Prairie View Cheerleader Application 2016-2017 Name: __________________________ PV ID#_________________ Incoming Student________________ Major: __________________________ G.P.A. _________________ Acceptance Letter Date___________ Classification for Fall 2014: _______________ D.O.B._________________Age______________________ Cell Phone ___________________ Home Phone_____________________ Prairie View address: ______________________________________________________________________ _ Home Address: ___________________________________________ _________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________________________ Parent’s names: _______________________________________________ Parent’s phone: _______________________________________________ Circle: Male Female Shirt size: S M L XL Shorts size: S M L XL Uniform Size: Top___________ _Skirt: ________________ Shoe size: _____________ Height: _____________ Weight: ____________ LIST PAST CHEER EXPERIENCE ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ LIST ANY PREVIOUS INJURIES _____________________________________ WHAT MOTIVATED YOU TO TRY-OUT FOR PRAIRIE VIEW CHEERLEADING? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ LIST CLUBS/ACTIVITIES IN WHICH YOU PARTICIPATE: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ CAN YOU DEDICATE A FULL YEAR IF YOU BECOME A PVAMU CHEERLEADER? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ AS A PROSPECTIVE MEMBER OF THE PRAIRE VIEW CHEERLEADING SQUAD, I UNDERSTAND THAT I MUST ADHERE TO THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS OR RISK THE CHANCE OF BEING TERMINATED FROM THE TRYOUT PROCESS OR REMOVED FROM THE SQUAD. 1. I am a full time student at Prairie V iew Univ ersity and have at least a 2.5 GPA, cumulative. 2. I am in good standing with the Prairie V iew University and not on academic or disciplinary probation. 3. I have no health or physical defects which would hamper my ability to perform as a cheerleader o r which might cause cheerleading to be unsafe to my health. 3A. I am covered by adequate health insurance to cover any cost of accident or injury that may occur to me during the try-out clinic, practices, or anytime I may be a member of Prairie V iew chee rleading program. 3B. I understand any costs not covered by university insurance will be my personal responsibility. 4. I understand and accept that I may be cut at any time during the tryout process for any reason. 4A. I realize the weight and condi tioning requirements necessary for the sport of college cheerleading. I have completed this application packet to the best of my ability. I understand that collegiate cheerleading involves elements of gymnastics and thus involves the risk of personal inju ry. I am participating in these tryouts with this knowledge and do not hold Prairie V iew A&M University, the Student Activities Department liable. I also understand that judging will partially be of subjective nature and that the final decision of choosing squad members rests with the cheer coach and advisor. Insurance Co: ______________________________ __________ Policy#: ___________ Participant Signature: _________________________________ Date: __ ___________ Cheer Advisor Nina S Wright 936-261-1344 Cheer Coach Lenny Cervantes 832-877-2288 CHECKLIST Completed and signed application � Signed liability waiver � Front and back copy of health insurance card � Date of Current Physical � Copy of PV Student ID or acceptance letter BEFORE SUBMITTING APPLICATION Note: If you become a Prairie View A&M University Cheerleader, it is a privilege and should not be taken lightly. Being a PVAMU Cheerleader will take hard work and dedication. Be prepared to invest a lot of time with the cheer program going to cheer camps, National Competition and athletic events such as football and basketball games. For such events you may be asked to forfeit holidays for practice such as, Christmas break, Spring break, and or summer break. Please consider this before you commit yourself by signing the application.