Spatial patterns of aquatic habitat in Oregon Kim K. Jones, Rebecca L. Flitcroft, and Barry A. Thom Two held projects were designed to describe the spatial variation in aquatic habitat in Oregon and assess the influence of historic and current habitat character on species composition, life tristories, survival, and production of salmonids. The basin-wide census surveys provided information on the quality of local aquatic habitat throughout a stream or watershed. Sample surveys selected sites randomly across the landscape to monitor status and spatial distribution of aquatic habitat, and to assess temporal change. Field surveys for both survey designs coliected information on channel morphology, riparian condition, and instream physical habitat using a hierarchically organized survey method incorporating habitat units and larger stream reaches. Each survey design had strengths and weaknesses in landscape-level analysis at micro and macro scales. The survey data were integrated onto a geographic information system through the process of dynamic segmentation This allowed for the use of individual stream routes that were made spatially explicit through calibration. Two scales of analysis were maintained in the GIS by the creation of two separate route events that contain reach or habitat unit level information. Hierarchical organization of the data and geographic information systems (GIS) integration permitted flexibility in data manipulation, stratification by ecological or geographical criteria, and multiple scales ofanalysrs. O 2001 Fishery GIS Research Group Key words: GIS, landscape, salmonids, suweys. Kim K. Jones I/, and Rebecca L. Ftitcroft Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, 28655 Highway 34, Corvallis, OR,97333, U.S.A. P hone : I ( U SA) -5 4 I -7 5 7 -426 3 ( ext. 260 ) ; Fax : I ( U SA) - 5 4 1 -7 57 -4 I 02 ; 1/ Barry A. Thom E-mail: ionesk@fsL.orst.edtt National Marine Fisheries Service, 1315 East-West Hwy, Silver Spring, MD,20910, U.S.A. Phone : I ( USA)-30 I -7 I 3 - 140 I ; Fax: I ( USA)-3 0 I -7 I 3 -0376 ; E - mail : Bar lt. Tho rn@ no aa. R ov 1. Introduction Methods to characterize aquatic habitat and its relationship to survival, production, and life history of fishes have traditionally been limited to descriptive, statistical, or graphical analyses. One challenge has been to provide an understandable template to view and analyze the spatial complexity of features in a stream network interactively with the life history diversity of mrgratory salmonids or other fishes. Recent developments in the applications of geographic information systems (GIS) technology have improved the display and analysis of fisheries information. GIS has been an underused tool in fishenes management (Isaak and Hubert, 1997), but may be very useful in in aquatic habitat at multiple scales in relation to the ecology of Pacific salmon. Two aquatic survey designs coupled with GlS-based analysis provided a powerful combination to describe spatial patterns in aquatic habitat. We will describe the two survey descnbing the variation approaches, the method of GIS integration, and the importance of GIS to the presentation of the results. 266 analysis and The ability to comprehensively survey aquatic habitat in streams improved in 1984 with the publication of the Hankin and Reeves survey methodology (Hankin, 1984; Hankin and Reeves, 1988). While the primary objective of the methodology was to estimate the number of fish in a stream, it has been adapted as a survey design to efficiently collect.information on aquatic habitat throughout a stream or watershed. The methodology permitted surveyors to collect information continuously from the stream mouth to headwaters. This census survey design is referred to as a basin survey (Dotloff et al., 1997), and was a departure from the more traditional representative (Dolloff et al., 1991). The major advantage to census surveys was the continuous record of geomorphic reaches, habitat units, and associated features. It provided process information reach survey in addition to status, such as hydrologic processes, distribution of large wood debns or sediment, and the life history of anadromous, fluvial, or resident fishes in a stream or watershed. However, a representative reach survey based on a probability sample design can provide a statistically robust representation of a large geographic area (Firman and Jacobs, this issue). The hmrtations of each survey design led Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to initiate both types of aquatic surveys: basin (complete census) surveys and monitoring (sample) surueys. Each survey strategy was designed to meet a unique set of objectives. The objectives and design of each survey determined the method of GIS integration and interpretation and utility of results. features that influence GIS technology has been used to describe patterns in aquatic habitat at the reach, stream, and regional scale. Bottom et al. (1997) used a GIS to integrate biological, physical, climatic and cultural datasets across the North Pacific Basin ecosystem to evaluate how environmental factors influenced the life history, geographic patterns, and status of Pacific salmon species. Techniques to into a GIS were developed and described by Martischang (1993), McKinney (1997), Radko (1991), and Hupperts (1998) using Arclnfo (ESRI, l99Z). Martischange (1993) used an "address matching" or "geocoding" system to attach habitat unit data to a watercourse. McKinney (1997) displayed reach data from 17 l2I km of stream on a GIS and summarized habitat information across three ecological scales: interior Columbia River Basin, province, and river basin. Lang (1998) used reach-level habitat information to demonstrate the use of GIS to descnbe coho salmon )nchorynchus kisutch habitat in the Umpqua basin. Radko (1997) used dynamic segmentation to spatially integrate habitat-unit-level data for a few streams in Idaho. These technological advances rn GIS methodology have been critical steps in the broad-scale application of GIS to aquatic habitat. integrate survey data Fishenes biologists' purpose for integrating survey and landscape data into a GIS format to display spatial patterns in aquatic habitat to further their understanding of the distribution, survival and production, and life history diversity of fish species. Whittier and Hughes (1988) suggested that coupling the ecoregion classification (Omemick, 1987) with a hierarchical stream was classification system (Frissell et al., 1986) would provide a useful spatial classification system. Incorporating a life history theme adds a temporal dimension to the analysis. Salmon life history is intertwined with habitat at the scale of channel unit to river network (Lichatowich et al., A life history approach has the advantage of incorporating spatial structure and connectivity of the habitat with the survival of fish at each life stage (Mobrand et aI., 1997; Nickelson and Lawson, 1998). Each approach had limitations in terms of scale, spatial explicitness, or modeling 1995). connectivity within a drainage. 267 A primary impediment to the universal use of survey results was the limitation to statistical or multivariate analyses, and to tabular and graphical displays of the results. Integration of the survey data in GIS provided a technique not only to display the survey data in an easily understandable format, but also to allow additional analysis in relation to other spatial data. The ability to use a GIS to create spatially explicit coverages of the results of a stream survey provides a powerful tool to analyze data at multiple scales, and to present complex information to resource managers in an understandable format. 2. Methods 2.1 Basin (census) surveys The objectives of the basin surveys were to describe important stream and watershed components and processes at different spatial scales, develop habitat protection and restoration strategies, and estimate salmonid survival and production based on habitat characteristics. Stream selection was based on status of fish population(s), proposed management activities within the basin, or priority for restoration. Approximately 10 000 km of streams have been surveyed since 1990 (Map l). b .$r .s.. , \r" \ f-F*; hq "B * - 1:100k Hydrography Stlems Surveyed & Available on GIS m0 KlbreleF 100 m 2OOMitos Map 1. ODFW Aquatic Inventories Project census stream surveys available on GIS. Map showing the distribution of -- stream habitat surveys that have been completed and attached to I : I 00 000 hydrography for the state of Oregon. Field surveys emphasized channel and valley morphology (stream and reach data), riparian characteristics and condition (reach data), and instream habitat (habitat unit data) (Moore et al., 1997; Jones and Moore, 1999). The smallest unit of measure was channel habitat units, such as pools, riffles, and glides, measured on the scale of meters. Channel units were recorded within reaches. 268 n to statistical gration of in an tial dah, the easily The Reaches were up to 10 km in length, and were composed of a group of continuous habitat units that were analyzed together due to similar geomorphology, hydrology, land use, or riparian characteristics. Information on type, size, and character of riparian vegetation within 30 m of the channel was collected every ll2 to I km alone the stream. 'ey provides a n to resource components ategies, and lection was priority for 2.2 Monitoring (sample) surveys Monitoring sample surveys were designed to assess the status and trends in habitat across five coastal gene conservation areas (GCA). The survey also described associations ofgeographic trends in habitat quality with geographic range and life-history diversity of salmonids. A GIS was used to randomly select sites in a spatially balanced manner in each geographic unit from all lst though 3rd order streams on a 1:100 000 USGS hydrologic stream coverage (Firman and Jacobs, this issue). The sample selection process prevented clumping of sites, while meeting probability sampling assumptions. Forty sites were sampled in each geographic area (Map 2). Each site represented 64176 km of stream depending on geographic unit, providing a sample weighting for statistical analysis. The number and distribution of sample sites located across the landscape was intended to provide enough statistical power for the detection of trends and landscape-scale habitat charucteization (Firman and Jacobs, this issue). The design of the sample selection and the number of sites allows for post-stratification (Cochran, 1977), provided a minimum of 20 sites are included in each new stratum and the weights of the sample are known. Coho Gene Conservation Groups (GCG) Monitoring Sites: o North Coast r Mid Coast r Mid-South Coast r Umpqua a South Coast a. li. 'tl ution '.'.' I of n. parian '.'l:t i.; '-: **'t att t ltttt t pools, Map 2. Coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch gene conservation group habitat monitoring sites. About 40 sites were surveyed in each gene conservation group as part of a habitat-monitoring survey. The survey sites were randomly distributed across the landscape and are intended to provide both temporal and spatial bases for present and future rches. analysis. et al., 269 Even though the sample or stream selection criteria for monitoring surveys differed, the field method remained the same. Survey crews collect information on channel morphoiogy, npanan characteristics, and instream habitat. We surveyed 500-1000 m at each sample site, depending on stream size, which allowed data to be collected at 2o-/;0 habitat units at each site. A site length of 500-1000 m was sufficient to sample features that tended to be patchy in nature, such as wood debns jams and deep pools. 2.3 GIS integrarion The data from the basin and monitoring surveys were maintained separately, although the method of analysis and database storage was similar for each set. The detailed information associated with each habitat unit was maintained in a habitat unit database for each stream. Each site or stream had 20 to 1000 habitat unit records. Secondly, the unit information was summarized within a reach ro creare a reach database. Each monitoring site had one or two reaches, while a stream had from one to ten reaches. To transform the dataset into a spatially explicit database, we calculated a distance from the beginning of the survey to the end based on the length of each habitat unit, creating a ',TO" and "FROM" field in the database. The "TO" and "FROM" field provided an exact locarion along the for each habitat unit. A LLID field was also appended ro the database. The LLID is the latitude and longitude of the starting arc of the stream and has been calculated at the l00k level to stream ensure uniqueness and compatibility in stream identification among all user groups (Hupperts, l99g). The habitat unit databases were then appended to create a single large database of all streams within a glven geographic area. A simrlar procedure was performed on the reach data and combined into a single database. Data were related spatially to a digitized stream layer in a GIS through the process of dynamic segmentation. Dynamic segmentation is a process available using Arc/INFO software (ESRI' 1992) that allows for the attachment of data to a route layer without changing the line work. A route layer overlays the arc layer (digitized line cover with spatial relationships) and spatially integrates the distance and direction of the underlying arcs. Routes also allow for the malntenance and spatial manipulation of multiple datasets without altering the underlyin g arc Iayer.In our process of dynamrc segmentation, the route layer is altered to represent the extent and direction of the stream survey. The procedures to itttegrate the survey data onto the GIS are outlined in Figure 1. The databases were integrated onto fourlh-scale hydrologic unit coverages (HUC) of streams at the 1:100 000 scale. A standardized and routed set of coverages (Hupperts, 1998) was obtained through the State of Oregon GIS center to use as a base. The routes were edited to match the location and direction of the field survey. A calibration point coverage was created to match known features such as bridges and tnbutary junctions observed dunng the survey to locations on the HUC. Dynamrc segmentation of the calibrated route placed each reach or habitat unit onto a spatially correct location. Habitat unit and reach-level information were linked to the routes based on the LLID, and FROMDIST and TODIST attributes. The dynamic segmentation was checked and corrections made if An arc coverage was created from the corrected routes. Two scales of analysrs were maintained in the GIS by the creation of two separate route events that contained reach or necessary. habitat-unit-level information. 210 e n Aquatic [nventories Project Dynamic segmentation flow chart n )f HUC editing: ,d . . . o te reach.dbf habunit.dbf move endpoint of route remeasure route rerun route if necessary add arcs ifnecessary Edit 4fr field huc rf rh Generate calibration to Make calibration coverase: point coverage ,a <calcover> . . 3n he nd coPY parameters add attributes (measure and stream_id) Calibrate huc . . he he to Dynamically segment huc to .dbf files to make )8). separate unit and reach events from huc add points ("labels" in ArcTools) check the label id # and values t1n la Check dynamic segmentation: Check dynarnic segmentation Use r of Make appropriate corections and redo events: are everything is in the correct location o rlly nce view newly created events with calibration coverages to make sure create arc coverages rrk. ArcView: view newly created events using the offset option in Build and projectcopy covers AV 3.1 to check arc segment direction )ESS )am Make export files (.e00 ) Key The 100 the C n Denotesprocess. !-_l Represents database work Represents coverage creatlon. and ;uch rmlc rtlon. and nade were nor Figure 1. Dynamic segmentation schematic using reach and habitat level datasets. The attachment of habitat unit and reach-level datasets to 1:100 000 hydrography was completed using a combination of database management and coverage manipulation in Arclnfo. The series of steps ensured an accurate spatial representation of habitat distribution. 271 The monitoring survey datasets were linked to GIS through the LLID, and the polnt coverage from the original site selection. The information was dynamically segmented with fourth-scale hydrologic unit coverages (1:100 000) in the same manner as the census survey information' Reach-level route events were maintained as with the basin surveys. However, due to the finite nature of the survey lengths of monitoring suryeys there was no need to calibrate the underlying route structure. 3. Results The two survey designs chatacteized aquatic habitat at a site, reach, stream, and landscape level. The different designs of the census and monitoring suryeys determined how GIS was used to lnterpret the results' Basin' or census, surveys collected data contrnuously on the entrre sream to inventory specific features or stream processes. The results were limited to the surveyed streams because of the non-random selection of streams. GIS was used primarily as a tool for data resummary' display, and analysis' The monitoring, or sample, surveys rncorporated GIS from the onset' selecting sites based on a spatially explicit random sampling protocol on a GIS (Firman and Jacobs' this issue)' Because of the random selection of sites, the surveys permitted charactenzation of aquatic habitat within the larger geographic extent, such as a gene conseryation unit. Additionally, each site represented a length of stream within its geomorphic context and the GIS could be used to post-stratify the samples for additional analysis. The hierarchically organized, survey technique of habitat units and reaches that was utilized in both census and monitoring surveys allowed for micro and macro scales of analysis. For the purpose of this paper, micro and macro will refer to habitat-unit-level informatron and reach-level information respectively, rather than to the geographic extent of the analysis. At a micro scale' habitat units were analyzed, to reflect distnbution within a watershed, or at broader geographic scales' The macro scale of data analysis included comparisons between different reaches within a watershed or at a broader scale. The monitoring surveys were designed to detect changes at the meso-scale-comparison of sites across a large geographic area, such as a GCA, suite of watersheds, or ecoregions. 3.1 Census survey results Census survey results were sulnmaized at the scale of the reach, or as a summary of multiple reaches (Table 1)' and stored in a reach database. summaries of conditions within a reach included descriptors of channel type, pool character and amount, large wood debris, substrate, bank condition, and riparian characteristics' Many of the habitat features were expressed as a percentage, number per unit distance' or relative to the width of the channel for comparative purposes. Habitat variables in a stream' watershed, or basin were displayed in tabular form or as fiequency distributions. comparisons were made with adjacent reaches in a stream, or between streams and watersheds. standards were set based on features important to salmon survival at each life history stage, or with historical conditions (Jones and Moore 1999). 272 )int /irh Table 1' Portion of middte Rogue and Applegate reach summary table. Summary statistics are calculated at the reach scale for all census surveys. Reaches represent portions of a stream that may be assessed group vey geomorphology, land use, vegetation or ownership. as a due to )to Stream Reach the Length (m) Land 2ud Channei Slope use Open u ^1.., 5NJ qa Hog Creek 2 3 Bloody Run I 2 I I Cent Gulch to to NS Stratton Cr. 2 Ltl Stratton I I Slate Creek z rta 3 he rd 4 Waters Cr 1 )n v, 2 uland use codes: 1416 1648 3 573 7'74 7"t2 2 753 3 962 3 105 2 r25 1 865 5 388 3 749 3 010 2 383 863 LT ST (180) Bank erosl0n Fines Gravel riffles riffles (vo) vo) 7o 4.7 17.0 27.0 6.0 0.9 5.0 4.6 23.0 24.0 1.5 4.3 0.4 3.8 2.0 0.0 5.3 ST 15.9 YT 18.',1 ST 8.5 LT 11.5 LT 4.8 ST 5.2 ST 0.5 RR 0.8 RR I.O RR 1.8 RR 1.1 RR 13.0 3.9 r7.0 30.0 2.8 1.5 2.0 1.0 I 1.0 29.0 0.0 0.0 2.3 3.3 1.8 1.6 5.8 1.5 3.8 2.8 RR 7.0 30.0 39.0 22.0 21.0 16.0 0.0 9.0 25.0 0.0 19.0 10.0 0.7 15.0 58.0 9.0 0.2 24.0 55.0 r 1.0 1.5 23.0 47.0 9.0 8.2 I 1.0 21.0 8.7 31.0 35.0 16.0 4.8 15.0 28.0 11.0 3.9 9.0 12.0 0.0 12.0 2r.0 2r.0 34.0 RR--rural residential, sr--second growth timber, LT--large timber YT--young timber to We used two methods of reach-level analysis. The first was using simple queries of 1S )r ,d 'o .c a i, predefined reaches' The reaches were identified at the time of the original stream survey analysis and were based on features including geomorphology, hydrology, land use, and substrate composrtion. By querying the reach coverage for the Tillamook River watershed on the north Oregon coast (Map 3), we distinguished stream sections that met criteria based on coho salmon life history requlrements. The query of the reach coverage was performed based on three criteria: pool habitat > 30Vo habitat area, gravel in spawning habitat comprised greater than 1 m >30Vo of the substrate area, and the number of pools in depth > 2 per km (Map 4.2). The query results showed limited reaches within this watershed that could be characterized as containing good habitat reaches available, 5 were chosen that met the querv criteria. for all coho life stases. of the 53 The second method required using the unit-level data to redefine reaches to target research or management questions. This was accomplished by identifying areas of interest based on quenes of the unit-level GIS coverage. we redefined the reaches in the Tillamook River watershed into sections that met ecological criteria for coho salmon spawning and rearing habitat. r 1 we performed two sets of queries on the habitat unit dataset to determine the distribution of rearing and spawning habitat in the Tillamook River watershed. The first set identified the location of potential rearing habitat including all pools, deep pools (> 1 m in depth), and slow water pool habitats such as alcoves, backwaters and beaver dam pools. A second set of queries identified important spawning habitat including nffle habitats with at least 30vo gravel substrate and less than l5vo fine sediments (Map 4.1). A visual assessment of the distribution showed that spawning and reanng habitat for coho was located throughout the basin, but not all streams possessed both spawning and rearing habitat. zt-7 :i:r',rll :iil l Map 3. Tillamook River watershed. The Tillamook River watershed is located on the north Oreson coast and covers about 200 km2. r *tep,l2: 3{P/o map sho*'ing reaches mnraining: pmls > habitat ae4 rillle gravel > 3CP/o substrate and pools I Mlp,l.t: m&prh>?perkn- criteria Mep,Ll Flabirat UniLs }lap4J xith Seleaion )Vwly Cre*ed Statisti6 Criteria uiis > 1"0 m in deprh r r Riffte mits grel o Pool Mits (?o habitat units) Poolmits -*-- RiI*e rmits w/> - Rifre rmfu r',rt 3{F/" gravel and< l5?ifim - P@l Reach Srnmat_v 30e/o Slo*'waterhabitaLs r Fims in rifffe unils (% sub6tate) {s/s habilar mirs) Deep pool rmirs {>l-0 m in deprh) AE , fr -.:- }{rp-Lmd Orncrchip r Stal€ Et Small Privac - Federal a TimberCmrpsiex llep 4J: nrry s}cwing reaclns identlfed b]' $,ery ofmit lwel datBset Map 4. Tillamook River watershed habitat distribution at reach and unit scales. The Tillamook River watershed was queried at the census survey reach (4.2) and habitat (4.1) level in order to distinguish spawning and rearing habitat for coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch. The Bewley Creek dataset was resummarized based on the spatial distribution ofhabitat unit queries and 7 new reaches were generated (4.3). 274 T g( dt we reclassified the reaches on Bewley creek based on the distribution of coho habitat. Three reaches were identified in the original survey based on geomorphic criteria. Following the GIS analysis, seven reaches were visually identified using both land ownership and the spatial distnbution of spawning and rearing habitat as guides (Map 4.3). Reaches I and,2showed potential differences in pool composition and were identified as rearing reaches. Reaches 3 and 5 stood out as potentially important spawning areas due to their concentration of low-silt riffles. Reaches 4 and 6 appeared to have many deep pools. Reach 7 was differentiated because of an apparent decrease in deep pool habitat. we resummaizedtheunit level information into these seven new.reaches. The newly generated summary statistics for Bewley Creek corroborate the assessment of habitat differentiation (Table 2). Reaches visual L and,2 were separated by a land-use change from light grazing to young timber. Both reaches were pool dominated, but reach I contained more pool area as well as higher numbers of deep pools per km than reach 2. Reaches 3 and 5 have high contents of riffle gravel with lower amounts of fine sediments than all other reaches. The number of deep pools is lowest in reaches 3 and 5. Reach 4 is dominated by pool habitats and has a high number of deep pools per km' Reaches 6 and 7 are also dominated by pools and both have high numbers of slow-water habitats for rearing. The gradient in reach 7 is higher than in the other reaches that is characteristic of the headwaters of a stream. The original survey subdivided Bewley creek into 3 geomorphic reaches. Restratification by biological criteria identified 7 reaches as high-quality adult spawning or juvenile rearing areas and displayed their location in relation to land use patterns. Table 2' Bewley Creek reach summary table. Reach surnmary statistics were recalculated for Bewley creek after a GIS assessment of the distribution of spawning and rearing habitat for coho salmon oncorhynchus kisutch. seven reaches were identifred as distinctly important areas for coho. 2nd Stream Reach Bewley I 2 u " Length (m) Channel Gradient Length Bank Erosion Deep Slow Riffles Riffle Riffle pools/ water (vo frnes gravel (Vo area) l<m" (Vo area)b area) (vo) (vo) Pools Vo) | 635 3 442 5 0.3 7t.o 35.6 18.3 0.0 12.3 40 s9.o 28.0 0.3 36.0 24.6 5.5 0.1 27.r 40.0 36.0 40.0 J 665 0 0.3 22.6 21.1 0.0 961 l4 0.0 r7.2 10.0 ^ 0.3 3.2 10.3 2.2 5 l 090 66.r t2.5 43.0 62 54.0 0.9 0.0 45.8 "t9 2.8 6 | 1.7 J).J 20.0 0.9 50.0 0.0 75.8 6.0 28.5 7 r45 22.9 1 872 36.0 2.2 40.0 1.9 55.4 4.0 15.0 38.7 40.0 56.0 262 Deep pools defined as pools with depth greater than 1.0 meter. Slow water habitats incrude dammed and backwater areas, alcoves and beaver poors. 3.2 Monitoring survey results The results of monitoring surveys described the status and distribution of habitat within large geographic areas' Given additional years of surveys, the monitonng surveys will be used to determine temporal trends in status and distribution of habitat. Gene conservation area (GCA) was 275 ( lj l the primary stratum for site selection. Results of the monitoring surveys were summanzed into the reach database. Because the sites were randomly selected, we calculated means and variances for each key feature, and graphically displayed the results as cumulative distribution frequencies (CDR for each GCA. We post-sffatified the sample sites according to geology and land ownership pattems. The site GIS coverage was overlain on the ownership coverage. The ownership attributes were joined to the site attribute table, permitting a site selection based on ownership. Cumulative distribution frequency (CDD graphs were generated for comparative analysis. The median and first and third quartiles descnbed the range and central tendencies of the frequency distnbutions of the habitat attributes used in the analysis of current habitat conditions (Zar, 1996). Confidence intervals of each CDF were calculated based on a probability distnbution. Statistical comparisons were made using a Kolmogorov-Smimov goodness of fit test for continuous data (Zar, 1996). Four graphs were selected to show differences with respect to land ownership. The three ownership classes were small privately owned parcels (urban, rural residential, agnculture, and small woodlot), large parcels owned by private industrial forest companies or Oregon Department of Forestry, and federally owned property in US Bureau of Land Management or Forest Service management. The variables compared were channel exposure, percent areal extent of fine sediments (< 2 mm diameter) in riffle units, number of nparian conifers > 3 cm diameter, and volume of large woody debris (> 15 cm diameter) (Figure 2). 100 100 15 75 50 .E a 25 25 0 0 20 40 60 20 80 Fine Sediments (Ea area) 100 r00 75 75 E 50 40 60 80 Channel exposure (%)) .g 25 to 25 0 0 20 40 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 60 Volume of Large Wood Riparian conifers Figure 2. Cumulative frequency distribution graphs of post-stratification analysis of monitoring surveys with land ownerstrip Cumulative frequency distribution graphs are a useful way to represent monitoring survey information. posrstratiflcation of the monitoring survey database was based on land ownership and assessed in relation to a variety of physical featues. Presented here are the graphs for (a) percentage of areal extent of fine sediments (< 2mm diameter) in riffle uilts, (b) of 180 degrees, (c) volume of large woody debris greater than 15 cm dbh per 100 m of channel exposure as a percentage stream, and (d) number of conifers larger than 50 cm dbh in a 30 m wide riparian zone per 305 m of stream. 276 Private land in small individually owned parcels tended to have the highest amount of channel exposure' the lowest volume of large woody debris, fewest riparian conifers, and the highest amount of fine sediments in riffle units compared with the other land ownership classifications. It fine sediments than reference large parcels owned by corporations or the state of oregon was also had higher channel exposure, fewer riparian conifers, and more conditions. Private land in chatactenzed by more channel exposure than reference conditions, with large woody debris volumes and percentage of fine sediments in riffles similar to federally owned land. The number of riparian conifers was more similar to small private land parcels than to federal ownership. Federal ownership had more riparian conifers than the other land use classifications, but was still lower than reference conditions (Jones and Moore. 1999). We also post-stratified the monitoring sites in relation to geology (Figure 3). To prevent sffeam size from biasing the results, we selected only sites in basin areas of 4-z0krrf . The selected sites were divided into volcanic and sedimentary and plotted in relation to volume of large woody debns, number of deep pools per km, percent areal extent of fine sediments (< 2 mm diameter) in nffles, and number of riparian conifers > 50 cm diameter per 305 m of stream length. 100 100 (b) /) t) i'sn 50 a .= h 25 25 0 20 40 0 246 60 Fine Sediments (Vo area) Pools >1.0 m depth/km 100 100 75 75 i'so g-- .: a ,5 25 ,< 0 0 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Riparian conifers Figure 3' Cumulative frequency distribution graphs of post-stratification analysis of monitoring surveys with geology. The monitoring survey dataset was post-stratified on geology. Underlying geology was classified as volcanic or for each geology in riffle units, (b) number of pools > 1'0 m in depth per km, (c) volume of large woody debris greater than 15 cm dbh per 100 m of stream, and (d) number of riparian conifers larger than 50 cm dbh in a 30 m wide riparian zone per 305 m of stream sedimentary rock strata, and the dataset was assessed in relation to a variety of physical features classification' Presented here are (a) percentage of areal extent of fine sediments 277 zone was detected between No difference in the number of large conifers in the riparian was apparent between the two types of geology volcanic and sedimentary geology' Little difference withrespecttothevolumeoflargewoodydebris.Thereisadetectabledifferenceintheamountof regions have a higher proportion of fine fine sediments in riffle units. Sites in sedimentary geology above the 50m percentile' More deep pools are sediments than in regions with volcanic geology geology after the 75m percentile' present in the volcanic geology type than in sedimentary 4. Discussion reach, The basin surveys coupled with a GIS presentation described conditions and process within the stream, and watershed, providing a spatial representation of the habitat a fish encounters during the stream phase of its life cycle (anadromous or fluvial) or entire life cycle (resident). The GIS template was an analytical and visual complement to the design of the basin surveys. Hierarchical organization of the basin survey and GIS integration facilitated the analysis at multiple scales, and the map-based view (GIS) provided a perspective that was more comprehensive than a tabular or graphical presentation @gure 4). Compaisons of habitat conditions by site, reach, stream, or wafershed allowed corresponding comparisons to life histories, survival, and production of salmon populations, or to land management. The census surveys were amenable to micro and macro scale analysis and provided a comprehensive picture of the condition of aquatic habitat within the stream surveyed. The survey extent covered all of the area in a stream and made extrapolation of information within that stream unnecessary. The continuous-survey approach provided estimates of habitat conditions throughout a stream (Dolloff et al., 1997), supplied a complete inventory of barriers to fish passage (e.g., falls or culverts), described habitat and hydrologic relationships among streams or landscape features, and estimated potential fish distribution by life stage. By attaching stream survey information to GIS, we were also able to view and analyze the information in a watershed context. For example, the spatial pattern of reaches and the quality of habitat determined the importance of selected reaches for adult holding, spawning, and juvenile rearing habitat of coho salmon O. kisutch. The census surveys characteized the surveyed stream, but the extrapolation of the information to a broader extent may not be appropriate. The primary limitation to basin surveys was the difficulty of extrapolating results to unsurveyed streams because of the non-random selection of streams. White characteization of broader geographic extent is relatively difficult with basin surveys, such analysis is the foundation for the monitoring survey. The monitoring surveys were developed specifically with the goal of assessing the condition of streams in large geographic areas, rather than determining the conditions in specific streams. This was reflected in the monitoring surveys sample strategy that incorporated small portions of habitat selected from a random selection of stream reaches. The resulting data described an area rather than characterizing the condition of a specific sffeam system. Therefore, it was inappropriate to characterize the condition of a stream with an individual monitorine site. 278 :ogy tof line The monitoring dataset facilitated a time series analysis of habitat conditions (Firman and Jacobs, this issue). Enough sites were selected in each coastal GCA every year to provide a sample size that ailowed for trend determination and aquatic habitat characteization. The sample survey provided the most statistical power to descnbe conditions across a broad geographic area (Stevens and Olsen, 1999; Firman and Jacobs, this issue). Post-stratification of the sample sites provided additional opportunities for comparing conditions with other landscape features. GIS played ch, he a very important role in the monitoring survey. Sites were selected with the GIS and sample weights were assigned based on the length of streams in the stream"coverage. 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