Spring 2014 15th Day Enrollment Report Spring 2014 Spring 2013 Census Day 2/20/2014 Percentage of Total 2014 2013 Percent Change STUDENT HEADCOUNT Undergraduate - 4 year degree seeking First-time Entering Freshmen Transfer Freshmen Other New Transfer* Readmit Continuing Early Admit/Dual Enrollment 9,203 124 73 168 308 8,509 21 9,676 143 47 184 291 8,993 18 100.0% 1.3% 0.8% 1.8% 3.3% 92.5% 0.2% 100.0% 1.5% 0.5% 1.9% 3.0% 92.9% 0.2% -4.9% -13.3% 55.3% -8.7% 5.8% -5.4% 16.7% Graduate First-time** Continuing Readmit 2,020 141 1,766 113 2,091 147 1,764 180 100.0% 7.0% 87.4% 5.6% 100.0% 7.0% 84.4% 8.6% -3.4% -4.1% 0.1% -37.2% 244 243 100.0% 100.0% 0.4% 240 4 238 5 98.4% 1.6% 97.9% 2.1% 0.8% -20.0% 11,467 12,010 100.0% 100.0% -4.5% 2,087 151 52 31 115 1,548 190 2,191 188 47 46 121 1,694 95 100.0% 7.2% 2.5% 1.5% 5.5% 74.2% 9.1% 100.0% 8.6% 2.1% 2.1% 5.5% 77.3% 4.3% -4.7% -19.7% 10.6% -32.6% -5.0% -8.6% 100.0% 13,554 14,201 100.0% 100.0% -4.6% Resident 9,874 10,627 72.8% 74.8% -7.1% Nonresident 3,042 2,938 22.4% 20.7% 3.5% 638 636 4.7% 4.5% 0.3% 13,554 14,201 100.0% 100.0% -4.6% Law First-time** Continuing Readmit Mountain Campus Total Missoula College First-time Entering Freshmen Transfer Freshmen Other New Transfer Readmit Continuing Early Admit/Dual Enrollment Total CURRENT LEGAL RESIDENCE WUE Total FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) Undergraduate 8,266 8,719 61.0% 61.4% -5.2% Graduate 1,301 1,339 9.6% 9.4% -2.8% 297 290 2.2% 2.0% 2.4% 1,498 1,619 11.1% 11.4% -7.5% 11,362 11,967 100.0% 100.0% -5.1% Law Missoula College Total * Includes Post-Baccalaureate ** Includes a small number of transfer students who are first-time to UM. Census Day Census Day Spring 2014 15th Day Enrollment Report Percentage of Total FIRST-TIME FRESHMEN BY RESIDENCY Spring 2014 Spring 2013 2014 2013 2/20/2014 Percent Change Mountain Campus Resident Nonresident WUE 124 93 28 3 143 114 27 2 100.0% 75.0% 22.6% 2.4% 100.0% 79.7% 18.9% 1.4% -13.3% -18.4% 3.7% 50.0% Missoula College Resident Nonresident WUE 151 142 9 188 182 6 100.0% 94.0% 6.0% 100.0% 96.8% 3.2% -19.7% -22.0% 50.0% Total New Freshman Resident Nonresident WUE 275 235 37 3 331 296 33 2 100.0% 85.5% 13.5% 2.0% 100.0% 89.4% 10.0% 1.1% -16.9% -20.6% 12.1% 50.0% Mountain Campus Full Time Part Time 124 99 25 143 122 21 100.0% 79.8% 20.2% 100.0% 85.3% 14.7% -13.3% -18.9% 19.0% Missoula College Full Time Part Time 151 97 54 188 111 77 100.0% 64.2% 35.8% 100.0% 59.0% 41.0% -19.7% -12.6% -29.9% Total New Freshman Full Time Part Time 275 196 79 331 233 98 100.0% 71.3% 28.7% 100.0% 70.4% 29.6% -16.9% -15.9% -19.4% FIRST-TIME FRESHMEN BY ATTENDANCE STATUS Spring 2014 15th Day Enrollment Report Spring Enrollments by Primary Major MT Campus UG Change MC UG Change Undergraduate College of Humanities & Sciences Anthropology Applied Science Biochemistry Biochemistry & Biophysics Biology Central & Southwest Asian Studies Chemistry Classics Communication Studies Computer Science Computer Sci-Mathematical Sci Creative Writing East Asian Studies Economics English Environmental Studies French Geographic Information Systems Geography Geology Geosciences German History History-Political Science Integrative Micro & Biochem Interdisciplinary Geosciences International Field Geos Dual International Field Geos Joint Japanese Liberal Studies Linguistics Mathematical Sci-Computer Sci Mathematics Medical Technology Microbiology Modern Languages & Literatures Native American Studies Organismal Biology & Ecology -4.9% -4.7% Spring 2014 Spring 2013 Percent Change 4,307 4,649 -7.4% 204 241 -15.4% 11 8 37.5% 46 43 7.0% 365 8 73 6 186 132 8 391 9 73 9 183 124 6 -6.6% -11.1% 0.0% -33.3% 1.6% 6.5% 33.3% 6 46 186 133 19 2 66 8 95 10 191 24 7 56 208 151 20 1 70 14 88 9 217 19 -14.3% -17.9% -10.6% -11.9% -5.0% 100.0% -5.7% -42.9% 8.0% 11.1% -12.0% 26.3% 3 3 1 28 55 2 1 3 25 48 50.0% 200.0% -66.7% 12.0% 14.6% 99 33 43 1 101 42 38 -100.0% -2.0% -21.4% 13.2% 19 21 -9.5% Census Day 2/20/2014 MT Campus Grad Change MT Campus Law Change Graduate -3.4% 0.4% Total Change -4.6% Total Spring 2014 Spring 2013 564 577 71 76 Percent Change -2.3% -6.6% 1 6 3 100.0% 25 23 8.7% 11 18 16 17 -31.3% 5.9% 46 50 -8.0% 11 26 49 9 24 48 22.2% 8.3% 2.1% 14 20 5 23 16 6 -39.1% 25.0% -16.7% 20 21 -4.8% 14 15 -6.7% 5 7 -28.6% 25 28 -10.7% 1 3 3 4 -66.7% -25.0% 26 22 18.2% Spring 2014 4,871 275 11 47 6 365 8 98 6 197 150 8 46 6 57 212 182 19 2 80 28 100 10 211 24 14 3 3 1 28 55 5 124 33 44 3 19 26 Spring 2013 5,226 317 8 43 3 391 9 96 9 199 141 6 50 7 65 232 199 20 1 93 30 94 9 238 19 15 2 1 3 25 48 7 1 129 42 41 4 21 22 Percent Change -6.8% -13.2% 37.5% 9.3% 100.0% -6.6% -11.1% 2.1% -33.3% -1.0% 6.4% 33.3% -8.0% -14.3% -12.3% -8.6% -8.5% -5.0% 100.0% -14.0% -6.7% 6.4% 11.1% -11.3% 26.3% -6.7% 50.0% 200.0% -66.7% 12.0% 14.6% -28.6% -100.0% -3.9% -21.4% 7.3% -25.0% -9.5% 18.2% Spring 2014 15th Day Enrollment Report Spring Enrollments by Primary Major Philosophy Physics Political Science Political Science-History Pre-Communication Studies Pre-Engineering Pre-English Pre-Law Pre-Medical Sciences Pre-Nursing Pre-Psychology Psychology Public Administration Russian School Psychology Sociology Spanish Systems Ecology Teaching Middle School Math Undeclared MT Campus UG Change MC UG Change 44 69 198 10 52 35 100 4 153 93 411 45 65 218 10 35 30 115 1 6 161 96 429 -4.9% -4.7% -2.2% 6.2% -9.2% 0.0% 48.6% 16.7% -13.0% -100.0% -33.3% -5.0% -3.1% -4.2% 16 17 -5.9% 286 24 307 39 -6.8% -38.5% 703 846 -16.9% Census Day 2/20/2014 MT Campus Grad Change MT Campus Law Change 6 9 6 11 -3.4% 0.4% -33.3% -45.5% 54 58 52 54 3.8% 7.4% 12 12 13 11 -7.7% 9.1% 17 2 12 4 41.7% -50.0% Total Change 50 69 204 10 52 35 100 4 153 93 465 58 16 12 298 24 17 2 703 54 65 229 10 35 30 115 1 6 161 96 481 54 17 13 318 39 12 4 846 -4.6% -7.4% 6.2% -10.9% 0.0% 48.6% 16.7% -13.0% -100.0% -33.3% -5.0% -3.1% -3.3% 7.4% -5.9% -7.7% -6.3% -38.5% 41.7% -50.0% -16.9% Spring 2014 15th Day Enrollment Report Spring Enrollments by Primary Major College of Education & Human Sciences Athletic Training Commun Sci & Disorders Counselor Educ & Supervision Counselor Education Curriculum & Instruction Education Education Leadership Elementary Certification Health & Human Performance Intercult Youth & Family Devel Pre-Education Secondary Certification Speech Language Pathology MT Campus UG Change MC UG Change 1,058 1,085 74 75 121 121 197 220 -4.9% -4.7% -2.5% -1.3% 0.0% Census Day 2/20/2014 MT Campus Grad Change MT Campus Law Change 340 356 4 -3.4% 0.4% -4.5% 6 38 126 8 36 133 -25.0% 5.6% -5.3% 82 2 26 4 84 -2.4% 25 10 4.0% -60.0% 2 50 1 59 100.0% -15.3% 114 24 56 118 25 55 -3.4% -4.0% 1.8% 2 20 5 18 -60.0% 11.1% 12 15 -20.0% 617 6 4 11 1 564 4 4 10 1 9.4% 50.0% 0.0% 10.0% 0.0% 100 101 -1.0% 39 55 232 161 8 38 64 172 159 11 2.6% -14.1% 34.9% 1.3% -27.3% -10.5% 460 439 4.8% 206 230 -10.4% College of Forestry & Conservation Fish and Wildlife Biology Forestry Parks, Tourism &Rec Management Recreation Management Resource Conservation Wildland Restoration Wildlife Biology 726 759 -4.3% 144 102 12 114 53 301 148 77 31 132 41 330 -2.7% 32.5% -61.3% -13.6% 29.3% -8.8% College of Health Professions & Biomedical Sciences Biomedical Sciences Medicinal Chemistry Neuroscience Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmacy Physical Therapy Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Prof-Phys Therapy Public Health Social Work tDPT Bachelors tDPT Masters Toxicology 618 682 -9.4% 251 253 -0.8% 135 7 191 3 -29.3% 133.3% 225 235 -4.3% Total Change -4.6% 1,398 78 121 6 38 126 197 82 2 486 4 206 2 50 1,441 75 121 8 36 133 220 84 -3.0% 4.0% 0.0% -25.0% 5.6% -5.3% -10.5% -2.4% 464 10 230 1 59 4.7% -60.0% -10.4% 100.0% -15.3% 840 24 200 102 14 134 53 313 877 25 203 77 36 150 41 345 -4.2% -4.0% -1.5% 32.5% -61.1% -10.7% 29.3% -9.3% 1,235 6 4 11 1 251 100 135 7 39 280 232 161 8 1,246 4 4 10 1 253 101 191 3 38 299 172 159 11 -0.9% 50.0% 0.0% 10.0% 0.0% -0.8% -1.0% -29.3% 133.3% 2.6% -6.4% 34.9% 1.3% -27.3% Spring 2014 15th Day Enrollment Report Spring Enrollments by Primary Major MT Campus UG Change MC UG Change College of Visual & Performing Arts Art Dance Drama Fine Arts Media Arts Music Pre-Media Arts Theatre 728 204 24 8 3 131 158 87 113 -4.9% -4.7% 760 218 21 16 3 132 165 86 119 -4.2% -6.4% 14.3% -50.0% 0.0% -0.8% -4.2% 1.2% -5.0% Graduate School Individual Interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary Studies Missing College English Language Institute no major Nondegree-Exter Missoula College Accounting Technology Administrative Management Building Maintenance Carpentry Computer Aided Design Computer Support Specialist Computer System Technician Computer Technology Culinary Arts Customer Relations Diesel Technology Electronics Technology Energy Technology Food Service Management General AA Heavy Equipment Operation Information Technology 188 74 114 163 53 110 15.3% 39.6% 3.6% 2,087 41 39 15 25 20 9 2,191 44 33 14 23 15 3 2 13 21 4 32 33 56 24 893 17 90 -4.7% -6.8% 18.2% 7.1% 8.7% 33.3% 200.0% -100.0% -84.6% -66.7% 50.0% 15.6% -48.5% -39.3% 100.0% -17.0% -23.5% -12.2% 2 7 6 37 17 34 48 741 13 79 Census Day 2/20/2014 MT Campus Grad Change MT Campus Law Change -3.4% 0.4% 65 14 74 13 -12.2% 7.7% 3 16 18 5 24 18 -40.0% -33.3% 0.0% 14 14 19 8 11 Total Change -4.6% 0.0% 793 218 24 8 6 147 176 87 127 834 231 21 16 8 156 183 86 133 -4.9% -5.6% 14.3% -50.0% -25.0% -5.8% -3.8% 1.2% -4.5% 20 7 13 -5.0% 14.3% -15.4% 19 8 11 20 7 13 -5.0% 14.3% -15.4% 121 187 -35.3% 119 2 170 17 -30.0% -88.2% 309 74 233 2 350 53 280 17 -11.7% 39.6% -16.8% -88.2% 2,087 41 39 15 25 20 9 2,191 44 33 14 23 15 3 2 13 21 4 32 33 56 24 893 17 90 -4.7% -6.8% 18.2% 7.1% 8.7% 33.3% 200.0% -100.0% -84.6% -66.7% 50.0% 15.6% -48.5% -39.3% 100.0% -17.0% -23.5% -12.2% 2 7 6 37 17 34 48 741 13 79 Spring 2014 15th Day Enrollment Report Spring Enrollments by Primary Major Management Medical Information Technology Medical Reception Nondegree Paralegal Studies Pharmacy Technology Practical Nursing Pre-Culinary Pre-Information Technology Pre-Nursing - COT Pre-Paralegal Studies Pre-Pharmacy Technology Pre-Radiologic Technology Pre-Respiratory Therapy Tech Pre-Surgical Technology Radiologic Technology Recreational Power Equipment Registered Nursing Respiratory Care Sales and Marketing Surgical Technology Welding Technology School of Business Admin Accounting Business Administration Business Administration-Exter Finance International Business Management Management Information Systems Marketing Pre-Master of Accounting Pre-Master of Business Admin MT Campus UG Change MC UG Change 94 62 14 209 39 10 41 2 47 24 65 84 13 106 46 10 40 6 9 200 7 10 76 18 33 22 13 35 14 1 44 22 -4.9% -4.7% 44.6% -26.2% 7.7% 97.2% -15.2% 0.0% 2.5% -66.7% -100.0% -3.0% -100.0% -20.0% -9.2% 11.1% 6.1% 4.5% 0.0% 2.9% 0.0% -100.0% 6.8% 9.1% 1,270 152 623 1,264 163 633 0.5% -6.7% -1.6% 65 3 162 134 131 66 1 170 121 110 -1.5% 200.0% -4.7% 10.7% 19.1% 194 8 69 20 35 23 13 36 14 Census Day 2/20/2014 MT Campus Grad Change MT Campus Law Change -3.4% 0.4% Total Change 94 62 14 209 39 10 41 2 47 24 65 84 13 106 46 10 40 6 9 200 7 10 76 18 33 22 13 35 14 1 44 22 44.6% -26.2% 7.7% 97.2% -15.2% 0.0% 2.5% -66.7% -100.0% -3.0% -100.0% -20.0% -9.2% 11.1% 6.1% 4.5% 0.0% 2.9% 0.0% -100.0% 6.8% 9.1% 1,435 184 704 41 65 3 162 134 131 6 5 1,444 201 698 46 66 1 170 121 110 13 18 -0.6% -8.5% 0.9% -10.9% -1.5% 200.0% -4.7% 10.7% 19.1% -53.8% -72.2% 194 8 69 20 35 23 13 36 14 165 32 81 41 180 38 65 46 -8.3% -15.8% 24.6% -10.9% 6 5 13 18 -53.8% -72.2% -4.6% Spring 2014 15th Day Enrollment Report Spring Enrollments by Primary Major School of Journalism Journalism Pre-Journalism Pre-Radio-Television Radio-Television MT Campus UG Change MC UG Change 308 138 153 7 10 314 148 142 8 16 -4.9% -4.7% -1.9% -6.8% 7.7% -12.5% -37.5% School of Law Law Grand Total, All Primary Majors 11,290 11,867 -4.9% Census Day 2/20/2014 MT Campus Grad Change MT Campus Law Change 15 15 15 15 -3.4% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% Total Change -4.6% 323 153 153 7 10 329 163 142 8 16 -1.8% -6.1% 7.7% -12.5% -37.5% 244 244 243 243 0.4% 0.4% 244 244 243 243 0.4% 0.4% 2,264 2,334 197.0% 13,554 14,201 -4.6% Spring 2014 15th Day Enrollment Report Spring 2014 Spring 2013 Census Day 2/20/2014 Percent Change Overall Retention Rates Overall 90.2% 91.4% -1.2% Retention Rates by Gender Female Male 91.1% 89.1% 92.6% 90.0% -1.5% -0.9% 86.5% 85.7% 90.5% 79.3% 90.5% 100.0% 88.2% 95.8% 100.0% 93.5% 88.9% 92.3% 92.6% 91.6% 100.0% 84.8% 92.3% 0.0% -7.0% -3.2% -1.8% -13.3% -1.1% 0.0% 3.4% 3.5% 100.0% 89.4% 89.6% 95.9% 91.0% 89.5% 99.2% -1.6% 0.1% -3.3% Retention Rates by Race and Ethnicity Hispanic African American Asian Native American or Alaska Native Caucasian Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Multi-Racial Nonresident Alien Unknown Retention Rates by Residency Resident Nonresident WUE Note: Rates are based on Fall 13 to Spring 14 retention of first-time, full-time Bachelor-degree-seeking students (CSRDE methodology). .