Course Form I. Summary of Proposed Changes Dept / Program Music/Music Education Course Title Prefix and Course # MUSE 425 “Technology and Resource Materials K-12” Short Title (max. 26 characters incl. spaces) Technology and Materials Summarize the change(s) proposed New Course II. Endorsement/Approvals Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office Please type / print name Signature Requestor: Music Education Chair Lori Gray Phone/ email : 2865/ Program Chair/Director: School of Music Director Maxine Ramey/6880 Other affected programs None Date Dean: CVPA Dean Stephen Kalm/4970 Are other departments/programs affected by this modification Please obtain signature(s) from the because of Chair/Director of any such department/ (a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites, program (above) before submission (b) perceived overlap in content areas (c) cross-listing of coursework III: To Add a New Course Syllabus and assessment information is required (paste syllabus into section V or attach). Course should have internal coherence and clear focus. Common Course Numbering Review (Department Chair Must Initial): YES NO Does an equivalent course exist elsewhere in the MUS? Check all relevant disciplines if X course is interdisciplinary. ( If YES: Do the proposed abbreviation, number, title and credits align with existing course(s)? Please indicate equivalent course/campus. If NO: Course may be unique, but is subject to common course review. Be sure to include learning outcomes on syllabus or paste below. The course number may be changed at the system level. Exact entry to appear in the next catalog (Specify course abbreviation, level, number, title, credits, repeatability (if applicable), frequency of offering, prerequisites, and a brief description.) U MUSE 425 Technology and Materials 2 cr. Offered fall semesters, as an elective. The course will provide in-depth examination of technology and print resources appropriate for use in music classrooms K-12, all areas and ensembles. Students will work independently and collaboratively to reflect upon, discuss, and practice utilizing technology and print resources for the music classroom (K-12). Justification: How does the course fit with the existing curriculum? Why is it needed? The School of Music would like to add one new course (two credits) as an elective,“Technology and Resource Materials K-12,” to enhance student learning in these areas. The new course is for BME students. The new course will provide in-depth examination of technology and print resources appropriate for use in music classrooms K-12, all areas and ensembles. Students will explore resources specifically designed for music and music education, and also consider resources outside of music and music education materials that may be relevant to the music classroom. These changes address the concerns expressed by N.A.S.M. (National Association of Schools of Music), our accrediting agency, during the April, 2011 visit to our UM School of Music. Documentation of content covered and PEPPS (Montana Professional Educator Preparation Program Standards and Procedures) addressed with regard to technology and literary strategies: 10.58.519 MUSIC K-12: (b) demonstrate competence in the appropriate use of current and emerging technologies in contemporary music education, such as music writing programs, music theory/skills programs, keyboard/midi, and recording technology; (s) demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how children learn and develop with regard to music instruction; (u) use a variety of instructional strategies to develop students' critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills. Music education methods courses present approaches to teaching reading and writing of music to children K-12. Music education students learn about and practice how to teach reading and writing music in all music areas including general, band, choir, orchestra, and individual instruments. Techniques and strategies for specific music classrooms are discussed and incorporated into demonstration and peer teaching sessions. Specific literary strategies covered in music education methods courses include textbook analysis, music composition writing prompts, and reading and writing assessment tools. Music education courses include instruction and work with technology resources appropriate for use in K-12 music settings, both as teacher resources for lesson planning and use with children during music lessons. For example, music education students work with music composition software (Sibelius) in MUSI 440 Orchestration. Music education students also complete an online/text resources project in MUSE 334 General Music Methods and Materials II. Additional instruction in technology and literary strategies will be provided through the proposed new course “Technology and Resource Materials K-12.” The course will include detailed examination of technology and print resources appropriate for planning K-12 music lessons and for use in the classroom with students. Are there curricular adjustments to accommodate teaching this course? None Complete for UG courses (UG courses should be assigned a 400 number). Describe graduate increment - see procedure 301.30 Complete for Co-convented courses Companion course number, title, and description (include syllabus of companion course in section V) See procedure 301.20 New fees and changes to existing fees are only approved once each biennium by the Board of Regents. The coordination of fee submission is administered by Administration and Finance. Fees may be requested only for courses meeting specific conditions according to Policy 940.12.1 . Please indicate whether this course will be considered for a fee. If YES, what is the proposed amount of the fee? Justification: IV. To Delete or Change an Existing Course – check X all that apply Deletion Title Course Number Change From: Level U, UG, G Co-convened To: Description Change Change in Credits From: To: Prerequisites 1. Current course information at it appears in catalog ( . A S 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 - – 3 2 2 MUSI 112A, 108A, 114A, 162A, 192 (MUS 107A 110A, 150A, 196) Ensembles MUS 105-106 (MUSI 111112) Music Theory I, II *MUSI 135A-136A (MUS 115A-116A) Keyboard Skills I, II *MUSE 123 (MUS 117) Techniques: Voice MUSI 202L (MUS 135L) Introduction to Music Literature MUSI 140-141 (MUS 137– 138) Aural Perception I, II NO X From: To: Repeatability Cross Listing (primary program initiates form) Is there a fee associated with the course? 2. Full and exact entry (as proposed) Bachelor of Music Education (A) First Year YES MUSI 195 (MUS 151) Applied Study I 1 1 MUSI 155A (MUS 104A) 1 - – 4 6 - 15 17 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 Proficiency Assessment - 0 MUSI 296 (MUS 220) - 0 PSYX 100S (PSYC 100s) Introduction to Psychology Electives and General Education (WRIT 101) (ENEX 101) Second Year MUSI 112A, 108A, 114A, 162A, 192 (MUS 107A 110A, 150A, 196) Ensembles MUSI 155A (104A) Marching Band MUSE 120-121 (MUS 124– 125) Techniques: Strings Instruction in Class I, II MUSE 126-129 (MUS 126– 129) Techniques: Double Reed, Flute & Single Reed, upper Brass Lower Brass MUSI 205-206 (MUS 211– 212) Theory III, IV *MUSI 235-236 (MUS 215– 216) Keyboard Skills III, IV MUSI 296 (MUS 219) Piano Upper-Division Required Performance MUSI 240-241 (MUS 237– 238) Aural Perception III, IV 2 2 1 1 I, II 3 3 Professional Education 3 1 - 3 16 16 1 - 2 2 2 2 2 - 2 - 2 2 MUSI 295 (MUS 251) Applied Study II MUSI 301H-302H (MUS 324H–325H) Music History Electives and General Education Third Year MUSI 102A (MUS 100A) Performance Study MUSE 126-129 (MUS 126131) Techniques: Double Reed, Flute & Single Reed, upper Brass Lower Brass, Percussion Instruments I, II MUSI 335 (MUS 302) Instrumental Conducting MUSI 336 (MUS 303) Choral Conducting MUSE 497 (MUS 305) Methods: Instrumental & Literature MUSE 497 (MUS 306) Methods: Choral & Literature MUSI 312, 308, 314, 339, 332, 322, 323, 362, 467, MUST 427 (MUS 307, 310, 350) Ensembles 1 1 3 3 1 - 2 - 4 6 18 16 1 - 1 - Concert Attendance - 0 Upper division music 3- electives 4 – **Student Teaching – 12 Professional education 7 - Electives and General 6 - MUSE 333-334 (MUS 322323) General Music Methods and Materials I, II MUSI 395 (MUS 351) Applied Study III MUSI 440 (MUS 428) Orchestration Professional and General Education Fourth Year MUSI 102A (MUS 100A) Performance Study MUSI 312, 308, 314, 339, 332, 322, 323, 362, 467, MUST 427 (MUS 307, 310, 350) Ensembles MUSI 388 (MUS 338) Education 18 12 3. If cross-listed course: secondary program & course number 4. If co-convened course: companion course number, title, and description (include syllabus of companion course in section V) See procedure 301.20 5. Is this a course with MUS Common Course Numbering? If yes, please explain below whether this change will eliminate the course’s common course status. YES NO 6. Graduate increment if level of course is changed to UG. Have you reviewed the graduate Reference procedure 301.30: increment guidelines? Please check (X) space provided. grad_council/procedures/default.aspx (syllabus required in section V) 7. Other programs affected by the change 8. Justification for proposed change V. Syllabus/Assessment Information Required for new courses and course change from U to UG. Paste syllabus in field below or attach and send digital copy with form. School of Music The University of Montana Fall 2012 Technology and Resource Materials K-12 MUSE 425 (Course ID _____, 2 credits) Prerequisites: Upper division standing in music and C&I 200 Instructor: Dr. Lori Gray Office: 204B (Music Building) Phone: (406) 243-2865 Email: Office hours: posted on door Course Times and Location: TBD Music Building, 204 Moodle: The School of Music has transitioned to Moodle (from Blackboard) for online course sites. Your class site is a Moodle site instead of Blackboard site. I will ask you to visit the Moodle site for this class often. I will be placing important information, readings, and assignments on Moodle. You may also view your grades on the Moodle class site. Access this course’s Moodle site: You will find a link to MUSE425. The Green Alternative: You may upload some assignments on Moodle if you would like to save paper. If a hard copy of the assignment is required, you will be informed when you receive directions for the assignment. Articles may also be viewed and read through Moodle. You will not need hard copies of the articles (reader’s responses will allow you to demonstrate that you have read the assigned articles). Please name all your files with the course number (MUSE425), your name, and the assignment (For example: MUSE425SmithMSTechnologyLesson.doc). Course Description: The purpose of this course is to present relevant and useful technology and print resources for K-12 music educators. In this class, you will become familiar with and practice working with tools that will help you plan and teach music lessons and ensemble rehearsals. The goal of this course is to encourage thoughtful examination of ways to teach music to children and how certain resources can be used to present content material in the music classroom. By thinking about music teaching and learning, and putting into practice your knowledge of music classroom resources, you will be better prepared to function independently as a music teacher. The ability to utilize resources to independently develop lessons and a sequenced curriculum will serve you well in your career teaching any age level in any music specialization. In this course, you will work independently and collaboratively with others to reflect upon, discuss, and practice utilizing technology and print resources for the music classroom (K-12). Course Objectives. During this course you will: Examine, analyze, and practice working with print and technology resources including but not limited to Sibelius (music composition software), online music theory and ear training programs, Garageband, music applications for MAC and PC, music textbook series, sample music curricula, and audio and visual recording equipment. Demonstrate an understanding of resources presented in class Demonstrate an ability to utilize resources presented in class Demonstrate the ability to search for and explore technology and print resources for the music classroom K-12 Compile a detailed list of resources and appropriate uses in specific music classrooms K-12 Design lesson plans utilizing technology and print resources for music classrooms K-12 Academic Policies: Please see the academic policies section of the course catalog for add/drop deadlines Because this is an active learning class, attendance is required. You are allowed three absences including illnesses. After three absences, your grade will be lowered half a grade (from an A to an A-, etc.). Five absences or more, your grade will be lowered a full grade (from an A to a B, etc.). Three tardies will equal one absence. It is your responsibility to check in with me after class if you arrive after attendance is taken, to ensure that you are marked with a tardy instead of an absence. I will deal with emergencies on an individual basis. Please contact me to inform me of absences. Academic Misconduct and the Student Conduct Code : All students must practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic penalty by the course instructor and/or disciplinary sanction by the University. All students need to be familiar with the Student Conduct Code. The Code is available for review online at <> Plagiarism, cheating, and any other form of academic dishonesty are against school rules and will be reported. Study groups are acceptable and encouraged, however assigned work needs to be completed individually unless otherwise specified. Checking someone’s assigned work for grammatical errors is acceptable. Cell phones, MP3 players, laptops (for anything other than note taking), and other electronic devices not needed for class are huge distractions. Please turn cell phones to silent before class begins and keep them and other devices stored away during class time. Laptops are acceptable for note taking purposes only. Talking about non-related material during class is distracting to other students and will not be permitted. Please keep your comments focused during group discussions. Participation in activities is a part of your grade and is expected. In this class, you will be teaching and participating in lessons that you, other students, and I write for the elementary grade levels. To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact the Disability Services for Students office. (406-243-2243). Within the first week of class, please provide me with a copy of the letter you receive from their office that states that you have a disability that requires academic accommodations, so we can discuss the accommodations that you might need in this class. If you have a question about a grade you have received in this course, please set up an appointment with me. Grading Procedure: Work will be graded on a point system that will be translated into a percentage at the end of the term. The total number of points that you can receive is 1,000. In-class Participation and Assessments Written Assignments, Reflections (not including projects) Print Resource Project Technology Resource Project Technology/Resource Lesson Plans Portfolio Final Exam Grading Scale: A 94-100% B80-82% AC+ 90-93% 77-79% B+ C 10% (100 points) 20% (200 points) 20% (200 points) 20% (200 points) 20% (200 points) 10% (100 points) 87-89% 73-76% B C- 83-86% 70-72% D+ 67-69% D 63-66% D- 60-62% F 0-59% Work will not be accepted if it is more than a week late and the grade for the assignment will be lowered half a grade (from an A to an A-, etc.). I will deal with emergencies on an individual basis if the student has contacted me and notified me of the emergency in a timely manner. Use a computer/word processor for all written assignments that are turned in. This includes the journals. All due dates for work will be announced at least one week before work is due. Readings: You are expected to do the reading that is assigned for each week. Lectures will touch on, but will not completely cover the material assigned. Papers, projects, and the final exam will all contain material from the readings and classes. You will be given a chance to show your understanding of the reading through group discussions, reader’s responses, papers, and in class assessments. Written Assignments, Reflections: You will be asked to analyze chapter materials, class lessons, and relevance to K-12 music classrooms through written assignments. You will be asked to write several reflections about class lectures/demonstrations and how you can incorporate the course material into a music classroom. In-class Participation and Assessments: This class is part of the requirements to prepare you for your career. Attendance demonstrates a professional commitment to your growth as a music teacher. As you will be learning through actively participating in lessons and demonstrations, participation and attendance are very important. The class will include a mixture of lecture, group discussion, student teaching, and active learning experiences. There will be quizzes and short inclass writing assignments for assessment purposes. If a student is absent, I will accept the missed in-class assignments only if the absence was an emergency or if the student notified me of an illness prior to the absence. Technology/Resource Lesson Plans Portfolio: You will be asked to write several lessons that involve technology/resources for various musical activities. These lessons will be age appropriate for specific grades (K-12). You will teach some of these lessons in small groups or for the class during the regular class meeting time (more detailed instructions will be provided at the start of this project). All of your work from the semester will be included in a binder portfolio or an electronic portfolio (CD, flash drive, link to a site). The goal is to begin the portfolio early and assist you in fulfilling the requirements for certification. Tentative Schedule for Fall 2012 (Check Moodle for schedule changes, assignments, and additional information) Week 1: Introduction to the course Week 2: Print Resources- K-5 Week 3: Print Resources- K-5 Week 4: Print Resources- 6-8 Week 5: Print Resources- 6-8 Week 6: Print Resources- 9-12 Week 7: Print Resources- 9-12 (print resource project) Week 8: Technology Resources- K-5 Week 9: Technology Resources- K-5 Week 10: Technology Resources- 6-8 Week 11: Technology Resources- 6-8 Week 12: Technology Resources- 9-12 Week 13: Technology Resources- 9-12 (technology resource project) Week 14: Course wrap-up/Portfolios Week 15: Final Exam Prep/Final Exam VI Department Summary (Required if several forms are submitted) In a separate document list course number, title, and proposed change for all proposals. VII Copies and Electronic Submission. After approval, submit original, one copy, summary of proposals and electronic file to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221, Revised 5-4-11