Medical Bacteriology & Mycology (Micb 412) Spring Semester, 2009 Instructor: Dr. Mike Minnick Meeting: MWF 9:10 - 10:00 AM in HS 207 Office hours: Open-door policy- drop in whenever you like Office location: HS 509 Phone: 243-5972 E-mail: Text: Medical Microbiology (Murray et al., 5th edition) 2005. Performance- There will be three, 100-point exams during the semester plus a 150-point final (100 points comprehensive and 50 points from the last 5 lectures). Make-up exams are available only for excused and documented absences. Performance will be evaluated by a classical grading system of: A (90-100%); B (80-89%); C (70-79%); D (60-69%); F (<60%) Preparation- Reading assigned materials in advance and attending class are highly recommended, since lecture notes are the only source of test questions. MICB 300 is a prerequisite for this course. If you have not taken general microbiology or an equivalent course, please see me before proceeding further. Immunology is also recommended. Accommodations for students with disabilities are gladly made, but to qualify you must be registered with Disability Services for Students (DSS). Arrangements for accommodations on exams must be through DSS. Academic misconduct will be reported and handled as described in The University of Montana Student Conduct Code. All students must practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic penalty by the course instructor and/or a disciplinary sanction by the University. All students need to be familiar with the Student Conduct Code. The Code is available for review online at: StudentConductCode. Cheating on exams will also result in an automatic “F” for that examination without exception. A second episode of cheating will result in an F for the course, without exception. Dropping course or changing grading status will strictly follow University policies and procedures, which are described in the catalog. Students should note that they cannot change to an audit after the 15th day of instruction. In addition, dropping the course or changing the grading status (to CR/NCR) are not automatically approved after the 30th day of the semester; these may be requested by petition, but the petition must be accompanied by documentation of extenuating circumstances. Requests to drop the course or change the grading status to benefit a student's grade point average will not be approved. Cell phones must be turned off during class. Disruption of class by a ringing cell phone could result in the loss of points. Date Topic Chapter(s) January 26, 28 30 Introduction, virulence and pathogenesis Immune response to pathogens 1, 7, 18 9-12 February 2, 4, 6 9, 11 13 16 18, 20 23 25, 27 Antimicrobials and resistance Staphylococcus Streptococcus, Enterococcus Holiday- President’s Day ☺ G+ sporeformers- Clostridium, Bacillus EXAM 1 (100 points) G+ sporeformers- Clostridium, Bacillus 20, 70 21 22, 23 G+ non-sporeformers- Listeria, Corynebacterium Enterics Yersinia 25, 26 30 30 EXAM 2 (100 points) Pseudomonads Vibrio Holiday- Spring Break ☺ 33 31 1, 3 6 8 10 13 15 17 20 22 24 27 29 Holidays- Spring Break ☺ Helicobacter, Campylobacter Haemophilus , Pasteurella Mycobacterium Bordetella, Francisella Brucella Spirochetes (COLLOQUY #1 due by 5 pm) Neisseria Chlamydia Mycoplasma EXAM 3 (100 pts) Rickettsiae 32 34 28 35, 36 36 42 29 46 43 May 1 4, 6 8 Legionella Pathogenic fungi Pathogenic fungi (COLLOQUY #1 due by 5 pm) 37 68, 71-77 68, 71-77 12 FINAL (150 pts) (10:10 AM to 12:10 PM) 24, 39 24, 39 March 2, 4, 6 9, 11, 13 16, 18 20 23 25 27 30 April 44-45 COLLOQUY Due dates- Colloquy #1- April 17- 5:00 pm (all students) Colloquy #2- May 8- 5:00 pm (Grads and undergrad re-writes) Directions- Choose a 2008-2009 research article in medical bacteriology or mycology that interests you, read it in depth and write a synopsis. The synopsis is a condensed summary of the article using your own words. Do not use a review article or a general topic of interest. Articles- Research articles are found in a variety of journals including Molecular Microbiology, Journal of Bacteriology, Infection and Immunity, etc. You may scan for articles in the journals or search the PubMed database for particular key words or subjects that interest you (e.g., tuberculosis, antibiotic resistance, candidiasis, virulence plasmid, etc.). ASM journal articles can be downloaded and print for free after 6 months of publication. Alternatively, your instructor can download newer articles. Format-4 full pages, double-spaced and typed. -Begin with a brief introduction of the topic and goals of the research, etc. -Follow this section with a discussion of the experimental approach, and justification, but don’t go into lengthy detail on protocols. Why the authors did experiment “x” to study virulence is more important than how the experiment is done. -Do the results support the author(s)’ conclusions? If you do not agree with the authors, please explain. How might the paper be improved? -Discuss the significance of the paper to medical bacteriology / mycology -Attach a copy of the research article to you paper Grading- 100 pts are possible, based upon writing clarity, grammar, conforming to format, overall flow of logic and how well the article is summarized. A 10% reduction in points per day will be penalized for tardy colloquies. Plagiarism will result in an automatic F for the assignment. Don’t steal the authors’ writing. Purpose- To introduce junior scientists to literature-searching and contemporary research in medical bacteriology and mycology. Assignments- ALL students must complete Colloquy #1. The assignment will be corrected and returned. If you are satisfied with the grade you can ignore the second colloquy. However, if you are not happy with the colloquy #1 grade, you may do a second colloquy on another article and turn it in by the Colloquy #2 due date. NOTE: Colloquy #1 must be done to be eligible for the colloquy #2 re-write. The better grade of the two assignments will be used to calculate your final grade. Graduate students will prepare both colloquies on two separate articles and each graduate colloquy is worth 50 points.