Course Form

Course Form (revised 7-2008)
I. Summary of Proposed Changes
Dept / Program
Physics and Astronomy
Course Title
Freshman Physics Experience
Short Title (max. 26 characters incl. spaces)
Summarize the change(s) proposed
Course #
PHYS 180
Physics X
This is a new seminar course that will provide an
overview of the fields of physics and astronomy to all
incoming or potential physics majors. The diverse
range of topics will include presentations on exciting
recent developments in physics and astronomy, what to
expect as an undergraduate physics major, opportunities
for undergraduate involvement in research and
education, and what to expect in terms of career and
graduate school opportunities.
II. Endorsement/Approvals
Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office
Please type / print name Signature
Andrew Ware
Phone/ email :
Program Chair/Director:
Andrew Ware
Other affected programs:
III: To Add a New Course Syllabus and assessment information is required (paste syllabus into
section V or attach). Course should have internal coherence and clear focus.
Exact entry to appear in the next catalog (Specify course abbreviation, level, number, title, credits,
repeatability (if applicable), frequency of offering, prerequisites, and a brief description.) 
U 180 Freshman Physics Experience 1 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., freshman standing (fewer than 30credits towards degree) or consent of instructor. This course is intended for all incoming students either
majoring in physics or considering majoring in physics. This seminar course presents an overview of the
undergraduate experience as a physics major. Seminars on recent developments in physics and astronomy and
opportunities for undergraduate involvement in research and instruction are included.
Justification: How does the course fit with the existing curriculum? Why is it needed?
The idea is to take all physics majors from their very first semester with this new
course to their final semester with our existing Senior Seminar course. A number of our
majors do not take introductory physics (PHYS 211N) until their second year because that
course has calculus as a co-requisite. Thus, some of our majors spend a year at the
University before taking a physics class. This seminar course (without any academic
level of preparation required) would provide a class that all incoming physics majors
(or any general students considering physics as a major) could take. The focus would be
on exciting developments in the fields of physics and astronomy, what to expect as a
physics major including undergraduate involvement in research, and opportunities once
students graduate from our program.
Are there curricular adjustments to accommodate teaching this course?
Physics 480 Senior Seminar will be switched from autumn to spring semester.
Complete for UG courses. (UG courses should be assigned a 400 number).
Describe graduate increment (Reference guidelines: )
Fees may be requested only for courses meeting specific conditions determined by the
Board of Regents. Please indicate whether this course will be considered for a fee.
If YES, what is the proposed amount of the fee?
IV. To Delete or Change an Existing Course – check X all that apply
Course Number Change
Level U, UG, G
Description Change
Change in Credits
1. Current course information at it appears in catalog
( 
Cross Listing
(primary program
initiates form)
Is there a fee associated with the course?
2. Full and exact entry (as proposed) 
3. If cross-listed course: secondary program & course
Have you reviewed the graduate increment
4. Graduate increment if level of course is changed to
guidelines? Please check (X) space provided.
UG. Reference guidelines at:
(syllabus required in section V)
5. Other programs affected by the change
6. Justification for proposed change
V. Syllabus/Assessment Information
Required for new courses and course change from U to UG. Paste syllabus in field below or attach and send
digital copy with form.
Syllabus is attached.
VI Department Summary (Required if several forms are submitted) In a separate document list course
number, title, and proposed change for all proposals.
VII Copies and Electronic Submission. After approval, submit original, one copy, summary of
proposals and electronic file to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221,
Freshman Physics Experience - PHYS 180
Fall 2010
Andrew Ware
Science Complex, Room 130
Office Hours: M 2-3pm, T 11am-12pm, W 3-5pm, R 11am-12pm,
(and by appointment)
F 3:10 - 4:00 PM, CHCB 231
Freshman standing in physics, physics with astronomy option, physics with
computational physics option, or consent of instructor.
The goals of this class are to expose you to exciting developments in physics
and astronomy, inform you of opportunities as a physics major at UM,
present effective study techniques for physics classes, and to let you know
what to expect both as a physics major and as a graduate from our program.
PRESENTATIONS: In this class students will hear seminars from various members of the
Department of Physics and Astronomy as well as outside speakers. The
topics of these talks will cover exciting new developments in physics and
astronomy, a faculty members favorite topic in physics and astronomy,
opportunities for physics majors, effective study techniques for physics and
astrophysics classes, and anything else that we can think of that will be
useful for incoming physics majors.
Following each talk there will be time for discussion. Students are
encouraged to ask questions of the presenters and participate in the
September 3
September 10
September 17
September 24
October 1
October 8
October 15
October 22
October 29
November 12
November 19
November 26
December 3
December 10
Organizational Meeting
Thanksgiving break
Credit based on attendance (80% attendance is required for credit).
[This course can be taken for credit/no-credit only]