Forest Ecology and Management 256 (2008) 863–871 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Forest Ecology and Management journal homepage: Response of vegetation and birds to severe wind disturbance and salvage logging in a southern boreal forest Emily J. Lain a, Alan Haney a, John M. Burris b,*, Julia Burton a,1 a b College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI 54481, United States U.S. Department of Agriculture, 350 1st Avenue South, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495, United States A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Article history: Received 5 December 2007 Received in revised form 9 May 2008 Accepted 14 May 2008 Vegetation and birds were inventoried on the same plot before and after a severe windstorm in 1999 disturbed a mature black spruce (Picea mariana)–jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forest in northern Minnesota. Following the storm, another plot was established in an adjacent portion of the forest that was salvage-logged. Birds were inventoried on both plots through 2002. The original unsalvaged plot was prescribed-burned in 2004, but vegetation was surveyed through 2003, and through 2005 on the salvaged plot. We examined the effects of wind disturbance by comparing the pre-storm bird and vegetation communities with those developing afterwards through 2002 and 2003, respectively, and the effects of salvage logging by comparing vegetation and the bird community on the unsalvaged plot with those in the salvaged area. Wind reduced the canopy of the forest by over 90% with a temporary increase in the shrub layer, mostly resulting from tip-ups. Several plant species, including jack pine and beaked hazel (Corylus americana), appeared temporarily in the ground layer (<1 m height), but did not persist through 2003. Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) root sprouts were abundant in 2001, but decreased dramatically by 2003. Delayed mortality of tipped trees resulted in reduction of the shrub layer to pre-storm levels, and release of advanced regeneration black spruce and balsam fir (Abies balsamea). Bird species using the forest changed from dominance by canopy-foraging species to groundbrush foraging species, with an overall increase in bird diversity. Salvage logging resulted in significant reduction in coarse woody debris, and successful recruitment of jack pine seedlings. Quaking aspen sprouts were nearly 30 times more abundant in the salvage-logged area compared to the unsalvaged control. Ruderal species, especially red raspberry (Rubus ideaus), fringed bindweed (Polygonum cilinode), and several sedges (Carex spp.), were significantly more abundant after salvage logging. The bird community, on the other hand, was greatly diminished by salvage logging, with a reduction in diversity, density, and overall richness of species. Published by Elsevier B.V. Keywords: Wind disturbance Windthrow Salvage logging Community structure Bird diversity 1. Introduction Recent controversy over the ecological effects of salvage logging (Donato et al., 2006; Stokstad, 2006), primarily concerning the effects on species composition of post-disturbance vegetation, suggests an incomplete understanding of how disturbances alter forest communities (Greene et al., 2006). There is, however, little disagreement that composition and structure in the southern boreal forest, where our study was conducted, reflect disturbance largely by fire, insect outbreaks, logging, and wind (Van Wagner * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 715 343 2243. E-mail address: (J.M. Burris). 1 Current address: Department of Forest Ecology and Management, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, United States. 0378-1127/$ – see front matter . Published by Elsevier B.V. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2008.05.018 and Methven, 1978; Bonan and Shugart, 1989; Bergeron, 1991; Heinselman, 1996; Drapeau et al., 2000; Burris and Haney, 2005). Although fire and spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana Clemens) are the most prevalent natural disturbances in this region (Heinselman, 1996), large-scale wind events alter forest structure and composition at average return intervals of 1000 years or more (Frelich and Reich, 1996; Larson and Waldron, 2000; Schulte and Mladenoff, 2005). The risk of severe fire increases following wind disturbance, with a cumulative impact on the vegetation that may be greater than the independent effects of either fire or wind (Canham and Loucks, 1984). Timber salvage is often used to mitigate economic loss, and was widely assumed to reduce the risk of fire (Holtam, 1971), a generalization that was recently challenged (Donato et al., 2006). During the past 100 years, disturbance from timber harvesting in northeastern Minnesota has equaled or exceeded natural 864 E.J. Lain et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 256 (2008) 863–871 disturbances (Heinselman, 1996). There have been several studies comparing effects of fire and logging disturbance on plant and avian communities (Reich et al., 2001; Schulte and Niemi, 1998), but we know of no studies that examined effects of salvage logging after severe wind disturbance in the region. Infrequent, large-scale wind disturbance is an important factor in forests of the Upper Midwest (Canham and Loucks, 1984; Peterson, 2000; Lorimer, 2001) although little has been reported on the early stages of vegetation reorganization after such storms (Dyer and Baird, 1997; Cooper-Ellis et al., 1999; Frelich, 2002). Most studies of wind disturbance effects on vegetation are in tropical and temperate hardwood forests (Everham and Brokaw, 1996). Spurr (1956) and Merrens and Peart (1992) suggested that severe windthrow and clear-cutting had similar effects on vegetation in temperate hardwood forest communities. Although salvage logging after severe wind disturbance is arguably similar to clear-cutting, the effects of either in a conifer-dominated forest is likely different than in a hardwood forest. The only known comparison of the same forest before and after severe wind disturbance was Whitmore’s (1989) study in the rain forest of the Solomon Islands and our studies in northeastern Minnesota (Burris and Haney, 2005, 2006). Our studies were unique in examining bird communities before and after wind disturbance in a southern boreal forest where we found that destruction of over 90% of the canopy resulted in little overall change in avian diversity, density, or energy consumption three years before the storm compared to three years afterwards, but there was a nearly complete change in species composition. Disturbances can affect availability of many specific resources (Bazzaz, 1983), but also the balance or congruence of resources, all of which can favor different sets of species (Carlten, 1998; Bazzaz, 1996). Natural disturbances generally increase patchiness, which should favor diversity at a landscape scale even as small as a few hectares (gamma diversity) (Denslow, 1985; Drapeau et al., 2000), but not necessarily at a scale more comparable to passerine bird territories (alpha diversity) (Haney et al., unpublished data, Herrando et al., 2003). However, large changes in habitat structure result in nearly complete change in avian species composition (Burris and Haney, 2005, 2006). Recruitment of plant species following blowdown likely reflects microplot characteristics (Webb, 1988; Bazzaz, 1996; Carlten, 1998; Elliott et al., 2002), whereas responses of birds reflect both habitat structure and patchiness (Herrando et al., 2003; Burris and Haney, 2005, 2006). Severe wind disturbance alters both. Cooper-Ellis et al. (1999) concluded that salvage logging of New England hardwoods following wind could have long-term effects on tree species composition. Greenburg et al. (1995) found that most native species in fire-maintained Florida scrub forests responded similarly to fire followed by salvage logging as they did to clear-cutting, and cautiously concluded that effects of clearcutting in ecosystems adapted to frequent high intensity disturbance would be similar to natural disturbances. Greene et al. (2006) and Donato et al. (2006), however, reported poorer recruitment of conifer trees on post-fire salvaged plots. Because vegetation structure as well as patchiness and microplot characteristics likely will be differently affected by different disturbances, including salvage logging (Elliott et al., 2002; Johnson et al., 2005), and vary according to pre-disturbance characteristics (Baker, 2002), it is not surprising that there have been contrasting conclusions. Moreover, response to disturbance is species specific (Greene et al., 2006; McIver and Starr, 2001; Dunn et al., 1983) and, therefore, would be expected to vary from one region or cover type to another. In this paper, we document changes in the structure and composition of vegetation associated with wind disturbance and salvage logging in a northeastern Minnesota forest, and examine the response of the bird communities. 2. Methods On 4 July 1999 a microburst swept across northeastern Minnesota, producing heavy rains and straight-line winds in excess of 90 miles (145 km) per hour, impacting approximately 200,000 ha (USDA Forest Service, 2002). Fortuitously, we had thoroughly inventoried vegetation and birds in spring 1997 in a permanent plot in a mature black spruce (Picea mariana) – jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forest near the middle of the storm track, and re-surveyed the birds on the same plot in 1998 and 1999, thereby providing an uncommon baseline from which to evaluate changes in structure and composition of the vegetation and associated birds (Burris and Haney, 2006). In 2001, when the plot was re-surveyed, we extended our study to include a permanent plot in an adjacent area that was salvaged-logged in 2000. We compared the structure and floristic composition and birds in 2001 in the unsalvaged plot to the pre-disturbance vegetation in 1997, and the average of birds using the forest plot in 1997, 1998 and 1999. We also compared the 2001 bird data to inventories the following year, and 2001 vegetation data to data from 2003 in both the unsalvaged and salvaged plots. The control area was prescribed-burned in 2004, thereby truncating our study, although we re-surveyed the vegetation on the salvaged plot again in 2005. The study area was located in the Superior National Forest, Minnesota, USA, in a relatively homogeneous, mature, upland black spruce–jack pine forest that originated following a 1903 wildfire (Heinselman, 1977). We established the initial 6.25 ha permanent bird plot within the forest on a 10–20% west facing slope, with 25 m buffers between the spruce–pine forest and surrounding wetlands. Location was chosen to represent the cover type within the most homogeneous area we could find. Postdisturbance data from the unsalvaged plot were collected from the same plot as the pre-storm data. The salvage-logged plot was immediately adjacent, separated by a 100 m buffer. It had the same slope, aspect, and disturbance history, and qualitative examination of broken and tipped trees indicated that the cover type was the same as the unsalvaged plot prior to the storm. For purposes of bird surveys, we divided the 6.25 ha plot into a 5 5 grid with 50 m 50 m cells (Fig. 1). Flagging was hung at the corners of each cell so that we could easily determine our location within the plot. Birds were surveyed from dawn to mid-morning during the last week of May and first two weeks of June using the same methods previously reported (Apfelbaum and Haney, 1981; Burris and Haney, 2005, 2006; Haney et al., 2008). All birds seen or heard inside as well as within 25 m of the outside of the grid were plotted, providing a survey area of 9 ha. Each census averaged a minimum of 5–6 person hours. Inventory of birds involved censusing the area five times, usually spread over two or more weeks. Censuses were conducted only on days without significant wind or rain. Vegetation sampling was done within the bird grid in order to relate bird and vegetation data. Samples consisted of 10, randomly located, 50 m transects within each treatment year. Permanent transects were not used, and random samples were taken each year. Tree and shrub cover for each species was estimated using the line intercept method. Trees were defined as stems standing >458 relative to the ground and diameter breast height (dbh) >5 cm. Shrubs/small trees were identified as stems >1 m in height and <5 cm dbh, or those trees that were still alive but tipped to <458 relative to the ground. Cover of each ground-layer (vegetation <1 m tall) species was estimated by five 1 m2 quadrats centered at 5, 15, 25, 35, and 45 m along the transect line. Within the ground- E.J. Lain et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 256 (2008) 863–871 Fig. 1. The bird survey grid was 250 m 250 m with each grid cell measuring 50 m 50 m. The area inside the grids was 6.25 ha. The area in which birds were plotted included a 25 m buffer, making a 9 ha total survey area. Vegetation transects were placed through the middle of 10 of the 25 grid cells, randomly selected before each vegetation survey (shown as arrows within the grid cells). layer quadrats, we also estimated percent exposed rock and soil, bryophyte cover, and cover of course litter (diameter >5 cm), and fine litter (diameter <5 cm) in contact with the ground (Fig. 2). The number of alive shrub stems rooted within 1 m to the right side of the transect were tallied by species. Coarse woody debris (CWD) volumes were estimated after the blowdown using our line intercepts. The diameter of each dead stem >5 cm crossed by the line along each 50 m transect was measured. Diameters of CWD stems were assumed to be the average for a 1 m stem segment such that a volume estimate could be calculated for those stem segments intersected in a 1 m wide quadrat 50 m long. Only recently downed dead stems not in direct contact with the ground at the point of intersection were counted. Older stems in direct contact with the ground were considered coarse litter and percent cover was visually estimated. 3. Analysis To better understand effects of the wind disturbance on vegetation, we compared pre-disturbance data collected in 1997 with data collected on the same plot (unsalvaged) in 2001 and 2003. These data were first examined using SPSS (SPSS Inc., 2007) for normality (Q–Q plot and Shapiro–Wilk tests) and homogeneity of variance (Levene’s test) with transformations according to Box– Cox plots (Box and Cox, 1964) being used when residuals did not meet assumptions. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was then used to examine the effect of time which when significant (P < 0.05) was followed by pairwise comparisons performed using a Bonferroni correction procedure (Winer et al., 1991) with 865 alpha set at 0.017 (0.05/3) to identify specific time periods of significant change. In examining the effects of salvage logging on vegetation, we compared 2001 and 2003 data from both the unsalvaged and salvaged plots. In the same manner as described above, data were first tested for normality and homogeneity of variance with transformations being conducted as necessary. A two-way ANOVA was then conducted to examine differences based both on treatment (unsalvaged or salvaged) and time with a significant interaction between the two indicating that the plots were changing differently with time. Although we were unable to compare the 2005 salvaged data to unsalvaged due to the unsalvaged plot having been burned in 2004, we did examine the changes over time on the salvaged plot further by comparing the 2001, 2003, and 2005 data using the same one-way ANOVA procedure used for the unsalvaged plot. Bird communities of both the salvaged and unsalvaged plots were compared using data collected in 2001 and 2002. Locations and movement for each bird during the five censuses were compiled by species onto summary sheets and territories were delineated from clusters of registrations, and other evidence of established territories, such as active nests, or adults carrying food or fecal sacs. Particular attention was given to locations of pairs or observed conflicts between males. Delineated territories were the basis for estimates of breeding bird density. Birds were considered non-territorial unless a species was recorded at least three of the five surveys in the same location. Non-territorial birds were tallied as visitors, if in the plot, or peripheral if outside the plot. Using delineated territories, we estimated the number of birds and the percent area in the plot occupied by each territorial species. Territorial bird numbers were used to calculate a Shannon–Wiener diversity index (H0 ) for the breeding community. Using Kendeigh’s (1970) energetic estimates, we also calculated the existence energy consumption of each territorial species in the communities. We then calculated and compared relative importance values for each species using the sum of relative cover, relative density, and relative energy consumption. 4. Results Prior to the disturbance, the forest community had approximately 64% total tree cover (Table 1). Black spruce, jack pine, and paper birch (Betula papyrifera) were the dominant species (Table 2). The shrub layer was relatively open (Table 1), with paper birch being the most abundant species (Table 2). A total of 12 woody species was found in the tree and shrub layer. Twenty-two species were found in the ground layer. The combined total cover of ground-layer species was 155%; there was 78% bryophyte cover (Table 1). Less than 4% of the ground had an exposed mineral surface (Table 1). 4.1. Vegetation responses to blowdown As a result of the storm, tree cover was reduced significantly (P < 0.05) to a total of 5%, leaving a tangle of broken trees and tip- Fig. 2. Vegetation was sampled using a 50 m transect. Tree and shrub density was estimated by recording the number and diameter of live and dead trees rooted within 1 m to either side of the transect and the number of live and dead shrub stems within 1 m to the right side of the transect. Herb cover was determined using a 1 m2 circular plot centered at 5, 15, 25, 35, and 45 m along the transect. E.J. Lain et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 256 (2008) 863–871 866 Table 1 Mean vegetation characteristics (with standard error included in parentheses) per transect and total herb layer taxa with outcomes of two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) on 40 (20 unsalvaged, 20 salvaged) 50 m transects from 2001 and 2003 Abbreviation ANOVA X̄ Treatment Time F Treatment time P 1997 2001 2003 2005 F P F P CTREE1 4.27 0.046 0.02 0.885 2.53 0.121 S U NA 64.2a (3.89) 4.1 (2.89) 5.0b (2.75) 0 8.2b (2.82) 2.1 (2.10) NA CTREED2 3.15 0.084 0.02 0.900 0.08 0.782 S U NA 21.7 (6.03) 1.0 (0.68) 3.1 (2.33) 0 4.0 (2.52) 0 NA CTREEE 1 2.46 0.126 0.01 0.950 2.72 0.108 S U NA 52.9a (4.04) 3.4 (2.85) 2.8b (1.24) 0 5.9b (2.54) 2.1 (2.1) NA CSHRB3 3.19 0.082 2.59 0.116 6.13 0.018 S U NA 11.3a (3.38) 11.8 (4.61) 29.5b (3.33) 15.7 (5.75) 12.0a (2.80) 15.1 (3.70) NA CSHRBD 4 0.05 0.818 0.24 0.625 1.75 0.194 S U NA 4.8 (1.48) 7.5 (3.11) 12.4 (2.71) 14.3 (5.22) 9.6 (2.41) 10.3 (3.11) NA CSHRBE 4 7.91 0.008 16.22 <0.001 5.59 0.024 S U NA 6.7 (2.41) 5.7 (2.63) 17.9 (4.10) 1.9 (0.90) 2.8 (0.89) CVR 3 2.34 0.135 4.40 0.043 4.04 0.052 S U NA 69.2a (3.40) 15.1 (5.26) 32.6b (3.79) 15.7 (5.18) 18.4c (3.96) LIVSHR 3 0.19 0.666 0.65 0.426 0.88 0.355 S U NA 1,080a (258) CGRLA 3 6.38 0.016 0.60 0.443 0.01 0.920 S U NA 155.2 (24.91) CFILIT 1.47 0.233 0.47 0.496 0.13 0.724 S U CCOLIT 2.71 0.109 2.91 0.097 2.91 0.097 DEBRIS 7.42 0.010 4.90 0.033 4.30 CBRYO 9.04 0.005 2.47 0.125 CMINRL 1.27 0.267 0.10 HEBTAX 5.48 0.025 0.16 3,400 (1,114) 3,740b (740) 5,700 (2,132) 2,220ab (742) 4.9 (1.26) NA 16.4 (4.47) NA 6,440 (1,516) NA 421.0 (57.61) 294.2 (66.21) 367.8 (27.28) 252.6 (38.31) 406.3 (45.49) NA NA 49.2 (4.81) 37.9 (5.90) 47.6 (7.24) 44.3 (6.47) 49.6 (4.74) 44.5 (6.71) NA S U NA 18.4ab (3.07) 31.4 (5.55) 15.9a (2.45) 31.4 (4.33) 31.7b (5.47) 19.4 (2.11) NA 0.045 S U NA NA 127.0a (13.87) 135.5 (12.76) 70.6b (9.94) 133.7 (15.40) 56.8b (9.90) NA 0.00 0.962 S U NA 78.3a (3.85) 25.0 (6.24) 41.0b (5.01) 16.9 (5.27) 32.5b (4.34) 21.0 (4.95) NA 0.754 2.47 0.125 S U NA 3.9 (1.88) 11.5 (2.80) 12.8 (3.52) 15.0 (2.85) 7.5 (1.65) 14.8 (6.61) NA 0.689 0.94 0.339 S U NA 22a 45 29b 39 31 ab 32 NA Using ten 50 m transects from each treatment year, both unsalvaged data from 1997, 2001 and 2003 and salvaged data from 2001, 2003, and 2005 were further compared using a one-way ANOVA with uncommon superscripts above indicating significant (Bonferroni; a = 0.017; P < 0.05) differences between years in the given treatment. Data from the future salvaged plot was not available (NA) in 1997 while unsalvaged data was not available (NA) in 2005. CTREE, % tree cover; CTREED, % deciduous tree cover; CTREEE, % evergreen tree cover; CSHRB, % shrub cover; CSHRBD, % deciduous shrub cover; CSHRBE, % evergreen shrub cover; CVR, % shrub or tree cover; LIVSHR, live shrub stems/ha; CGRLA, sum % ground-layer cover; CFILIT, % fine litter cover (diameter <2.5 cm); CCOLIT, % coarse litter cover; DEBRIS, coarse woody debris (m3/ha); CBRYO, % bryophyte cover; CMINRL, % mineral cover; HEBTAX, total herb layer taxa; S, salvaged; U, unsalvaged. 1 Data were transformed using reciprocal. 2 Data were transformed using inverse square. 3 Data were transformed using natural log. 4 Data were transformed using inverse square root. ups >10 m deep in places (Table 1). Balsam fir (Abies balsamea), paper birch and quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) survived differentially better than black spruce and jack pine, and increased in relative importance following the storm (Table 2). Before the disturbance, birch and aspen each represented 15% of total canopy cover, and fir another 9%. Although the cover of each of these species was reduced by >80%, together aspen, paper birch, and balsam fir comprised over 84% of the remaining canopy. As a result of tip-ups which placed live tree canopies in the shrub layer, shrub cover increased significantly (P < 0.05) in 2001 (Table 1). The windstorm had little long-term effect on shrub-layer species, however; by 2003 most species had similar cover as before the disturbance. For example, black spruce cover in the shrub-layer increased four-fold in 2001, but tipped trees soon died and by 2003, spruce cover was less than before the storm (Table 2). Although balsam fir and paper birch shrub-layer stem densities were over twice as high in 2003 as before the storm, no species had a significant change in stem density. Thirteen woody species were found in the tree and shrub layer in 2003. As up-rooted trees died, shrub-layer cover decreased to near pre-disturbance levels, and coarse litter increased significantly (P < 0.05) from 2001 to 2003 (Table 1). CWD volume, not estimated before the storm, exceeded 135 m3/ha afterwards. Although not significant, exposed mineral surface increased four-fold in 2001, as a result of tip-ups (Table 1). The total cover in the ground layer nearly doubled in 2001, and remained nearly as high in 2003 (Table 1). The total number of taxa found in the 50 random 1 m2 quadrats increased over 40%. Bryophyte cover, however, decreased to about half (P < 0.001) in 2003 (Table 1). E.J. Lain et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 256 (2008) 863–871 867 Table 2 Species responses, comparing mean percent tree cover, percent shrub cover, live shrub stem density, and percent ground layer (standard error included in parentheses) and outcomes of two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) on 40 (20 unsalvaged, 20 salvaged) 50 m transects from 2001 and 2003 Category and binomial ANOVA X̄ Treatment F Time P F Treatment time P 1997 2001 2003 2005 F P 0.864 0.92 0.345 S U NA 10.5a (2.40) 1.0 (0.68) 1.6b (1.21) 0 2.8ab (2.14) 0 NA 11.75 0.002 1.17 0.287 S U NA 33.5a (4.79) 1.4 (1.42) 1.0b (0.69) 0 2.6b (0.82) 2.1 (2.33) NA 0.927 2.03 0.162 0.25 0.620 S U NA 13.2a (5.53) 0.8 (0.59) 0.7b (0.50) 0 0.3b (0.32) 0 NA 0.32 0.578 7.70 0.009 0.31 0.582 S U NA < 0.1a (0.04) 2.8 (1.27) 2.2b (0.79) 0.4 (0.22) 0.3a (0.23) 0.7 (0.62) NA Betula papyrifera 6.33 0.016 0.14 0.713 1.15 0.291 S U NA 3.5 (1.09) 0.8 (0.50) 6.2 (2.45) 2.0 (0.77) 4.1 (1.28) 1.7 (0.46) NA Picea mariana2 7.58 0.009 13.35 0.001 4.21 0.047 S U NA 2.0a (0.72) 2.6 (1.72) 9.9b (2.41) 0.2 (0.18) 1.2a (0.55) 1.3 (1.47) NA Pinus banksiana 1.30 0.263 1.30 0.263 1.30 0.263 S U NA 0 0a 1.9 (1.67) 0a 0 2.0b (0.79) NA Live shrub stem density Pinus banksiana 0.00 1.000 0.00 1.000 2.00 0.166 S U NA 0 Populus tremuloides 3.45 0.072 0.19 0.669 5.17 0.029 S U NA 0a Prunus pensylvanica 1 9.53 0.004 4.24 0.047 4.24 0.047 S U NA 0 Ground-layer cover Acer spicatum1 0.06 0.809 8.93 0.005 0.09 0.764 S U NA 0.1a (0.06) 2.0a (0.87) 2.3b (1.01) 0.2b (0.13) 0a 0b NA Aralia hispida1 7.06 0.012 6.37 0.016 6.37 0.016 S U NA 0 0.2 (0.16) 0 2.4 (0.87) 0 4.2 (4.42) NA Carex foenea1 1.79 0.190 1.79 0.190 1.79 0.190 S U NA 0 0a 0 1.2a (0.77) 0 8.5b (1.97) NA 10.24 0.003 0.03 0.865 0.03 0.865 S U NA 0 1.4 (0.80) 0 1.6 (0.49) 0 <0.1 (0.03) NA Carex spp. 5.37 0.026 2.21 0.145 2.21 0.145 S U NA <0.1 (1.84) 0.4 (0.34) 0 2.0 (1.01) 0 0 NA Clintonia borealis 0.54 0.468 1.53 0.224 1.77 0.192 S U NA 0.3 (0.20) 1.0a (0.48) 1.3 (0.58) 1.1a (0.44) 0.2 (0.10) 0b NA Cornus canadensis3 3.86 0.057 6.59 0.015 0.00 0.989 S U NA 1.7 (0.87) 6.5a (1.35) 5.2 (2.18) 3.2ab (0.99) 1.3 (0.57) 1.0b (0.48) NA Linnaea borealis2 0.01 0.979 5.52 0.024 0.01 0.973 S U NA 1.3 (0.59) 4.9a (2.47) 2.2 (0.77) 0.7ab (0.36) 0.5 (0.24) 0.1b (0.09) NA Polygonum cilinode 8.26 0.007 0.34 0.855 0.03 0.873 S U NA 0 2.7 (1.20) 0.3 (0.22) Rubus idaeus4 2.63 0.113 20.42 <0.001 0.73 0.400 S U NA 0a 2.2a (1.04) 1.1b (0.48) Tree cover Betula papyrifera 2.04 0.162 0.03 Picea mariana 10.77 0.002 0.01 Pinus banksiana 1 Shrub cover Acer spicatum1 Carex houghtoniana 0a 20 (20) 1060 (328) 1340b (480) 20 (20) 0 20a (20) 0 2,060b (904) NA 2880 (1210) 100a (68) 1940 (1094) NA 140 (60) 0 2.7 (1.24) <0.1 (0.03) 8.6b (1.64) 5.4c (1.93) 100 (36) NA 1.3 (0.68) NA 10.5c (2.30) NA Using ten 50 m transects from each treatment year, both unsalvaged data from 1997, 2001 and 2003 and salvaged data from 2001, 2003, and 2005 were independently further compared using a one-way ANOVA with uncommon superscripts above indicating significant (Bonferroni; a = 0.017; P < 0.05) differences between means in the respective time period. Data from the future salvaged plot was not available (NA) in 1997 while unsalvaged data was not available (NA) in 2005. Only species which changed significantly (P < 0.05) are reported. S, salvaged; U, unsalvaged. 1 Data were transformed using inverse square. 2 Data were transformed using reciprocal. 3 Data were transformed using natural log. 4 Data were transformed using inverse square root. 868 E.J. Lain et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 256 (2008) 863–871 Many species in the ground layer significantly increased the second year following the windstorm, although all but red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) declined by 2003 (Table 2). Red raspberry significantly (P < 0.05) increased five-fold from 2001 to 2003. Paper birch, bush honeysuckle, and red raspberry were not recorded in the ground layer before the storm, but persisted through 2003. 4.2. Vegetation responses to salvage logging Differences in tree cover were not significant between the unsalvaged and salvaged plots (Table 1). Whereas total shrub-layer cover on the unsalvaged plot decreased significantly (P < 0.018) in 2003, to near the pre-storm level, it increased slightly in the salvaged plot (Table 1), primarily because of a three-fold increase in quaking aspen (Table 2). Live quaking aspen stems decreased significantly on the unsalvaged plot from 2001 to 2003, but more than doubled on the salvaged plot (P < 0.029) (Table 2). Quaking aspen shrub-layer cover was over four times greater in the salvaged plot in 2003 compared to the unsalvaged plot, although differences were not significant. Jack pine, on the other hand, disappeared from the shrub layer on the unsalvaged plot in 2003 but increased significantly (P < 0.023), from 20 stems ha1 in 2003 to 2060 stems ha1 in 2005 as seedlings grew into the shrub layer (Table 2). Significantly (P < 0.025) more plant taxa were recorded on the salvaged than on the unsalvaged plot (Table 1). Bryophytes had significantly (P < 0.005) less cover on the salvaged plot in both 2001 and 2003 (Table 1). Jack pine and paper birch, not present in the ground layer before the storm, were present in both plots in 2001, but remained common only in the salvaged plot, reaching 2% and 1% cover, respectively, by 2005. Quaking aspen in the ground layer changed in similar ways, increasing in both the salvaged and unsalvaged plots from pre-blowdown cover, but remaining only in the salvaged plot in 2003 and 2005 (Table 2). Red raspberry, undetected prior to the storm, increased (P < 0.05) through 2003 in both plots, but was 60% more abundant on the salvaged plot where cover exceeded 10% in 2005 (Table 2). Common lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium), in contrast, increased three-fold from 2001 through 2003 on the unsalvaged plot but remained unchanged on the salvaged plot through 2005, although differences were not significant. Bristly sarsaparilla (Aralia hispida), not present before the storm, appeared only on the salvaged plot, and increased through 2005. Fringed bindweed (Polygonum cilinode) appeared only after the blowdown, but was significantly (P < 0.007) higher on the salvaged plot. It was essentially absent in the unsalvaged plot within two years, but remained prominent on the salvaged plot. Sedges (Carex spp.) rare before the storm, were significantly (P < 0.05) more abundant on the salvaged plot. Houghton’s sedge (Carex houghtoniana), appeared in 2001 and increased to nearly 2% by 2003, but had nearly disappeared by 2005. A variety of other sedges, especially dryspike sedge (Carex foenea), were unique to the salvaged plot. Dryspike sedge increased significantly (P < 0.05) through 2005 to become the most abundant ground cover. 4.3. Avian responses Bird species richness in the pre-disturbance forested plot remained consistent at 13 territorial species during the three years before the blowdown. H0 diversity indices varied from 2.17 to 2.28 as a result of small variation in evenness. Visiting species, those for which we could determine no territory, varied from a high of 15 to a low of 9, giving an overall bird species richness for the plot of 22– 28 species (Table 3). Breeding bird density, based on the number of territories delineated on the plot, varied more, from a high of 45 in 1999 to a low of 24 the previous year. This difference was primarily attributable to an unusually high population of Cape May Warblers in 1999. The second year after the blowdown (2001), we recorded 25% fewer territorial species with a small decrease in H0 diversity, but an overall 40% increase in total richness because of more than a two-fold increase in visiting species (Table 3). Density of bird territories was higher than the average recorded during the three years before the storm. In comparing the salvaged plot with the unsalvaged plot, we found 20% fewer territorial bird species, 50% fewer visiting species and 38% fewer total species. The greatest difference, however, was 70% fewer territories. The differences between the salvaged and unsalvaged plots, although still great, diminished in 2002 (Table 3). The blowdown resulted in a dramatic shift in bird species composition (Table 3). Whereas dominant species before the disturbance were Golden-crowned Kinglet (Regulus satrapa), Blackburnian Warbler (Dendroica fusca), Bay-breasted Warbler (Dendroica castanea), and Nashville Warbler (Vermivora ruficapilla), all canopy-foraging species, the dominant species two years after the storm were White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis), Magnolia Warbler (Dendroica magnolia), Winter Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes), and Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina), all species that usually forage on or near the ground. Although less abundant, we found similar species in the salvaged plot. Overall, White-throated Sparrow, Magnolia Warbler, Chipping Sparrow, Winter Wren, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (Empidonax flaviventris), and Swainson’s Thrush (Catharus ustulatus) responded positively to the blowdown. None of these species were as common in the salvaged plot. Only Chestnut-sided (Dendroica pensylvanica) and Mourning Warbler (Oporornis philadelphia), over the two years we monitored both plots, preferred the salvaged habitat. Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis) was common in 2002 on the salvaged plot, but not in 2001. We did not record them prior to the blowdown or in the unsalvaged plot. Woodpeckers were among many visiting species more common after disturbance. We recorded a portion of only one territory, however, Black-backed Woodpeckers (Piciodes articus) that used a snag in the salvaged grid for their nesting cavity. 5. Discussion The most visible changes associated with the 1999 storm were the reduction in tree cover, a corresponding increase in CWD, a temporary increase in shrub-layer cover, and increase in groundlayer cover and diversity. Although quite high, the CWD volumes that we estimated were comparable to volumes reported for balsam fir-dominated subalpine forests (Lambert et al., 1980). Increased sunlight at the ground associated with canopy loss apparently was largely offset by shading from CWD and shrubs in the unsalvaged plot. Disruption of the forest floor by tip-ups and increased fine litter, probably accounted for the decline in bryophyte cover. Many of the ground-layer species that increased following the blowdown declined in 2003 in the unsalvaged plot, presumably because of dense shading at the ground. Red raspberry and paper birch seedlings, not present before the storm, became established, largely on tip-up mounds where there was mineral soil and more light. The immediate shrub layer increase after the storm was largely a result of up-rooted trees. As tipped trees died, the augmented shrub cover declined so that by 2003 shrub cover in the unsalvaged area was about the same as before the storm. In the salvaged area, however, most tipped trees were removed, so no shrub augmentation was found. Shrub cover there, however, increased through E.J. Lain et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 256 (2008) 863–871 869 Table 3 Relative importance values, and number of territories/6.25 ha (in parentheses) of birds with territories in a mature black spruce–jack pine forest before (averaged over 1997, 1998, and 1999) and after (2001 and 2002) a severe windstorm with and without subsequent salvage logging Guild and species Pre-storm Unsalvaged 2001 2002 2001 2002 Flycatchers Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (Empidonax flaviventris) Least Flycatcher (Empidonax minimus) 5.5 (1.67) 4.7 (1.75) 4.7 (1.75) 6.0 (1.0) 6.0 (1.0) V 0 (0) 2.5 (0.5) V 2.5 (0.5) Ground-brush foragers Winter Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) Swainson’s Thrush (Catharus ustulatus) Nashville Warbler (Vermivora ruficapilla) Chestnut-sided Warbler (Dendroica pensylvanica) Magnolia Warbler (Dendroica magnolia) Mourning Warbler (Oporornis philadelphia) Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina) Swamp Sparrow (Melospiza georgiana) White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis) 25.1 (7.29) 0.7 (0.3) 1.6 (0.3) 12.7 (4.42) V 1.2 (0.3) 82.8 (29.0) 10.2 (3.0) 6.6 (1.5) 9.6 (3.5) V 20.2 (8.5) V 9.3 (4.0) 81.6 (19.25) 12.7 (2.5) 2.5 (0.5) 5.7 (1.5) V 16.1 (4.5) V 7.6 (2.0) 76.8 (7.5) 14.0 (2.0) 97.0 (16.25) 4.3 (0.5) 8.1 (1.0) 26.9 (8.5) V 37 (8.25) V 31.5 (2.0) 2.4 (0.5) 5.0 (1.0) 4.1 (0.75) 17.6 (2.75) 10.4 (2.0) V 45.9 (7.5) 11.6 (1.75) Timber-drillers Black-backed Woodpecker (Picoides arcticus) 0 (0) 0 (0) V 0 (0) V 14.1 (0.5) 14.1 (0.5) 0 (0) V Timber-gleaners Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis) 4.3 (1.0) 4.3 (1.0) 0 (0) V 0 (0) 0 (0) V 0 (0) Tree-foliage searchers Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapilla) Boreal Chickadee (Poecile hudsonica) Golden-crowned Kinglet (Regulus satrapa) Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Regulus calendula) Tennessee Warbler (Vermivora peregrina) Cape May Warbler (Dendroica tigrina) Yellow-rumped Warbler (Dendroica coronata) Blackburnian Warbler (Dendroica fusca) Bay-breasted Warbler (Dendroica castanea) Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas) Pine Siskin (Carduelis pinus) 64.9 (22.44) 0.7 (0.17) 0.4 (0.08) 17.1 (7.0) 5.9 (2.0) 1.2 (0.25) 5.4 (1.92) 6.5 (1.67) 13.1 (4.75) 12.8 (4.3) V 1.8 (0.3) 12.5 (3.25) 3.1 (0.75) V V 2.0 (0.5) 12.4 (3.0) 9.1 (1.0) V 0 (0) V Total (all guilds) 99.8 (32.4) 100 (34.0) 5.5 (1.67) 4.6 (1.17) 1.8 (0.3) 2.5 (0.5) V Salvaged 9.1 (1.0) 9.8 (1.0) 8.5 (2.5) V V V 7.4 (2.0) V V V 9.1 (1.0) V V V 100 (9.0) 99.5 (16.75) 3.9 (0.5) V 100 (23.25) Pre-storm and post-storm unsalvaged bird data are based on the same 6.25 ha plot. The salvaged data were collected from an adjacent 6.25 ha plot. Importance value is based on the sum of relative numbers of breeding birds, relative cover, and relative existence energy. Visitor (V) indicates the species was recorded but no territory could be determined. 2003, largely as a result of root sprouts from quaking aspen that grew into the shrub layer. The only tree species that were recruited by the storm were jack pine and quaking aspen, both completely absent in the ground layer before the storm. Jack pine and aspen, greatly decreased in the unsalvaged forest by 2003, but remained well established in the salvaged forest. Salvage logging resulted in several shifts that will have longterm effects. Based on recruitment into the shrub layer, we project that quaking aspen will be at least twice as abundant in the forest that develops following salvage logging. This extends the observation of Greene et al. (2006) who noted that salvage logging after fire in jack pine-black spruce forest in Quebec shifted the subsequent forest from conifer domination to mixed conifers and quaking aspen. Jack pine will become a dominant species, along with quaking aspen, on the salvaged plot, but will largely disappear from the unsalvaged plot. Although it is less obvious, we believe paper birch will remain a common species on both plots, but will be more common on the unsalvaged plot along with spruce and balsam fir. Effects of salvage logging on species richness and diversity are mixed. Our results are consistent with the conclusions of Elliott et al. (2002) who found significantly more herbaceous species after blowdown and salvage logging in the southern Appalachians. Peltzer et al. (2000) also reported increased plant diversity following fire and clear-cut harvests in the boreal forest, although Brakenhielm and Liu (1998) reported a reduction in diversity (H0 ) of vegetation during the first five to eight years after clear-cut harvest. McIver and Starr (2001) found that salvage logging after fire in the West often was associated with reduced herbaceous richness, although Macdonald (2007) found no effect on vascular plant richness or diversity in Alberta. We found 35% more plant species after the blowdown, and 50% more in the salvaged plot than in the unsalvaged. This suggests that disturbance from clearcut timber harvest or salvage logging after fire may have different effects than salvage logging after blowdown. Based on our study, salvage logging also increased ground vegetation cover, in contrast to the reduction reported by Purdon et al. (2004) after fire. The added soil disturbance plus the removal of some of the CWD on the salvaged plot clearly favored some plant species, especially jack pine, quaking aspen, red raspberry, fringed bindweed, sedges, and bristly sarsaparilla. Cover of these species continued to increase through the first four years after the storm. Salvage logging resulted in more soil disturbance, seen in the higher percentage of exposed mineral soil on the salvaged plot. The combination of more light and more exposed mineral soil probably explains the appearance of ruderal species such as bristly sarsaparilla, sedges, and fringed bindweed, as well as jack pine, on the salvaged plot. McIver and Starr (2001) predicted more ruderal species with salvage logging, and this was confirmed by Elliott et al. (2002). Notably rare, even on the salvaged plot, was fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium), common after fire. Few bryophytes survived on exposed areas, resulting in significantly less bryophyte cover after salvage logging. Fringed bindweed was common on the salvaged plot, but less than after fire (Apfelbaum 870 E.J. Lain et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 256 (2008) 863–871 and Haney, 1986) whereas sedges, some of which we had not previously seen in the area, were much more abundant. Fringed bindweed apparently maintains itself in the seedbank as a result of periodic fire. It seems unlikely, on the other hand, that the sedges, recruited after windthrow, could be maintained by such infrequent disturbance events. We, therefore, speculate that ruderal sedges were either introduced on logging equipment or by birds. Relatively small differences in species responses in the first few years after disturbance can have great influences on the future development of communities (Brakenhielm and Liu, 1998). It appears likely that the salvaged plot will develop into a mixed stand of aspen and conifers, primarily jack pine, whereas the unsalvaged forest will have less aspen and few jack pine. Aspen and jack pine recruitment largely failed in the heavy shade of CWD in the unsalvaged plot. Whereas Greene et al. (2006), concluded that salvage logging after fire reduced recruitment of jack pine, we found that salvage logging after extensive blowdown resulted in better jack pine recruitment. Increased recruitment of aspen following salvage logging after wind is consistent with regeneration after post-fire salvage that was reported by Greene et al. (2006) and Macdonald (2007). Consistent with our other studies (Burris and Haney, 2005, 2006), we observed fewer passerine birds with territories the first three years after severe wind disturbance, relative to the number on the same plot during the three years before the storm. Overall, it appeared that salvage logging reduced habitat structure and this resulted in lower richness of bird species using the area, compared to the unsalvaged plot, although differences were not great. In contrast to species richness, we found little change in the density of territorial birds following severe wind disturbance, but a notable reduction when the forest was salvage-logged. More dramatic differences were found in the bird species using the areas. Both were greatly different from the bird community using the predisturbance forest. The considerable differences in the avifauna between the salvaged and unsalvaged forests will likely diminish as the CWD in the unsalvaged forest decays and structure recovers in the salvaged forest, but long-term differences in tree composition likely will be reflected in the bird communities (Apfelbaum and Haney, 1986). Consistent with the observations of others, we found that the dominant guild using the mature forest was tree-foliage searchers (e.g., Hutto, 1995; Hannon and Drapeau, 2005) and, as with fire disturbances (Apfelbaum and Haney, 1986; Haney et al., 2008), the dominant guild after the severe wind disturbance was groundbrush foragers (Burris and Haney, 2006). Bird species using the salvaged and unsalvaged plots were similar except for presence of Chestnut-sided Warbler and Mourning Warbler and great reduction in Magnolia Warbler and Nashville Warbler after salvage logging. The former species are often found in dense re-growth following clear-cutting, whereas the latter species are seldom seen where there is little tree cover (personal observations). Salvage logging after blowdown altered both the successional patterns of vegetation and associated birds. Whereas the predisturbance forest was dominated by black spruce–jack pine-paper birch with a significant aspen component, the regenerating forest will have a much larger component of balsam fir and black spruce. Blowdown without salvage appeared to accelerate succession, a conclusion that is consistent with those of Cooper-Ellis et al., 1999; Dyer and Baird, 1997; Veblen et al., 1989. Aspen will decrease greatly and jack pine will essentially disappear. In contrast, the salvaged forest will become a jack pine-aspen forest with a significant birch and balsam fir component. Unlike Greene et al. (2006) and Donato et al. (2006), who found that salvage logging after fire resulted in poorer conifer recruitment, we found that salvage logging after blowdown increased jack pine recruitment, although it was not favorable to recruitment of black spruce. Both forests, however, will retain a good mixture of conifer and broadleaf trees. Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge assistance from dozens who assisted with collection of field data. Notable among them were Rick Anderson, Steven Apfelbaum, Tim Bischof, Erin Ernst, Anne Graham, John Graham, Emil Haney, and Nancy Stevenson. We appreciate the encouragement and support of Edward Lindquist, and other personnel of Superior National Forest. Two anonymous reviewers provided constructive criticism that improved this manuscript. References Apfelbaum, S.I., Haney, A., 1981. Bird populations before and after wildfire in a Great Lakes pine forest. Condor 83, 347–354. Apfelbaum, S.I., Haney, A., 1986. Changes in bird populations during succession following fire in the Northern Great Lakes Wilderness. In: Lucas, R.C. (Proceeding compiler), Proceedings – National Wilderness Research Conference: Current Research. U.S.D.A. Forest Service General Technical Report INT-212, pp. 10–16. Baker, W.L., 2002. 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