Woodell, Carla

Woodell, Carla
Belford, Angel M
Friday, April 29, 2016 11:10 AM
Woodell, Carla
FW: August News from the Lourdes University Alumni Association
From: Belford, Angel M Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 10:42 AM To: Belford, Angel M <ABelford@lourdes.edu> Subject: August News from the Lourdes University Alumni Association In This Issue
Upcoming Events
Celebrity Wait Night
Move-In Day
Lourdes University and
Saint Louis University
Ebeid Recreation Center
Alumni Interaction
Alumni in the News
Kroger Fundraiser
Lifelong Learning at
Parent Center
Celebrity Wait Night
Lourdes University will host its 4th Annual Celebrity Waite Night on
Monday, September 14, 2105 at the Real Seafood Company at the Docks.
Friends, faculty, staff and alumni will be treated to an evening of exquisite
Italian cuisine while supporting the student scholarship fund.
We are very proud and honored that Ann Meier and Sheila Jordan are cochairing our upcoming Celebrity Wait Night Event. We are thrilled that they
are leading the charge for our 2015 Celebrity Wait Night!
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Ann Meier is a past board member of Lourdes' Board of Trustees and
an instructor at the University of Toledo.
Amazon Smile
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Sheila Jordan is a long-time member of the Lourdes University
Move-In Day
August 20, 2015
George Brymer '10
Norene Drewicz '59
Anneke Godlewski '08
Diane T. Keil-Hipp '90
Bruce Klinger '08
Brianna Lievens-Pillbeam '15
Russell J. Ebeid
Recreation Center
September 2, 2015
Celebrity Wait Night
at Real Seafood
September 14, 2015
October 23-25, 2015
Please join us for this entertaining evening of fine food, fellowship and fun!
Tickets are $50 per person and include salad, rolls and entrée.
All proceeds benefit Lourdes' student scholarship fund.
Reservations can be made by calling 419-824-3751.
Move-In Day Thursday, August 20th, 2015
We are looking for Alumni volunteers for Move-In day. Volunteers will be
given a shirt for assisting with this event. Alumni will be at the Alumni table
with goodies for incoming students. The set-up will be the same as
previous years. If interested, please contact Ori at orife@lourdes.edu
with your shirt size included.
Lourdes Alumni
Funnybone Comedy
October 22, 2015
Saturday, April 30,
Hit the Links
Friday, June 3, 2016
Lourdes University and Saint Louis University
collaborate to offer a MSW program
Applications now being accepted for Fall 2015 cohort
The Ohio Board of Regents has approved the collaboration of Lourdes
University and Saint Louis University to offer a Master of Social Work
(MSW) degree program at Lourdes. Applications for the inaugural program
are currently being accepted. The first cohort is scheduled for this fall.
"Lourdes and Saint Louis University have partnered to offer a MSW that
aligns with the Franciscan and Jesuit mission of serving humankind with
compassion. The program also allows professionals in this region to
pursue their degree at a private accredited institution," says Lourdes Social
Work Chair, Terry Keller, A.B.D., M.S.W., M.B.A., L.M.S.W., A.C.S.W.
The MSW program has two tracks - one for graduates of an accredited
bachelor's degree program in social work and one for those who have
achieved their bachelor's degree in other disciplines. "St. Louis University
is pleased to join Lourdes in offering the MSW to individuals and
practitioners in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan," adds Donald
Linhorst, PhD, MSW, Interim Dean, Professor, Director of the School of
Social Work, Saint Louis University.
Lourdes University launched its social work baccalaureate program in
1984. First accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) in
1993, the program has been accredited through 2021. The Bachelor of
Arts in social work degree program provides the knowledge, values and
skills necessary for students to engage in generalist social work practice.
As social work majors, students learn how to view ethnic, sexual, racial
identity and differing abilities from a culturally competent, strengths-based
perspective. Quality field education requirements allow students to choose
from a variety of sites including social service agencies, domestic relations
court, hospitals and other health care organizations.
To learn more about the Bachelor of Arts in social work degree
program, visit www.lourdes.edu/socialwork, email lcadmits@lourdes.edu
or call the Lourdes Undergraduate Admission office at 419-885-5291.
To learn more about the Master of Social Work degree program, visit
www.lourdes.edu/msw, email
gradschool@lourdes.edu or call the Lourdes Graduate School direct at
Rooted in the Catholic Franciscan tradition, Lourdes University offers
baccalaureate degrees in more than 30 academic majors as well as
graduate degrees in business, education, liberal studies, nursing,
organizational leadership, and theology. Community outreach programs
include the Appold Planetarium, the Center for Science Education & the
Environment, and Lifelong Learning. A member of the National Association
of Intercollegiate Athletics, Lourdes students can also compete in a variety
of men's and women's sports. Named a "Best in the Midwest" college by
the Princeton Review, Lourdes University is a nationally accredited,
veteran and transfer-friendly institution offering a variety of student
scholarships. Explore the possibilities online at www.lourdes.edu or by
phone at 419-885-3211.
Russell J. Ebeid Recreation Center
Wednesday, September 2nd at 2 pm
Join the Lourdes University community as it celebrates
the groundbreaking ceremony for the Russell J. Ebeid
Recreation Center on Wednesday, September 2, at 2
p.m. near the Convent Blvd. entrance to mid-campus.
Refreshments will be served.
Please RSVP by August 26 to Becki Bair, 419-824-3980
or rbair@lourdes.edu
Requesting Alumni Interaction
Lourdes University, Office of University Relations, is seeking help from
alumni by engaging in social media. Please like the Lourdes University
LinkedIn page. This is a great opportunity to stay connected to the
Institution, discuss your Lourdes experience, and interact with prospective
and current students.
There is a difference between the Lourdes "company" page and the
Lourdes "university" page. The company page is an outlet for users to get
acquainted with Lourdes University. University Relations also posts press
releases onto this page. The University page allows for interaction or
networking between members; similar to Facebook.
If you have questions, please contact Ori Rife at 419-517-8971 or
Alumni in the News
Share your news with in eNews. Send your updates to
Re-enroll or Register your Kroger Plus Card and Help
The Alumni Association is working on creating unique ways to raise money
for Lourdes Scholarships. We will continue with the Kroger
Community Rewards program.
It is time to re-enroll your Kroger card in Kroger Community
Rewards. Kroger requires people to re-enroll every year to continue their
If you do not have your Kroger card linked to Lourdes University for the
Community Rewards, we are asking you to considering making Lourdes as
your charity of choice. This is at no cost to you.
Registering your card and giving back to Lourdes in this way will NOT
affect your gas points, coupons you receive or other discounts you receive.
This is just a fantastic additional way Kroger supports their community!
Click here for step by step directions to register your Kroger Plus card and
begin to help Lourdes as you shop!
-Once you register or renew your Community Rewards and choose
Lourdes, please email alumni@lourdes.edu.
Lifelong Learning at Lourdes
Lifelong Learning is an exciting educational program at
Open to all interested men and women, the only
requirement for participation is an interest in
ongoing learning! Participants enjoy:
Classes in a wide variety of academic
Day Trips of educational interest
Monthly Lectures featuring outstanding speakers, held on the third
Friday of each month from September through May
All classes are offered for the sheer joy of learning with no tests, exams, or
grades. Many are taught by Lourdes instructors or Lifelong Learning
members who have a particular area of expertise. As alumni, you are
granted a membership to Lifelong Learning, so you can take classes at the
member rate.
For more information, contact Laura Megeath, Lifelong Learning
Coordinator at 419-517-8897 or lifelong@lourdes.edu.
Parent Center at Lourdes University
You may have seen the article in various news outlets about the opening of
the Parent Center at Lourdes. For more information, click here.
Judge Andy Devine's book Parents: The Perspective of a Juvenile Court
Judge is available for $12.95. To purchase the book, download the form
here and send to Mary Arquette, Vice President, Institutional
Advancement, 6832 Convent Blvd, Sylvania, OH 43560.
Shop through Amazon Smile and raise money for Lourdes!
Are you an Amazon.com shopper? A portion of what you spend can be
donated to Lourdes if you register and shop through
smile.amazon.com. This will not affect the price of what you buy and if you
are an Amazon Prime member, you will still receive your Prime benefits.
Click here to get started.
Please note we are listed as Lourdes College instead of Lourdes
University. We are working to have this corrected.
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Lourdes University Alumni Association | 6832 Convent Blvd | Sylvania | OH | 43560