University of Montana g n i r p S 016 2 Spring 2016 Facility Hours Facility Days of the Week Hours Fitness & Recreation Center (FRC) Monday - Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday & Holidays 6 AM - 11 PM 6 AM - 9 PM 9 AM - 9 PM 10 AM - 10 PM Monday - Friday Saturday, Sunday, Holidays 8 AM - 6 PM 8 AM - 2 PM Outdoor Program Climbing Wall (roped climbing) Schreiber Gym Weight Room Daily 3 PM - FRC Close Monday - Friday Weekends, Holidays 6:30 AM - 6:30 PM Closed (406) 243-2802 MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Campus Recreation memberships are available to the University Community. Members must present a valid Griz Card to access the Fitness & Recreation Center and Grizzly Pool. Visit campusrec or call (406) 243-2802 for more information. UM Students............... $114/semester Non-Student Memberships * UM Faculty & Staff...... $29/month UM Affiliates............... $29/month Spouse/Dependent.......... $29/month UM Retirees & Spouse.... $15/month UM Alumni........................ $55/month * UM Affiliates, Retirees, Spouses, Dependents, and Alumni - An affiliate application form must be signed and submitted to the appropriate office for approval. For more info visit MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS + Fitness & Recreation Center + Personal Training + Climbing Wall Golf Course Open dawn til dusk. Call 728-8629 for a tee time. + Grizzly Pool + Consultations + Equipment Rental Visit or call 243-2763 for current schedule. + Intramural Sports + Fitness Classes + Outdoor Program Grizzly Pool FITNESS & RECREATION CENTER GUEST PASSES Locker Rental and Towel Service Fitness & Recreation Center Small Locker Rental $12.00 per semester Large Locker Rental $25.00 per semester Towel Service $10.00 per semester Schreiber Gym Small Locker $27.00 Annual Large Locker $36.00 Annual Day Use Lockers at the FRC - FREE First come, first served. Bring your own lock. Locks and belongings must be removed by the end of the day. Need a Lock? We sell Master Locks for $6 at the equipment desk. Visit the FRC Equipment Desk for more details or to check availability of lockers. Guest passes are available when accompanied by a current Campus Recreation member. The sponsor must have a valid Griz Card and be present in order to purchase a pass. Passes are not valid at the Grizzly Pool. Day Pass................ $8 Week Pass............. $21 MISSION: Campus Recreation provides opportunities to thrive in the pursuit of well being through innovative staff, facilities, and programming. fitness programs fitness personal training services (406) 243-2802 fifree fitness week: January 25 - 31 Personal trainers are available for anyone interested in individual instruction and motivation. Trainers will design a personalized fitness routine and guide the client through workouts. Each session is one hour in length unless otherwise noted. Contact our fitness staff at 243-2833 for more information and to schedule a session. # of Sessions Individual 1 on 1 Small Group 2-Person Small Group 3-Person 1 $30 $40 $50 2 $60 $80 $100 4 $112 $152 $192 8 $208 $288 $368 6 x 30 min $120 -- -- What’s free during FREE WEEK? All group fitness classes, body composition measures and fitness consultations are free for the first week of Spring semester. Body comps and fitness consults are by appointment, sign up at the FRC front desk. Participants must have a valid Campus Recreation membership. figroup fitness classes Yoga, Pilates, High Intensity Circuit, Cycling, Ab Lab, Jump Rope, Oula, Zumba, Power Pump, Kickboxing, TRX, Meditation, and more! Check out the current group fitness class schedule online at fitness or at the Front Desk of the Fitness and Recreation Center. fifitness consultations Equipment Orientation - FREE Campus Recreation encourages all users to participate in an orientation to ensure a safe and effective workout. A fitness staff member will teach you proper use of exercise equipment. Body Composition Measure - $5 Skin-fold technique used to measure an individual’s percent body fat. fitness Consultation - $10 A personal trainer will offer basic exercise guidance and suggestions based on your current fitness level and health/fitness goals. fimonthly fitness workshops Take your workouts to the next level by attending a FREE workshop with a Campus Recreation Personal Trainer. Specific dates and times will be posted online and throughout the Fitness & Recreation Center. february - kettlebells Learn, practice, and perfect some basic Kettlebell exercises with David E. March - olympic lifts Alice R. will cover the basic movement patterns involved in Olympic Lifts. april - endurance traits Find out from Emily K. what traits make a great endurance athlete, great. youth camps intramural sports FEBRUARY Indoor Sports: Basketball, Volleyball, Indoor Soccer & InnerTube Water Polo 4 on 4 Flag Football League CoRec & Men’s 4 on 4 Soccer League PLAY BEGINS ENTRY FEE Week of February 1 $30 per team Sunday, February 7 *Under the Lights in WGS* $50 per team Register by Wed, Jan. 27, 11pm Register by Wed, Feb. 3, 11pm CoRec, Men’s, & Women’s 3 Point & Free Throw Contest Men’s & Women’s MARCH Tue, February 9 @ 5:30pm Free PLAY BEGINS ENTRY FEE Week of March 21 $30 per team Register day of 5-5:30pm Ultimate Frisbee League CoRec & Men’s Soccer League CoRec A & B, Men’s, & Women’s Softball League Register by Wed, March 16, 11pm CoRec A & B, Men’s, & Women’s Sand Volleyball League 4 on 4 CoRec, Men’s, & Women’s Wednesday Golf League Men’s & Women’s APRIL - MAY Wednesday, March 30 UM Golf Course Register by Wed, March 23, 11pm $60 per person Includes 5 matches PLAY BEGINS ENTRY FEE Friday, April 29 @ 5pm $20 per person Sunday, May 1 Free Sunday, May 1 Free Spring Fling Golf Tournament 2-person Scramble Register by Thu, April 28, 11pm Sand Volleyball Tournament 4 on 4 CoRec, Men’s, & Women’s Register by Wed, April 27, 11pm Paintball Tournament MT National Guard Register by Wed, April 27, 11pm Includes play & BBQ INTRAMURAL ONLINE REGISTRATION Registration for all intramural events and leagues, realtime schedules, standings, tournament brackets, and stats, are available online at Date night rec care Parents, drop your child(ren) off at Campus Recreation to play games and activities with the Youth Camps Staff while you have an evening to yourselves. Pizza dinner provided. Children ages 4 - 12. Saturdays: January 16, February 13, March 12, April 16 Time: 4:30pm - 8:30pm Cost: $20 first child, $15 each additional child per family. Register: Space is limited, please register by Noon the Friday prior to scheduled Date Night online at or at the front desk of the Fitness & Recreation Center. Community Monday @ Thomas Meagher Bar: Feb. 1st Join us on Monday, February 1st at the Thomas Meagher Bar. 20% of sales from 6PM until close will be donated to our Campus Recreation Youth Camps program! 4th annual Griz Glow 5k: March 19 Come out and get your Glow on with Campus Recreation! The run starts at 8:30pm at the University of Montana Golf Course. Proceeds from the 4th Annual Griz Glow will benefit Campus Recreation’s Youth Camps program. Participants receive a tri blend t-shirt, LED bracelet, and LED necklace. Visit for more information and to register. summer youth camps 2016 Plan your child(ren)’s summer with our Youth Camp program. Registration opens April 1, 2016 for weekly camps beginning June 13. Visit our website for more information. Campus Recreation Youth Camps is designed to foster a child’s sense of autonomy while exploring all forms of recreation. In doing so, we hope to foster a life long love for recreation in the youth of our community. (406) 243-5295 (406) 243-5295 Outdoor Program trips Get outside and take a trip with the Outdoor Program! Cost includes transportation, trip leaders, permits, and group gear. 406.243.5172 fidiscount lift tickets lost trail powder mountain • lookout pass Trip Date Fernie Alpine Resort Ski & Board Trip February 12 - 15 Cross-Country Ski Weekend in Glacier NP February 12 - 15 Capitol Reef Backpacking Trip - Spring Break! April 3 - 9 Study Abroad: Mountainering & Trekking in PERU! August 3-18, 2016 Register by February 8 PTM: Feb. 9 at 5pm February 10 PTM: Feb. 10 at 5pm March 21 PTM: March 23 at 5pm April 1, 2016 Price $345 - $33 per ticket; No blackout dates Purchase your lift tickets to Lost Trail Power Mountain or Lookout Pass at the Outdoor Program and save up to $9 off the regular price. No blackout dates or restrictions. Valid for the University of Montana community. $225 used outdoor gear sale $375 $200 deposit due by 4/1/16 *PTM = Pre-Trip Meetings are mandatory meetings that occur before many of our trips in order to prepare you for the experience. wednesday, april 13. 12pm - 5pm, university center atrium An outdoor gear sale, open to the General Public and University Community. Want to sell your used gear? Drop it off to sell between 7-11am day of sale. Pick up unsold gear and cash payout from 67:30pm. Outdoor-related equipment only! The UM Outdoor Program collects 20% of the selling price. bike & ski workshop Use our workbench and tools at the Outdoor Program to maintain your bike and winter gear! We have a clean, friendly environment with all the tools needed. Plus knowledgeable shop attendants are on hand to provide assistance. Purchase supplies as needed, such as bike tubes, cables, locks, and lights for your bike; or wax and p-tex for your skis. BIKE MAINTENANCE: Do-It-Yourself: Register for outdoor programs online at, at the Outdoor Program shop (located on the east entrance of the Fitness and Recreation Center), or by calling 406-243-5172. Campus Recreation is an equal opportunity service provider that conducts certain activities under special permit with the US Forest Service, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, and the Buereau of Land Management. University of Montana Campus Recreation trips are permitted on the Lolo, Bitterroot, and Clearwater National Forests (Clause VII.B).The UM Outdoor Program is partners with Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics and a member of the American Canoe Association, Trout Unlimited, The Access Fund and the Professional Ski Instructors of America. $4 per 1/2 hour Assisted: $10 per 1/2 hour SKI/BOARD MAINTENANCE: Do-It-Yourself: $8 per hour Assisted: $15 per hour Outdoor Program skill classes CLASS DATE(s) REGISTER BY PRICE CLASS + WINTER RECREATION + Cross-Country Ski Outings (4 options) January 9, 30 February 6, 27 Avalanche Awareness Workshop Level 1 Avalanche Course - Missoula Ski & Snowboard Maintenance Clinics (2 options) January 26 and 28 at least 3 days prior $40 Free ($12 field day) Feb. 2, 3 (5-9pm McGill 210) Feb. 6, 7 (field days - Rattlesnake) January 26 $240 February 4 February 11 February 2 February 9 $15 each (6-7pm Outdoor Program) Snowshoe Outing February 7 Level 1 Avalanche Course - Lost Trail Feb. 18, 19 (5:30-8:30pm NULH) Feb. 20, 21 (field days - LostTrail) Level 1 Avalanche Course - Lost Trail Introduction to Mountaineering February 2 PTM: Feb. 3 at 6pm February 11 $40 Every Tuesday 5-7pm thru March Day of $15 Women’s Night @ the Wall Every Wednesday 9-11pm thru March Day of $5 Private Climbing Lessons @ the Wall By Appointment -- $25 per hour Rock Climbing: Leading & Beyond March 8 and 10 7-10pm @ the wall March 6 $30 Rock Climbing Comp @ the Wall! March 13 -- $25 members $33 guests Fundamentals of Rock Climbing March 20 March 17 $42 April 10 $50 $200 Bike Maintenance Class Feb. 25, 26 (5:30-8:30pm NULH) Feb. 27, 28 (field days - LostTrail) February 18 $200 February 27 February 23 $50 April 12, 14, 19 and 21 (6-8pm, Outdoor Program) + WATER RECREATION + Fundamentals of Whitewater Kayaking March 22, 24, 29, 31 (8:30-10:30pm Griz Pool) March 16 $185 March 21 $65 April 28, May 3 April 15 $185 April 15 (6-8pm) April 16, 17, 23, 24 (8am-6pm) -- $395 -- $295 April 12, 14 (5-8pm Clark Fk River) AERIE Backcountry Medicine Courses Visit for more information and to register for the following classes: Wilderness First Aid / WFR-R (3 options) March 5-6, April 16-17, May 7-8 -- Wilderness First Responder April 2-10 -- $625 Heartsaver CPR (4 options) Jan. 29, March 4, April 15, May 6 -- $45 Healthcare Provider CPR (2 options) Feb. 18, March 24 -- $55 Wilderness EMT PRICE Belay Clinics @ the Wall + WILDERNESS MEDICINE COURSES + Wilderness EMT-B Refresher REGISTER BY + CLIMBING AND OUTDOOR RECREATION + no registration necessary (6-8pm, NULH); Jan. 31 (optional field day) DATE(s) 406.243.5172 $195/ $250 Feb. 19-21, March 25-27 -- $250 Feb. 9 - April 28 -- $2500 Fly Fish Class March 24, 31, April 14, 21 (6-8pm ED214) April 16, 23 (field days) April 19, 21, 26 Fundamentals of Whitewater Kayaking ACA Whitewater Kayak Instructor Course Swiftwater Rescue Technician Course (8:30-10:30pm Griz Pool) (5-8pm Clark Fk River) May 7 (all day Blackfoot Rv) April 22, 23, 24 (9am - 5pm) Register for outdoor programs online at, at the Outdoor Program shop (located on the east entrance of the Fitness and Recreation Center) or by calling 406-243-5172. Outdoor Program Equipment Boating Equipment Member Non-Member Rafts: 12’ self bailer PADDLE OUTFIT Includes 6 paddles, 6 life jackets & pump $58 $65 12’ self bailer ROWING OUTFIT DAY PKG. $75 $82 14’ self bailer PADDLE OUTFIT $68 $75 Includes frame, oars, cooler, pump & 5 life jackets Includes 8 paddles, 8 life jackets & pump 14’ self bailer ROWING OUTFIT OVERNIGHT incl. frame, oars, cooler, pump, 2 dry boxes & 5 life jackets $90 $105 Camping Equipment includes helmet, life jacket, and leash NRS Inflatable SUP Package includes helmet, life jacket, paddle, leash & pump $28 $28 $30 $30 $8 $10 Ground pad $2 $3 Sleeping bag: 20F bag $6 $7 Winter insert for sleeping bag $3 $3 Tent: 2 person/ 3 season $12 $14 Tent: 4 person/ 3 season $14 $16 Tent: 2-3 person/ 4 season winter $14 $17 Moss Wing rain shelter $10 $11 Roll-up table $5 $6 Two Burner propane camp stove $5 $6 Primus backpack stove $4 $5 Climbing Equipment Canoes: Royalex w/ 3 paddles & 2 life jackets $26 $28 Canoe carry system $4 $5 1-person inflatable kayak $21 $25 2-person inflatable kayak $28 $31 $30 $34 $6 $8 includes 2 life jackets, 2 helmets, 2 paddles & pump 1-person hard-sided kayak includes life jacket, paddle, helmet, spray skirt, float bag Float Tubes: NRS Personal Float Tube Extras: Member Non-Member Climbing helmet $3 $4 Climbing shoes $5 $7 Biking Equipment Kayaks: includes life jacket, paddle, helmet & pump Member Non-Member Overnight backpack Standup Paddle Boards: Glide 10’ or 11’ SUP Package 406.243.5172 Member Non-Member Helmet $1 $2 Bike Lock $3 $4 Winter Equipment Member Non-Member Cross Country (Nordic) Ski Package Includes skis, boots & poles $14 $16 Backcountry XC Ski Package Includes metal edge skis, boots & poles $17 $19 Nordic boots only $7 $8 Nordic skis only $6 $7 Type III or V life jacket $4 $5 Backcountry XC skis only $12 $14 Paddle for canoes or rafts $2 $3 Standard ski poles $2 $3 Guide paddle for rafting $4 $5 Adjustable ski poles $4 $5 Boating helmet $3 $4 Snow Shoes $11 $13 Ice axe $4 $5 Wetsuit Package $14 $17 Wetsuit (Farmer John) $8 $9 Paddle jacket $6 $7 HydroSkin jacket $7 $8 Wetsuit booties $3 $4 Cooler 92 qt $4 $5 Dry box $8 $9 Pump (big barrel/high volume) $4 $5 K-pump $2 $3 Dry bag (Large) $7 $8 Snow saw $2 $3 Snow shovel $3 $4 Gaiters $2 $3 All prices are per day. Member pricing is for current Campus Recreation fee-paying members. Grizzly Pool Programs UNIVERSITY GOLF COURSE Lap Swim 9-hole course Organized lap swim for adults 18 years and older. Slow, medium, and fast lanes. Pull buoys, kickboards, and fins available. Admission to lap swim is included in a Campus Recreation membership, or open to the UM community and general public with an admission fee. Punch passes are available. Rates and schedule can be found online or posted at the pool. A community treasure nestled against Mount Sentinel, the 9-hole course located on University of Montana’s south campus offers challenging golf in a spectacular setting. The course is fun, affordable, and caters to golfers of all ages and abilities. Classes for credit through the University of Montana are available or private lessons may also be arranged. During the offseason, the area is a favorite for cross-country skiing, sledding, walking, and jogging. Swimming and diving areas are open to the public during recreation swim. Children twelve and under require adult supervision. Recreation swim is included in a Campus Recreation membership, or open to the UM community and general public with an admission fee. Punch passes are available. Rates and schedule can be found online or posted at the pool. Adult Coached Swim Join our experienced coaches for a dedicated lap workout. Coaches will guide participants through a structed swim, providing stroke tips, positive encouragement and workout routines. Check the schedule online or posted at the pool. There is a specific entry fee to participate in the coached workout and punch passes are available. aqua-fit fitness class High intensity and low impact, AquaFit provides a great total body workout set to pumping music. Free with admission or a Campus Recreation membership. Find the class schedule online at Grizzly Pool swim lessons are offered for all ages. Evening and Saturday sessions available throughout the semester. Session schedules, registration dates, and fees can be found online or by calling the pool. The UM golf course has much to offer including a driving range and putting green to practice throughout the season. pro shop A perfect place to shop for quality merchandise on any golfer’s wish list. The Pro Shop is always stocked with the essentials for your game plus the latest products in the industry. You can also find UM logo merchandise or gift certificates. ...AND more! Golf clubs, golf carts, and lockers are available to rent. Lessons (private or group) plus UM courses for credit are available. And don’t forget to visit the newly remodeled clubhouse, Iron Griz, for a refreshing drink, bite to eat, or to catch a game on their tv’s. To book a tee time or for information on rates call (406) 728-8629. Y OF MO SIT N ER CertiFIcation Classes GOLF COURSE The Grizzly Pool offers certification classes in American Red Cross First Aid, CPR/AED, Lifeguard, and Water Safety Instructor. Please call the pool at (406) 243-2763 for a schedule and more information. NA TA Swim Lessons Driving Range and Putting Green UN IV Recreation Swim Golf Course Hours 7 days a week - dawn ‘till dusk hours are seasonal Call (406) 728-8629 to schedule a tee time. (406) 243-2763 (406) 728-8629 Fitness and Recreation center Campus Rec Administration Intramural programs Fitness programs outdoor program Climbing wall Grizzly pool Grizz university golf course youth camps ONLINE 406.243.2802 406.243.2804 406.243.5295 406.243.2833 406.243.5172 406.243.2840 406.243.2763 406.728.8629 406.243.5295 MAILING C a m p u s R e c r e at i o n F i t n e s s & r e a c r e at i o n U n i v e r s i t y o f M o n ta n a Missoula, MT 59812