Campus Software Licensing Roundtable: June 9, 2015

Campus Software Licensing Roundtable: June 9, 2015
Attendees: Joe Allred, Kit Edington, Mary Ann Flockerzi, Kathy Garramone, Patrick Guinard, Su
Gregerson, Antony Jo, Jim Lange, Sherri McWilliams, Jay Michalik, Jonathan Neff, Barry Obie, Garrett
Olson, Marvin Paulson, Wesley Samson, Gary Trethewey, Travis Tolzien
Announcements: Kathy Garramone, IT-TSS
New short courses: LANDesk, accessibility
o Joe Allred is offering LANDesk training next week.
o Janet Sedgley is offering several accessibility courses this summer including EIT accessibility
and Procurement
o To view and register for these courses, go to:
Symantec updates will no longer be available beginning July 1. If you still need to move machines off
of Symantec and onto LANDesk AV and need assistance, please contact Joe Allred.
IT software website
o We will be updating the IT software website this summer to include a campus software
inventory. The list will include Central IT software titles as well as distributed IT software
titles. Kathy will be in touch with campus IT directors to seek assistance with obtaining
distributed IT software information.
Windows 10: Joe Allred, IT-TSS
Microsoft will release Windows 10 on July 29, 2015. This will be a free upgrade to anyone running
Windows 7 or newer. Beginning June 1, 2015, Microsoft released a program that prompts you to
“register” for the free Windows 10 upgrade if you are running Windows 7, 8, or 8.1. If you register,
your Windows system will automatically upgrade to Windows 10 on July 29.
Through the Microsoft Campus agreement, IT will have control over deploying Windows 10 on
university owned computers. University owned computers shouldn’t see the program from
Microsoft that allows the free upgrade and installation.
However, people with Work at Home or Windows Pro will receive the Microsoft prompt to
“register” for the free Windows 10 upgrade.
As soon Windows 10 Enterprise is available for UM distribution, we will let you know.
Adobe: thoughts from a UM faculty member: Jay Michalik, UM Bookstore
Jay distributed a copy of a communication he received from a UM faculty member who is very
frustrated about Adobe’s change in marketing plans and working with academic customers. The
faculty member provides examples of mistreatment by Adobe and suggests that academic
institutions push back from mistreatment and boycott Adobe products when possible.
Kathy will work with Tom Battaglia on responding to this communication as well as informing our
Adobe representative of these concerns.
SQL Server: Antony Jo, SAIT
SAIT will be rebuilding their Microsoft SQL Server infrastructure. It is very expensive and SAIT
wonders if other campus units would be interested in sharing an installation of SQL Server that
might be able to host multiple departments’ databases. This could potentially save on SQL costs,
hardware costs and allow all to pool cost savings into more training for the administrator(s).
IT, CFC, and A&F each use SQL Server. There may be other campus units also using SQL Server. If you
are interested further discussions about working together, please let me know.
Open Discussion
o Are we still on for the renewal for next year? Yes
o When will we start discussing funding? Within the next month
o Contract dates: September 1, 2015 –August 31, 2016
Antony mentioned that the CHC roof unit overheated yesterday due to the heat. If you have
equipment located outside your buildings, make sure you monitor them so you can avoid any
outages due to the current outside temperatures.
Office 365 for employees
o Do we have a timeline? Gary Trethewey said that the timeline is being established now. This
summer there will be an internal pilot of users moving to O365. Once further information is
available, IT will communicate it to Technology Partners.
Campus Software Licensing Roundtables will resume in early Fall 2015. Please direct software
questions/comments to Kathy Garramone.