Hello I am passing along some information from the Parking Advisory... ,

I am passing along some information from the Parking Advisory Board (PAB) meeting held on March 4 th. We passed a
resolution for a two year tier parking fee increase as follows:
Increase of Parking Permit to $154.00 over the next Two Years (This would break down to an increase
of $1.50 per month.)
Increase of Meter Parking to $0.75 over the next Two Years
There are many reasons why Parking Services needs to increase these fees. Below I am going to hit on the main reasons we
approved the proposal above:
Winter of 2014 was a harsh winter and they were hit hard with excessive snow removal and ice. This
lead to them spending approximately $500,000 in snow removal and depleting their cash reserves by
more than $300,000 (much higher cost than normal).
There is an estimated net loss of $61,560 in meter fees and $9,700 fines (per year) with the new
Science Bldg. taking out Lot X. Parking Services will lose approx. 200 metered stalls beginning the fall
of 2015. This is a net loss of stalls including the addition of stalls through future Lot Y (adding 75
metered stalls at $350,000 starting cost) and approximately 100 newly segregated stalls for metering
in Lot T.
Parking Services manages an annual bond debt at $306,370 (for year 2015), initiated by costs of Lots
K, R, & PV.
Parking Services is planning to acquire the remainder of private property on Briggs & Reserve, 6 total
parcels for an estimated $780,000 in order to build more parking.
If parking pricing is not increased, Parking Services will become insolvent and will be running with a
deficient balance of more than $90,000 in 2015/2016. (Bill Rowe can give a more exact number as
Meter rates have not gone up since 2003, which is a disservice to the value of parking on campus (in
regards to supply and demand).
Last year was the first permit increase in 5 years, which is also not reflective of increasing market
value for parking.
Parking demand would continue at current rates or increase if parking pricing is not increased. This
would then lead to worse problems with the rising costs associated with land/housing purchases, new
lot construction, lot resurfacing, debt service, inflation, etc. It’s important for all of us to grasp that
our campus has been experiencing induced demand (latent demand) for parking for years. In other
words, cheap parking causes abnormally higher demand for parking. It’s the same reason many
Freshman choose to store/park their cars in Lot J for the year. A quick example of induced demand is
eating more than normal at a buffet restaurant.
Lots J, SJ, E, & new Lot Y will be more expensive rebuilds and new constructions than previous
iterations due to stricter DNR standards and more sustainable water runoff design.
Lots R & PV, & K were also more expensive constructions than previous iterations due to stricter DNR
standards and more sustainable water runoff design.
Lot Y (new lot to be made) will not have meters or many fines and it will be paid by cell phone or
UWSP currently has the 2nd lowest parking pricing in the UW System.
Parking on campus is a privilege and not a right.
Tammy Naczek, Purchasing Agent
Univ. of WI-Stevens Point
College of Natural Resource and Dept. of Biology
800 Reserve Street, Rm. 194 CNR
Stevens Point WI 54481