Common Council: Elected Chairs and Members (25 Feb 2015)

MOA: Common Council: Elected Chairs and Members
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Memo of Agreement:
Common Council: Elected Chairs and Members (25 Feb 2015)
We agree to the following. All changes from the Faculty Senate Constitution are explicitly noted.
Chair At Large
For the following committees and subcommittees, the chairs shall be nominated and directly elected in the
general election (rather than from among the committee members after the general election). The personnel
eligible to serve as chair are the same personnel who shall nominate and elect the chair. (Exception: where a
chair must have a minimum teaching appointment, other personnel from the same category can still vote.)
Academic Affairs Committee - chair: faculty or academic staff (at least a 0.5 teaching appointment for
Constitution and Handbook Revision Subcommittee - chair: academic staff, classified/university staff, or
Curriculum Committee - chair: faculty or academic staff (at least a 0.5 teaching appointment for either)
Faculty Council - chair: faculty
Graduate Council - chair: graduate faculty
Information Technology Council (this is a change) - chair: academic staff, classified/university staff,
or faculty
Strategic Planning Committee (this is an addition) - co-chair: academic staff, classified/university
staff, or faculty
University Affairs Committee - chair: academic staff, classified/university staff, or faculty
University Personnel Development Committee (this is a change) - chair: academic staff,
classified/university staff, or faculty
Chair from Committee
For the following committees and subcommittees, the chair shall be nominated and elected from among the
elected members after the general election:
Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee [ASC] - chair: academic staff
Academic Staff Awards Subcommittee [ASC] - chair: academic staff
Academic Staff Council - chair: academic staff
Assessment Subcommittee [AAC] - co-chair: faculty or academic staff
Faculty Mediation Subcommittee [FC] - chair: faculty
General Education Committee - chair: faculty or academic staff
Grade Review Subcommittee [AAC] - chair: faculty
Sabbatical Review Subcommittee [FC] - chair: faculty
University Awards Subcommittee [FC] - chair: faculty, academic staff, or classified/university staff
University Staff Council - co-chair: classified/university staff
Chair Appointed by Parent Committee Chair
For the following subcommittees, the chair shall be appointed by the chair of the parent committee:
Academic Staff Salary Subcommittee [ASC] - chair: academic staff
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Department Review Subcommittee [AAC] - chair: faculty or academic staff
Faculty Salary Subcommittee [FC] - chair: faculty
Grade Review Subcommittee [AAC] - chair: faculty or academic staff (at least a 0.5 teaching
appointment for either)
Historic Preservation Subcommittee [UAC] - chair: faculty, academic staff, or classified/university staff
International Affairs Subcommittee [AAC] - chair: faculty or academic staff
Nominations and Elections Subcommittee [UAC] (this is a change) - chair: faculty, academic staff, or
classified/university staff
Teacher Education Subcommittee [CuC] - chair: faculty or academic staff
Members Elected
For the following committees, the core personnel seats shall be nominated and directly elected in the general
election (rather than appointed by the chair):
Academic Staff Council
Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee [ASC]
Assessment Subcommittee [AAC] - 2 faculty or academic staff
Faculty Council (this is a change)
Faculty Mediation Subcommittee [FC]
General Education Committee
Graduate Council
Sabbatical Review Subcommittee [FC]
University Awards Subcommittee [FC]
University Personnel Development Committee
University Staff Council
Members Appointed
For the following committees and subcommittees, the core personnel seats shall be appointed by the chair (or
chair of the parent committee), in consultation with the Executive Committee (rather than nominated and
directly elected in the general election):
Academic Affairs Committee
Academic Staff Salary Subcommittee [ASC]
Constitution and Handbook Revision Subcommittee
Curriculum Committee
Faculty Salary Subcommittee [FC]
Historic Preservation Subcommittee [UAC]
Information Technology Council (this is a change)
International Affairs Subcommittee [AAC]
Nominations and Elections Subcommittee [UAC]
Teacher Education Subcommittee [CuC]
University Affairs Committee
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Few or No Changes
For the following committees and subcommittees, some or all core personnel seats are filled in special ways,
and will continue to be filled as they are under the Faculty Senate Constitution:
Academic Staff Awards Subcommittee [ASC] - combination of articulated seats and appointments
Assessment Subcommittee [AAC] - dean appointments
Department Review Subcommittee [AAC] - dean appointments
Grade Review Subcommittee [AAC] - combination of appointments
Other Details
An individual may be nominated and run for both chair and another seat on a committee. The results for chair
will be resolved first, followed by the results for the other seats. For any committee that elects their own chair,
this election will take place before the end of spring semester. Since committee chairs are automatically
members of Common Council and since Common Council seats are fixed (17 per personnel category), the
exact membership of Common Council can only be determined after all committee chairs are determined. The
rules for diversification of the core personnel seats will be set by the existing personnel councils, prior to the
call for nominations.
Where a committee currently includes member(s) with terms extending into 2015-2016 or beyond, and where
possible in the final Common Council design, such member(s) will be given the option to continue in their
During the nominations process, an individual will have the option to indicate one or more committees on which
they would be interested in serving. This information will be shared with the respective chairs. Indicating
interest won't necessarily commit an individual to serving, nor guarantee an appointment to a committee.
Rules for Diversification of Core Personnel Seats
For the following committees and subcommittees, the core personnel seats shall be nominated and directly
elected in the general election. These lists only include core personnel seats. Many other seats on these
committees shall be filled in other ways, mostly just as they are now (e.g., by provost appointment). Pending
approval by the appropriate current personnel council(s), the following rules for diversification will apply. (A
future document will address the rules for diversification in appointed core personnel seats.)
Academic Staff Council
Approval needed: Academic Staff Council
8 members, nominated and elected at large from the academic staff, for staggered two-year terms, with at
least one member from each of the following categories of appointment:
Fixed term.
Probationary or indefinite.
Classroom teaching.
Non-classroom teaching.
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Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee [ASC]
Approval needed: Academic Staff Council
10 members, nominated and elected at large from the academic staff, for staggered two-year terms, with at
least one member from each the following categories of appointment:
Fixed term.
Probationary or indefinite.
Classroom teaching.
Non-classroom teaching.
Assessment Subcommittee [AAC]
Approval needed: Academic Staff Council, Faculty Council
2 members, nominated and elected at large from the faculty and academic staff not assigned to a college, for
staggered two-year terms.
Faculty Council (this is a change)
Approval needed: Faculty Council
6 members, nominated and elected at large from the faculty, for staggered two-year terms, from each of the
1. 2 members from the College of Letters and Science: 1 representing humanities/social sciences/history,
and 1 representing natural science/mathematics and computing.
2. 1 member from the College of Professional Studies.
3. 1 member from the College of Fine Arts and Communication.
4. 1 member from the College of Natural Resources.
5. 1 member from the University Library.
Faculty Mediation Subcommittee [FC]
Approval needed: Faculty Council
13 members, nominated and elected at large from the faculty, for staggered two-year terms, from each of the
5 members from the College of Letters and Science.
3 members from the College of Professional Studies.
2 members from the College of Fine Arts and Communication.
2 members from the College of Natural Resources.
1 member from the University Library.
No member shall be a department chair or equivalent, dean, vice chancellor, associate vice chancellor, or
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General Education Committee
Approval needed: Academic Staff Council and Faculty Affairs Committee
12 members nominated and elected at large from the faculty and academic staff, for staggered two-year terms.
This shall include 1 faculty or academic staff member (with at least a 0.5 teaching appointment) to represent
each category within the Foundation, Investigation, and Cultural & Environmental Awareness levels of the
General Education Program.
Sabbatical Review Subcommittee [FC]
Approval needed: Faculty Affairs Committee
8 tenured faculty, nominated and elected at large from the faculty, for staggered two-year terms, from each of
the following:
1. 3 members from the College of Letters and Science, with at least one of those from humanities/social
sciences/history, and at least one from natural sciences/mathematics/computing.
2. 2 members from the College of Professional Studies.
3. 1 member from the College of Fine Arts and Communication.
4. 1 member from the College of Natural Resources.
5. 1 member from the University Library.
No member shall be a department chair or equivalent, dean, vice chancellor, assistant chancellor, or
chancellor. No two members shall be from the same department/unit.
Strategic Planning Committee (this is an addition)
Approval needed: Academic Staff Council, Classified Staff Council, Faculty Affairs Committee
12 members, nominated and elected at large from the academic staff, faculty, and university staff, for
staggered two-year terms, from each of the following:
1. 4 academic staff
2. 4 faculty
3. 4 university staff
Not more than one member shall be elected from a single unit/department.
Among the previous members, there shall be at least one member from each college and the university library.
University Awards Subcommittee [FC]
Approval needed: Faculty Affairs Committee
5 members, nominated and elected at large from the faculty and academic staff, for staggered two-year terms,
from each of the following:
1. College of Fine Arts and Communication
2. College of Letters and Science
3. College of Natural Resources
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4. College of Professional Studies
5. University Library
University Personnel Development Committee
Approval needed: Academic Staff Council, Classified Staff Council, Faculty Affairs Committee
15 members, nominated and elected at large from the faculty and academic staff, for staggered two-year
terms, from each of the following:
1. 5 academic staff
2. 5 faculty
3. 5 university staff
Not more than one member shall be elected from a single unit/department.
Among the previous members, there shall be at least one member from each college and the university library.
Among the members from the College of Letters and Science, at least one shall be from the natural sciences
or mathematics and computing, and at least one shall be from the social sciences, humanities, or history.
University Staff Council
Approval needed: Classified Staff Council
To be determined, but probably following existing diversification rules
CSC Co-Chair
CSC Co-Chair
Faculty Senate Chair
Kym Buchanan, on behalf of CCPC