ASCRC Writing Committee Minutes, 3/14/12 TODD 203 Members Present: G. Burns, B. Chin, C. Corr, S. Peterson, R. Sattler, M. Semanoff, M. Stark Ex-Officio Members Present: A. Ratto-Parks, K. Webster Members Absent/Excused: L. Franklin, A. Kinch, D. Simpson The meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m. The minutes from 2/8/12 were approved Communication Item: Student member Sally Peterson was welcomed to the Committee and members introduced themselves. Business Items Members were sent an email correspondence regarding the issue of students transferring within the MUS system with a common course that is not equivalent to a writing course. Students are advised to file an appeal with the Graduations Appeal Committee from the admissions evaluator. There needs to be a clear mechanism for transfer students to understand the requirements and know what they are missing long before they file for graduation. It is likely a committee will work on this issue along with other general education appeal matters. Professor Ratto-Parks agreed to be the Writing Committee’s liaison after checking with her supervisor. The retreat is scheduled for April 27th. The location has not yet been confirmed. There should be between 10-15 participants. Each college should be represented. Several names were recommended. The Committee will meet again on May 2nd to work on the annual committee report and pilot progress report. The progress report will need to explain how the rubric was devised from the learning outcomes. Work continued on the draft rubric (below). Members were divided into the following groups to complete the language. The language should be sent to Chair Chin and Camie by March 21st. The information will be compiled and sent to the full committee for comments/ revision. The rubric must be easy for evaluators and students to understand. Development of ideas Organization of Ideas Language Choices Conventions Laurie Franklin Kathy Corr Kelly Webster Richard Sattler Amy Ratto-Parks Sally Peterson Gene Burns Integration of Resources Matt Semanoff Demara Simpson Megan Stark Ashby Kinch The committee discussed the position of chair-elect. Chair Chin is willing to continue as chair. The vote of approval was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Development of ideas (Details, examples, support) Organization of Ideas (Coherence, logic, unity, and transitions) Language Choices (Word choice / vocabulary and sentence structure) 4- strong (For purpose and audience) Clear and focused thorough, extensive, relevant, original, depth, elaboration, accuracy, appropriate to the writing context, ample, specific, logical, compelling, comprehensive, balanced Strong introduction; move the reader through text; Logically and effective sequencing; smooth transitions; satisfying ending Engaging, specific, accurate, effective, appropriate, precise, natural, fluency is clear and effective for the audience and purpose Choices in language enhance the meaning and clarify understanding Absence of clutter, rhythm Conventions Although there maybe a few (command of errors in grammar usage and grammar, mechanics, these do not distract usage, the reader. A command of spelling, and language is apparent. The writer punctuation) may manipulate conventions for stylistic effect Integration of Effective, relevant, thorough, Resources specific and purposeful use of (Choice of resources; sources are valid and material, assessed appropriately , accurate evaluation (discipline specific) citations, and appropriate and effective use of incorporation) quotations, summaries, 3-proficient 2 –nearing proficient 1- weak NA x x x paraphrasing illustrations, visuals