SUFAC Meeting January 25 , 2010.

SUFAC Meeting
January 25th, 2010.
Members Present:
Nick Herro
Eric Schmidt
Carly Cappozzo
Brock Bennett
Karl Krogman
Dr. Bryan
Dr. Nicklaus
Cheryl Roland
Laura Lauderdale
David Wermedal
Lindsey Polzin
Meeting called to order at 5:32pm
I. Approval of last months minutes (12.14.09) –approved
We have lost are vice-chair Ryan Shervey
II. Bob Hetzel and Paula Knudson to talk about room and board, and seg. fee schedule.
a. Students living in coat hall are paying $4,240 for a single room this year, and
will continue at this rate for the 2010-2011 school year. They are maintaining
the same housing rates on campus, a 0% change, which is a landmark
achievement for us.
b. The food service program will also have a 0% change for next year as well.
They are managing their cost very effectively, and now students will not see a
change in their room and board rates or meal plans. They are increasing the
residence space by renting out local apartments, until the new residence hall
can be completed. Last year they had a 3.9% increase, which considering the
size of this budget, it is amazing that they could have a 0% change without
hindering programming.
c. Athletics will see a 6.78% increase; however this increase covers additional
staff to continue providing exceptional programming. They wanted additional
funding for supplies and programs, however this request was denied. Athletics
can however, fundraise this money.
d. University Centers will have a 5.81% increase to its budget for 2010-2011.
They will have a deficit this year, due to a one time fee. If we didn’t start to
address the structural deficit, in a few years it will be huge problem.
e. Health and counseling budget was increase by 1.9%, which includes the
addition of a licensed psychologist.
i. This individual can supervise two doctoral/ masters interns. This will
increase our student to staff ratio recommended by UW-system policy.
ii. There is a demand here at UW-L for counseling services and will
greatly improve students metal health concerns.
f. Child Care Center will have a 1.89% increase
g. Sports Complex will have a 1.9% increase, the projection for the stadium cost
were a little under-calculated. It was hard to predict the cost since this is the
first year it has been operating. Chris just didn’t have good information about
the true cost of water and utilities for the complex.
h. Textbook Rental also will have a 1.9% increase for the 2010-2011 fiscal year.
The total increase, from the 2009-2010 to 2010-2011, will be at $20.60 (1.9% increase).
III. Discussion
a. The increases this year are mostly non-allocable.
b. We moved the Counseling and Testing to 103 dollars, would this increase
happen if it was on 102 dollars? –yes
c. What visible improvements will students be able to see for next year?
–primarily the addition of staff, but most of the increases are to maintain the
current services and programming. The increase in the sports complex is just to
maintain the operating costs, and not have the lights go out on the field when
students are playing.
d. Was the budget office looking to shoot for 1.9% increase when it started
looking at the budgets?
–the directors worked with their offices on their estimates, and the budget office
just asked if their requests are reasonable. If there would be more fundraising
from the non-allocable side, a smaller increase would have been budgeted for.
e. Why should the students pay for things that the university drops?
–there just isn’t any more funding available from the state, and these programs
just can’t be dropped. If the money for these programs wasn’t coming from the
students seg. fee, the tuition or others areas would be increase to make up for
The University Centers budget also includes furniture and computers for next year. You
cannot just go to the state buildings board and say you want a new building. There has to
be a study done to determine if renovations will do, or if it would be necessary to build a
new building to accommodate our needs.
f. Where do you see the union fee in 10 years? –minimum $500
g. Wasn’t there a referendum for a $120 student fee? –yes, but there was no set
IV. SUFAC Summit presentation and discussion
All the UW-systems SUFAC chairs meet to basically have a think-tank on how to
improve this process. UW-L has a relatively small SUFAC compared to other
UW schools, but we are still able to run smoothly.
V. Discuss and approve allocation
a. Our reserve is getting to high. We had a $45,000 surplus from last year.
i. In the next few years we could buy down $230,000.
ii. Last year our buy down was around $51,000. Last semester our budget
for one-shots was at $15,000.
b. The 2010-2011 Est. Student FTE’s is at 8,591.
c. For the One-shot requests, if we say we are going to increase spending, will we
get a bunch of requests that are not necessary?
–it’s possible, but groups still have to justify the request and we have the
ability to deny what we feel is not in the students best interests.
d. Our reserve funds should be at $75,000, so SUFAC has plenty of extra money
to spend.
Motion: to approve at $100,000 and bring student fees to $84.61 (Schmidt, Dr. Bryan)
It is the decision of the chair that the motion passes
e. Should SUFAC create a position, and budget for it. In UW-GB they had extra
budget analyst positions to help spread the work around. A One-shot request
for an individual to audit accounts for this semester could be a good trial for
future positions.
VI. One-shot procedure and deadline
Having the sub-committees handle most of their organizations one-shots worked well.
a. Submission period: January 25th through February 26th, 2010.
b. Recommendation deadline: March 1st through March 12th, 2010.
c. Appeals/review meeting: March 22nd, 2010.
d. Date of deliberation: March 29th, 2010.
Motion: motion to approve One-shot procedure (Lauderdale, Bennett)
Motion Passes
An mail will be sent out to account managers, notifying them of these deadlines
VII. Policies, Publicity
SUFAC needs to create some forms for policies we have previously passed.
a. Our committee will be split into smaller groups to review and revise policy on
salaries/ reserves.
b. Lauderdale, Wermedal, Polzin, and Karly will be creating forms for
E.B.A.A.F., budget alteration, general grievance, and SUFAC calendar.
c. Cappozzo, Bennett, Schmidt, Herro, and Karly will meet to discuss the
creation of policies for One-shot guidelines, as well as funding guidelines.
d. Polzin, Schmidt will work on a pamphlet of allocations.
It would be helpful to students to see where their money is going.
VIII. Meeting is adjourned at 7:47pm