Document 11902939

Upper-division Writing Requirement Review Form (12/1/08)
I. General Education Review – Upper-division Writing Requirement
Information Systems and
Course # (i.e. ANTH IS448
455) or sequence
Course(s) Title
Management Game
Description of the requirement if it is not a single course
II. Endorsement/Approvals
Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office.
Please type / print name Signature
Lee Tangedahl
Phone / Email
243-6687 /
Program Chair
Belva Jones
III Overview of the Course Purpose/ Description
School of Business Administration capstone course in which students are expected put it all together and
utilize what they have learned in their previous business courses in making strategic decisions in the
areas of production, marketing, finance, human resources and organization. Student teams will compete
in playing a simulation game of a large business organization. Students will be required to perform
research and analysis, to write business plans and a marketing plan, to make decisions based on their
plans, to play the simulation game, and to make oral presentations evaluating their performance.
IV Learning Outcomes: Explain how each of the following learning outcomes will be achieved.
Students are expected to research and analyze
Student learning outcomes :
simulated business conditions similar to the
Identify and pursue more sophisticated
conditions faced by many large real-life business
questions for academic inquiry
The student’s research and analysis must include
Find, evaluate, analyze, and synthesize
study of the business background, the industry
information effectively from diverse sources
(see background, and the current (simulated) financial
condition of their company in preparing their
business and marketing plans.
Manage multiple perspectives as appropriate
The students are expected to act as company
Recognize the purposes and needs of
managers in preparing reports for their board of
discipline-specific audiences and adopt the
directors that will demonstrate their knowledge
academic voice necessary for the chosen
and analysis of the business, the industry, and the
The students will be required to edit and revise
Use multiple drafts, revision, and editing in
conducting inquiry and preparing written work their work as necessary and will be graded to
reflect their understanding of the material and the
content and form of their presentation.
X Yes † No
Follow the conventions of citation,
documentation, and formal presentation
appropriate to that discipline
Develop competence in information
technology and digital literacy
X Yes † No
V. Writing Course Requirements Check list
Is enrollment capped at 25 students?
If not, list maximum course enrollment.
Explain how outcomes will be adequately met
for this number of students. Justify the request
for variance.
Are outcomes listed in the course syllabus? If
not, how will students be informed of course
Are detailed requirements for all written
assignments including criteria for evaluation in the
course syllabus? If not how and when will students
be informed of written assignments?
Briefly explain how students are provided with
tools and strategies for effective writing and editing
in the major.
Will written assignments include an opportunity for
revision? If not, then explain how students will
receive and use feedback to improve their writing
Are expectations for Information Literacy listed in
the course syllabus? If not, how will students be
informed of course expectations?
† Yes X No
Although the enrollment is not capped the
last 4 times the course was offered the
enrollments were 17, 28, 10, and 19.
† Yes X No
The general outcomes are included in the syllabus
and requirements including more detailed
outcomes will be provided to the students for
each assignment.
† Yes X No
The syllabus specifies the areas to be graded,
detailed requirements for all written assignments
will be provided to the students for each
The students will have completed an English
composition course, another writing course, the
writing proficiency test, and will be provided
with samples and the expectations in writing a
business plan and a marketing plan.
X Yes † No
† Yes X No
Samples and the expectations for information
literacy will be provided to the students for each
VI. Writing Assignments: Please describe course assignments. Students should be required to
individually compose at least 20 pages of writing for assessment. At least 50% of the course grade
should be based on students’ performance on writing assignments. Clear expression, quality, and
accuracy of content are considered an integral part of the grade on any writing assignment.
There will be two individually-written annual
Formal Graded Assignments
business plans (6-10 pages each, total 30% of the
grade) and there will be one team-written
marketing plan (10-20 pages, 20% of the grade)
Informal Ungraded Assignments
VII. Syllabus: Paste syllabus below or attach and send digital copy with form. ⇓ The syllabus
should clearly describe how the above criteria are satisfied. For assistance on syllabus preparation
IS 448 Syllabus
Prerequisites: Senior standing, all business core courses completed.
Instructor: Lee Tangedahl
Office: GBB313
Phone: (243)-6687
Office Hours: 11:00-12:30 Tuesday and Thursday
Course Description: This is a School of Business Administration capstone course in which
you are expected to put it all together and utilize what you have learned in your previous
business courses. You will be a member of a management team (2-4 members per team) which
will be taking over the management responsibilities for a simulated company. Your company will
be in direct competition with other companies in the industry and 40% of your grade will be
determined by how successful you are in maximizing the wealth of your stockholders. The game
will run for three years and prior to each year, each team will submit either a planning report or a
marketing plan. Then each year will be run in four quarters - each team will submit decisions, the
simulation will compute the results, and each team will receive a set of financial statements and a
market summary report each quarter. At the end of each year the winning team will be
determined by the year-end common stock price. At the end of years 1 and 2, each person will
make an oral presentation analyzing the year. This course will challenge your ability to research
and analyze the business and financial condition of your company and the industry, to prepare
effective planning and marketing reports, to express yourself orally, to use a computer, to solve
problems, and to work as a part of a team. This is a writing course and your reports must follow
the correct form for a business plan and must effectively communicate your understanding of the
business, the industry and the financial conditions. Each team will be provided with an Excel
spreadsheet which can be used for planning and preparing pro forma financial statements.
Decision files will be submitted and result files will be received on the internet using Blackboard.
Grading Criteria - final grades will be based on performance in the following areas:
1. Annual Plans (30%): submitted at the beginning years 1 and 2.
2. Individual Presentations (10%): presented at the end of years 1 and 2.
3. Marketing Presentation (20%): presented at the beginning of year 3.
4. Playing the Simulation (40%): based on your year-end stock quotation.
Note: 1 and 2 are individual grades, 3 and 4 are team grades, peer evaluations will be used to
determine the distribution of points for 3 and 4 above.
School of Business Administration/Mission Statement
The University of Montana's School of Business Administration is a collegial learning community
dedicated to the teaching, exploration, and application of the knowledge and skills necessary to
succeed in a competitive marketplace.
School of Business Administration/Assessment and Assurance of Learning
Learning Goal 1 - SoBA graduates will possess fundamental business knowledge and integrated
business knowledge.
Learning Goal 2 - SoBA graduates will be effective communicators.
Learning Goal 3 - SoBA graduates will posses problem solving skills.
Learning Goal 4 - SoBA graduates will have an ethical awareness.
Learning Goal 5 - SoBA graduates will be proficient users of technological skills.