INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control 2003; 13:1181–1193 (DOI: 10.1002/rnc.835) Optimal robust disturbance attenuation for continuous time-varying systems Seddik M. Djouadin,y Department of Systems Engineering, University of Arkansas, 2801 S. University, ETAS 300, Little Rock, Arkansas 72204, U.S.A. SUMMARY In this paper we consider the Optimal robust disturbance attenuation problem (ORDAP) for continuous time-varying systems subject to time-varying unstructured uncertainty. We show that for causal (possibly time-varying) continuous systems, ORDAP is equivalent to finding the smallest fixed point of a ‘two-disc’ type optimization problem under time-varying feedback control laws. Duality is applied in the context of nest algebra of causal stable systems, to prove existence of optimal continuous time-varying controllers. We also show that for time-invariant nominal plants, time-varying control laws offer no improvement over time-invariant feedback control laws. Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY WORDS: optimization; robust control; time-varying; disturbance attenuation; duality 1. DEFINITIONS AND NOTATION * * * BðE; F Þ denotes the space of bounded linear operators from a Banach space E to a Banach space F ; endowed with the operator norm. L2 ½0; 1Þ the standard Lebesgue space of essentially square integrable functions defined on the interval ½0; 1Þ: Dh the family of delay operators defined for h50 by Dh : L2 ½0; 1Þ ! L2 ½0; 1Þ f ðtÞ ! f ðt hÞ * ð1Þ and for h50 by Dh : L2 ½0; 1Þ ! L2 ½0; 1Þ f ðtÞ ! f ðt hÞw½0;1Þ ðtÞ ð2Þ n y Correspondence to: Dr. Seddik M. Djouadi, Department of Systems Engineering, University of Arkansas, 2801 S. University, ETAS 300, Little Rock, Arkansas 72204, U.S.A. E-mail: Published online 26 June 2003 Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 7 November 2001 Accepted 19 November 2002 1182 S. M. DJOUADI where w½0;1Þ is the characteristic function of the interval ½0; 1Þ: An operator A 2 BðE; F Þ is said to be time-invariant if, for all h50; A satisfies the operator equation [1] ADh ¼ Dh A * * Pt the usual truncation operator, which sets all outputs after time t to zero. An operator A 2 BðE; F Þ is said to be causal if it satisfies the operator equation: Pt APt ¼ Pt A; * ð3Þ 8t 2 ð0; 1Þ ð4Þ h:; :i denote the inner or duality product depending on the context. The subscripts ‘sc ’, ‘c ’ and the superscript ‘ti ’ denote the restriction of a subspace of operators to its intersection with causal, strictly causal, and time-invariant operator respectively (see Reference [2] for the definition.) ‘$ ’ stands for the adjoint of an operator or the dual space of a Banach space depending on the context. ‘*$ ’ denotes convergence in the weak$ topology [3, 4]. 2. INTRODUCTION Analysis of time-varying control strategies for optimal disturbance rejection for known timeinvariant plants has been studied by Shamma and Dahleh [5], Chapellat and Dahleh [1]. A robust version of these problems were considered in References [6–8] in different induced norm topologies. They showed that for time-invariant nominal plants, time-varying control laws offer no advantage over time-invariant ones. The optimal robust disturbance attenuation problem (ORDAP) was formulated by Zames [9], and considered by Bird [10–14]. In ORDAP a stable uncertain linear time-varying plant P is subject to disturbances at the output (see Figure 1). The objective is to find a feedback control law which provides the best uniform attenuation of uncertain output disturbances in spite of uncertainty in the plant model. The ORDAP for discrete time-varying systems and feedback laws has been studied by Owen [13]. He characterised the problem in a predual space and proved that in some induced norm topology the same conclusion as before holds. In this paper we consider the optimal robust disturbance Figure 1. Feedback control in presence of plant and disturbance uncertainty. Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control 2003; 13:1181–1193 OPTIMAL ROBUST DISTURBANCE ATTENUATION PROBLEM 1183 attenuation problem for continuous time-varying systems subject to time-varying unstructured plant uncertainty, and therefore generalizing previous results obtained for discrete time-varying systems by Owen [13]. Here the plant uncertainty set is described by a weighted sphere in the algebra of bounded linear operators from L2 into L2 instead of H 1 as defined in expression (5), and the feedback control laws are allowed to be time-varying. In particular we show that for causal continuous (possibly time-varying) systems, ORDAP is equivalent to finding the smallest fixed point of a ‘two-disc’ type optimization problem under time-varying feedback control laws. This in turn is expressed as a shortest distance in a special Banach space of bounded linear operators related to a functional maximization in its predual space. Therefore proving existence of optimal time-varying control laws. It is also proved that for continuous time-invariant nominal plants time-varying control laws offer no improvement over time-invariant feedback control laws and hence settling an open question in Chapter 8 [13]. Finally, note that the solution of time-varying ORDAP is important for adaptive control in H 1 ; where plant uncertainty is reduced using identification and the controllers are allowed to be time-varying. 3. PROBLEM FORMULATION Let Po 2 Bsc ðL2 ½0; 1Þ; L2 ½0; 1ÞÞ be the nominal (possibly time-varying) plant, and denote the set of plant uncertainty by CðPo ; V Þ ¼ fP 2 Bc ðL2 ð1; 1Þ; L2 ð1; 1ÞÞ : P ¼ XVPo þ Po ; X 2 Bc ðL2 ð1; 1Þ; L2 ð1; 1ÞÞ; jjX jj51g ð5Þ where V is a causal stable time-invariant weighting function. The ORDAP can be shown to be equivalent to finding the optimal worst case sensitivity function with respect to disturbances and plants in CðPo ; V Þ; achievable by a feedback control law. With reference to Figure 1, mathematically this problem is equivalent to mo ¼ inf sup C stabilizing P 2CðP0 ;V Þ P 2CðPo ;V Þ jjW ðI þ PCÞ1 jj ð6Þ where W is a causal stable time-invariant weighting function. Expression (6) can be expressed as mo ¼ inf sup Q2Bc ðL2 ;L2 Þ P 2CðPo ;V Þ ðIþXVPo QÞ1 2BðL2 ; L2 Þ jjW ðI Po QÞðI þ XVPo QÞ1 jj ð7Þ If a particular controller Q achieves a ‘worst-case’ weighted sensitivity function less than some r > 0 then jjW ðI Po QÞðI þ XVPo QÞ1 jj4r and ðI þ XVPo QÞ1 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ; 8X 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ; jjX jj51 ð8Þ Expression (8) is equivalent to jjW ðI Po QÞðI þ XVPo QÞ1 f jjL2 4rjjf jjL2 Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control 2003; 13:1181–1193 1184 S. M. DJOUADI and ðI þ XVPo QÞ1 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ; 8X 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ; jjX jj51 8f 2 L2 ½0; 1Þ ð9Þ which yields jjW ðI Po QÞF jjL2 4rjjðI þ XVPo QÞF jjL2 8X 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ; jjX jj51; and 8F 2 L2 ½0; 1Þ; ðI þ XVPo QÞ1 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ jjF jjL2 41 ð10Þ which is in turn implied by (see Chapter 5 of Reference [2]) jjW ðI Po QÞF jjL2 4rjjF jjL2 rjjVPo QF jjL2 8F 2 L2 ; jjF jjL2 41 ð11Þ jjW ðI Po QÞF jjL2 þ rjjVPo QF jjL2 4rjjF jjL2 8F 2 L2 ; jjF jjL2 41 ð12Þ hence Let x be the function defined for r 2 ½0; 1 as follows: xðrÞ ¼ inf sup Q2Bc ðL2 ;L2 Þ jjf jj 2 41 L f 2L2 ½0;1Þ ðjjW ðI Po QÞf jjL2 þ rjjVPo Qf jjL2 Þ ð13Þ then x is a continuous, positive, non-decreasing function of r: We get a similar Theorem to Theorem 6.1 for discrete time-varying systems in Reference [13], which will be used to establish the existence of at least one optimal controller. Theorem 1 asserts that for time-invariant nominal plants subject to time-varying uncertainty and controllers, ORDAP is equivalent to the non-standard two-disc optimization (13). Theorem 1 (Djouadi [15]) (1) Let Po be time-invariant and mo as above, if there exists an optimal Q 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ for each r 2 ½0; 1 in the expression (13), then mo is equal to the smallest fixed point of xðrÞ: (2) If Po is time-varying then mo is bounded above by the smallest fixed point of xðrÞ: Proof The proof follows by slightly modifying the proof of Theorem 6.1 in Reference [13]. Let Q* 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ be such that jjW ðI Po Q* ÞðI þ XVPo Q* Þ1 jj4m1 and ðI þ XVPo Q* Þ 1 2 2 2 Bc ðL ; L Þ; where m1 > mo 8X 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ; jjX jj51 ð14Þ Claim 1 lim sup jjVPo Q* Dt f jjL2 41 t!1 jjf jj 41 L2 f 2L2 Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control 2003; 13:1181–1193 OPTIMAL ROBUST DISTURBANCE ATTENUATION PROBLEM Suppose by way of contradiction that there exists e > 0 such that sup jjVPo Q* Dt f jjL2 > 1 þ e; 8t50 1185 ð15Þ jjf jjL2 41 f 2L2 Fix d > 0 and consider the following construction of a function F 2 L2 ½0; 1Þ Step 1: let t0 ¼ 0; and select f1 2 L2 ½0; 1Þ; jjf1 jjL2 41; such that f1 has compact support (i.e. closed and bounded in the topology of the reals) suppðf1 Þ; where the supp denotes the support of f1 ; which is defined as the smallest closed subset of ½0; 1Þ outside of which f1 vanishes, and satisfies (15) for f ¼ f1 and t ¼ 0: Since VPo Q* f1 2 L2 ½0; 1Þ there exists a positive real number t1 > jsuppðf1 Þj; where jsuppðf1 Þj is the Lebesgue measure of suppðf1 Þ; and such that jjðI Pt ÞVPo Q* f1 jjL2 5d ð16Þ 1 2 Step k: select fk 2 L ½0; 1Þ with compact support such that jjfk jjL2 41; Ptk1 fk ¼ 0; fk satisfies (15) for f ¼ fk and t ¼ 0: Define tk > jsuppðfk Þj and such that jjðI Ptk ÞVPo Q* fk jjL2 5d ð17Þ Next define F ¼ N 1X fk N k¼1 If d is chosen sufficiently small with respect to jjVPo Q* jj and e; we get e jjVPo Q* F jjL2 > 1 þ 2 ð18Þ ð19Þ Define X 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ to be the following contractive, causal, finite rank linear operator from L2 ! L 2 Xg ¼ N 1 X lk hnk ; gifkþ1 ð20Þ k¼1 where lk ¼ 1 1 4 * jjVPo Qfk jjL2 e þ 1 and nk ¼ X maps ðPtk Ptk1 ÞVPo Q* fk to ðPtk Ptk1 ÞVPo Q* fk jjðPtk Ptk1 VPo Q* fk jjL2 jjðPtk Ptk1 ÞVPo Q* fk jjL2 fkþ1 jjVPo Q* fk jjL2 for 14k4N 1; hence N X f 1 XVPo Q* fN fk XVPo Q* fk1 * jjðI XVPo QÞF jjL2 4 þ 2 þ 2 N L2 N N L L k¼2 4 1 þ jjVPo Q* jj þ 2d N Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ð21Þ Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control 2003; 13:1181–1193 1186 S. M. DJOUADI If d was chosen sufficiently small for large enough N (22) contradicts (15) and so claim 1 is proven. Claim 2 lim sup ðjjW ðI Po Q* ÞDt f jjL2 þ m1 jjVPo Q* Dt f jjL2 Þ4m1 t!0 jjf jj 2 41 L f 2L2 ð22Þ The proof of Claim 2 follows exactly as in the proof of Claim 2 (in the proof of Theorem 6.1 [13]) by making the same modifications to prove Claim 1 above, and therefore will not be repeated here. Claim 2 implies that lim sup ðjjW ðI Po Dt Q* Dt Þf jjL2 þ m1 jjVPo Dt Q* Dt f jjL2 Þ4m1 t!1 jjf jj 41 L2 f 2L2 ð23Þ since Po ; W and V are causal time-invariant, and Dt Q* Dt causal, we get sup ðjjW ðI Po Dt Q* Dt Þf jjL2 þ m1 jjVPo Dt Q* Dt f jjL2 Þ4m1 inf Q2Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ jjf jj 2 41 L f 2L2 ð24Þ The rest of the proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 2.1 in Reference [13], and therefore omitted. Hence the optimization (7) for time-invariant nominal plants reduces to mo ¼ inf sup Q2Bc ðL2 ;L2 Þ jjf jj 2 41 L f 2L2 ½0;1Þ ðjjW ðI Po QÞf jjL2 þ rjjVPo Qf jjL2 Þ ð25Þ Next we proceed to give the duality structure of the problem, which shows existence of an optimal Q for mo : 4. DUALITY STRUCTURE AND EXISTENCE OF AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION Denote by A$ the dual space of any Banach space A: If M is a subspace of A then M ? is the subspace of A$ which annihilates M; that is M ? :¼ ff 2 A$ : hf ; mi ¼ 0; 8m 2 mg Isometric isomorphism between Banach spaces is denoted by ’ : A$ is said to be the predual space of A if ðA$ Þ$ ’ A; and a subspace ? M of A$ is a preannihilator of a subspace M of A if, ð? MÞ? ’ M: We shall use the following standard result of Banach space duality theory, which asserts that when a predual and preannihilator exist, then for any K 2 A [4] min jjK mjjA ¼ m2M sup jhK; f ij f 2? M;jjf jjA$ 41 To apply this result we first show that (13) is equivalent to a shortest distance minimisation problem in a specific Banach space. To this end, let L2 be the Banach space L2 ½0; 1Þ L2 ½0; 1Þ Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control 2003; 13:1181–1193 OPTIMAL ROBUST DISTURBANCE ATTENUATION PROBLEM 1187 ! F1 ¼ jjF1 jjL2 þ jjF2 jjL2 F2 2 L ð26Þ under the norm: The vector function W ðI Po QÞ ! VPo Q can be viewed as a multiplication operator from L2 ½0; 1Þ into L2 with the operator induced norm: ! W ðI Po QÞ W ðI Po QÞ f ¼ sup 2 jjf jjL2 41 VPo Q VPo Q L f 2L2 ¼ sup ðjjW ðI Po QÞf jjL2 þ jjVPo Qf jjL2 Þ ð27Þ jjf jjL2 41 f 2L2 Therefore the optimization problem (13) can be expressed as a distance problem from the vector function ! W 0 2 2 belonging to BðL ; L Þ to the subspace S¼ W V ! Po Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ of BðL2 ; L2 Þ: To ensure closedness of S; we assume that W $ ðioÞW ðioÞ þ V $ ðioÞV ðioÞ > 0; 8o 1 Then there exists an outer spectral factor L1 2 H ; invertible in H 1 such that L$1 ðioÞL1 ðioÞ ¼ W $ ðioÞW ðioÞ þ V $ ðioÞV ðioÞ: Therefore L1 Po as a bounded linear operator in Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ has a polar decomposition U1 G; where U1 is a partial isometry and G a positive operator both defined on L2 (Theorem 4.39 [3]). Next we assume (A) U1 is unitary, the operator G and its inverse G1 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ: In the time-invariant case, (A) is satisfied when, for e.g. the outer factor of the plant is invertible. Letting ! W R¼ L1 1 U1 V assumption (A) implies that the operator R$ R 2 BðL2 ; L2 Þ has a bounded inverse, this ensures closedness of S: According to Arveson (Corollary 2, [16], see also Reference [2]), the self-adjoint operator R$ R has a spectral factorization of the form: R$ R ¼ L$ L; Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. where L; L1 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control 2003; 13:1181–1193 1188 S. M. DJOUADI Defining R2 ¼ RL1 ; then R$2 R2 ¼ I; and S has the equivalent representation, S ¼ R2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ: After absorbing L into the free parameter Q; the optimization problem (13) is then equivalent to: ! W R2 Q ð28Þ mo ¼ inf Q2Bc ðL2 ;L2 Þ 0 Let L2 be the Banach space L2 L2 under the norm ! g1 ¼ maxðjjg1 jjL2 ; jjg2 jjL2 Þ g2 2 L ð29Þ The following Lemma characterizing the dual space of L2 follows from Reference [17]: Lemma 1 Let L2 and L2 defined as above, then the following hold: * * ðL2 Þ$ ’ L2 ðL2 Þ$ ’ L2 Hence all these Banach spaces are reflexive. Define NðB1 ; B2 Þ to be the Banach space of nuclear operators mapping the Banach space B1 to the Banach space B2 under the nuclear norm. Recall that an operator A : B1 ! B2 is said to be nuclear if it has the representation [18] X Af ¼ hFn$ ; f ien where en 2 B2 ; Fn$ 2 B$1 ð30Þ n and X jjFn$ jj jjen jj51 ð31Þ n where h; i is the duality product and the nuclear norm is defined to be ( ) X $ jjAjjnuc ¼ inf jjFn jj jjen jj ð32Þ n where the infimum is taken over all possible representations of A: The trace of the nuclear operator A is denoted by trðAÞ and is defined by X trðAÞ ¼ hFn$ ; Fn i ð33Þ n This sum is well defined and can be shown to be independent of the representation [18]. The following Lemma applies to the Banach spaces L2 and L2 : Lemma 2 (Chapellat and Dahleh [1], Diestel and Uhl [18]) BðL2 ; L2 Þ ’ NðL2 ; L2 Þ$ 2 2 ð34Þ $ If f 2 NðL ; L Þ ; the isometric isomorphism ’ is given by fðAÞ ¼ hB; Ai ¼ trA$ B ¼ tr B$ A Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. where A 2 NðL2 ; L2 Þ; B 2 BðL2 ; L2 Þ Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control 2003; 13:1181–1193 OPTIMAL ROBUST DISTURBANCE ATTENUATION PROBLEM 1189 Next, we need the following Definition introducing the concept of nest Algebra. Definition 1 (Davidson [19]) * * * A nest is a chain N of closed subspaces of a Hilbert space H containing f0g and H which is closed under intersection and closed span. The triangular algebra or nest algebra TðNÞ is the set of all operators T such that TN N for every element N in N: W Given V a collection fNa g of subspaces of a Hilbert space, a Na denotes the closed linear span and a Na denotes intersection of the subspaces Na : For N belonging to a nest N; define _ N ¼ fN 0 2 N : N0 5Ng ð35Þ ^ fN 0 2 N : N0 > Ng ð36Þ Nþ ¼ where N 0 5N means N 0 N ; and N 0 > N means N 0 *N : The subspaces N N are called the atoms of N: If there are no atoms, N is called continuous. Now let us define for each t 2 ð1; 1Þ; Mt DðI Pt ÞðL2 Þ; i.e. the subspace of L2 consisting of all % functions f 2 L2 such that f ¼ 0; a.e. on ð1; tÞ: Then MDfMt ; 15t51g is clearly a % continuous nest since _ fMt 2 M : t5tg ¼ Mt ð37Þ Mt ¼ t 2 2 The space Bc ðL ; L Þ can be viewed as a nest algebra since causal operators leave M invariant, i.e. for all operators A 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ; AMt Mt ; for all Mt 2 M: The Banach space NðL2 ; L2 Þ is nothing but the well-known space of trace-class operators from L2 to L2 ; and that the nuclear norm in this case reduces to the trace-norm [20]. Applying Theorem 16.6 [19], we get the following Lemma Lemma 3 Nc ðL2 ; L2 Þ is the preannihilator of Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ: Proof The preannihilator of Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ; ? ? Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ is defined by Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ ¼ fA 2 NðL2 ; L2 Þ : trðT $ AÞ ¼ 0; 8T 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þg ð38Þ Mt be the closed linear span of fMt 2 M : t5tg; but since M is a continuous nest, then Let Mt ¼ Mt : It follows from Theorem 16.6 [19] that ? Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ ¼ Nc ðL2 ; L2 Þ: Now let S$ be the subspace of NðL2 ; L2 ð0; 1ÞÞ defined as follows: S$ ¼ fpðCðI R2 R$2 Þ þ AR$2 ÞjL2 : C 2 NðL2 ; L2 Þ; A 2 Nc ðL2 ; L2 Þg ð39Þ where p is the canonical projection of L2 ð1; 1Þ into L2 ½0; 1Þ; and L2 is defined to be the Banach space L2 ð1; 1Þ L2 ð1; 1Þ endowed with the norm of L2 : Define the following subspace of NðL2 ; L2 Þ ? S ¼ fA 2 NðL2 ; L2 Þ : A$ 2 S$ g Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ð40Þ Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control 2003; 13:1181–1193 1190 S. M. DJOUADI Lemma 4 ? S is the preannihilator of S in NðL2 ; L2 Þ: Proof Let T 2 BðL2 ½0; 1Þ; L2 Þ; then hT ; Ai ¼ 0; 8A 2? S , trðpðCðI R2 R$2 ÞjL2 T þ pNR$2 jL2 T Þ ¼ 0 8C 2 NðL2 ; L2 ½0; 1ÞÞ; N 2 Nc ðL2 ; L2 Þ , ðI R2 R$2 ÞjL2 Tp ¼ 0 and R$2 jL2 Tp 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ by Lemma 3 , ðI R2 R$2 ÞjL2 Tp ¼ 0 and R2 R$2 jL2 Tp 2 R2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ , T 2 R2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ Using the standard result from Banach space duality theory relating the distance from a vector to a subspace and an extremal functional in the predual mentioned previously (Theorem 2, Chapter 5.8 [4]), we deduce the following Theorem Theorem 2 Under assumption (A) U1 is unitary, G and G1 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ: There exists at least one optimal Qo 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ; i.e. a linear time-varying control law such that ! ! W W R2 Qo R2 Q ¼ min 0 Q2Bc ðL2 ;L2 Þ 0 !! W $ ¼ sup tr A ð41Þ jjAjjnuc 41 0 A2? S Moreover by a standard weak$ compactness argument the supremum in (41) is in fact a maximum. Note that Theorem 2 shows merely than an optimal time-varying controller exists, but does not show how to compute it. The computation of such a controller would certainly be important, in particular, in adaptive control where plant uncertainty is reduced using identification algorithms. 5. TIME-VARYING VERSUS TIME-INVARIANT CONTROL LAWS In this section, we assume that the nominal plant Po is time-invariant. It follows also that R2 is also time-invariant. Define the following performance index when the controllers are constrained to be linear time-invariant: ! W ti ð42Þ mo ¼ R inf Q 2 ti 2 2 Q2Bc ðL ; L Þ 0 Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control 2003; 13:1181–1193 OPTIMAL ROBUST DISTURBANCE ATTENUATION PROBLEM 1191 In the next Theorem, we show that no advantage is gained in performance if we allow our controllers to be time-varying, and thus generalizing the same result obtained for discrete time systems in Reference [13]. Theorem 3 If Po is linear, causal, time invariant and assumption (A) holds, then mo ¼ mtio ð43Þ Proof Since Btic ðL2 ; L2 Þ Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ; it is obvious that mo 4mtio : To prove the opposite inequality let Q 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ ! W mo ¼ R2 Q 0 ð44Þ such a Q exist by Theorem 2. Using an idea of Chapellat and Dahleh [1], let h > 0: Since jjDu jj41; 8u; we have that 8n > 0 ! ! W ð45Þ mo 5Dnh R2 Q Dnh 0 Using time-invariance of W and R2 ; we get ! W mo 5 R2 Dnh QDnh 0 ð46Þ Define for all n50 Qn ðhÞ ¼ Then (46) yields n 1 X Dkh QDkh 1 þ n k¼0 ð47Þ ! W mo 5 R2 Qn ðhÞ 0 ð48Þ jjQn ðhÞjj4jjQjj; 8n50 and then jjR2 Qn ðhÞjj is uniformly bounded by jjR2 jjjjQjj: Moreover since the predual space of BðL2 ; L2 Þ is NðL2 ; L2 Þ; by Alaoglu’s Theorem there exists a subsequence of fR2 Qnk ðhÞg which converges in the weak$ topology to some vector function R 2 BðL2 ; L2 Þ; and we write R2 Qnk ðhÞ *$ R ) W 0 ! R2 Qnk ðhÞ * $ W 0 ! R by (48) and a property of weak$ limits, we have ! ! W W R mo 5 lim inf R2 Qnk ðhÞ5 k!1 0 0 Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ð49Þ ð50Þ Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control 2003; 13:1181–1193 1192 S. M. DJOUADI By definition of the weak$ limit, 8A 2? S; 0 ¼ hR2 Qnk ðhÞ; Ai ! hR; Ai as k ! 1; hence R ¼ R2 Q* ðhÞ; for some Q* ðhÞ 2 Bc ðL2 ; L2 Þ: The adjoint of Dh ; D$h is defined by 8f 2 L2 ðD$h f ÞðtÞ ¼ f ðt þ hÞ ¼ ðDh f ÞðtÞ Now 8A 2 NðL2 ; L2 Þ we have hDh R2 Qnk ðhÞ; Ai ¼ tr A$ Dh R2 Qnk ðhÞ ¼ tr ðDh AÞ$ R2 Qnk ðhÞ ¼ hR2 Qnk ðhÞ; Dh Ai !k!1 hR2 Q* ðhÞ; Dh Ai ¼ hDh R2 Q* ðhÞ; Ai thus Dh R2 Qnk ðhÞ *$ Dh R2 Q* ðhÞ; and likewise R2 Qnk ðhÞDh *$ R2 Q* ðhÞDh : From Reference [1], jj Dh Qnk ðhÞ Qnk ðhÞDh jj ! 0; as k ! 1; hence jjDh R2 Qnk ðhÞ R2 Qnk ðhÞDh jj ! 0; as k ! 1: By the same reasoning as previously, 8A 2 NðL2 ; L2 Þ; Dh R2 Qnk ðhÞ *$ R2 Q* ðhÞDh : We conclude that by uniqueness of the weak$ limit Dh R2 Q* ðhÞ ¼ R2 Q* ðhÞDh ð51Þ jjR2 Q* ðhÞjj4jjR2 jjjjQjj ð52Þ ! W R2 Q* ðhÞ mo 5 0 ð53Þ For all h > 0; we showed that Finally for all n51; define the sequence R2 Q* n ¼ R2 Q* ð1=nÞ: By (52) it is bounded, therefore there exists Q% such that R2 Q* nk *$ R2 Q% and R2 Q% satisfies (53) as before. Again using properties of nuclear operators it is easy to see that R2 Q* nk Dh Dh R2 Q* nk *$ R2 Q% Dh R2 Q% : Using exactly the same procedure as in Reference [1] to prove that R2 Q* nk Dh Dh R2 Q* nk *$ 0 shows that R2 Q% is time-invariant, but since R2 is time-invariant, Q% must also be time-invariant and this completes the proof. Note that Theorem 3 only shows that time-varying controllers offer no advantage over timeinvariant ones, if the nominal plant Po ; the radius of plant uncertainty V and disturbance weighting W are time-invariant. If either of V or W are reduced, by e.g. identification, timevarying controllers would certainly offer improved performance as in adaptive control. 6. CONCLUSION In this paper, we formulated the ORDAP for continuous-time varying plants subject to timevarying unstructured uncertainty. We showed that for causal time-varying systems, ORDAP is equivalent to finding the smallest fixed point of ‘a two-disc’ type optimization problem under time-varying feedback control laws. The space of causal and stable continuous plants was viewed as a continuous nest (or triangular) algebra of operators acting on the Hilbert space of finite energy inputs into finite energy outputs. Duality was then applied to show existence of optimal continuous time-varying control laws. It was also shown that for continuous timeinvariant nominal plants time-varying control laws offer no improvement over time-invariant feedback control laws and hence setting an open question in Reference [13]. Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control 2003; 13:1181–1193 OPTIMAL ROBUST DISTURBANCE ATTENUATION PROBLEM 1193 REFERENCES 1. 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