Document 11902888

Upper-division Writing Requirement Review Form (12/1/08)
I. General Education Review – Upper-division Writing Requirement
Course # (i.e. ANTH
Biol 366
455) or sequence
Course(s) Title
Freshwater Ecology
Description of the requirement if it is not a single course
II. Endorsement/Approvals
Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office.
Please type / print name Signature
Winsor H. Lowe
Phone / Email
Program Chair
III Overview of the Course Purpose/ Description
This course focuses on interactions among freshwater species and between these species and
their aquatic environments. Lectures and readings provide the scientific background necessary
for understanding the physical, chemical, and biological dynamics of freshwater habitats.
Emphasis is placed on basic mechanisms controlling the distribution and abundance of
freshwater species, and on application of fundamental concepts to problems in conservation and
management of aquatic systems. The laboratory and field work are designed to acquaint
students with the freshwater systems of Montana, and with methods for studying these systems.
IV Learning Outcomes: Explain how each of the following learning outcomes will be achieved.
As indicated in the Term Paper Assignment
Student learning outcomes :
Identify and pursue more sophisticated
questions for academic inquiry
handout, I present the term paper as an
opportunity to go beyond the material we
cover in lecture to explore a topic that the
student is especially interested in. I make
clear in lecture, individual meetings, and
written feedback that this “opportunity”
carries with it the expectation that their
review will be both detailed (i.e., built on
specific data / results as opposed to vague
statements) and thought-provoking (i.e.,
highlighting scientific gaps, controversy,
Find, evaluate, analyze, and synthesize
The term paper for this class is a scientific
information effectively from diverse sources
review paper. A central goal of reviews is to
(see draw from multiple sources to characterize
current understanding of a topic in freshwater
ecology. In the three years I have taught this
course, I have realized the importance of
encouraging students to integrate their own
“perspective” (i.e., analysis and evaluation)
of the topic, as opposed to only reporting the
conclusions of other authors. I make this
point multiple times in the semester, starting
with our first discussion of the term paper.
Manage multiple perspectives as appropriate
Because the term paper is a review of the
primary literature, this is inherent to the
process of writing the paper.
Recognize the purposes and needs of
The main reason I chose to make the term
discipline-specific audiences and adopt the
paper a scientific review is because wellacademic voice necessary for the chosen
written reviews require both concise,
“scientific” writing to summarize research
results AND the looser, more individual
writing style needed to convey the
importance of a topic and the broader
implications of what we do and do not know
about that topic. This lets me work with the
students on multiple writing styles, and to
show them that science is not only about
reporting the facts efficiently, but also about
conveying the excitement of discovery.
Use multiple drafts, revision, and editing in
Dividing the term paper assignment into 3
conducting inquiry and preparing written work stages – prospectus, outline, final – gives me
many opportunities to provide feedback on
writing, and to meet with students
individually to discuss ways of improving
their writing before the final paper is
I provide examples of the citation and
Follow the conventions of citation,
documentation, and formal presentation
bibliography formats in the term paper
appropriate to that discipline
handout, and I go over this information in
Develop competence in information
I spend approximately 1 hr in lecture or lab
technology and digital literacy
showing students web-based resources for
searching the primary scientific literature and
accessing that literature.
V. Writing Course Requirements Check list
Is enrollment capped at 25 students?
If not, list maximum course enrollment.
† Yes x No
Although the course enrollment is not capped, in
Explain how outcomes will be adequately met
for this number of students. Justify the request
for variance.
Are outcomes listed in the course syllabus? If
not, how will students be informed of course
the four semesters that I have taught Biol 366,
maximum enrollment has been 33.
x Yes † No
Are detailed requirements for all written
assignments including criteria for evaluation in the
course syllabus? If not how and when will students
be informed of written assignments?
Briefly explain how students are provided with
tools and strategies for effective writing and editing
in the major.
x Yes † No
Will written assignments include an opportunity for
revision? If not, then explain how students will
receive and use feedback to improve their writing
Are expectations for Information Literacy listed in
the course syllabus? If not, how will students be
informed of course expectations?
x Yes † No
Dividing the term paper assignment into 3
stages – prospectus, outline, final – gives me
many opportunities to provide feedback on
writing, and to meet with students
individually to discuss ways of improving
their writing before the final paper is
x Yes † No
These expectations are not in the syllabus,
but they are in the handout on the term paper
assignment that I distribute in the first 2
weeks of the semester.
VI. Writing Assignments: Please describe course assignments. Students should be required to
individually compose at least 20 pages of writing for assessment. At least 50% of the course grade
should be based on students’ performance on writing assignments. Clear expression, quality, and
accuracy of content are considered an integral part of the grade on any writing assignment.
Formal Graded Assignments
Please see attached Term Paper Assignment
Informal Ungraded Assignments
In additional to the official elements of the
term paper assignment, I encourage students
to give me early drafts of the final paper. I
then give them feedback on these drafts (both
written and in meetings) well before the due
date of the final paper (1-2 weeks).
VII. Syllabus: Paste syllabus below or attach and send digital copy with form. ⇓ The syllabus
should clearly describe how the above criteria are satisfied. For assistance on syllabus preparation
Paste syllabus here. Please see attached.