To: UWSP Departments From: Walter Clark, EHS Officer RE: Safety Shoe Program

To: UWSP Departments
From: Walter Clark, EHS Officer
RE: Safety Shoe Program
Date: September 1, 2014
This program addresses initiatives to reduce common musculoskeletal injuries, accidents and incidents, and to
substantially improve safe work practices at UWSP.
Ref. Section 4.4.1 of the UWSP EHS Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Policy ; State of Wisconsin Department of Safety &
Professional Services, Chapter SPS 332, via 332.15 OSHA 1910.132 -191.138.
Safety Shoe Program Requirements
All safety shoes worn on campus must meet ASTM F-2412-2005 performance standards required by UWSP
policy. Employees in positions where hazards are known to pose a threat are required to wear certified safety
footwear at all times while on duty; exceptions only by medical release and manager approval. Employees
should have a hazard assessment that accompanies their position descriptions, that shows the need for safety
shoes. LTE or student employees in jobs that have been assessed for hazardous conditions such as a crush or
pinch to the toe should also be instructed to wear safety shoes. These employees may be required to purchase
their own shoes or can be allowed to participate in the program with department approval.
Purchase Allowance Level for 2014-2015
$130.00 – Steel or Composite-Toed Safety Shoes or Boots
$90.00 – Slip-Resistant Work Shoes or Boots
VENDOR OPTIONS: Employees are allowed to purchase their shoes from any qualified vendor, however many
brands and styles are available through the shoe truck that visits campus. If an employee chooses to use another
vendor off campus, they must pay for the shoes and fill out a reimbursement form, located here:
Reimb_Dec13.pdf. This form must be accompanied by a description of the shoe, a receipt and properly signed
for Payment Services.
Shoe Truck
A shoe truck visits the UWSP campus for employee convenience. The truck is a mobile shoe store with 20 brands
and styles to pick from, and purchases are made on site from inventory. Posters and catalogs are distributed in
advance for employees. Visit dates are listed below.
When: Thursday, September 25th, 12 Noon – 4 pm – and – Friday, September 26th, 8 am – 12 Noon.
Where: The truck will be parked on campus on the north side of the lot past the fueling station, at the M/M
Building, 1848 Maria Drive.
SUPERVISORS: Please inform employees of the times you will allow them to visit the truck. (There are no
appointments with the truck; it is on a first-come, first serve basis).
1. A list of employees that can make purchases for the year will be on the truck with the driver for
purchase tracking and accounting purposes. Please inform your employees of their eligibility and
allowance amount: Employees should be aware of whether they have purchased shoes or not (from
another approved vendor) since the beginning of the fiscal year, July 1, 2014.
2. The shoe monetary allowance amount is a one-time use only per calendar year. Although the vendor
carries socks and other clothing, the shoe allowance covers one pair of shoes or boots only for the
purchase amount.
3. Employees are not required to have money at the time of purchase. Allowance amounts will be billed
directly to UWSP for employees’ purchases from the shoe truck.
4. No reimbursements of money are given if the total is not used and no annual balance rollovers are set
for any subsequent purchases.
5. If the purchase amount exceeds the allowance, the employee pays the balance at the time of purchase.
6. Returns, exchanges and alternate models or sizes are liberally allowed when necessary. The company
has a representative that will take calls and help employees order new shoes, upgrades or exchanges
over the phone and have them mailed if necessary. An overnight mail exchange or purchase of shoes is
directed to the employee’s name and department at no charge. Shoe exchanges must be made with
returned shoes in new condition unless there is a manufacturer’s defect or warrantee issue.
7. The contact name and number is:
Dan Ogier, Hy-Test Shoes
Be sure to include your full name, department and contact information, along with your request when
you leave a message.
8. Special Orders: If you view the company website or catalog and have a particular
model to request, you can use the above number for the request. The company asks that you notify
them at least ten days in advance of their campus visit for special orders.
9. Program subject to review and adjustments in 2015-2016.
For further information, contact Walter Clark at x2320. Thank you for participating in this program.