World's Largest Garage Sale! Saturday, April 25th, 2015 semi-annual

Thank you for participating in the 33nd semi-annual
World's Largest Garage Sale!
Saturday, April 25th, 2015
Each selling spot will consist of two parking spaces and will be issued for $25.00. Any additional
parking spaces are available for $10.00 each. ***One selling spot = Two parking spaces!!!! Each
additional is one parking space.
Sellers will be allowed and are encouraged to park their vehicles in their selling spot if it fits. A selling
spot (consisting of 2 parking spaces) is approximately 18' x 18'.
We will be using both the first and second levels. If you have a preference, please indicate that on your
registration form or contact us at 243-5874. Requests cannot be guaranteed.
There is an overhead limitation. Clearance height is 8' 2'' for the first level and 7' 0'' for the second.
Check-in table will be at the North entrance to the parking lot between the University Center and the
Mansfield Library. You will receive your spot assignment on the day of the event.
Sellers may begin setting up at 7:30 a.m.
Sale will open to the public at 9:00 a.m. All spots should be set up and open to sell at this time. Sellers
will not be allowed to begin setup after 9:00 a.m. Be aware, buyers may arrive early.
Sale ends at 1:30 p.m. Sellers must clean up all materials. Nothing should be left behind. A dumpster
will be provided.
Please note that due to the location of the sale, there may be spots of automobile oil on the ground in
any given seller's designated spot. Please plan accordingly.
Sellers are not to damage, or otherwise alter any University property.
Sellers are responsible for the monitoring of their booths at all times. Please be aware that there will be
hundreds of people in the area at the time, and theft is possible. The University of Montana and the
UM Advocates will not be responsible for the theft of any materials.
Spots will be reserved for sellers on a first-come, first-serve basis upon receipt of registration fee.
Check or Money Order only please. (Please make checks payable to University of Montana)
Questions? Call the Advocate Office at 243-5874.
The UM Advocates, a University volunteer organization, thank you for your continual support!
Return form to The Source in the University Center or mail to: UM Advocates, Garage Sale, 101
Lommasson, University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812
Please detach top portion and retain for your records.
World's Largest Garage Sale Registration
E-mail Address________________________
Hom Home Phone__________________
Rental of spaces: 1 Selling Spot for $25.00
Each additional parking space $10.00
Daytime Phone________________
Addr Address______________________
**One selling spot= two parking spaces!!!
Office Use Only
Fee Payment
Check #__________
MO #____________
Space #___________
Number of Selling Spots______X $25.00 =_______
Additional Parking Spaces______X $10.00 =_______
Total Amount Enclosed
(check or money order only, please)
Money is non-refundable.
Please make checks payable to
= _______