Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 I. Bylaws for the Department of Music Revised 5/8/13 The Department of Music Bylaws are reviewed annually and recommended changes are incorporated as necessary. II. Organization and Operation Department members are governed by six interdependent sets of regulations: 1. Federal and State laws and regulations; 2. UW System policies and rules; 3. UW-L policies and rules; 4. College policies and rules; 5. Shared governance by-laws and policies for faculty and academic staff; and 6. Departmental by-laws. A. Preamble: History of the Department of Music: The Department of Music at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse started in the original La Crosse Normal School, founded in 1909. Founding members Thomas Annett and David Mewaldt constituted the entire faculty and taught classes in music and directed all ensembles and choirs. With the name changes to La Crosse State Teachers College in 1927 and then Wisconsin State University-La Crosse in 1964 and finally the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse after the merger of all state universities in 1971, more faculty were added. All music classes and facilities were still in the old Main Hall building until the construction of the current Fine Arts building in 1974. The Department of Music serves students enrolled in its programs as Majors or Minors as well as courses and activities for the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. The Department also serves the community at large as a cultural center. The primary objective of the Music Department is to deliver a curriculum appropriate for Music Majors and Minors and to provide courses for the general student population of the University. The Music Department is a member of the School of Arts and Communication, College of Liberal Studies and is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM). B. Meeting Guidelines Department meetings will be run according to the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order and WI state opening meeting laws summary at Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 C. Open Meetings Rule. 1. Department Meeting Guidelines Department meetings will be held regularly during the academic year and when necessary during summer or breaks. The Chair will schedule meetings with 48 hours notice except in emergency situations. A meeting agenda will be provided 24 hours before the meeting when possible. Departmental meetings shall be held in accordance with the Wisconsin Open Meeting Law that includes the provision for posting the meeting date, time, place and agenda at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. When the department moves to close a meeting, they must do so by citing the proper statute (Section 19.85 in the Wisconsin Statutes). 2. Recording of Minutes. Minutes will be recorded by a voting member or the departmental ADA and distributed in a timely manner to department members. Copies of the minutes of department meetings and committee meetings shall be archived in a secure location by the department. Minutes from closed meetings will be taken by the Department Chair and available within one week of the proceedings. C. Definitions of Membership & Voting Procedures The membership of the Department of Music will consist of all ranked faculty and academic staff. “Membership” refers to the right to attend and participate in discussions at the department meetings. Voting rights are reserved to all full-time faculty members starting immediately upon Their employment and instructional academic staff with .50 FTE or higher appointment and have taught one or more years. Exceptions to this rule will be indicated in these Bylaws relating to decisions on hiring, promotion, and retention where voting rights are governed by either a member’s rank or tenure status. Voting will be done by voice vote or roll call unless a show of hands or secret ballot is requested or needed. Email voting can be used in the event that it is unfeasible for the department to meet together physically. D. Definitions of Quorum and Majority For meetings of the Department, a quorum is defined as the majority of the entire Department membership eligible to vote. For meetings of Committees, a quorum is defined as the majority of the constituted size of the committee or as instituted within these Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 bylaws. E. Changing Bylaws Amendments to Department Bylaws: 1. Proposals for amendments or additions to these Bylaws may be presented in writing for a first reading at any meeting of the Department of Music at which a quorum is present, and adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of those present at the following Department meeting with a quorum. 2. If substantive modifications to proposals to amend or add to the Bylaws arise: a. they shall be presented in writing to the department ADA for distribution to faculty; b. they shall be included in the proposed amendment by obtaining a simple majority; and c. if modifications to the proposed amendment are adopted, voting on the amended proposal shall be postponed until the next Department meeting. The Chairperson shall make the amended proposal the first order of business at the next Department meeting. 3. Amendments to Departmental Policies: Proposals for changes or additions to Department policies may be presented in writing for a first reading at any meeting of the Department of Music at which a quorum is present, and adopted by a simple majority vote of those present at the following Department meeting with a quorum. 4. Action to propose or adopt amendments are limited to the academic year: Any decision to alter Department bylaws or policies must be made during the official academic year (i.e. not during summer). III. Faculty and Instructional Academic Staff Responsibilities A. Faculty Faculty responsibilities are referenced in section IV of the Faculty Senate by-laws entitled "Responsibilities of Departments, Department Members and Department Chairpersons." A complete set of these by-laws are available at the Senate webpage under "Senate Articles and By-laws" 1. The responsibilities of the academic departments derive from Article VI of the Articles of Faculty Organization of the UWL Faculty Senate. In addition to teaching the discipline of Music in keeping with the curriculum created by the Department, these responsibilities include the following, which are each further specified in the Articles of Faculty Organization: a. promoting scholarship and creative activities; b. promoting the continued professional growth and development of its members by encouraging their participation in sabbatical leaves, developmental leaves, conferences, Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 professional workshops and other similar programs; c. utilizing the expertise and interest of its members to provide professional service; d. advising students of academic program requirements and presenting the array of available career opportunities; e. providing an internal governance structure in which the functions of the departmental can take place; and 2. The Department of Music Faculty members will uphold the highest standards of professionalism, ethics, academic integrity and collegiality. 3. Faculty Workload Policy a. Individual workload is a collaborative decision determined by the faculty and department chair. Accountability for that determination shall rest with the department chair as approved by the Academic Dean. b. All tenured and probationary faculty of the Music Department shall teach a workload of 12 classroom hours per semester. c. Release time for faculty load can be assigned by the department chair in collaboration with the academic dean for various reasons such as recruiting, scholarship or for other assigned duties. d. Determination of classroom contact hours follows the recommended Faculty Senate policy of 1 hour of instruction = 1 hour of contact load with the following exceptions: -Applied lessons-1.5 hours of instruction = 1 hours of contact load -Studio Classes-applied instructor with 12 or more students receive 1 hour of load for studio class. -Ensemble Rehearsals-ensemble directors receive 1 hour load/hour of rehearsal time B. Instructional Academic Staff Responsibilities and Expectations Requests for IAS hiring will be presented to the college dean. The request will indicate one of the standard titles from the lecturer or clinical professor series and will outline specific duties including teaching and any additional workload. Total workload for IAS is defined as a standard minimum teaching load plus additional workload equivalency activities. 1. Instructional Academic Staff responsibilities can include the following: a. promoting scholarship and creative activities; b. promoting the continued professional growth and development of its members by encouraging their participation in sabbatical leaves, developmental leaves, conferences, professional workshops and other similar programs; c. utilizing the expertise and interest of its members to provide professional service; Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 d. advising students of academic program requirements and presenting the array of available career opportunities; e. providing an internal governance structure in which the functions of the departmental can take place; 2. The Department of Music IAS members will uphold the highest standards of professionalism, ethics, academic integrity and collegiality. 3. IAS Workload Policy a. Individual workload is a collaborative decision determined by the faculty and department chair. Accountability for that determination shall rest with the department chair as approved by the Academic Dean. b. The workload of full-time instructional academic staff in the Music Department shall be 15 classroom hours per semester or 12 classroom hours plus service and/or scholarship. c. Release time for faculty load can be assigned by the department chair in collaboration with the academic dean for various reasons such as recruiting, scholarship or for other assigned duties. d. Determination of classroom contact hours follows the recommended Faculty Senate policy of 1 hour of instruction = 1 hour of contact load with the following exceptions: -Applied lessons-1.5 hours of instruction = 1 hours of contact load -Studio Classes-applied instructor with 12 or more students receive 1 hour of load for studio class. -Ensemble Rehearsals-ensemble directors receive 1 hour load/hour of rehearsal time C. Non Instructional Academic Staff Responsibilities and Expectations D. Student Evaluation of Instruction* The department will follow the UW-L SEI policy and procedure available on the Faculty Senate webpage 0Page.htm Ranked Faculty & SEIs. Results from the Faculty Senate approved SEI questions are required for retention, tenure, and promotion in the form of (1) the single motivation item and (2) the composite SEI consisting of the 5 common questions. These numbers will be reported using the Teaching Assignment Information (TAI) form. The department will add both the motivation item and the composite SEI fractional median for each course. In addition, the candidate's overall fractional median for the term on both the single motivation item and the composite SEI are reported. Finally, the department adds the departmental fractional median for the single motivation item and the composite, the minimum and maximum composite SEI for the department, and the candidate's rank in SEI scores relative to all departmental ranked faculty (tenure-track or tenured) for that term Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 (e.g. 3 of 15). For IAS renewal and career progression the same information as above is reported; however, no TAIs are generated for IAS. The Department of Music collects Student Evaluation data every semester for all courses listed in WINGS. Individual instructor SEI data is confidential and is only made available to the instructors and the Chair. The SEI data is used for merit (annual review), promotion, retention and tenure decisions and for review of IAS (instructional academic staff) by the committees authorized to oversee these review processes as put forth in these bylaws. SEI scores in courses taught during a summer session, January intersession, May term intersession, or courses taught off-campus will not be used for purposes of performance evaluation or for merit pay considerations. Instructors with fewer than 4 students in one section of a course may choose to decline to see their SEI scores and/or comments. Instructors may request paper evaluations for courses that have a large percentage of nonstudent participants. The registered students data will be considered with the non-student participants. IV. Merit Evaluation (Annual Review) The results of merit reviews for all ranked faculty who have completed at least one academic year at UW-L are due to the Dean's Office on Dec. 15 annually. All faculty and IAS have a June 1st deadline for entering teaching, scholarship, and service activities into the electronic portfolios system (Digital Measures) on activities from the prior year June 1st through May 31st. Evaluation Processes and Criteria Consistent with UWS 3.05 and UWL 3.05, the performance of all ranked faculty and continuing IAS in the music department will be reviewed annually. Areas to be evaluated include teaching, service and scholarship as described in the Merit/Review criteria. Purpose: The purpose of annual review is to provide constructive feedback to guide the professional development needed to support the program, department, college and University. The materials used in the annual review process are also used in the determination of retention, tenure, promotion and post-tenure review as well as the development of the departmental annual report, Academic Program Reviews and accreditation reviews. Merit Eligibility Any faculty member (unless in his/her first semester) is encouraged to submit a merit report. As described in procedures below, the report will use Digital Measures format and additional materials that explain and/or justify points in the areas of teaching, Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 scholarship/creative endeavors and service. A. Categories of Merit Evaluation No Merit—Those faculty who choose to not participate in the merit process and do not complete the Merit Report or those faculty members who do not meet the minimum points established for merit. Merit—Those faculty who complete and submit the Merit Report and meet or exceed the minimum points established for merit. High Merit—Those faculty who complete and submit the Merit Report and who are subsequently awarded a High Merit evaluation by the Merit Evaluation committee. The Merit Evaluation committee will meet and discuss point values for each merit report. Faculty members can choose not to be considered for high merit at any time. B. Merit Evaluation Committee The merit evaluation committee will consist of five faculty or IAS members with voting privileges (.5 FTE) chosen through rotation. In the case of two eligible faculty members who are married or otherwise related, one or both may be eligible for merit but neither can participate in the merit committee review if one or both are part of the evaluation process that year. Faculty or IAS who have been non-retained may not serve on the merit evaluation committee. C. Merit Evaluation Process The department chair will post all of the annual faculty activity reports from Digital Measures on the department D2L site and provide the merit evaluation committee members with merit scoring forms with SEI data for each eligible faculty staff. Each member of the merit evaluation committee will rate, using a scale of 1.00-5.00 using increments of .5 each department member in each of the following three categories: Teaching SEIs Peer evaluation 30% 30% Scholarship/Creative Endeavors 20% Service: Department, University, Professional and community 20% Members of the merit evaluation committee will not evaluate their own reports. The merit evaluation committee will forward their ratings to the department chair who will determine scores and rankings for all eligible faculty and staff. The department will award high merit to a maximum of 30% of the faculty and 30% of the budgeted academic staff. The Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 remainder of the department members will be awarded merit unless the committee deems no merit appropriate. The calculation of the chair’s merit score shall be performed by someone appointed by the College of Liberal Studies Deans’ office. The chair shall report to the faculty and academic staff member his/her merit scores in writing. D. Instructional Academic Staff Merit The annual evaluation process for continuing instructional academic staff is similar to that of faculty. The expectations, areas of responsibility and their relative importance will be communicated to continuing academic staff in their contract. The chair will evaluate continuing members of the academic staff based on the conditions of their contract using the same procedure as that of faculty. The pool of merit funds for academic staff is separate from the faculty pool. E. Merit Distribution Differential allocation of money for the three categories shall be made by determining the total amount available for merit pay, reserving 15% of that total divided equally among those ranked in the high merit category, the remaining 85% base divided equally among all the candidates with merit and high merit. F. APPEAL Merit evaluations may be reconsidered by the merit evaluation committee upon receipt in writing of a request for a hearing. The request for reconsideration must be submitted to the department chairperson within seven calendar days of notification of the merit evaluation results. The request must include the reasons for the hearing. Reasons and discussion during the hearing must be restricted to information contained in the merit evaluation form and the merit application form. Action of the Merit Evaluation Committee on any appeal is considered final within the department. Mechanisms for further appeal beyond the Department level are established on this campus and may be fund in UW System Administrative Code, UW-L Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook and the UW- L Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook and the UW-L Faculty Personnel Rules. The faculty member shall have all the rights of appeal as outlined in the Faculty Personnel Rules (UWS 3.06 - 3.11 and UWL 3.06 -3.08) (cf. V. Faculty Personnel Review The department will follow the policies regarding retention and tenure described in the Faculty Personnel Rules (UWS 3.06 - 3.11 and UWL 3.06 -3.08) Tenure/retention decisions will be guided by the criteria established in the by-laws at the time of hire unless a candidate elects to be considered under newer guidelines. The Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 criteria outlined in Section V. A & V. B. "Faculty Personnel Review" in these by-laws should be applied to faculty with a contract date after Spring 2013. The department will follow policies guiding part-time appointments for faculty and tenure clock stoppage available on the Human Resources website A. Retention/Tenure Review 1. Faculty under review provide an electronic portfolio related to their teaching, scholarship, and service activities extracted from his or her date of hire to date of review. Hyperlinked syllabi are required and the candidate may choose to provide additional evidence. Additional materials may be required for departmental review and will be indicated in these by-laws. 2. Departments will provide the following materials to the dean: a. Department letter of recommendation with vote; b. Teaching assignment information (TAI) datasheet that summarizes the courses taught, workload data, grade distribution and SEIs by individual course and semester (which are only available after completing a full academic year) and departmental comparison SEI data; and c. Merit evaluation data (if available). 3. The initial review of probationary faculty shall be conducted by the tenured faculty of the appropriate department in the manner outlined below. 4. Starting with tenured-track faculty hired effective Fall 2008, all first-year tenure-track faculty will be formally reviewed in the spring of their first year?. A departmental letter will be filed with the Dean and HR. Formal reviews resulting in contract decisions will minimally occur for tenure-track faculty in their 2nd, 4th and 6th years. Tenure-track faculty members will be reviewed informally between the formal 2, 4 and 6 year contract cycles by the PRT committee and a letter to the probationary faculty member, the Dean and HR will be created stating the results and any performance concerns that may need to be addressed and corrected before the tenure decision occurs. This review will be based on the annual merit reviews and other departmental data gathered between the formal retention cycles. B. Tenure/Retention review procedure and departmental criteria Excerpted From The Faculty Handbook : F-2 Faculty Tenure The faculty members of UW System, which includes UW-L, are unique among state Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 employees by reason of eligibility for tenure, the right to participate in institutional governance, and the protection afforded by academic freedom. Although faculty members are included in the state's civil service system, the terms and conditions of their appointments are governed by a legal framework that differs significantly from that applicable to other state civil service employees. At public institutions, including the UW-L, tenure and related legal principles are often codified in statutes and administrative rules. Chapter 36 of the Wisconsin Statutes creates the UW System, as well as the legal framework for faculty tenure and faculty governance. Section 36.13, Wis. Stats., defines faculty appointments and outlines the procedures for achieving tenure. Section 36.09(3), Wis. Stats., establishes the principle of shared university governance: the faculty of each institution-subject to the responsibilities and powers of the Board of Regents, the President of the System and the Chancellor-have the right to participate actively in the development of institutional policy and have the primary responsibility for educational and personnel matters, including tenure decisions. Administrative rules adopted by the Board of Regents, and institutional policies and procedures developed at each campus and approved by the Board, further implement these statutory provisions. Once granted tenure, a faculty member may be dismissed only by the Board, and only for just cause, after due notice and hearing. 1. Timetable a. A call for review materials and written notice of the date and time of the Retention Hearing shall be communicated to each person eligible for tenure in accordance with university policy. b. Peer Evaluation of Teaching Committee A committee of three tenured faculty members shall compose the evaluative committee for each probationary faculty member under review. One member shall be chosen by the probationary faculty member to serve as chair of the Evaluative Committee. The Department Chair will appoint the remaining two additional tenured faculty members to the candidate’s committee. Each Evaluative Committee member will complete at least two classroom observations for the period under review. These visits must be completed prior to any retention decision. Classroom observations shall be coordinated between members of the peer evaluation committee and the probationary faculty member in a timely manner. Observations in the classroom shall include, but not be limited to: i. Evidenced knowledge of subject matter ii. Quality of the instructor’s preparation. iii. Quality of the instructor’s presentation. iv. The ability of the instructor to express ideas v. The quality of the completed assignments and engagement of students. The committee shall meet with the instructor at least two weeks prior to the candidate’s retention/tenure Hearing. Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 2. Materials for Review The tenured faculty of the Department of Music shall review materials prepared for and/or by every department member identified for review as a probationary faculty member in order to make recommendations concerning successive retention or tenure. The probationary faculty member shall provide all materials (electronically using Digital Measures) at least 5 calendar days prior to the retention hearing. Materials should be submitted and address the department’s standards under the categories of Teaching, Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity and Service for the period of review (consult Merit/PRT review criteria in Addendum). The following should be included in the review materials: a. Teaching (address the current period of review) Courses taught, Teaching/curriculum and Innovations; b. Professional Development Activities addressing teaching c. Scholarship/Research or Creative Activity include Publications and Performances (ensemble concerts regularly scheduled for the course requirement should be listed under teaching) d Funded Grants (external vs. internal) e. Service (department, College, University, Professional/Community f. Recruiting (in some cases) In addition to the electronic materials, the following materials will be submitted to the peer evaluation committee: g. A record of SEI (student evaluation of instructor) scores for the current period of review. h. A record of merit evaluation scores for the current period of review. i. The written report from the Peer Evaluation on teaching (this letter will not be forwarded to the Dean). The department shall formulate clearly stated written criteria describing what constitutes satisfactory performance in the areas of teaching, scholarship, and service. Since position descriptions differ between Music faculty members, i.e. organization directors and teaching faculty members, a specific list of criteria and categories are included in the department by-laws Addendum. Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 3. Tenure/Retention Review Hearing a. The Department Chair shall preside at the retention/tenure hearing. Each probationary faculty will make a brief, formal presentation. Following a discussion/interview with the candidate, he or she shall be excused from the formal voting process. The Department Chair will record a written ballot vote regarding the recommendation for retention/tenure. b. The recommendation shall be based on a majority vote. c. If the result of the vote is not in favor of retention/tenure of the candidate, a record of reasons for the decision shall be made prior to adjournment. 4.Tenure/Retention Decision Notification a. In accordance with UWS 3.05 and UWL 10.03, the probationary faculty member will be given the results of the vote within 7 working days of the Retention Hearing. b. Notification of the Committee’s decision will be reported to the Dean of the College and other appropriate offices. This will include a formal letter from the Department Chair and include the numerical vote and comments regarding teaching, scholarship and service of the probationary candidate, along with any recommendations for future retention hearings. c. The Personnel Committee will supply the approved candidate with necessary support for the university tenure committee. Faculty will be formally? reviewed in the spring of their first year. A departmental letter will be filed with the Dean and HR. Formal reviews resulting in contract decisions will minimally occur for tenure-track faculty in their 2nd, 4th and 6th years. d. In the case of non-retention or a non-tenure decision the faculty member shall have all the rights of appeal as outlined in the Faculty Personnel Rules (UWS 3.06 - 3.11 and UWL 3.06 -3.08) (cf. UW-L Handbook Section F-2 Faculty Tenure) C. Post-tenure Review 1. Purpose The purpose of tenured faculty review and development is to encourage and support the meaningful growth and development of tenured faculty in ways that positively contribute to the goals of the university, the college, and the department. To accomplish this purpose, the activities and performance of each tenured member of the Music Department will be reviewed, in a 5 year cycle established by the department and submitted to the dean. Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 2. The Post - Tenure Review Committee will consist of three tenured faculty members from the Department of Music, selected by the faculty member under review, and charged with implementing the university’s policy aimed at contributing to the faculty growth and development. The Tenure Faculty Review may be carried out as part of the merit determination process. Teaching, scholarship, and service will be evaluated, and the results may be used to facilitate and enhance faculty development. 3. Review Criteria The department shall formulate clearly stated written criteria describing what constitutes satisfactory performance in the areas of teaching, scholarship, and service. Since position descriptions differ between Music faculty members (i.e. organization directors, academic faculty members, applied instructors, etc.) a specific list of criteria and categories are included in the department by-laws Addendum. 4. Results and Reporting The results of the Post - Tenure Review Committee will be sent to the dean, in the form of a report from the chair of the department indicating the results of the review. The dean will forward the report to the Provost/Vice Chancellor’s Office for filing. If a significant performance deficiency is identified the faculty member will be asked to develop a plan, based upon departmental criteria, to overcome areas of concern within a reasonable time period. Each following year, the results of the post tenure review(s), and any correction plans, will be forwarded to the dean and faculty under review. 5. Appeals The faculty member shall have all the rights of appeal as outlined in the Faculty Personnel Rules (UWS 3.06 - 3.11 and UWL 3.06 -3.08) (cf. UW-L Handbook Section F-2 Faculty Tenure) D. Faculty Promotion Procedures (procedure, criteria and appeal) The department will follow the guidelines and schedules regarding faculty promotion available at ( see Promotion Procedure Schedule) * Excerpted From Faculty Handbook - F-1 Faculty Promotion Annual evaluations of faculty members for promotion are based upon standards and guidelines adopted by the Board of Regents and UW-L Faculty Senate. These standards and guidelines have established minimum educational and experience standard for Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 promotion. Promotion is not automatic once these minimums have been attained. The annual evaluation process serves as the basis for the improvement of instruction and other assigned duties as well as a basis for making promotion recommendations. Areas and criteria for evaluation shall include teaching, research, professional and public service and contributions to UW-L. The method of evaluation of teaching will include both student and peer evaluations. Evaluation of research, professional and public service and contributions to UW-L will be accomplished by peer evaluation.} 1. The Promotion Committee The promotion committee shall consist of tenured faculty at the current rank or above the candidate’s rank that are being considered. In cases where a committee consists of fewer than three faculty members, the Music Department Chair shall work with the dean to establish an appropriate committee using these guidelines. Early in the fall semester the Department Chair shall convene the Promotion Committee(s), as needed. At its first meeting, each Committee shall elect a Chair (who may be the Department Chair) for a one-year term by a simple majority vote and establish the date of the promotion consideration meeting. 2. Review Process a. Eligibility Before the end of the spring semester a list of all faculty who meet the minimum University eligibility requirements for promotion in the coming academic year will be distributed by the Dean, Provost, and/or HR. to Department Chairs. The Chair will review these lists for accuracy. The names of those individuals on the list who meet the minimum Department criteria for promotion will be forwarded to the Chair(s) of the Promotion Committee(s). At this time the Department Chair will notify faculty members who are eligible for promotion of their status, University and Departmental regulations on promotion, provisions of the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law, and the date of the promotion consideration meeting (which will be at least 20 days hence.) The Chair will also supply each eligible faculty member with a Faculty Promotion Evaluation Report Form. Faculty who are eligible and wish to be considered for promotion must notify the Chair, by the 30th of September, of their intention to apply for promotion. The candidate shall submit for consideration a completed Faculty Promotion Evaluation Report and vita and all necessary promotion materials to the Department Chair according to the guidelines of the Joint Promotion Committee. ( see A Guide to Faculty Promotions and Portfolio Development at UW –La Crosse) b. Committee, Meeting & Voting The Department Chair will forward these materials and student evaluation information to the members of the Promotion Committee prior to the consideration Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 meeting date. Faculty may submit other written materials or make an oral presentation at the consideration meeting. The requirements of the Wisconsin Open Meeting Law shall apply to this meeting. After discussion of a candidate’s performance with respect to the criteria below, votes will be cast by a show of hands on a separate motion to promote each candidate. At least a two-thirds majority is necessary for a positive promotion recommendation. The results of the vote will be recorded by the committee Chair and entered on the committee’s portion of the Faculty Promotion Evaluation Form. The committee will prepare written reasons for each of its recommendations, and it will rank the candidates who are recommended for promotion to a given rank. c. Recommendation Decisions Within 7 days of the promotion consideration meeting, the Department Chair will notify each candidate of the committee’s recommendation. For positive recommendations, the committee Chair will include a letter of recommendation on behalf of the committee as part of the Faculty Promotion Evaluation Form. With these materials, the Department Chair will also transmit, in writing, a recommendation to the Dean. A copy of this letter will be provided to the candidate as least one day prior to the submission of the promotion file to the Dean. 3. Promotion Criteria To be considered for promotion to a higher rank, faculty must meet the minimum University criteria as stated in the Employee Handbook, as well as the Department of Music Promotion/Retention The department shall formulate clearly stated written criteria describing what constitutes satisfactory performance in the areas of teaching, scholarship, and service. Since position descriptions differ between Music faculty members (i.e. organization directors, academic faculty members, applied instructors, etc.) a specific list of criteria and categories are included in the department by-laws Addendum. a. Associate Professor - A candidate must provide evidence of teaching excellence and the establishment of a program of scholarship and creative work. Evidence of teaching excellence shall include the results of self, peer and student evaluations of instruction. Scholarship shall be consistent with the Department’s definition of scholarship and creative activity. The candidate must also be a contributing member of the department who participates in university and professional services. See department of music faculty review critieria** b. Professor - A faculty member must show evidence of continued excellence in teaching, significant scholarly productivity and substantial service activity. Continued teaching excellence is measured by the results of self, peer, and student evaluations. Significant scholarly/creative productivity is judged by the Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 quality and quantity of presentations, creative activities, publications, and grant acquisitions. Substantial service activity will include service to the Department, the institution, and the profession. A candidate for Full Professor must also have a leadership role in enhancing curriculum, provide strong leadership in department review and is well respected at school and college level for university and professional service. See department of music faculty review critieria** 4. Appeals Process Candidates who are not recommended for promotion may request the reasons for the non-promotion recommendation. This request must be submitted in writing to the Department Chair within seven days of the notice of the Committee’s recommendation. Within two weeks of receiving the written reasons, the candidate may request, by writing to the Department Chair, reconsideration by the Promotion Committee. The faculty member will be allowed an opportunity to respond to the written reasons using written or oral evidence and witnesses at the reconsideration meeting. Written notice of the reconsideration decision shall be forwarded to the Dean within seven days of the reconsideration meeting. The faculty member shall have all the rights of appeal as outlined in the Faculty Personnel Rules (UWS 3.06 3.11 and UWL 3.06 -3.08) (cf. VI. Instructional Academic Staff Review A. Annual Review In Accordance with Faculty Personnel rules UWS 3.05-3.11 and UWL 3.08, academic staff will be evaluated annually. The Individual Development Plan (IDP) form will accompany the department’s evaluation. IDP Form: 1. Procedures and Criteria for Evaluating Instructional Academic Staff Summative evaluation of instructional academic staff (IAS) is based primarily upon the quality of his or her teaching record. The evaluation will also take into account a record of scholarship and/or service, as stipulated in that individual’s IDP. The Personnel Committee will be comprised of members of the Retention, Promotion and Tenure Committee, and other full-time IAS who have been designated Senior Lecturer. a. Annually, during the spring semester, the Chair will notify each IAS member of the scheduled review meeting. Each IAS member will have no fewer than twenty calendar days prior to such meeting to prepare and submit review materials outlined in #2. b. The annual review materials will consist of a review of employee career goals identified in the Individual Development Plan (IDP) for that Academic Year (AY) Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 and goals for the upcoming AY (assuming reappointment is intended), an Activity Report generated through Digital Measures, summary of student comments and SEI information, and a narrative statement relative to progress on the goals as found on the current year’s IDP. Criteria for IAS evaluation will include activities outlined in the Policies and procedure guiding career progression for IAS ( and will include items referring to teaching, scholarship and service. c. All members of the Personnel Committee will have an opportunity to review these materials and express any concerns or recommendations at the review meeting. After the review meeting, a new IDP will be developed by the IAS member and the Department Chair used to review the outcomes of established employee career goals and position expectations. The IDP will be a guide throughout the year to ensure that employee career goals and supervisor position expectations are met. Recommendation letters for IAS are due to the CLS Dean’s office by the last Friday in April. d. All first year IAS with an annual contract will be provided with a formative midyear evaluation of all courses completed by a Peer Review Committee, which will include the Department Chair and two appointed members of the Personnel Committee. Mid-semester evaluation materials will include a one-page summary by the IAS under review (this summary should address material specified by the Peer Review Committee), and a summary of peer observations made by the Peer Review Committee. The peer teaching observations will include at least one observation for each course being taught during the current semester. This document will be submitted with materials prepared for the annual review outlined in VI.A.2 and VI.A.3. Continuing IAS with fewer than 6 years experience will be observed in at least one course annually and the observation summary must be submitted along with other materials placed on the Department’s Personnel website no fewer than twenty days prior to the scheduled review meeting. e. An IAS who has completed 6 years service with a 100% appointment will no longer be reviewed by the Personnel Committee but will still meet annually with the Department Chair to complete the required IDP in Accordance with Faculty Personnel rules UWS 3.05-3.11 and UWL 3.08. f. Appeal of a review decision may be reconsidered by the Personnel Committee (defined in VI.A.) upon receipt in writing of a request for a hearing. The request for reconsideration must be submitted to the department chairperson within seven calendar days of notification of the results. The request must include the reasons for the hearing. Reasons and discussion during the hearing must be restricted to information contained in the materials provided for the annual review listed in Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 VI.A.2 and the Peer Review Committee. Action of the Personnel Committee on any appeal is considered final within the department. Mechanisms for further appeal beyond the department level are established on this campus and may be found in UW System Administrative Code, the UW- L Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook and the UW-L Faculty Personnel Rules. B. Career Progression Policies and procedure guiding career progression for IAS are available at 1. Career Progression Procedures IAS wishing to go through career progression will follow the guidelines and timetable as found on the following websites: documents/IAS Career Progression & Portfolio Dev.htm The Department will adhere to the Career Progression Deadlines: First Friday of December First Friday of January First Friday of February Within 14 days of receiving IASCPC recommendations Within 7 days of receiving Provost decisions July 1 of Next Academic Year Career Progression Portfolio with Departmental Materials due to Deans from Department Chairs Career Progression Portfolio due to the Faculty Senate Office. (Portfolios held in Senate Office for review by committee members.) IASCPC recommendations due to the Provost Office. (Portfolios transferred to Human Resources.) Provost recommendations due to Human Resources Human Resources issues notification letters to all IAS applicants New Title takes Effect The IAS member will be notified no less than 20 days in advance of the Career Progression review meeting and asked to prepare the portfolio for review using the Digital Measures reports. At least one week prior to the review the IAS member will provide the portfolio to the Department Chair who will upload it unto the Department Personnel D2L website. All committee members will review the portfolio prior to the meeting. The IAS member will be given an opportunity to Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 provide additional oral or written support for the career progression prior to the meeting going into closed session. The IAS member will be notified within seven days of the results of the hearing. The Chair will be responsible for writing the letter of support and completing the departmental report that will accompany the candidate’s portfolio that is sent to the Dean. 2. Career Progression Reconsideration. The candidate can appeal the decision of the IAS promotion committee by following a process similar to the policy established for Reconsideration of Promotion for ranked faculty. Specifically, after receiving the Chair's notification, the career progression candidate will have 14 days to request reconsideration. The Chair will then convene the Departmental PRT Committee to hear all relevant evidence to support promotion. The candidate will have an opportunity to provide additional written or oral support relevant to promotion. The Personnel Committee will dismiss the appellant from the hearing room chambers and move into a closed session hearing to review all evidence pertinent to this petition. The Personnel Committee will then render its final decision on the appeal. 3. Career Progression Appeal Procedures. Each career progression candidate will have the right to appeal the Department's reconsideration decision to the Complaints, Grievance, Appeals and Academic Freedom Committee. Written notice of the reconsideration decision will be transmitted to the candidate and the Dean within seven (7) days. VII. Non-Instructional Academic Staff VIII. Classified Staff IX. Governance A. Department Chair The duties and selection of the Chair are determined by the Articles of Faculty Organization as printed in the Faculty Handbook. 1. Election of Department Chair The Chair is elected by the department members in February for a three-year term. All full time faculty and IAS department members and IAS granted eligibility by action of the ranked faculty (see Music Department Bylaws section II. C.) are eligible to vote. The Dean shall send out nominating ballots to all eligible to vote. Department members who are tenured, on staff at UWL for 3 or more semesters and not on a terminal contract or temporary appointment is eligible to be chair. The eligible candidate who consents to serve and receives 60% of the ballots will Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 be elected chair. If one candidate receives less than 60% there will be a runoff between the two persons with the most nominations who have consented to run. 2. Responsibilities and Rights of the Department Chair The Department Chair supervises or performs the following duties: a. Course scheduling and teaching assignments, b. Developing and implementing the curriculum, c. Preparing and monitoring the Department’s operating budget, d. Textbook rental purchases, e. Assigning offices and space, and oversight of equipment and facilities, f. Point of contact for requests for use of Department facilities by entities outside the Department, g. Convening and presiding at regular and special meetings of the Department, and appointing faculty to Departmental committees, h. Evaluating the performance of faculty, academic staff, and classified personnel within the Department, i. Preparing the Department’s annual report, j. Department assessment and program review, k. Representing the Department in various university matters, l. Hearing and responding student concerns, m. Coordinating and delegating duties related to Departmental participation in festivals and conferences as necessary, and n. Providing other duties and services as appropriate or required. o. In addition, the handbook specifies that the Chair will assume a prominent role in creating a professional environment conducive to high morale and productivity in the Department. p. The Chair may delegate performance of the duties to committees or members of the department. q. In compensation, the Chair receives a .5 reduction in load during the academic year and a fractional administrative summer appointment determined by the Dean of the College of Liberal Studies. 3. The department will adhere to the selection and duties of the Chair that are delineated in the Faculty Senate Policies (revised 2008) under the heading "IV. Responsibilities of Departments, Department Members and Department Chairpersons," "V. The Selection of Department Chairpersons," and "VI. Remuneration of Department Chairpersons." In addition, references to chairrelated duties are stated throughout the Employee Handbook 4. In February of the Chair’s second year, the CLS Dean’s Office should administer a chair evaluation form to all departmental personnel with departmental voting Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 privileges. The quantitative and qualitative results are tabulated by the Dean and a summary is sent to the Chair and all the potential respondents. The purpose of this evaluation is formative. 5. Summer Administrative Duties In the summer, the Department Chair receives a fractional appointment and is responsible for seeing to department business as it comes up. The chair should appoint an interim chair if he/she is going to be away for more than three days and notify the Department and the Dean’s office. B. Standing Departmental Committees 1. Music Department Committee of the Whole a. Membership: Every Department member with voting privileges and one student representative serves on this committee. One music student elected by the majors and minors at the beginning of each academic year will also serve on this committee but will not have voting privileges. b. Duties and Responsibilities: Work on Departmental functions. 2. Merit Committee (See IV. D. Merit Evaluation Committee) a. Membership: Five faculty/IAS b. Appointment: Rotation c. Term: Academic year d. Duties and Responsibilities: Review and rate merit materials of all tenured and non-tenured faculty 3. Retention, Promotion, Tenure Committee (RPT) a. Membership: Tenured faculty b. Appointment: With tenure c. Term: Continuous d. Duties and Responsibilities: Review retention and tenure materials of non-tenured faculty. The committee votes and offers recommendations to the Department chair for inclusion in the subsequent letter to faculty member and the Dean. 4. Curriculum Committee a. Membership: Minimum three faculty/IAS b. Appointment: By Chair c. Term: Academic year (with at least one renewing member) d. Duties and Responsibilities: i. Review Department’s curriculum as appropriate Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 ii. Review and recommend all LX forms to be submitted for Departmental approval iii. Recommend new courses and courses for deletion from curriculum iv. Coordinate course offerings from emphasis areas 5. Recruiting Committee a. Membership: Minimum five faculty/IAS b. Appointment: By Chair c. Term: Continuous d. Duties and Responsibilities: i. Coordinate revisions to Department brochure and website ii. Schedule Department’s Campus Close Up representation iii. Give Department tours to prospective majors and minors iv. Develop and carry out the means to encourage students to major in Music at UW-L 6. Scholarship/Auditions Committee a. Membership: Minimum three faculty/IAS b. Appointment: By Chair c. Term: Academic year d. Duties and Responsibilities: i. Schedule audition/scholarship dates for incoming students ii. Schedule scholarship dates for returning students iii. Coordinate recordings of auditions iv. Make recommendations for scholarship awards 7. Recital/Honors Committee a. Membership: Minimum three faculty/IAS b. Appointment: By Chair c. Term: Academic year d. Duties and Responsibilities: i. Schedule Honors’ recital and audition dates ii. Coordinate Honors’ recital and its publicity iii. Coordinate Departmental recitals iv. Oversee students’ senior recitals as needed 8. Assessment Committee a. Membership: One member from each of emphasis area (vocal, woodwind, strings, etc.), a member from the music core curriculum Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 area, as well as any member of the Department with interest in assessment. b. Duties and Responsibilities: i. Research and share information on methods of course and program assessment ii. Propose adoption of new methods of program assessment to the Department iii. Assist emphasis area and individual faculty with course assessment iv. Conduct program assessment, exit surveys of graduating seniors, alumni surveys, etc. v. Report any new program assessment data to the Department at the beginning of each semester vi. Maintain records of course and program assessment methods used, data collected, and changes made on the basis of the data vii. Produce reports on the Department’s assessment efforts when these are requested by the administration viii. Present these reports to the Department as a whole for approval prior to their submission to the administration ix. Review the Department’s Student Evaluation of Instruction instrument on a regular basis, and revise it if needed 9. Travel Committee a. Membership: Three faculty/IAS b. Appointment: When deemed necessary by Chair c. Term: Academic year d. Duties and Responsibilities: Review and rank the travel request by faculty and IAS to the following categories: i. Category 1ii. Category 2iii. Category 310. Music Theatre Committee a. a. Membership: The Joint Music Theatre Committee will be composed of three (3) faculty members from the Department of Music, three (3) faculty members from the Department of Theatre Arts, and one (1) member of Performance Dance (Department of Exercise and Sports Science). All members are voting members. The Chair of the Department of Music and the Chair of the Department of Theatre will serve in am advisory capacity. The Director of the Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 School of Arts & Communication will serve as a non-voting consultant to the committee as needed. A quorum is defined as twothirds of the members. A majority is required to pass on a motion. Committee members may submit absentee votes on issues to the committee chair prior to the meeting. b. Term: Committee members will serve a one-year term, renewable indefinitely. c. Duties and responsibilities: Work in consultation with other members from Music and Theatre departments in the continuation and development of the curriculum of the Music Theatre programs according to the existing bylaws. 11. Individual Representation a. CLS Core Curriculum Committee b. School of Arts & Communication Advisory Council c. School of Education Representatives d. Jazz Festival e. Vocal Jazz Festival f. Murphy Library Liaison g. Other service as needed h. General Education assessment coordinator C. Departmental Programmatic Assessment Plan 1. Developed by Chair in consultation with Assessment Committee 2. Annual and Biennial CLS assessment plans provided to Deans of CLS 3. Used for NASM and APR review processes 4. Graduating Senior Music Majors Exit Surveys D. Additional Departmental policies 1. Salary Equity Policy Salary equity adjustments are to be made through the University Salary Equity Plan as found at (?). Faculties who believe they are entitled to an equity adjustment are advised to consult with the Chair of the Department. 2. Sick Leave Department members will account for sick leave in adherence to the most current UW System guidelines 3. Summer Session staffing policy Summer Session staffing will be made in using a rotational selection as described in the following: (?) 4. Vacation Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 For unclassified staff, 12-month employees garner vacation time; 9-month employees do not. E. Summer staffing policies ?? X. Search and Screen Procedures The department will follow hiring procedures prescribed by the University's Office of Human Resources (HR) in conjunction with AAOD and UW System and WI state regulations A. Tenure-track faculty The approved UW-L tenure track faculty recruitment and hiring policy and procedures are found at Additionally, UW-L's spousal/partner hiring policy can be found at 1. Organization of Departmental Search and Screen Committee The department will organize a search and screen committee utilizing the following processes: a. The SS chair and department chair are responsible for reviewing current UW-L hiring procedures. The SS chair is responsible for briefing the SS committee on the SS procedures including the confidentiality requirements. All Unclassified Recruiting Procedures are found at b. The chair of the department or a SS committee member designated as the convener will convene the first meeting. The first meeting will include the selection of a SS chair and secretary. c. By a simple majority vote, the SS committee will elect the SS committee chair (hereafter “SS chair”). Unless a recorder is elected, the SS chair will be responsible for taking official minutes of meetings for the record. After the SS committee has elected the SS chair the committee members will meet with the AAO and the SS chair will meet with HR. d. A simple majority of SS committee members constitute a quorum necessary to conduct SS committee business. Changes to these procedures require approval of a two-thirds majority of the SS committee members present and approval of the dean, HR and the AAO. Members may not vote by proxy but may participate and vote by teleconference with advance notice to the SS chair. The SS chair is a voting member of the SS committee. All voting shall be done by show of hands unless a roll-call vote is requested by any member of the SS committee. The SS chair shall maintain a record of all votes by indicating the number of yeas, nays, and abstentions. Votes of all members will be recorded in roll-call votes. A record of all minutes will be kept on file by the secretary or chair. e. All deliberations of the SS committee and the names of nominees and applicants are confidential. Public statements are to be made only by the SS Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 f. g. h. i. chair, and all questions relating to the business or progress of the SS committee are to be referred to the SS chair for reply. The SS chair, in compliance with open meetings rules, will post notice of all SS meetings – noting if any meeting will go into a closed session and whether a meeting that will go into a closed session will subsequently go into an open session at the following SS committee members, their spouses, family members, or partners cannot be applicants for the position, so that there can be no possibility of nepotism. Through UW-L Human Resources the SS chair and members of the SS committee will be allowed access to the PeoplAdmin software at the HR website During the recruitment, search and screen, and hiring processes, the search and screen committee members all information and all discussions and voting outcomes conducted in a closed meeting must remain confidential both during the search and after the completion of the search process. Search and screen committee members may discuss this information only with other members of the search committee or with the authorized ex officio individuals, e.g. the dean, the HR director, and the AAO. 2. Pre-Posting and Posting Procedures Upon notification that HR has received the authorization to Recruit for Faculty Position from the Dean the SS committee will develop the following materials. a. Position Description A position summary with major duties outlined. b. Selection Criteria A form indicating the selection criteria identifying how applicants will be evaluated against the criteria – a sample is available on-line through HR. c. Plans for advertising the position. All SS materials will be uploaded to the PeopleAmin site for review by Level 2 and 3. 3. Review (Level 2 and 3) After review and approval by the Dean, HR, Budget and Finance and AAO (and in some cases level 3) the materials are posted by HR on the UW-L HERC and HigherEdJobs sites. 4. Placing the Advertisement Upon receipt of the approval notice, the SS chair or department chair will place the faculty position advertisements promptly and without modification to all other print and online sources. Necessary billing information will be provided to Budget and Finance. All efforts will be made to advertise in sources attracting diverse and under represented populations. Committee members cannot be considered for the position. 5. Screening Applicants and Interviewing Applicants Initial Screening Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 Each member of the SS committee will review files of the entire pool of applicants and make an initial assessment (yes/no) of each candidate to determine whether each applicant should be considered further (Tier 2). Their decision should be based on whether the candidate meets the selection criteria. The committee will then meet and discuss each candidate. If any committee member believes that a candidate deserves further consideration that candidate will be placed in the Tier 2 pool to receive further consideration. Additional Screening Leading to a Finalist Group The SS committee may solicit additional material from Tier 2 applicants retained for further consideration. Applicants may be asked to provide additional materials via written communication, audio or video recordings in support of their application and/or to provide additional references. 1. The SS committee may conduct telephone reference checks on each of the Tier 2 applicants still under consideration. Calls will be made by one or more SS committee members as assigned by the SS chair (or SS committee) and will use a standard set of questions that have been reviewed and approved by the dean, AAO, and HR. For each call, a written record will be maintained. 2. If unsolicited materials are received, the SS chair retains the materials and does not share them with the SS committee until such time (if ever) that similar materials are required of all candidates. 3. If telephone or electronic interviews are conducted, a common list of core questions will be asked of all persons interviewed. The use of standard questions does not prevent the SS committee from asking follow-up questions as may be deemed appropriate. 4. The SS committee retains the right to make off-list phone calls. Off-list phone calls are reference calls to individuals not on the applicant’s list of references. Given that confidentiality requests by the applicants are still respected during this phase of the process, all applicants must be informed prior to any off-list phone calls being made, and a provision must be provided for the applicant to specifically identify any individuals s/he does not wish to have called. SS committee members making telephone reference checks shall verbally share the information obtained with the SS committee. The SS chair or designee may seek further information about each semifinalist as needed, while respecting the semifinalist’s need for confidentiality. A written record must be maintained for each call. 6. Determining the Finalist Group The SS committee shall discuss and vote on each applicant to select those to be moved to finalist (Tier 1) status. A simple majority vote of those present is required to advance an applicant. Applicants not advanced to finalist status on the initial vote can be brought to a re-vote only once. Any SS committee member may request a re-vote. 1. The dean in consultation with AAO will decide upon the total number of applicants to be interviewed (normally 2-4).] Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 2. The second tier (Tier 2) shall include the remaining applicants who the SS committee believes would be suitable for the position if the top tier applicants are determined to be unacceptable after an interview or are unavailable/decline an offer. At this stage any additional applicants not advanced to Tier 1 or Tier 2 shall be included with the original Tier 3 applicants and all shall be listed alphabetically and assigned a ‘reason code” and contacted by email. The SS committee will present the Tier 1 applicants with its recommendations for interviews to the department. The department shall vote on the recommendation of the SS committee. A majority of the department voting is required to approve the list of finalists. If paper ballots are used, each ballot must be signed and stored for 7 years. 7. Authorization to Interview Once the Department has approved the Tier 1 applicants the SS Chair will forward these applicants in PeopleAdmin to level 3 for approval to interview. 10. Interviewing The SS chair and chair will arrange with the candidates their on-site interviews by providing them with travel reimbursement tools (TER), interview itinerary, information on UW-L and the City of La Crosse and any other information that may be required for the interview. A list of core questions will be prepared and asked of all applicants brought to campus for interviews. The SS chair will submit all interview questions to AAO and HR for approval. Each member of the committee should review UW-L’s and be apprised that interview guidelines regarding illegal questions apply to all conversation with the interviewee in both formal and informal settings. The SS committee may also choose to make off-list phone calls regarding finalists during this part of the process. 11. The Hiring Process After gathering information, interviewing, etc., the SS committee and all voting members of the department shall discuss the applicants and provide a non-ranked list of applicants to the Dean with supporting information on strengths and weaknesses (as they relate to the selection criteria). The Dean may choose to make additional reference checks. Then, in accord with departmental by-laws and policies, the department chair or authorized representative(s) will consult with the Dean to collaboratively agree on recommendation(s) for hire. Offers to hire must be agreed upon by the department or authorized representative(s) and the Dean. Departmental by-laws and policies may be written to determine this process of consultation with the Dean. If after appropriate consultation, the dean and the department Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 or authorized representative(s) do not agree on a hiring decision, the following alternatives may be used: an additional applicant or applicants from the pool may be interviewed, an extension of the search may be authorized, or the search may be terminated by the department or authorized representative(s), or the Dean. Once hiring is approved the candidate's status in PeopleAdmin will be changed to "Recommend to Hire" and when authorization is received, the SS chair or the Dean will contact the applicant to extend the job offer. The terms of the offer are developed by the Dean after consultation with the chair. If the applicant(s) declines to accept the offered position (verbally or in writing), the department may request permission to offer the position to another interviewed applicant. Alternately, the department may request permission to interview additional applicants from the remaining Tier 2 applicants, may request an extension of the search, or may close the search. 12. The Closing of a Search Upon acceptance of the offer by the applicant Level 2 completes the Hiring Proposal in PeopleAdmin. All remaining Tier 2 applicants are moved to Tier 3 and given a reason code and notified by email. If a search ends without hiring an applicant, the dean must formally notify (via e-mail or hardcopy memorandum) the SS chair, department chair, PVC, AAO, and HR, and the necessary documentation must be provided to HR for the official search file The SS chair will provide copies of all ads, minutes, samples of correspondences, etc. to HR upon request. B. Instructional Academic Staff The search and screen procedures followed for an IAS position are identical to those that utilized for faculty searches. An IAS search and screen committee must be chaired by a tenured or tenure-track faculty member. The Department Chair appoints the committee. Hiring policy and procedures are found at (same for IAS & NIAS) C. Contingency Workforce (Pool Search) IAS Pool searches are established to develop a pool of candidates with skills needed to teach various courses that might be hired on a semester basis as IAS. Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 Hiring policy and procedures are found at D. Academic Staff (if applicable) Hiring policy and procedures are found at (same for IAS & NIAS) X. Student Rights and Obligations A. Complaint, Grievance and Appeal Procedures 1. For appeals on problems of discrimination, sexual harassment, or academic misconduct, a student should follow established University procedures as described in the Student Handbook at 2. For appeals on problems of instruction. a. The student shall first appeal directly to the instructor. The Department Chair may attempt to mediate between the student and instructor at the request of either. b. If not thereby satisfied, the student may appeal in writing to the Department Chair. The appeal shall specify what the student believes to be wrongly done, supply evidence in support of the student’s position, suggest a remedy or corrective action and be signed and dated. c. The Chair shall inform the student that the Department’s appeal procedure is an advisory process only-not a judicial one. The Chair shall convey a copy of the appeal to the instructor. The Chair shall convene a hearing committee and serve as a neutral party. A record of the meeting and discussion shall be kept. The Hearing committee shall consist of three members selected by lottery from a pool of Music Faculty with no less than three years of teaching experience. If the appeal is of an action by anyone who would by this process be selected to the Hearing Committee, that person shall be replaced by the next person eligible. If the appeal is of an action by the Chair, the parson at the top of the Hearing Committee priority list shall move from the Committee to perform those duties of the Chair Specified in this procedure and the next eligible person shall succeed to the be on Hearing Committee. d. The student may take a grievance through University processes as described in the Student Handbook at: 3. Course Grade Appeals a. A student who strongly feels his or her semester grade in a music course taught by the Department is demonstrably improper or that the grading was prejudicial or capricious, should first confer promptly with the instructor(s). b. If the student and the instructor(s) are unable to arrive at a mutually agreeable solution, the student may appeal the case, within one month after the start of the next semester. For Music Department Bylaws-5-8-13 the purposes of student appeal the “next semester” applies to Fall and Spring semesters. The following procedures will apply: The student will submit a written statement to the Department Chair, setting forth their reasons for seeking an appeal and presenting any supporting evidence. The Chair will give a copy of this grade grievance to the instructor. The Chair will request that the instructor make a written reply. This reply along with the student’s grievance will be forwarded to the Grade Appeals Committee. d. The Chair will appoint a three member ad hoc appeals committee to review the appeal. The members of the committee will be randomly selected from the Department (excluding the instructor involved in the grievance). e. The appeal committee will meet within one week after selection and receiving the grievance and instructor’s reply. They committee may request to meet with the instructor or student. f. A written decision will be forwarded to the student with reasons for the decision. 3. Expectations, Responsibilities and Academic Misconduct a. Academic and non-academic misconduct situations are referenced at: 4. Advising policy Each student majoring in Music will be assigned a faculty advisor within the Department appropriate to that student’s area(s) of study. Students’ requests for a particular advisor will generally be honored when feasible. Students are expected to meet with their advisors each semester to discuss academic progress, post graduation pursuits, etc. Faculty members are expected to keep posted office hours.