THE STOMP ACT Solar Technologies Of Mass Protection On this 3rd day of May in the year of two thousand and four being transcribed in the County of Loudoun Virginia be it herein established and ordained that the citizenry of the United States of America being a sovereign and democratic nation revoking all forms of tyranny, oppression and unnecessary war are judicially provided by the United States constitution, legislatively within the Congress of the nation and administratively within the states of the United States the immediate right and resources to deploy a large number of Solar Technologies of Mass Protection to alleviate dependency on corrupt entrenched energy cartels, utilities and energy agencies furthering monopolies, war and crime in the world. This is act is hereinafter referred to as THE STOMP ACT. The goals will be vastly furthered through the organized participation of the citizenry of this nation via Neighborhood Energy Watch Solution Groups or N.E.W.S. Groups. Reference Editorial Commentary by John Sillin “Unleash the Potential; the benefits of building new nuclear-power plants” Nuclear holocaust is not a pleasant potential. The author of THE STOMP ACT worked for the Northwest Power Planning Council in 1985 and helped develop the legal database and public library for the WPPS [Oops] lawsuit where ratepayers sued Bonneville Power for building five nuclear plants they did not need. The ratepayers won, but the taxpayers paid the costs. Preventative intervention by consumers as a group is needed. 2004 Eileen M. Smith, M.Arch. May 3, 2004 Page 1 THE STOMP ACT Solar Technologies of Mass Protection Remote Site Energy Cartel Electricity Perpetuates Crime, Violence and War in the World In the month of April two thousand and four over 134 American troops were killed in skirmishes in the nation of Iraq. This was the highest American casualty count for one month since the war against Iraq began in an effort to reveal Weapons Of Mass Destruction [WOMD]. The war in Iraq began as a part of the War On Terrorism [WOT] following the destruction of the New York World Trade Center on 9|11|01 where over three thousand people died within three hours. These casualties occurred nearly a year after the war in Iraq was declared a victory. In 2002, President Bush exercised rational measures of common sense with the installation of three building-integrated solar systems on the White House. Two of the systems installed are solar thermal and one is building-integrated photovoltaics [BI-PV]. Where coal consumption has doubled during the thirty years of Earth Day and solar electricity has been suppressed since the completion of the 30,000 SF buildingintegrated photovoltaic roof of the Georgetown University Intercultural Center. This is one of the most courageous acts President Bush has accomplished. Georgetown University Intercultural Center is the alma mater of President Bill Clinton and First Lady/Senator Hillary Clinton. It was not mentioned during their administration even when they put a field array of photovoltiacs on the White House lawn to light the Christmas Tree. The unique commercial solar array was not mentioned by Vice President Gore the alleged ‘environmental’ head of the Clinton administration. The suppression of Solar Technologies of Mass Protection is one of the reasons our world is becoming increasingly violent and war ridden while degradation of the global environment is accelerated far beyond known safe levels of toxic poisons. Solar Technologies of Mass Protection The STOMP ACT provides the opportunity and vessel through which to reflect and repeat this simple yet practical and courageous act by President Bush. We seek to immediately integrate such policy action into mainstream commerce for the benefit and 2004 Eileen M. Smith, M.Arch. May 3, 2004 Page 2 THE STOMP ACT Solar Technologies of Mass Protection protection of the entire consumer patrimony of the American citizenry for the safety of this nation’s peoples and for the overall security and sovereignty of the nation of the United States of America. In addition to the lack of appropriate support to non-violently subdue the terrorist groups that attacked the United States on 9|11|01 killing over 3,000 people per four suicide crashes in two hours facilitated by the abduction of commercial airline carriers two of which were subsequently flown into the New York City World Trade Center killing thousands of people during the height of business on a Tuesday morning, a third plane that was flown into the United States Pentagon and the fourth suicide plane bomb was retaken by passengers. That plane was diverted from its suicide mission of destruction and crashed in a field killing over two hundred passengers on board. This week in the news, China has announced their plan to approach the European Commission for funding to build their supply of firearm arsenal as the United States is faced with the April death toll of 134 and an estimated 15 more the first two days of May 2004. While certainly, we can increase defense spending and accelerate unnecessary and misdirected violent global conflict into a third World War; there are other and more farreaching activities that we as a nation can evolve in our mission to reduce war, tyranny and oppression in the world. While our actions in World War II certainly established this nation as a serious contender in evolving peace where it was sorely needed; we had a specific enemy nation and a clear goal to accomplish. In this case the entire world is suffering from multinational energy cartel and utility entrenchment and oppressive tyranny. THE STOMP ACT provides a balance in following President Bush’s leadership of adopting Solar Technologies of Mass Protection. This innovative direct intervention by a large majority of the American citizenry will naturally reduce the fire behind the much of the present conflict in the world structured by unnecessary dependency upon outdated polluting and hazardous fuels. This simple, practical and responsible use of building-integrated photovoltaics [BIPV] today will reinstate the vows of democracy the American nation while building a democratic technological foundation for the twenty-first century. It is the most vital and influential act that our nation could perform at this time in world history. It is an act that will naturally mitigate the needed transformation of energy industry technology while 2004 Eileen M. Smith, M.Arch. May 3, 2004 Page 3 THE STOMP ACT Solar Technologies of Mass Protection restructuring the energy industry on a framework of small autonomous electricity deployment using clean renewable aesthetic fuels that have the dual use of proven quality building materials. One of the first tasks of this defense funding is to provide financing for the refinement of PV-grade silicon. Computer-grade silicon is presently being used to deploy photovoltaics. PV-grade silicon is 900% more expensive than PV-grade silicon to refine. Presently, taxpayers are funding the suppression of the very technologies that they need to evolve clean air and autonomous electricity technology. THE STOMP ACT would stop this misuse of taxpayer funds without representation. In the past seven years British PetroleumAmoco has taken over an illegal majority ownership of the Alaskan pipeline. Amoco Oil made a hostile takeover of the Solarex Corporation in 1984 the year the BI-PV roof on the Georgetown University Intercultural Center was completed in 1984. The Federal Trade Commission attempted to block BP-Amoco-Enron’s hostile takeover of Arco Corporation on April 2, 1999 two weeks after I filed an official request to investigate and remand their antitrust abuses suppressing photovoltaics from the mainstream market before the California Public Utilities Commission Rulemaking 98-12-015 on the Role of the Utility Distribution Company [UDC] in Distributed Generation [DG]. Energy agency proceedings are public hearings that are not represented by the public. Thus, we are being taxed without proper representation. Non-profit groups are being paid $100 to $350 an hour if they go along with the Commission’s agenda. The ‘hardship compensation’ was legislated to provide funding for those that could not afford to be involved in energy agency proceedings, not to bribe alleged consumer groups. One of the cornerstones of THE STOMP ACT is to organize Neighborhood Energy Watch Solution Groups to monitor and administratively stomp out the organized crime in energy agency proceedings. The tremendous vacuum of energy commerce was historically dominated by public cooperatives, but it has become increasingly dominated and controlled by private monopoly energy cartels coupled with entrenched governmental interests that have been increasingly obscured from the American public. Shortly after the BI-PV roof was installed on the Intercultural Center; Amoco Oil made a brutal and unwelcome takeover of the Solarex Corporation. Amoco-Enron then used the Solarex name 2004 Eileen M. Smith, M.Arch. May 3, 2004 Page 4 THE STOMP ACT Solar Technologies of Mass Protection and patents to sue Arco Solar [1988-1991], United Solar [1993-1997] and Advanced Photovoltaic Systems [APS 1995-1997]. In 1998, BP Solar made a $20 million of APS and then merged with Amoco Oil. At that time, BP Amoco had over 70% of the Photovoltaic production in the world market under their control. The 1999 takeover of the Arco Corporation provided British Petroleum an illegal majority ownership of the Alaskan oil supplies. The San Francisco Observer announced in their front-page article that the United States Federal Trade Commission attempted to block this merger and could not succeed. We are at a crossroads in world history and related energy technology deployment policy. THE STOMP ACT provides vital renewable energy enforcement at time when the safety of the nation and truly the existence of democracy is threatened worldwide by multinational conglomerates dominating energy deployment worldwide. The Golden Rule to do unto others as you would have them do unto you and the simple truth that God is Love form the rational foundation for relationships throughout history. The primary goal of THE STOMP ACT is the accelerated advancement of renewable energy technology within the next twenty years and reprimand of the fraud and insider trading dramatically suppressing renewable solar BI-PV from the market the last twenty years. Safety of the nation and truly the existence of democracy worldwide is at risk because of the lack of understanding of and strategic intervention in the tremendous vacuum of energy agency commerce. Consumers have become their own worst enemy because they are entrapped in an outdated framework of feudalistic commerce. Democracy is ever in its infancy. A democratic nation can only exist with the ongoing restitution of government for the people, by the people and of the people. Billions of dollars have been spent in forming a green agenda with yearly Earth Day activities originally formed to educate the public and to facilitate intervention. This billion dollar industry has become as dysfunctional as the energy industry itself because there lacks a strategic consumer based intervention plan. In the 1980s neighborhoods were being bombarded with crime that the police and government seemed to be unable to stop. One of the reasons is the fact that organized crime becomes the heart of any nation that loses its democratic core of the people, for the people and by the people. Neighborhood Crime Watch Groups was established to help organize people in community so they could support each other as they intervened to reduce the crime in their 2004 Eileen M. Smith, M.Arch. May 3, 2004 Page 5 THE STOMP ACT Solar Technologies of Mass Protection neighborhoods. The organized crime in the energy industry is completely out of control and dramatically in need of monitoring and intervention. “Power Failure the inside story of the fall of the Enron Corporation” written by Sherron Watkins the accountant that blew the whistle on the irrational business structures perpetuating Enron as a top ten stock choice for many years. It was this disorganized crime that put numerous people at risk during the 2000 Energy Crisis in California. While many blamed it on deregulation, my question was how could such an irrational law be passed with the foundation of it being the deregulation of monopolies in the energy industry with the goal of establishing competitive commerce. A large vacuum of commerce like that in the energy industry dominated by monopolies will only become competitive where it is strategically regulated not only by responsible governmental agencies, but by consumers. Government cannot evolve democratic forms of commerce with direct monitoring and intervention by the citizenry of a nation. We must organize ourselves as an actively democratic nation if we intend to continue as a democracy. Democracy is much more than arguing over the viability of a two-partisan election. These are the managers of democracy, however these leaders will not and cannot facilitate democracy without the participation of the democratic mass of citizenry. It never has and it never will. The democratic state of this nation is becoming increasingly obscure not because we have bad leaders, but because the citizenry has deluded itself into thinking that the government will manage everything. The government like large media corporations will not be able to balance their professional responsibilities or their books ethically without the direct monitoring and intervention of the citizenry of a democratic nation. During the past thirty years, there has been an increased deterioration of democratic involvement of citizenry in all facets in the United States government including the legislative, administrative and judicial process. This reality coupled with the lack of laws and strategic intervention to realize the benefits of much of the tremendous acceleration of technology deployment has created a dangerous state of alienation and dysfunction within the citizenry of this nation. The deep and violent social wars involving race, gender and life styles have further fractured citizen involvement in the democratic process of this nation. The glory of democracy is that it depends upon the citizens ability to recognize their diversity, to unite and to strategically intervene in the amelioration of the deterioration of 2004 Eileen M. Smith, M.Arch. May 3, 2004 Page 6 THE STOMP ACT Solar Technologies of Mass Protection their freedoms just as they would renovate a home and conduct daily hygiene. The diversity that has fractured this nation along with the suppression of technological innovation both of which have put the citizenry of this nation at risk in the last century are the very elements that will strengthen the democratic efforts needed to regain a truly democratic nation. THE STOMP ACT provides a strong signal that the citizens of this nation will not allow taxation without representation. They will repeal energy industry commerce left of consequential representation by consumers. COG Charges will no longer be paid for by captured ratepayers. Remote Site electricity will no longer be run by pampered private monopolies lavished with public funding to further their undemocratic forms of commerce. In California energy agency proceedings utilities had the audacity to demand to be paid lost revenues for any successful solar systems my company or any solar company installed. In the next breath they insisted that incentives for renewable energy like Net Metering are freeloading insisting we must have a competitive marketplace. The demands of energy cartels, utilities and energy agency staff are irrational and criminal in every regard. Insider manipulation is a daily and integral part of energy industry commerce. I was alienated because truly competitive commerce was my goal. Democracy is even more estranged in energy industry commerce. The state of energy commerce today is quite similar to the Stamp Act that was passed by Great Britain as the founders of the United States were struggling to break away from the United Kingdom. The British Stamp Act imposed numerous types of stamp charges to further the monarchy in a nation that was destined for a democratic government. THE STOMP ACT suspends the oppressive domination of energy commerce by monopoly utilities and energy cartels pampered by entrenched energy agencies funded by captured ratepayers. It limits the patent rights of certain corporations presently suppressing the evolution of innovation in the energy industry allowing small business to economically deploy Solar Technologies of Mass Protection for the safety and security of this nation. The subsequent transformation of the tremendous vacuum of energy commerce to a more humane and sustainable foundations many have aspired to achieve in the last century will transform every portion of society and commerce. 2004 Eileen M. Smith, M.Arch. May 3, 2004 Page 7 THE STOMP ACT Solar Technologies of Mass Protection THE STOMP ACT is a national security measure that will provide immediate investigation and prosecution of antitrust abuses by energy cartels against Solar Technologies of Mass Protection. It will provide emergency financing for small business to dramatically accelerate appropriate building-integrated photovoltaics [BI-PV] into the mainstream marketplace with the evolution of installation training of mainstream contractors, architectural standards for appropriate installation of BI-PV and organized Neighborhood Energy Watch Solution Groups providing the framework for immediate citizen intervention. Such groups will provide support to those consumers and small business owners that directly participate establishing these new paradigms of energy deployment. The best-laid plans are realized through strategic implementation. Clint Eastwood had a solar system installed on his gulf course. The energy agencies would not pay him the incentives legislated for pioneering renewable energy consumers. He called a meeting with the governor and was finally paid the incentives he had a right to. Not all of us have the resources, prominence and influence needed to arrange a meeting with the governor. One man has a solar system installed on his home when inspired by one of my workshops at Wild Oats Market in Laguna Beach, California. It has been over two years and the energy agencies still have not paid him the $20,000 rebate they approved before he installed his solar system. The California Public Utilities Commission declined my two requests for intervener compensation totaling $42,000 in two rulings January and March 2000. The IRS charged me taxes on the moneys declared as a bad debt on my tax return. This resulted in a tax lien that has dramatically damaged my credit. Sometimes it is the consumer that is breaking the law. The Georgetown University Intercultural Center has been fraudulently telling consumers that the 30,000 SF buildingintegrated photovoltaic roof installed in 1984 does not generate electricity. In fact, in their tours portions of the GTU community have gone so far as to insist the solar system had to be painted over because allegedly when it generated electricity it would make planes crash. In addition to this fraud, and the suppression of this taxpayer funded demonstration from the mainstream consumer since Amoco Oil’s hostile takeover of the Solarex Corporation in 1986; Georgetown University has planted trees to block the output of this important demonstration project dramatically skewing the data related to this solar roof. These are not 2004 Eileen M. Smith, M.Arch. May 3, 2004 Page 8 THE STOMP ACT Solar Technologies of Mass Protection just rumors or ghost stories as the editor at the HOYA News insisted last month. It is criminal fraud. This type of misrepresentation is dramatically misdirecting billions of dollars of energy deployment funding away from renewable energy technologies while keeping electric rates unnaturally high. Join me in assuring democracy is alive and well in the world. Democracy does not exist in isolation. It takes a community. Please file your cover letter with this draft for THE STOMP ACT to assure democracy thrives not only in America, but in energy deployment and every nation of the world. Fear is the largest energy of freedom and information is the largest enemy of irrational fears. VIVA LA GOOD NEWS! Signatories of THE STOMP ACT for mainstream deployment of Solar Technologies of Mass Protection: Eileen M. Smith. M.Arch. Author of Draft Bill|Comments ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2004 Eileen M. Smith, M.Arch. May 3, 2004 Page 9