Codes: Academic Programming II = Immediate Implementation Recommendations: Articulate what we hope to accomplish through interdisciplinarity CR = Continue Research Low Priority High Priority II II CR Encourage departments to include credit for interdisciplinary work in their unit standards, and dean’s offices to recognize its value faculty reviews and in reward structures Determine how our General Education requirement rubric might better embrace interdisciplinarity Pursue simple fixes to our current Gen Ed standards (for example, allow a second year of language to count as cultural studies) Merge FSSS with OIP for seamless support UM must move from an international exchange system organized around individual faculty relationships to a more integrated, strategic set of institutional relationships and systems Middle Priority II Adopt policies and mechanisms that will facilitate interdisciplinary teaching and research Include co-PI information in university IR databases Consider slimming down majors to allow more space for interdisciplinary options, what are the trends in student interests and motivations Language acquisition should be part of UM’s international strategy. Foreign language-learning embodies UM’s goals of diversity and cultural literacy and also increases the communication potential of students that is so sought after by employers Academic units and programs should explicitly define their international opportunities. Each College needs to create strategies for internationalization and have an individual who coordinates with a more centralized internationalization management structure T = Table CR CR CR CR T T CR Codes: II = Immediate Implementation Recommendations: Reduce geographic areas of collaboration to those that are active and valuable. Review where international connections could be made with unique/outstanding UM programs to offer dual degrees and to collaborate on research ELI students should be integrated more completely with campus culture; and we should offer them a “bridge” or “pathway” that eases the transition between ELI and academic degree programs Departments should be urged to include international activities in unit standards, goals, and assessments; Dean’s offices should support efforts to recognize contributions to internationalism Build flexibility into degree curriculum to provide more time for international experiences by students CR = Continue Research Low Priority T = Table Middle Priority CR CR CR CR UM needs to have an overarching strategy with regard to online course offerings II Our approach to the digital age and education needs to be centered on giving faculty training and access to the newest technologies for pedagogy and research, rather than just developing online courses We must articulate a business model that will enable online programs to gain revenue and pay for themselves. This is the only way to expand our offerings as needed If we wish to expand our current level of offerings, then we need a more programmatic approach or focused body of course offerings in a few specific areas where a certificate or degree can be obtained Without additional money, some online offerings may need to be dropped in order to allow fully online degree programs to be created, grow, and be marketed to our core online audience High Priority II II CR CR Codes: II = Immediate Implementation Recommendations: We need more student feedback to determine what students want (current UM students are the big audience) AND we need to develop easy ways to automatically assess each course CR = Continue Research Low Priority T = Table Middle Priority CR We must find ways to support opportunities for blended delivery as part of many regular face-to-face courses, rather than making it a separate category CR We should be thinking of the nontraditional students we might reach in developing plans and marketing strategies Enrollment Management II Design and implement improved enrollment management activities Develop a strategic plan for enrollment with specific priorities for target populations Decentralize some aspects of recruiting II CR II Redesign webpage for easy access to application Improve matriculation from Missoula College to UM Identify student composition that offers financially sustainable model Revenue Enhancement Adopt new business models for online and blended learning as well as summer and winter sessions. Develop a self-support tourism/hospitality program. Increase self-support professional courses, certificates, and programs (credit/non-credit). Market and sell UM services and products to external audiences. Create a centralized “one-stop” UM conference and event services office. Create new summer programs and opportunities across all age levels. Bundle existing courses with outdoor pursuits. Insource services (vending, office coffee, bulk mail, etc.). High Priority II II CR CR CR CR T II II CR CR Codes: II = Immediate Implementation Recommendations: Change fee structures (build incentives for registration deposits). On-campus parking (review current fee structures and the overall process management of campus parking that may generate additional revenue). CR = Continue Research Low Priority T = Table Middle Priority CR CR New sustainability initiatives (go “landfill free”, other energy saving initiatives). Cultivate corporate sponsorships for campus events. Explore expansion of the UM Golf Course beer/wine site-specific license to include all University of Montana sites. Cost-Savings CR CR CR Develop a systemic and strategically based justification process for all new and renewable positions on campus Procurement transformation on UM campus Continue the work of the Cost-Savings workgroup UM has water rights to irrigate from existing well on campus rather than using water purchased from Mountain Water Company. There will be a cost to develop this capacity. Analysis of our electrical usage shows if we can reduce our peak campus demand for 158 hours a year we can save $30,000/yr. This will require some investment to allow scheduling of power using equipment. There is a potential savings of $10,000/yr if we can get the stadium power onto the main campus meter HVAC Controls Optimization: Implementing control upgrades and tuning yield good savings with little investment and an increase in comfort. Need additional controls/commissioning tech. to accomplish High Priority II CR II CR CR CR Codes: II = Immediate Implementation Recommendations: Create incentives for desired behavior. Allow all departments to pay their utility bills and keep any savings from the savings they create. Implementation of motion sensors in the academic buildings so that bathrooms, hallways and classrooms do not drive up costs of operations by lights being left on needlessly in the night. CR = Continue Research Low Priority T = Table Middle Priority T CR Move graduation applications and major change forms to an electronic format; the carbon copy change forms are very costly (as are all the other carbon copy forms used in the Registrar's Office). Bring Paper Heavy Process Online Where Possible. For example, greater use of Banner Workflow software (major change, course add/drops, graduation applications, etc.) II CR Duplicated Software and Licensing Fees: the subgroup recommends that Central IT do a campus-wide audit of all software being used currently and look for any potential cost savings. We also recommend doing away with Right Now/Ask Monte immediately ($37,000 savings). Student usage of this system is too low to justify the cost. Information Utilize Student Interns to Staff Major Technology Implementation Projects. The subgroup recommends researching pertinent academic departments on campus that require students in their majors to complete internships - Mainly Management Information Systems and Computer Science - and analyzing the feasibility of employing student interns on large implementation project teams Review grounds keeping routines with eye toward water conservation and mowing to reduce related costs High Priority II CR CR Codes: II = Immediate Implementation Recommendations: Journeyman Plumbers maintain the irrigation system. This work can be performed by the grounds staff as it is downstream of the backflow preventer. Allow for more efficient and cheaper outsourcing of services to local suppliers. Costs charged by facility services seems to be very high for painting or carpeting. In general, facilities, policies, procedures, and practices should to be reviewed. CR = Continue Research Low Priority T = Table Middle Priority II Outsourcing services to local vendors where cost savings are available, is already an existing policy. Campus Evaluate and reduce frequency of waste Maintenance disposal. Review once a week disposal for units in the same building. II Human Resources could consider adding a cost-savings bonus initiative. Staff members who create innovative (and quantifiable) cost-saving solutions could be eligible to receive a small bonus. CR Explore offering a High Deductible Health Care Plan with a Health Savings Account option (would replace the Flex Account for participants) modeled on the University of Idaho. Create compensation incentives for outstanding classified employees - outside of in-range progression and career ladders. Human Create incentives for staff and faculty Resources recruitment - tuition waivers for dependents, etc. Analyze, develop, and create early retirement incentives whenever possible. Establishing guidelines for administrative search committee chairs, ideally the guidelines would be administered and communicated by Human Resource Services, and possibly posting salary ranges on all future position vacancy announcements for administrative level positions (and faculty). High Priority T CR CR CR II Codes: II = Immediate Implementation Recommendations: Review campus alcohol related expenses not related to various functions such as concerts, 'retail' purposes, and Foundation expenses. Eliminate expensive retreats for Main Hall Administrators until our financial situation improves Miscellaneous If programs decide to make internships mandatory, there needs to be associated resources/investment in order to make this happen. CR = Continue Research Low Priority T = Table Middle Priority CR II CR Evaluate department journal subscription use, including faculty members are paying for subscriptions to hard copy journals that the library is also paying for electronic subscriptions for CR Evaluate printer cartridges savings. Could we could refill locally with a supplier in Missoula at half of the cost we pay for new cartridges and whether this could be organized across campus with a supplier? Evaluate department trade organizational memberships. To what extent is membership effective and useful, and can memberships be shared among faculty to save costs? Evaluate UM employee travel reservations. Can savings be found by requiring advance notice as opposed to last-minute planning? Laboratory Equipment & Supplies: Use Contracted vendors ($4.7M annual spent across 207 vendors). ($235,000) Procurement Office Supplies: Use 1 of 3 negotiated contracts ($1.7M annual spend across 31 vendors). ($85,000) Negotiate new Dell Computers contract to include recommended configurations for desktops/laptops. ($70,000) Strategic Sourcing Event: Janitorial Supplies ($670K annual spent across 18 vendors). ($54,000) High Priority CR T CR II II II II Codes: II = Immediate Implementation Recommendations: Strategic Sourcing Event: Bottled Water ($56K annual spent across 2 vendors). ($6,000) Managed Print Services: Centralized print device management with automated fulfillment of device supplies (savings up to 20%) Equipment Maintenance Management Program (EMMP): 15-30% savings on equipment maintenance agreements (already in place, low participation). CR = Continue Research Low Priority T = Table Middle Priority II II CR Digitization: Migrate from paper and paper processes. Audit Recovery Services: Analyze utilities and telecommunications for overbilling and/or pricing abnormalities. Audit of entire inventory of telephone lines: Shut off unused lines and reduce where not needed. Develop campus-wide best practice manual for Purchasing Receiving & Storage similar to NACUFS attached file, and conduct periodic self departmental audits. Improve efficiency on ProCard purchases. Review, improve, and implement cell phone policy Resource Allocation Develop metrics for non-instructional staffing levels and operating budgets. Identify some areas, like IT and Athletics, where it might be appropriate to look at the units' entire budget and then determine a percent that should come from general funds. Phase-in plan so departments funding levels are not seriously hurt in any one year. Identify processing or data needs to ensure accuracy of the base data fed into the model. Where necessary, solutions for areas of concern should be brought from this committee to the University Budget Committee for implementation. High Priority II II II II II CR II II CR Codes: II = Immediate Implementation Recommendations: Document the formula calculations and develops a timeline to ensure the budget discussion happens in a timely manner for all concerned parties. Identify data problems and inconsistencies that currently exist and hamper proper data reporting. Resolutions to these data problems should be implemented. Example would be coding faculty research time in a research index. Evaluate the potential budget impacts on controlling positions in a more centralized fashion. CR = Continue Research Low Priority Middle Priority T = Table High Priority II CR II