Fundamentals of Physics Laboratory II PHYS 114 Spring 2010 INSTRUCTOR: Staff Office: CHCB Office Hours: (and by appointment) LABS: T 11:10 – 1:00 PM, 1:10 – 3:00 PM or W 1:10 – 3:00 PM or TH 11:10 – 1:00 PM, 1:10 – 3:00 PM WEBSITE: MATERIALS (Document Download): Laboratory Techniques Guide PREREQUISITES: Phys 111 or equivalent COREQUISITES: Phys 112 (Fund. Phys.) OVERVIEW: The goal of this class is to give you a sound introduction to classical physics. This class is a continuation of Physics 111 and a good understanding of the material from the first semester will be very helpful for this semester. It is essential that you keep up from the start as the concepts in this course build on each other. LABORATORY: There will be 12 two-hour labs during the semester. 11 of those labs will count towards your final grade. You will be required to attend the labs, take measurements, and keep a notebook for each lab. Each week before performing the next experiment you will be given an open notebook quiz on the previous week’s lab. In preparation for the course, you should go to the course web site to download the document: (1) Laboratory Techniques Guide, which explains how to handle error analysis, graphing, and other key issues that come up while keeping a laboratory notebook. Each week, a few days before your lab, you should download and print a copy of the current lab to bring with you to your lab meeting. Students are expected to have read the instructions prior to arriving at the lab, and will be asked to write a brief pre-lab assignment. Labs are held Tues 11:10-1:00 pm, 1:10-3:00 pm or Wed 1:10-3 pm or Thurs 11:10-1:00 pm, 1:103:00 pm, in room CHCB 225 or 229. Lab quizzes are due before beginning the next experiment. There will be no make-up labs. GRADING: Laboratory Quizzes: 100% (10 pts each) This course can be taken for a traditional letter grade only A = 90%-100%, B = 80%-89%, C = 70%-79%, D = 60%-69%, F = 59% or less Physics 114 Laboratory Course Schedule Week 1. 1/25-1/29 2. 2/1-2/5 3. 2/8-2/12 4. 2/15-2/19 Lab Electric Fields Ohm’s Law Slow RC Circuits No lab (President’s Day) 5. 2/22-2/26 6. 3/1-3/5 7. 3/8-3/12 8. 3/15-3/19 9. 3/22-3/26 10. 3/29-4/2 Fast RC Circuits Earth’s Magnetic Field Ampere’s Law Lenses & Image form. Index of Refraction No lab (Spring Break) 11. 4/5-4/9 12. 4/12-4/16 13. 4/12-4/16 14. 4/19-4/23 15. 4/26-4/30 16. 5/3-5/7 Interference & diff. Spectrum Analysis Determining Planck’s Constant e/M Last Quiz No lab