Applied Statistics I Liang Zhang June 10, 2008

Applied Statistics I
Liang Zhang
Department of Mathematics, University of Utah
June 10, 2008
Liang Zhang (UofU)
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Measures of Variability
Sample I:
Sample II:
Sample III:
30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70
30, 41, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 59, 70
41, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 59
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Measures of Variability
Sample I:
Sample II:
Sample III:
30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70
30, 41, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 59, 70
41, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 59
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Measures of Variability
Sample Range: the difference between the largest and the smallest
sample values.
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Measures of Variability
Sample Range: the difference between the largest and the smallest
sample values.
e.g. for Sample I: 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70
the sample range is 40(= 70 − 30).
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Measures of Variability
Sample Range: the difference between the largest and the smallest
sample values.
e.g. for Sample I: 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70
the sample range is 40(= 70 − 30).
Deviation from the Sample Mean: the diffenence between the
individual sample value and the sample mean.
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Measures of Variability
Sample Range: the difference between the largest and the smallest
sample values.
e.g. for Sample I: 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70
the sample range is 40(= 70 − 30).
Deviation from the Sample Mean: the diffenence between the
individual sample value and the sample mean.
e.g. for Sample I: 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70
the sample mean is 50 and thus the deviation from the sample mean
for each data is -20, -15, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20.
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Measures of Variability
Sample Variance: the mean (or average) of the sum of squares of
the deviations from the sample mean for each individual data.
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Measures of Variability
Sample Variance: the mean (or average) of the sum of squares of
the deviations from the sample mean for each individual data.
If our sample size is n, and we use x̄ to denote the sample mean, then
the sample variance s 2 is given by:
(xi − x̄)2
s 2 = i=1
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Measures of Variability
Sample Variance: the mean (or average) of the sum of squares of
the deviations from the sample mean for each individual data.
If our sample size is n, and we use x̄ to denote the sample mean, then
the sample variance s 2 is given by:
(xi − x̄)2
s 2 = i=1
Sample Standard Deviation: the square root of the sample variance
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Measures of Variability
e.g. for Sample I: 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, the mean is 50 and
we have
40 45 50 55
xi − x̄
-20 -15 -10 -5
(xi − x̄)2 400 225 100 25
0 25 100 225 400
Therefore the sample variance is
(400 + 225 + 100 + 25 + 0 + 25
√ + 100 + 225 + 400)/(9 − 1) = 187.5
and the standard deviation is 187.5 = 13.7.
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Measures of Variability
e.g. for Sample II: 30, 41, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 59, 70, the mean is also 50
and we have
30 41 48 49 50 51 52 59
xi − x̄
-20 -9 -2 -1
(xi − x̄)2 400 81
4 81 400
Therefore the sample variance is
(400 + 81 + 4 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 4√+ 81 + 400)/(9 − 1) = 121.5
and the standard deviation is 121.5 = 11.0.
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Measures of Variability
e.g. for Sample III: 41, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 59, the mean is also 50
and we have
41 45 48 49 50 51 52 55 59
xi − x̄
-9 -5 -2 -1
(xi − x̄)
81 25
4 25 81
Therefore the sample variance is
(81 + 25 + 4 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 4 +
√ 25 + 81)/(9 − 1) = 27.75
and the standard deviation is 27.75 = 4.9.
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Measures of Variability
sample variance for Sample I is 187.5, for Sample II is 121.5 and for
Sample III is 27.75.
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Measures of Variability
Remark: 1. Why use the sum of squares of the deviations? Why not sum
the deviations?
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Measures of Variability
Remark: 1. Why use the sum of squares of the deviations? Why not sum
the deviations?
Because the sum of the deviations from the sample mean EQUAL TO 0!
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Measures of Variability
Remark: 1. Why use the sum of squares of the deviations? Why not sum
the deviations?
Because the sum of the deviations from the sample mean EQUAL TO 0!
(xi − x̄) =
xi −
xi − nx̄
xi − n(
xi )
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Measures of Variability
2. Why do we use divisor n − 1 in the calculation of sample variance while
we use use divisor N in the calculation of the population variance?
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Measures of Variability
2. Why do we use divisor n − 1 in the calculation of sample variance while
we use use divisor N in the calculation of the population variance?
The variance is a measure about the deviation from the “center”.
However, the “center” for sample and population are different, namely
sample mean and population mean.
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Measures of Variability
2. Why do we use divisor n − 1 in the calculation of sample variance while
we use use divisor N in the calculation of the population variance?
The variance is a measure about the deviation from the “center”.
However, the “center” for sample and population are different, namely
sample mean and population mean.
If we use µ instead of x̄ in the definition of s 2 , then s 2 = (xi − µ)/n.
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Measures of Variability
2. Why do we use divisor n − 1 in the calculation of sample variance while
we use use divisor N in the calculation of the population variance?
The variance is a measure about the deviation from the “center”.
However, the “center” for sample and population are different, namely
sample mean and population mean.
If we use µ instead of x̄ in the definition of s 2 , then s 2 = (xi − µ)/n.
But generally, population mean is unavailable to us. So our choice is the
sample mean. In that case, the observations xi0 s tend to be closer to their
average x̄ then to the population average µ. So to compensate, we use
divisor n − 1.
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Measures of Variability
3. It’ customary to refer to s 2 as being based on n − 1 degrees of
freedom (df).
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Measures of Variability
3. It’ customary to refer to s 2 as being based on n − 1 degrees of
freedom (df).
s 2 is the average of n quantities: (x1 − x̄)2 , (x2 − x̄)2 , . . . , (xn − x̄)2 .
However, the sum of x1 − x̄, x2 − x̄, . . . , xn − x̄ is 0. Therefore if we know
any n − 1 of them, we know all of them.
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Measures of Variability
3. It’ customary to refer to s 2 as being based on n − 1 degrees of
freedom (df).
s 2 is the average of n quantities: (x1 − x̄)2 , (x2 − x̄)2 , . . . , (xn − x̄)2 .
However, the sum of x1 − x̄, x2 − x̄, . . . , xn − x̄ is 0. Therefore if we know
any n − 1 of them, we know all of them.
e.g. {x1 = 4, x2 = 7, x3 = 1, and x4 = 10}.
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Measures of Variability
3. It’ customary to refer to s 2 as being based on n − 1 degrees of
freedom (df).
s 2 is the average of n quantities: (x1 − x̄)2 , (x2 − x̄)2 , . . . , (xn − x̄)2 .
However, the sum of x1 − x̄, x2 − x̄, . . . , xn − x̄ is 0. Therefore if we know
any n − 1 of them, we know all of them.
e.g. {x1 = 4, x2 = 7, x3 = 1, and x4 = 10}.
Then the mean is x̄ = 5.5 and x1 − x̄ = −1.5, x2 − x̄ = 1.5 and
x3 − x̄ = −4.5. From that, we know directly that x4 − x̄ = 4.5 since their
sum is 0.
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Measures of Variability
Some mathematical results for s 2 :
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Measures of Variability
Some mathematical results for s 2 :
s 2 = n−1
where Sxx = (xi − x̄)2 = xi2 −
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( xi )2
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Measures of Variability
Some mathematical results for s 2 :
s 2 = n−1
where Sxx = (xi − x̄)2 = xi2 −
If y1 = x1 + c, y2 = x2 + c, . . . , yn = xn + c,
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Applied Statistics I
( xi )2
then sy2
= sx2 ;
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Measures of Variability
Some mathematical results for s 2 :
s 2 = n−1
where Sxx = (xi − x̄)2 = xi2 −
If y1 = x1 + c, y2 = x2 + c, . . . , yn = xn + c,
( xi )2
then sy2
= sx2 ;
If y1 = cx1 , y2 = cx2 , . . . , yn = cxn , then sy =| c | sx .
Here sx2 is the sample variance of the x’s and sy2 is the sample
variance of the y ’s. c is any nonzero constant.
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Measures of Variability
e.g. in the previous example, Sample III is {41, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55,
59} then we can calculate the sample variance as following
P x2i 450
xi 22722
Therefore the sample variance is
(22722 −
Liang Zhang (UofU)
)/(9 − 1) = 27.75
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Measures of Variability
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Measures of Variability
e.g. A recent article (“Indoor Radon and Childhood Cancer”) presented the accompanying data
on radon concentration (Bq/m2 ) in two different samples of houses. The first sample consisted
of houses in which a child diagnosed with cancer had been residing. Houses in the second
sample had no recorded cases of childhood cancer. The following graph presents a stem-and-leaf
display of the data.
2. No cancer
1. Cancer
Liang Zhang (UofU)
Stem: Tens digit
Leaf: Ones digit
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Measures of Variability
The boxplot for the 1st data set is:
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Measures of Variability
The boxplot for the 2nd data set is:
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Measures of Variability
We can also make the boxplot for both data sets:
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Measures of Variability
Some terminology:
Lower Fourth: the median of the smallest half
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Measures of Variability
Some terminology:
Lower Fourth: the median of the smallest half
Upper Fourth: the median of the largest half
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Measures of Variability
Some terminology:
Lower Fourth: the median of the smallest half
Upper Fourth: the median of the largest half
Fourth spread: the difference between lower fourth and upper fourth
fs = upper fourth − lower fourth
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Measures of Variability
Some terminology:
Lower Fourth: the median of the smallest half
Upper Fourth: the median of the largest half
Fourth spread: the difference between lower fourth and upper fourth
fs = upper fourth − lower fourth
Outlier: any observation farther than 1.5fs from the closest fourth
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Measures of Variability
Some terminology:
Lower Fourth: the median of the smallest half
Upper Fourth: the median of the largest half
Fourth spread: the difference between lower fourth and upper fourth
fs = upper fourth − lower fourth
Outlier: any observation farther than 1.5fs from the closest fourth
An outlier is extreme if it is more than 3fs from the nearest fourth,
and it is mild otherwise.
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Measures of Variability
The boxplot for the 2nd data set is:
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Concepts in Probability:
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Concepts in Probability:
Experiment: any action or process whose outcome is subject to
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Concepts in Probability:
Experiment: any action or process whose outcome is subject to
e.g. tossing a coin 3 times, testing the pH value of some reagent,
counting the number of customers visiting a store in one day, etc.
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Concepts in Probability:
Experiment: any action or process whose outcome is subject to
e.g. tossing a coin 3 times, testing the pH value of some reagent,
counting the number of customers visiting a store in one day, etc.
Sample Space: the set of all possible outcomes of an experiment,
usually denoted by S
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Concepts in Probability:
Experiment: any action or process whose outcome is subject to
e.g. tossing a coin 3 times, testing the pH value of some reagent,
counting the number of customers visiting a store in one day, etc.
Sample Space: the set of all possible outcomes of an experiment,
usually denoted by S
e.g. for the above 3 examples, the sample spaces are {TTT, TTH,
THH, THT, HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT}, [0,14] and {0, 1, 2, . . . , N,
. . . }, respectively.
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Concepts in Probability:
Experiment: any action or process whose outcome is subject to
e.g. tossing a coin 3 times, testing the pH value of some reagent,
counting the number of customers visiting a store in one day, etc.
Sample Space: the set of all possible outcomes of an experiment,
usually denoted by S
e.g. for the above 3 examples, the sample spaces are {TTT, TTH,
THH, THT, HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT}, [0,14] and {0, 1, 2, . . . , N,
. . . }, respectively.
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Concepts in Probability:
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Concepts in Probability:
Event: any colletcion (subset) of outcomes contained in the sample
space S.
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Concepts in Probability:
Event: any colletcion (subset) of outcomes contained in the sample
space S.
An event is simle if it consists of exactly one outcome and
compound if it consists of more than one outcome.
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Concepts in Probability:
Event: any colletcion (subset) of outcomes contained in the sample
space S.
An event is simle if it consists of exactly one outcome and
compound if it consists of more than one outcome.
e.g. for the coin tossing example: {all the outcomes such that the
first result is Head}, i.e. {HHT, HTH, HTT, HHH}, is an event and
this is a compoud event;
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Concepts in Probability:
Event: any colletcion (subset) of outcomes contained in the sample
space S.
An event is simle if it consists of exactly one outcome and
compound if it consists of more than one outcome.
e.g. for the coin tossing example: {all the outcomes such that the
first result is Head}, i.e. {HHT, HTH, HTT, HHH}, is an event and
this is a compoud event;
{all the outcomes which have 3 consecutive Head}, i.e. {HHH}, is
also an event, while this is a single event.
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Sample Spaces and Events
For the pH value testing example:
{pH value is less than 7.0}, i.e. [0, 7.0), is an event, and it is compound;
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Sample Spaces and Events
For the pH value testing example:
{pH value is less than 7.0}, i.e. [0, 7.0), is an event, and it is compound;
{pH value is between 2.0 and 3.0}, i.e. [2.0, 3.0], is another event, and it
is also compound.
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Sample Spaces and Events
For the pH value testing example:
{pH value is less than 7.0}, i.e. [0, 7.0), is an event, and it is compound;
{pH value is between 2.0 and 3.0}, i.e. [2.0, 3.0], is another event, and it
is also compound.
For the customers’ visiting investigation example:
{the number of cumstomers visited in one day is less than 100}, i.e. {1, 2,
3, . . . , 98, 99}, is an event, and it is compound;
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Sample Spaces and Events
For the pH value testing example:
{pH value is less than 7.0}, i.e. [0, 7.0), is an event, and it is compound;
{pH value is between 2.0 and 3.0}, i.e. [2.0, 3.0], is another event, and it
is also compound.
For the customers’ visiting investigation example:
{the number of cumstomers visited in one day is less than 100}, i.e. {1, 2,
3, . . . , 98, 99}, is an event, and it is compound;
{the number of cumstomers visited in one day is more than 200}, i.e.
{201, 202, . . . } is also an event and it is compound.
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Sample Spaces and Events
Another Coin Tossing Example:
This time our experiment is tossing a coin many times until we get our
first Head.
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Sample Spaces and Events
Another Coin Tossing Example:
This time our experiment is tossing a coin many times until we get our
first Head.
Then the sample space would be {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . . } and the
corresponding outcomes are {H, TH, TTH, TTTH, TTTTH, · · · }.
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Sample Spaces and Events
Another Coin Tossing Example:
This time our experiment is tossing a coin many times until we get our
first Head.
Then the sample space would be {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . . } and the
corresponding outcomes are {H, TH, TTH, TTTH, TTTTH, · · · }.
Here are some events:
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Sample Spaces and Events
Another Coin Tossing Example:
This time our experiment is tossing a coin many times until we get our
first Head.
Then the sample space would be {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . . } and the
corresponding outcomes are {H, TH, TTH, TTTH, TTTTH, · · · }.
Here are some events:
{we tossed at most 3 times}, i.e. {1, 2, 3} or {H, TH, TTH}.
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Sample Spaces and Events
Another Coin Tossing Example:
This time our experiment is tossing a coin many times until we get our
first Head.
Then the sample space would be {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . . } and the
corresponding outcomes are {H, TH, TTH, TTTH, TTTTH, · · · }.
Here are some events:
{we tossed at most 3 times}, i.e. {1, 2, 3} or {H, TH, TTH}.
{we totally tossed an even number of times}, i.e. {2, 4, 6, . . . } or {TH,
TTTH, TTTTTH, · · · }.
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Sample Spaces and Events
Another Coin Tossing Example:
This time our experiment is tossing a coin many times until we get our
first Head.
Then the sample space would be {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . . } and the
corresponding outcomes are {H, TH, TTH, TTTH, TTTTH, · · · }.
Here are some events:
{we tossed at most 3 times}, i.e. {1, 2, 3} or {H, TH, TTH}.
{we totally tossed an even number of times}, i.e. {2, 4, 6, . . . } or {TH,
TTTH, TTTTTH, · · · }.
Both events are compound.
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Set Theory
Complement: the complement of an event A denoted by A’ is the
set of all outcomes in S that are not contained in A.
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Set Theory
Complement: the complement of an event A denoted by A’ is the
set of all outcomes in S that are not contained in A.
e.g. for our first coin tossing example, if
A = {the first outcome is Head} = {HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT}, then
A’ = {the first outcome is not Head, i.e. Tail} = {TTT, TTH, THT,
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Set Theory
Complement: the complement of an event A denoted by A’ is the
set of all outcomes in S that are not contained in A.
e.g. for our first coin tossing example, if
A = {the first outcome is Head} = {HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT}, then
A’ = {the first outcome is not Head, i.e. Tail} = {TTT, TTH, THT,
for the pH value testing example, if
A = {the pH value of the reagent is below 7.0}, then
A’ = {the the pH value of the reagent is above 7.0}
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Set Theory
Complement: the complement of an event A denoted by A’ is the
set of all outcomes in S that are not contained in A.
e.g. for our first coin tossing example, if
A = {the first outcome is Head} = {HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT}, then
A’ = {the first outcome is not Head, i.e. Tail} = {TTT, TTH, THT,
for the pH value testing example, if
A = {the pH value of the reagent is below 7.0}, then
A’ = {the the pH value of the reagent is above 7.0}
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Set Theory
Union: the union of two events A and B, is the event consisting of all
outcomes that are eigther in A or in B or in both events — that is, all
outcomes in at least one of the events, denoted by A∪B
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Set Theory
Union: the union of two events A and B, is the event consisting of all
outcomes that are eigther in A or in B or in both events — that is, all
outcomes in at least one of the events, denoted by A∪B
e.g. for the coin tossing example, if
A = {the first outcome is Head} = {HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT}, and
B = {the last outcome is Head} = {HHH, TTH, HTH, THH}, then
A ∪ B = {the first or the last outcomem is Head}
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Set Theory
Union: the union of two events A and B, is the event consisting of all
outcomes that are eigther in A or in B or in both events — that is, all
outcomes in at least one of the events, denoted by A∪B
e.g. for the coin tossing example, if
A = {the first outcome is Head} = {HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT}, and
B = {the last outcome is Head} = {HHH, TTH, HTH, THH}, then
A ∪ B = {the first or the last outcomem is Head}
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Set Theory
Intersection: the intersection of two events A and B, is the event
consisting of all outcomes that are both in A and in B, denoted by
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Set Theory
Intersection: the intersection of two events A and B, is the event
consisting of all outcomes that are both in A and in B, denoted by
e.g. for the coin tossing example, if
A = {the first outcome is Head} = {HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT}, and
B = {the last outcome is Head} = {HHH, TTH, HTH, THH}, then
A ∩ B = {the first and the last outcomem is Head}
= {HHH, HTH}
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Set Theory
Intersection: the intersection of two events A and B, is the event
consisting of all outcomes that are both in A and in B, denoted by
e.g. for the coin tossing example, if
A = {the first outcome is Head} = {HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT}, and
B = {the last outcome is Head} = {HHH, TTH, HTH, THH}, then
A ∩ B = {the first and the last outcomem is Head}
= {HHH, HTH}
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Set Theory
Null Event: the event consistion of no outcomes, denoted by ∅
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Set Theory
Null Event: the event consistion of no outcomes, denoted by ∅
e.g. the event {the first outcome is neither Head nor Tail} for the
coin tossing experiment is a null event.
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Set Theory
Null Event: the event consistion of no outcomes, denoted by ∅
e.g. the event {the first outcome is neither Head nor Tail} for the
coin tossing experiment is a null event.
Mutually Exclusive: if two events A and B satisfy A∩B = ∅, then A
and B are said to be mutually exclusive or mutually disjoint.
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Sample Spaces and Events
Basic Set Theory
Null Event: the event consistion of no outcomes, denoted by ∅
e.g. the event {the first outcome is neither Head nor Tail} for the
coin tossing experiment is a null event.
Mutually Exclusive: if two events A and B satisfy A∩B = ∅, then A
and B are said to be mutually exclusive or mutually disjoint.
e.g. for the coin tossing example, if
A = {the first outcome is Head} = {HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT}, and
B = {the first outcome is Tail} = {THH, TTH, TTT, THT}, then
A ∩ B = {the first outcomem is Head and Tail}
So A and B are mutually disjoint.
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Sample Spaces and Events
1. The union and intersection operation can be extended to more than two
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Sample Spaces and Events
1. The union and intersection operation can be extended to more than two
e.g. for any three events A, B and C, the event A ∪ B ∪ C is the set of all
outcomes contained in at least one of the three events;
Similarly, A ∩ B ∩ C is the set of all outcomes contained in all three events.
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Sample Spaces and Events
1. The union and intersection operation can be extended to more than two
e.g. for any three events A, B and C, the event A ∪ B ∪ C is the set of all
outcomes contained in at least one of the three events;
Similarly, A ∩ B ∩ C is the set of all outcomes contained in all three events.
2. Given n events A1 , A2 , . . . , An . They are said to be mutually disjoint or
pairwise disjoint, if any two events are mutually disjoint.
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Sample Spaces and Events
Venn Diagrams:
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Sample Spaces and Events
Venn Diagrams:
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Sample Spaces and Events
Venn Diagrams:
mutually disjoint
A complement
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Axiomatic Probability
The objective of probability is to assign to each event A a number
P(A), called the probability of the event A, which will give a precise
measure of the chance thtat A will occur.
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Axiomatic Probability
The objective of probability is to assign to each event A a number
P(A), called the probability of the event A, which will give a precise
measure of the chance thtat A will occur.
Probability Axioms:
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Axiomatic Probability
The objective of probability is to assign to each event A a number
P(A), called the probability of the event A, which will give a precise
measure of the chance thtat A will occur.
Probability Axioms:
AXIOM 1 For any event A, P(A) ≥ 0.
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Axiomatic Probability
The objective of probability is to assign to each event A a number
P(A), called the probability of the event A, which will give a precise
measure of the chance thtat A will occur.
Probability Axioms:
AXIOM 1 For any event A, P(A) ≥ 0.
AXIOM 2 P(S) = 1.
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Axiomatic Probability
The objective of probability is to assign to each event A a number
P(A), called the probability of the event A, which will give a precise
measure of the chance thtat A will occur.
Probability Axioms:
AXIOM 1 For any event A, P(A) ≥ 0.
AXIOM 2 P(S) = 1.
AXIOM 3 If A1 , A2 , A3 , . . . is an infinite collection
of disjoint events,
then P(A1 ∪ A2 ∪ A3 ∪ · · · ) = i=1 P(Ai )
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Axiomatic Probability
P(∅) = 0 where ∅ is the null event. This in turn implies that the property
contained in Axiom 3 is valid for finite collection of events, i.e. if
A1 , A2 , . . . , An is a finite collection
of disjoint events, then
P(A1 ∪ A2 ∪ · · · ∪ A3 ) = i=1 P(Ai )
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Axiomatic Probability
1. Consider the coin tossing experiment and we are only interested in
tossing the coin one time. Then S = {H, T}.
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Axiomatic Probability
1. Consider the coin tossing experiment and we are only interested in
tossing the coin one time. Then S = {H, T}.
Since P(S) = 1 (Axiom 1), and the event {H} and {T} are mutually
disjoint, by Axiom 3, we have
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Axiomatic Probability
1. Consider the coin tossing experiment and we are only interested in
tossing the coin one time. Then S = {H, T}.
Since P(S) = 1 (Axiom 1), and the event {H} and {T} are mutually
disjoint, by Axiom 3, we have
P({H}) + P({T }) = P({H} ∪ {T }) = P(S) = 1
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Axiomatic Probability
1. Consider the coin tossing experiment and we are only interested in
tossing the coin one time. Then S = {H, T}.
Since P(S) = 1 (Axiom 1), and the event {H} and {T} are mutually
disjoint, by Axiom 3, we have
P({H}) + P({T }) = P({H} ∪ {T }) = P(S) = 1
If the coin is fair, we should assign 0.5 to P({H}) and 0.5 to P({T }).
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Axiomatic Probability
1. Consider the coin tossing experiment and we are only interested in
tossing the coin one time. Then S = {H, T}.
Since P(S) = 1 (Axiom 1), and the event {H} and {T} are mutually
disjoint, by Axiom 3, we have
P({H}) + P({T }) = P({H} ∪ {T }) = P(S) = 1
If the coin is fair, we should assign 0.5 to P({H}) and 0.5 to P({T }).
If the coin is more likely to give a Head, then 0.8 for P({H}) and 0.2 for
P({T }) may be suitable.
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Axiomatic Probability
1. Consider the coin tossing experiment and we are only interested in
tossing the coin one time. Then S = {H, T}.
Since P(S) = 1 (Axiom 1), and the event {H} and {T} are mutually
disjoint, by Axiom 3, we have
P({H}) + P({T }) = P({H} ∪ {T }) = P(S) = 1
If the coin is fair, we should assign 0.5 to P({H}) and 0.5 to P({T }).
If the coin is more likely to give a Head, then 0.8 for P({H}) and 0.2 for
P({T }) may be suitable.
In fact, if p is any fixed number between 0 and 1, then P({H}) = p , and
P({T }) = 1 − p is an assignment consistent with the axioms.
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Axiomatic Probability
2. Consider again the coin tossing example. However, this time we are
interested in getting a Head, i.e. we toss a coin many times untill we get a
Head. Then S = {H, TH, TTH, TTTH, TTTTH, . . . }.
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Axiomatic Probability
2. Consider again the coin tossing example. However, this time we are
interested in getting a Head, i.e. we toss a coin many times untill we get a
Head. Then S = {H, TH, TTH, TTTH, TTTTH, . . . }.
If P({H}) = 0.4 then P({T }) = 0.6, P({TH}) = (0.4)0.6,
P({TTH}) = (0.4)(0.6)2 , P({TTTH}) = (0.4)(0.6)3 , . . . .
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Axiomatic Probability
2. Consider again the coin tossing example. However, this time we are
interested in getting a Head, i.e. we toss a coin many times untill we get a
Head. Then S = {H, TH, TTH, TTTH, TTTTH, . . . }.
If P({H}) = 0.4 then P({T }) = 0.6, P({TH}) = (0.4)0.6,
P({TTH}) = (0.4)(0.6)2 , P({TTTH}) = (0.4)(0.6)3 , . . . .
Since {H}, {TH}, {TTH}, {TTTH}, {TTTTH}, . . . are mutually disjoint
and S = {H} ∪ {TH} ∪ {TTH} ∪ {TTTH} ∪ {TTTTH} ∪ . . . , we have
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Axiomatic Probability
2. Consider again the coin tossing example. However, this time we are
interested in getting a Head, i.e. we toss a coin many times untill we get a
Head. Then S = {H, TH, TTH, TTTH, TTTTH, . . . }.
If P({H}) = 0.4 then P({T }) = 0.6, P({TH}) = (0.4)0.6,
P({TTH}) = (0.4)(0.6)2 , P({TTTH}) = (0.4)(0.6)3 , . . . .
Since {H}, {TH}, {TTH}, {TTTH}, {TTTTH}, . . . are mutually disjoint
and S = {H} ∪ {TH} ∪ {TTH} ∪ {TTTH} ∪ {TTTTH} ∪ . . . , we have
1 = 0.4 + (0.4)(0.6) + (0.4)(0.6)2 + (0.4)(0.6)3 + · · ·
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Axiomatic Probability
More Probability Properties
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Axiomatic Probability
More Probability Properties
For any event A, P(A) + P(A0 ) = 1, from which P(A) = 1 − P(A0 ).
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Axiomatic Probability
More Probability Properties
For any event A, P(A) + P(A0 ) = 1, from which P(A) = 1 − P(A0 ).
Example 2.13
Consider a system of five identical components connected in series, as
illustrated below.
Denote a component failure by F and success by S. Let A be the event
that the system fails. For A to occur, at least one of the individual
components must fail. If we know P({F }) = 0.1, then what is P(A)?
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Axiomatic Probability
For any event A, P(A) ≤ 1 .
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Axiomatic Probability
For any event A, P(A) ≤ 1 .
For any two events A and B,
P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) − P(A ∩ B)
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Axiomatic Probability
For any event A, P(A) ≤ 1 .
For any two events A and B,
P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) − P(A ∩ B)
A Venn Diagram proof:
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Axiomatic Probability
For any event A, P(A) ≤ 1 .
For any two events A and B,
P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) − P(A ∩ B)
A Venn Diagram proof:
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Axiomatic Probability
Example 2.14
In a certain residential suburb, 60% of all households subscribe to the
metropolitan newspaper published in a nearby city, 80% subscribe to the
local paper, and 50% of all households subscribe to both papers. If a
househlld is selected at random, what is the probability that it subscribes
to (1)at least one of the two newspapers and (2) exactly one of the two
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Axiomatic Probability
For any three events A, B, and C ,
P(A ∪ B ∪ C ) =P(A) + P(B) + P(C )
− P(A ∩ B) − P(B ∩ C ) − P(C ∩ A)
+ P(A ∩ B ∩ C )
A Venn Diagram interpretation:
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