  No
Please obtain signature(s) from the
modification because of
(a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites,
(b) perceived overlap in content areas
(c) cross-listing of coursework
Signatory Comments (required for disapproval):
Chair/Director of any such department/ program
(above) before submission
IV: To Add a New Course Syllabus and assessment information is required (paste syllabus into
section V or attach). Course should have internal coherence and clear focus.
Common Course Numbering Review (Department Chair Must Initial):
Does an equivalent course exist elsewhere in the MUS? Check all relevant disciplines if
course is interdisciplinary. (
If YES: Do the proposed abbreviation, number, title and credits align with existing course(s)? Please indicate
equivalent course/campus. 
CCN was recently completed in the curricular area of Health Information Technology. The proposed
abbreviation, number, title, and credits align with existing courses at UM, Montana Tech and Great Falls
College, MSU.
If NO: Course may be unique, but is subject to common course review. The course number may be changed
at the system level.
Short Title (max. 26 characters incl. spaces)
Electronic Health Records
Exact entry to appear in the next catalog (Specify course abbreviation, level, number, title, credits,
repeatability (if applicable), frequency of offering, prerequisites, and a brief description.) 
HIT 265 Electronic Health Records in the Medical Practice 3 cr. Pre-req HIT 101. An introduction to the
electronic health record (EHR). Students will study the use of the EHR in improving healthcare quality,
accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. EHR implementation and its use within the internal clinical office will
be examined. The EHR will be studied in the context of a comprehensive Health Information System (HIS)
supporting our society’s interdisciplinary clinical healthcare system..
Complete for UG courses (UG courses should be assigned a 400 number).
Describe graduate increment - see procedure 301.30
Complete for Co-convened courses
Companion course number, title, and description (include syllabus of companion course in section V)
See procedure 301.20
New fees and changes to existing fees are only approved once each biennium by the
Board of Regents. The coordination of fee submission is administered by
Administration and Finance. Fees may be requested only for courses meeting specific
conditions according to Policy 940.12.1 .
Please indicate whether this course will be considered for a fee.
If YES, what is the proposed amount of the fee?
V. Change an Existing Course
1. Current course information at it appears in catalog
( 
2. Full and exact entry (as proposed) 
3. If cross-listed course: secondary program & course
4. Is this a course with MUS Common Course Numbering?
If yes, please explain below whether the change will eliminate the common course status.
5. If co-convened course: companion course number, title, and description
(include syllabus of companion course in section V) See procedure 301.20
6. Graduate increment if level of course is changed to UG.
Reference procedure 301.30:
Have you reviewed the graduate
increment guidelines? Please check (X)
space provided.
(syllabus must be attached)
7. Other programs affected by the change
8. Is there a fee associated with the course?
VI Department Summary (Required if several forms are submitted) In a separate document list course
number, title, and proposed change for all proposals.
VII Copies and Electronic Submission. After approval, submit original, one copy, summary of
proposals and electronic file to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221,
The University Of Montana - Missoula
College Of Technology
Department of Applied Computing and Electronics
Course Syllabus
HIT 265 Electronic Health Records in the Medical Practice
Credits: 3
Syllabus Last Revised: August 2012
Pre-requisite: HIT 101 Introduction to Healthcare Informatics
Faculty Contact
Tom Gallagher, MS, Associate Professor – Applied Computing & Electronics
Director, Information Technology Program |406.243.7814
Course Description
An introduction to the electronic health record (EHR). Students will study the use of the EHR in improving
healthcare quality, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. EHR implementation and its use within the internal
clinical office will be examined. The EHR will be studied in the context of a comprehensive Health Information
System (HIS) supporting our society’s interdisciplinary clinical healthcare system.
Course Overview
Electronic Health Record (EHR) in the Medical Practice is a foundation course for individuals seeking
careers in information technology within the setting of clinical healthcare. The EHR is defined to include
“any information relating to the past, present, or future physical/mental health, or condition of an
individual which resides in electronic system(s) used to capture, transmit, receive, store, retrieve, link, and
manipulate multimedia data for the primary purpose of providing healthcare and health-related services.”1
This course examines the EHR from both the conceptual perspective and an applied setting. Legislation
including the HITECH Act and HIPAA has influenced the rapid adoption of EHRs in all medical settings.
These directives have created both incentive and penalties to reinforce the process.
Implementation of the EHR in the clinical has the potential to improve quality, accessibility, and costeffectiveness of clinical healthcare. In this course, we’ll attempt to keep our focus on the “big picture” of
EHR implementation by examining its impact within the clinical setting. We’ll examine its fit within the
greater Health Information System (HIS) setting. It’s potential to improve workflow within the office,
improve safety, enhance efficiency, and identify significant trends. We’ll examine personal protection of
the individual through appropriate privacy practices, technologies, and IT security policies. Best practices
for EHR as defined by the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health IT will be identified
throughout the course.
We’ll also use an applied approach in learning EHR concepts through case studies involving patient
records. The Medcin Student Edition software product and a library of fictional patient records will be
implemented in creating a functional EHR system which examines the various applications of the EHR in the
interdisciplinary healthcare environment.
Learner Outcomes
 Define the terminology associated with the EHR
Describe how implementation of the EHR improves patient quality, access, and cost-savings within the context of
an interdisciplinary healthcare system.
Analyze the characteristics of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) as a component of a comprehensive Health
Information Systems (HIS).
Understand the role of EHR software for improving workflow efficiency within the context of a medical clinic.
Identify privacy and security concerns involving the adoption and use of the EHR.
Utilize an EHR software package to: document patient care; create electronic orders; search, sort, and filter data;
analyze clinical trends; improve workflow efficiency; generate reports, flow sheets, and anatomic drawings; and
improve patient safety through clinical accuracy.
Grading Procedures
Grades will be weighted and assessed as follows:
Assessment Area Weighting:
Review Assignments & Case Studies
EHR Software Simulation
Mid-Term Exam
Final Exam
Grading Scale:
Outcomes Assessment
Define the terminology associated with the EHR
Describe how implementation of the EHR improves
patient quality, access, and cost-savings within the context
of an interdisciplinary healthcare system.
Analyze the characteristics of the Electronic Health Record
(EHR) as a component of a comprehensive Health
Information Systems (HIS).
Understand the role of EHR software for improving
workflow efficiency within the context of a medical clinic.
Identify privacy and security concerns involving the
adoption and use of the EHR.
Utilize an EHR software package to: document patient
care; create electronic orders; search, sort, and filter data;
analyze clinical trends; improve workflow efficiency;
generate reports, flow sheets, and anatomic drawings;
and improve patient safety through clinical accuracy.
Required Materials
Gartee, R. (2011). Electronic health records, understanding and using computerized medical records. (2 ed.).
New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Medcin EHR Software Student Edition – (bundled with textbook)
UMOnline Moodle Learning Management System.
Academic Conduct
Academic honesty is expected of all students. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic penalty by the
course instructor and/or a disciplinary sanction by the University. All students need to be familiar with the
Student Conduct Code. The Code is available for review online at:
Using the Web to research materials and concepts is an integral part of learning in the twenty-first century.
Studying with other students is a productive method of learning. A certain amount of collaborating on concepts
with other students and using resources found on the Internet in an assignment is recommended. Copy and paste
is not acceptable. It is expected that each student will input his/her assignment into the computer, and each
student must be able to explain any assignment turned in.
Dropping and Adding Courses or Changing Sections, Grading or Credit Status
University Policy for dropping courses or requesting grading/credit status changes can be found in the catalog: Students should become familiar with all academic
policies found in the catalog.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities will receive reasonable accommodations in this online course. To request course
modifications, please contact the instructor as soon as possible. You may be required to show proof of eligibility
from UM Disability Services. For more information, visit the Disability Services website at or call 406.243.2243
1. Gretchen, M. (1999). Electronic health records: Changing the vision. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders
Proposed Topic Outline
1. Introduction to Electronic Health Record
2. Functional EHR Systems
3. Software Simulation Case Study I – EHR Implementation
4. Software Simulation Case Study II – EHR Implementation
5. Data Entry at the Point of Care
6. Understanding Electronic Orders
7. Problem Lists, Results Management, and Trending
8. Data Entry Using Flow Sheets and Anatomical Drawings
9. Using the EHR to Improve Patient Health
10. Privacy and Security of Health Records
11. Using the Internet to Expedite Patient Care
12. EHR Coding and Reimbursement