 Local Address    Home address   Gender 

 Desk Manager Application – Questions 
Local Address Home address Gender Anticipate month/year of graduation from UWSP If hired, how many semesters of work would you be available for? This is how long you can work, not necessarily how long you want to work. Major(s) Last semester’s GPA Cumulative GPA List other universities or colleges you’ve attended, including dates List current and past involvements, experiences and employment (clubs, sports, jobs, organizations, officer positions) and dates of each. List all future commitments that would overlap with this position. Do you plan to study abroad or have a semester with an internship or other outside commitment for more than six (6) hours per week? If yes, please provide details including which semester you will be studying abroad/interning. Residential Living work experience 
List previous positions you have held in Residential Living (staff positions, administrative assistant, custodial supervisor, conference coordinator, etc.). Previous Residential Living and desk experience is preferred, but not required. If you have had similar work experiences, please describe the experience below. o Position(s) /Hall(s) / Semester(s) Community Living Experience This position requires that you have lived on campus (or had a similar experience) for two full semesters before beginning the job. The current semester counts as one full semester towards fulfilling this requirement. When answering the questions below, refer to your time living on campus including at UW‐Stevens Point or other schools.  List halls you have lived in at UW‐Stevens Point (not including this semester). Please include when you lived in each.  Including this semester, how many semesters have you lived on a university campus?  Do you have other residence hall‐related experience? Desk Manager Essays  Discuss what interests you about the desk manager position  What experience(s) have you had that will help you supervise your peers 
What administrative experience(s) have you had and how will those experiences affect you in the desk manager role? Describe the role you typically play when working in a group setting. 
Placement Concerns Residential Living has a variety of special interest living areas including o alcohol‐free floors (areas where neither residents nor their guests – regardless of age – are allowed to possess or consume alcohol) o quiet wings/floors (where quiet hours are extended by a minimum of one hour in the evening and one hour in the morning) o co‐ed floors (areas where individuals of both sexes live on the floor) o gender‐neutral bathrooms (bathrooms which can be used by anyone, no matter their gender identification) Please list any legitimate placement interests or concerns for residence halls you may be assigned to. Contract Expectations Please initial each statement below to suffice as a signature of your application.  I understand that the contract for this position is effective for the duration of the academic school year.  I have read the position description and I feel informed about what my job responsibilities and expectations will be.  I confirm that to the best of my knowledge, the information provided is complete and accurate.  I currently and will continue to meet the requirements of the position including grade point average (GPA), community living experience, university conduct standing and outside involvement/employment expectations.  I authorize Residential Living to verify any/all information in regard to my application.  I understand that employment will require a criminal background check. 